Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Clinical psychological science must move beyond documenting disparities in LGBTQ health toward eliminating them.69
Efficacy of a randomized controlled trial of integrative couple treatment for pathological gambling (ICT-PG): 10-month follow-up.64
The prospective impact of adverse childhood experiences on justice-involved youth’s psychiatric symptoms and substance use.48
Biomedical and behavioral outcomes of 2GETHER: A randomized controlled trial of a telehealth HIV prevention program for young male couples.45
Daily prediction of nonsuicidal self-injury among inpatients: The roles of suicidal thoughts, interpersonal difficulties, hopelessness, and affect.41
How well do indirect measures assess sexual interest in children? A meta-analysis.37
Supplemental Material for Identifying Who Benefits Most From Supportive Versus Expressive Techniques in Psychotherapy for Depression: Moderators of Within- Versus Between-Individual Effects36
Supplemental Material for The Alliance-Outcome Association in Group Interventions: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis35
Supplemental Material for A Randomized Controlled Trial for Identifying the Most Suitable Treatment for Depression Based on Patients’ Attachment Orientation34
Supplemental Material for Change in Negative Attention Bias Mediates the Association Between Attention Bias Modification Training and Depression Symptom Improvement32
Supplemental Material for Interpersonal Cognitions as a Mechanism of Change in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder? A Multilevel Dynamic Structural Equation Model Approach31
Supplemental Material for Marriage Checkup in Integrated Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial With Active-Duty Military Couples28
Supplemental Material for Clients’ Current Presentation Yields Best Prediction of Criminal Recidivism: Jointly Modeling Repeated Assessments of Risk and Recidivism Outcomes in a Community Sample of Pa27
Supplemental Material for Main Outcomes of M-Bridge: A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) for Developing an Adaptive Preventive Intervention for College Drinking27
Supplemental Material for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Noninstitutional Psychosocial Interventions to Prevent Juvenile Criminal Recidivism25
Supplemental Material for Randomized Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxious Cancer Survivors in Community Clinics: Outcomes and Moderators23
Supplemental Material for Modular Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Autism-Related Symptoms in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial23
Supplemental Material for Impact of a Self-Guided, eHealth Program Targeting Weight Loss and Depression in Men: A Randomized Trial23
Supplemental Material for Personalized Prescriptions of Therapeutic Skills From Patient Characteristics: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Approach23
Supplemental Material for Personalizing Interventions Using Real-World Interactions: Improving Symptoms and Social Functioning in Schizophrenia With Tailored Metacognitive Therapy23
Supplemental Material for Internet-Delivered Interpretation Training Reduces Worry and Anxiety in Individuals With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Experiment22
Supplemental Material for Comparing Recidivism Rates Among Domestically Violent Men Enrolled in ACTV Versus Duluth/CBT22
Supplemental Material for Results From “Developing Real Incentives and Volition for Exercise” (DRIVE): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial for Promoting Physical Activity in African American Women21
Supplemental Material for Same Name, Same Content? Evaluation of DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Criteria21
Supplemental Material for A Comparison of the Effects of Sudden Gains and Depression Spikes on Short- and Long-Term Depressive Symptoms in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Activation and Co21
Supplemental Material for Training in LGBTQ-Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Across LGBTQ Community Centers21
Supplemental Material for Long-Term Effects of an Internalized Weight Stigma Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial20
Supplemental Material for Peers, Play, and Performance to Build Social Salience in Autistic Youth: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial20
Supplemental Material for Two Eating Disorder Preventive Interventions Reduce Attentional Biases in Body-Dissatisfied University Women: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial19
Supplemental Material for How Does Emotion Regulation Change During Psychotherapy? A Daily Diary Study of Adults in a Transdiagnostic Partial Hospitalization Program19
Supplemental Material for The Efficacy of Group Psychotherapy for Adults With Perfectionism: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Dynamic-Relational Therapy Versus Psychodynamic Supportive Therapy19
Supplemental Material for Do Changes in Dysfunctional Posttraumatic Cognitions Differentially Predict PTSD Symptom Clusters?18
Supplemental Material for Sequencing Effects of Behavioral Activation and Cognitive Restructuring in an Internet-Based Intervention for Depressed Adults Are Negligible: Results From a Randomized Contr18
Supplemental Material for Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy Versus Treatment as Usual for Anxiety and Depression Among Latin American University Students: A Randomized Clinical Trial18
Supplemental Material for Mediators of Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy for Insomnia Disorder: A Test of the Processes in the Cognitive Model18
Subtyping patients with binge-eating disorder by dietary restraint and negative affect: Characteristics and treatment outcome.17
Randomized controlled trial evaluating feedback to community-based therapists based on patient reports of trust and respect.17
Correction to Lehavot et al. (2021).17
Introduction to the special issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: “Best practices” in prevention and treatment for racial and ethnic minority people.17
Change during cognitive and exposure phases of cognitive–behavioral therapy for autistic youth with anxiety disorders.16
A controlled trial of two mind–body interventions for grief in widows and widowers.16
