Journal of Counseling Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Counseling Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Critical consciousness of anti-Black racism: A practical model to prevent and resist racial trauma.119
A mindfulness-based mobile health (mHealth) intervention among psychologically distressed university students in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial.83
Assessing the alliance–outcome association adjusted for patient characteristics and treatment processes: A meta-analytic summary of direct comparisons.64
Critical participatory action research: Methods and praxis for intersectional knowledge production.47
The methodological integrity of critical qualitative research: Principles to support design and research review.46
From pain to power: An exploration of activism, the #Metoo movement, and healing from sexual assault trauma.45
Decent and meaningful work: A longitudinal study.42
Cultural context matters: Testing the minority stress model among Chinese sexual minority men.41
The stench of bathroom bills and anti-transgender legislation: Anxiety and depression among transgender, nonbinary, and cisgender LGBQ people during a state referendum.39
Ignoring race and denying racism: A meta-analysis of the associations between colorblind racial ideology, anti-Blackness, and other variables antithetical to racial justice.36
Decolonization as methodological innovation in counseling psychology: Method, power, and process in reclaiming American Indian therapeutic traditions.28
Racism’s effect on depressive symptoms: Examining perseverative cognition and Black Lives Matter activism as moderators.26
Devalued, overdisciplined, and stereotyped: An exploration of gendered racial microaggressions among Black adolescent girls.26
Perceiving a calling, living a calling, and calling outcomes: How mentoring matters.25
Profiles of decent work: General trends and group differences.24
A daily diary study of minority stress and negative and positive affect among racially diverse sexual minority adolescents.23
An intersectional approach to understanding LGBTQ+ people of color’s access to LGBTQ+ community resilience.23
Qualitative story completion for counseling psychology research: A creative method to interrogate dominant discourses.21
The role of mental health counseling in college students’ academic success: An interrupted time series analysis.21
“We are our own community”: Immigrant Latinx transgender people community experiences.20
Second-generation Asian American women’s gendered racial socialization.19
The role of goal-related autonomy: A self-determination theory analysis of perfectionism, poor goal progress, and depressive symptoms.17
Underemployment and mental health: A longitudinal study.17
Digital storytelling methodologies: Recommendations for a participatory approach to engaging underrepresented communities in counseling psychology research.16
Patterns of racial-ethnic socialization in Asian American families: Associations with racial-ethnic identity and social connectedness.16
Understanding systemic racism: Anti-Blackness, white supremacy, racial capitalism, and the re/creation of white space and time.15
Mapping the journey from epistemic mistrust in depressed adolescents receiving psychotherapy.15
Effects of sexual orientation concealment on well-being among sexual minorities: How and when does concealment hurt?15
Self-critical perfectionism and lower daily perceived control predict depressive and anxious symptoms over four years.15
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the good-enough level (GEL) literature.14
A longitudinal analysis of reflective functioning and its association with psychotherapy outcome in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders.13
Career decision-making in unemployed Portuguese adults: Test of the social cognitive model of career self-management.13
Using computerized text analysis to examine associations between linguistic features and clients’ distress during psychotherapy.13
The evolution of patients’ concept of the alliance and its relation to outcome: A dynamic latent-class structural equation modeling approach.13
“Like a tsunami coming in fast”: A critical qualitative study of precarity and resistance during the pandemic.13
“What American dream is this?”: The effect of Trump’s presidency on immigrant Latinx transgender people.13
Development and initial validation of the Queer People of Color Identity Affirmation Scale.13
The identification and validation of five types of career indecision: A latent profile analysis of career decision-making difficulties.12
Ceiling effects indicate a possible threshold structure for working alliance.12
Decent work among women workers: An intersectional approach.12
Exploring human action in counseling psychology: The action-project research method.12
Dismantling and eradicating anti-Blackness and systemic racism.11
Exploring Black adolescent males’ experiences with racism and internalized racial oppression.11
Examining minority stress, dyadic coping, and internalizing symptoms among male same-sex couples using actor–partner interdependence models.11
The roles of time discounting and delay of gratification in career outcomes.11
The compounded effects of classism and racism on mental health outcomes for African Americans.11
Therapist and counseling center effects on international students’ counseling outcome: A mixed methods study.11
Does person-group fit matter? A further examination of hope and belongingness in academic enhancement groups.11
The development and initial validation of the White Fragility Scale.10
Intersectional experiences: A mixed methods experience sampling approach to studying an elusive phenomenon.10
“Tuned into a different channel”: Autistic transgender adults’ experiences of intersectional stigma.10
Associations between public and self-stigma of help-seeking with help-seeking attitudes and intention: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach.9
Cross-cultural differences in adult attachment and depression: A culturally congruent approach.9
Other- (vs. self-) oriented meaning interventions enhance momentary work engagement through changes in work meaningfulness.9
The anger-depression mechanism in dynamic therapy: Experiencing previously avoided anger positively predicts reduction in depression via working alliance and insight.9
Attending to the intersectionality and saliency of clients’ identities: A further investigation of therapists’ multicultural orientation.9
The qualitative imagination in counseling psychology: Enhancing methodological rigor across methods.9