Working alliance in exposure-based treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse.15
Psychotherapy and depressive symptom trajectories among VA patients: Comparing dose-effect and good-enough level models.15
The temporal relationships between therapist adherence and patient outcomes in dialectical behavior therapy.15
Community needs and recommendations for multilevel mental health interventions among young Black men with previous trauma exposure.15
Change in negative attention bias mediates the association between attention bias modification training and depression symptom improvement.15
Multiculturalism: A paradigmatic force in psychology.14
Condition or cognition? Mechanism of change in fatigue in a randomized controlled trial of graded exercise therapy or cognitive behavior therapy for severe fatigue in patients with advanced cancer.14
Examining suicidal desire through the lens of the three-step theory: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation in a community sample.14
Effects of family intervention on psychosocial functioning and mood symptoms of youth at high risk for bipolar disorder.13
Change in eating-disorder psychopathology network structure in patients with binge-eating disorder: Findings from treatment trial with 12-month follow-up.13
Treatment effect modifiers in a randomized trial of the good behavior game during middle childhood.13
Modeling individualized trajectories of symptom change to improve feedback procedures in psychotherapy.13
The relation between the working alliance on mental illness and criminal thinking among justice-involved people with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders.13
Mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring reduced maladaptive daydreaming symptoms: A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-guided web-based program.12
Interpersonal cognitions as a mechanism of change in cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder? A multilevel dynamic structural equation model approach.12
Supplemental Material for Effectiveness of School-Based Depression Prevention Interventions: An Overview of Systematic Reviews With Meta-Analyses on Depression Outcomes12
Long-term effects of an internalized weight stigma intervention: A randomized controlled trial.12
Group cognitive remediation therapy prior to behavioral weight loss treatment for adults with severe obesity: A randomized clinical trial (CRT study).12
A randomized controlled trial of moral reconation therapy to reduce risk for criminal recidivism among justice-involved adults in mental health residential treatment.12
Effects of competence feedback on therapist competence and patient outcome: A randomized controlled trial.11
Supplemental Material for Candidate Mechanisms of Action of Mindfulness-Based Trauma Recovery for Refugees (MBTR-R): Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism11
Predicting suicidality using a computer adaptive test: Two longitudinal studies of sexual and gender minority youth.11
Does fearlessness about death mediate the association between NSSI and suicide attempts? A longitudinal study of over 1,000 high-risk individuals.11
A randomized controlled trial for identifying the most suitable treatment for depression based on patients’ attachment orientation.11
Mediators of cognitive therapy and behavior therapy for insomnia disorder: A test of the processes in the cognitive model.11
Exploring change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder—A two-arms ABAB crossed-therapist randomized clinical implementation trial.11
The relationship between attachment needs, earned secure therapeutic attachment and outcome in adult psychotherapy.11
Supplemental Material for Evaluating Hypothetical Prevention Strategies for Internalizing Symptoms in the General Population and At-Risk Children11
Family engagement in a behavioral parenting intervention: A randomized comparison of telehealth versus office-based treatment formats.11
Emotional and cognitive processes in psychotherapy are associated with different aspects of the therapeutic relationship.10
A randomized trial comparing group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with group supportive sex education and therapy for the treatment of female sexual interest/arousal disorder.10
Revealing subgroup-specific mechanisms of change via moderated mediation: A meditation intervention example.10
Economic evaluation of an online single-session intervention for depression in Kenyan adolescents.10
Supplemental Material for Agency and Alliance as Change Factors in Psychotherapy10
The temporal order of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral gains in daily life during treatment of depression.10
Cultural adaptations of dialectical behavior therapy: A systematic review.10
Changes in positive and negative affect in psychotherapy for depression and anxiety.10
Examining strength at home couples to prevent intimate partner violence on a military installation: A randomized controlled trial.10
Dose of psychotherapy and long-term recovery outcomes: An examination of attendance patterns in alcohol use disorder treatment.10
Supplemental Material for Oxytocin Synchrony Between Patients and Therapists as a Mechanism Underlying Effective Psychotherapy for Depression10
Supplemental Material for Change Processes Associated With Functional Improvement in a Web-Based Version of Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (webSTAIR) for Trauma-Exposed Vete10
Impact of a self-guided, eHealth program targeting weight loss and depression in men: A randomized trial.10
How to model and interpret cross-lagged effects in psychotherapy mechanisms of change research: A comparison of multilevel and structural equation models.10
Modeling in psychotherapy training: A randomized controlled proof-of-concept trial.10
Treatment length and symptom improvement in prolonged exposure and present-centered therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Comparing dose–response a10
Supplemental Material for Temporal Exploration of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Among Adolescents During Treatment9
Supplemental Material for Mirror Exposure in Binge-Eating Disorder: Changes in Eating Pathology and Attentional Biases9