Depression and mentalizing: A psychodynamic therapy process study.8
Congruence about working alliance in Chinese context: The moderating effect of therapists’ self-efficacy and the relationship between congruence and psychotherapy outcome.8
Feedback-informed treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the partners for change outcome management system.8
Meta-analytic path analysis of the social cognitive well-being model: Applicability across life domain, gender, race/ethnicity, and nationality.8
The hurdles are high: Women of color leaders in counseling psychology.8
How young psychotherapists experience working with older patients.8
At the intersection of the model minority myth and antiblackness: From Asian American triangulation to recommendations for solidarity.8
Latent profile analysis of interpersonal problems: Attachment, basic psychological need frustration, and psychological outcomes.7
The development and psychometric evaluation of the Objectification Perpetration Scale.7
Body positivity for Asian Americans: Development and evaluation of the pride in Asian American Appearance Scale.7
Group counseling change process: An adaptive spiral among positive emotions, positive relations, and emotional cultivation/regulation.7
Does practice really make perfect? A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between therapist experience and therapy outcome: A replication of Goldberg, Rousmaniere, et al. (2016).7
Risk for psychotherapy drop-out in survival analysis: The influence of general change mechanisms and symptom severity.7
The moderating and mediating roles of mindfulness and rumination on COVID-19 stress and depression: A longitudinal study of young adults.7
Psychotherapy session frequency: A naturalistic examination in a university counseling center.6
Oxytocin reactivity to the therapeutic encounter as a biomarker of change in the treatment of depression.6
Affirming and nonaffirming religious beliefs predicting depression and suicide risk among Latter-Day Saint sexual minorities.6
The “roller coaster ride”: A longitudinal investigation of the dynamic relationship between Chinese counseling trainees’ self-efficacy and their clients’ outcome and the mediating effects of working a6
Is alliance therapeutic in itself? It depends.6
Relations among daily stressors, childhood maltreatment, and sleep in college students.6
Does peer relationship matter? A multilevel investigation of the effects of peer and supervisory relationships on group supervision outcomes.6
Countertransference awareness and treatment outcome.6
Storying survival: An approach to radical healing for the Black community.6
Intraindividual dynamics between alliance and symptom severity in long-term psychotherapy: Why time matters.6
Asian American people’s intragroup and intergroup collective action: Identifying key correlates.6
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Sexual Minority Women’s Sexual Objectification Experiences Scale.6
Association between therapist attunement to patient outcome expectation and worry reduction in two therapies for generalized anxiety disorder.5
Insight as a mechanism of change in dynamic therapy for major depressive disorder.5
Cultural humility, working alliance, and Outcome Rating Scale in psychodynamic psychotherapy: Between-therapist, within-therapist, and within-client effects.5
The relationship of alliance, cohesion, and climate with outcome among college counseling populations.5
Patients’ individual differences in implicit and explicit expectations from the therapist as a function of attachment orientation.5
Therapist initial attachment style, changes in attachment style during training, and client outcome in psychodynamic psychotherapy.5
Beyond the individual: Sexual minority help-seeking and the consequences of structural barriers.5
Cultural stress, daily well-being, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms among Hispanic college students.5
The Fat Acceptance Scale: Development and initial validation.4
Beyond symptom reduction: Development and validation of the Complementary Measure of Psychotherapy Outcome (COMPO).4
The interplay between agency and therapeutic bond in predicting symptom severity in long-term psychotherapy.4
The chicken or the egg? Testing temporal relations between academic support, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goal progress among college students.4
Identity salience: An intersectional approach to understanding multicultural processes and outcomes in psychotherapy.4
Hidden in plain sight: Working class and low-income atheists.4
Savvy investments or formative endowments? Disentangling causal direction in the association between parental support and self-efficacy in STEM university students.4
Recreating diasporic identity and community: Examination of transgender and nonbinary latinx healing from family rejection.4
Childhood Emotional Incest Scale (CEIS): Development, validation, cross-validation, and reliability.4
Gratitude and psychological distress among first-year college students: The mediating roles of perceived social support and support provision.4
Examining racial microaggressions in group therapy and the buffering role of members’ perceptions of their group’s multicultural orientation.4
Measuring college belongingness: Structure and measurement of the Sense of Social Fit Scale.4
Feeling offended by clients: The experiences of doctoral student therapists.4
Testimonios in the mouth of the dragon: A call for Black liberation in psychology.4
Testing the effectiveness of an SCT-based training program in enhancing health self-efficacy and outcome expectations among college peer educators.4
“We don’t have a template to follow”: Sexual identity development and its facilitative factors among sexual minority men in the context of China.4
Interpersonal dynamics and therapeutic relationship in patients with functional somatic syndromes: A metasynthesis of case studies.4
Center effects, therapist effects, and international student clients’ drop out from psychotherapy.4
Intraindividual association of PTSD symptoms with binge drinking among trauma-exposed students.4
Resisting and countering online racial hate: Antiracism advocacy and coping online with racism as moderators of distress associated with online racism.4
“Where is the relationship” revisited: Using actor-partner interdependence modeling and common fate model in examining dyadic working alliance and session quality.4
Applying social cognitive career theory to the study abroad choice process.4
Awareness, social cognition, and commitment: Developing a social justice orientation in psychology training programs.4