Supplemental Material for Neurocognitive Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Psychotherapy for Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use Disorders9
Supplemental Material for Effects of Methylphenidate on Cognitive Functions in Boys With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Does Baseline Performance Matter?9
Supplemental Material for Internet-Based CBT for Somatic Symptom Distress (iSOMA) in Emerging Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial9
Supplemental Material for Modeling in Psychotherapy Training: A Randomized Controlled Proof-of-Concept Trial9
Supplemental Material for Therapist-Level Moderation of Within- and Between-Therapist Process–Outcome Associations9
Supplemental Material for The Dose–Effect and Good Enough Level Models of Change for Specific Psychological Concerns9
Supplemental Material for Mechanisms Linking Distal Minority Stress and Depressive Symptoms in a Longitudinal, Population-Based Study of Gay and Bisexual Men: A Test and Extension of the Psychological9
Supplemental Material for Mediators of Psychosocial Treatment for Adolescent ADHD9
Supplemental Material for Psychotherapy and Depressive Symptom Trajectories Among VA Patients: Comparing Dose-Effect and Good-Enough Level Models9
Supplemental Material for Symptom-Specific Effects of Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy for Insomnia: A Network Intervention Analysis9
Supplemental Material for Shared Decision-Making for Youth Psychotherapy: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial on Facilitating Personalized Treatment9
Supplemental Material for Novel Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial in Women Veterans8
Supplemental Material for A Randomized Trial of an Online, Coach-Assisted Self-Management PTSD Intervention Tailored for Women Veterans8
Supplemental Material for Self-Compassion and Fear of Compassion in the Treatment of Chronic Depression: Mechanisms of Change?8
Supplemental Material for Dose of Psychotherapy and Long-Term Recovery Outcomes: An Examination of Attendance Patterns in Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment8
Supplemental Material for The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Depression in China in Comparison With the Rest of the World: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis8
Supplemental Material for Effectiveness of the Body Project Eating Disorder Prevention Program for Different Racial and Ethnic Groups and an Evaluation of the Potential Benefits of Ethnic Matching8
Supplemental Material for Revealing Subgroup-Specific Mechanisms of Change via Moderated Mediation: A Meditation Intervention Example8
Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy versus lidocaine for provoked vestibulodynia: A randomized clinical trial.7
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers7
Supplemental Material for Future Directions in Depression Prevention7
Supplemental Material for Efficacy of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Integrative Couple Treatment for Pathological Gambling (ICT-PG): 10-Month Follow-Up7
Effectiveness of school-based depression prevention interventions: An overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses on depression outcomes.7
The power of friends in reducing sexual assault risk in college women: A preliminary test of dyad-based motivational intervention approach.7
Supplemental Material for Mindful Yoga Intervention as Add-on to Treatment as Usual for Young Women With Major Depressive Disorder: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial7
E-Connect: Linking probation youth at risk for suicide to behavioral health services.7
Web-based interpretation bias training to reduce anxiety: A sequential, multiple-assignment randomized trial.7
Enhancing efficacy of a dissonance-based obesity and eating disorder prevention program: Experimental therapeutics.6
Different trajectories of relationship satisfaction among rural Black couples following preventive relationship intervention.6
Long-term effects of multisystemic therapy for problem sexual behaviors: A 24.9-year follow-up to a randomized clinical trial.6
Comparing the effectiveness of three substance use interventions for youth with and without homelessness experiences prior to treatment.6
How does emotion regulation change during psychotherapy? A daily diary study of adults in a transdiagnostic partial hospitalization program.6
A home-based telehealth randomized controlled trial of skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation versus present-centered therapy for women veterans who have experienced military sexual6
Evaluating the effectiveness of concurrent sessions and counselors’ attention allocation in online counseling.6
Long-term effects of a prenatal mindfulness intervention on depressive symptoms in a diverse sample of women.6
Racial discrimination, mental health symptoms, and intimate partner violence perpetration in Black adults.6
Supplemental Material for Different Trajectories of Relationship Satisfaction Among Rural Black Couples Following Preventive Relationship Intervention6
Intervention format and therapist–child agreement associated with therapeutic alliance and outcomes.6
Temporal exploration of the interpersonal theory of suicide among adolescents during treatment.6
Sexual identity and race/ethnicity as predictors of treatment outcome and retention in dialectical behavior therapy.6
A randomized trial of two group-delivered transdiagnostic eating disorder treatments: Dissonance-based treatment versus interpersonal psychotherapy.6
Moderators and mediators of a digital cognitive behavior therapy-guided self-help intervention for eating disorders: Informing future design efforts.6
The efficacy of the PSYCHOPATHY.COMP program in reducing psychopathic traits: A controlled trial with male detained youth.6
Modular cognitive behavioral therapy for autism-related symptoms in children: A randomized controlled trial.6
Immersive and reflective recall of a suicidal episode: Implications for assessing and treating suicidal adolescents.6
Exploring termination setback in a psychodynamic therapy for panic disorder.6
Main outcomes of M-bridge: A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) for developing an adaptive preventive intervention for college drinking.6
Reducing suicidal ideation in African American adolescents: A randomized controlled clinical trial.6