Journal of Computer and System Sciences

(The TQCC of Journal of Computer and System Sciences is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Bounded incentives in manipulating the probabilistic serial rule24
Solving problems on generalized convex graphs via mim-width21
The maximal coordination principle in regulatory Boolean networks19
SAT backdoors: Depth beats size16
Selective monitoring14
Editorial Board13
A 43-approximati13
The temporal explorer who returns to the base12
Clocked population protocols12
Exploration of dynamic networks: Tight bounds on the number of agents12
A 4 + ϵ approximation for k-connected subgraphs11
Special issue on Algorithmic Theory of Dynamic Networks and Its Applications – Preface10
Improved prophet inequalities for combinatorial welfare maximization with (approximately) subadditive agents9
Deterministic non-adaptive contention resolution on a shared channel8
Editorial Board8
Online bin covering with limited migration7
Reducing the vertex cover number via edge contractions7
Parameterised temporal exploration problems7
Etherless Ethereum tokens: Simulating native tokens in Ethereum7
Complexity of inverse constraint problems and a dichotomy for the inverse satisfiability problem6
Parameterized complexity of categorical clustering with size constraints6
O is an n-MCFL6
Searching by heterogeneous agents6
Covering metric spaces by few trees6
Latency, capacity, and distributed minimum spanning trees6
Assigning times to minimise reachability in temporal graphs5
Minimum separator reconfiguration5
Labeled sample compression schemes for complexes of oriented matroids5
A maximum clique based approximation algorithm for wireless link scheduling under SINR model5
Bivariate B-splines from convex configurations5
A new temporal interpretation of cluster editing5
Polynomially ambiguous probabilistic automata on restricted languages5
The satisfiability problem for a quantitative fragment of PCTL5
Complexity of verification in self-assembly with prebuilt assemblies4
Corrigendum to “Prediction, learning, uniform convergence, and scale-sensitive dimensions” [J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 56 (2) (1998) 174–190]4
Bankrupting Sybil despite churn4
Lifting query complexity to time-space complexity for two-way finite automata4
The 2CNF Boolean formula satisfiability problem and the linear space hypothesis4
PAC learning halfspaces in non-interactive local differential privacy model with public unlabeled data4
Efficiently enumerating hitting sets of hypergraphs arising in data profiling4
Measuring what matters: A hybrid approach to dynamic programming with treewidth4
Special Issue on the 1st Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND 2022)4
On finding separators in temporal split and permutation graphs4
Space characterizations of complexity measures and size-space trade-offs in propositional proof systems4
Approximate CVP in time 20.8024
Speeding-up verification of digital signatures4
Building squares with optimal state complexity in restricted active self-assembly4
The complexity of binary matrix completion under diameter constraints4
Editorial Board4
Detours in directed graphs4
Editorial Board3
On kernels for d-path vertex cover3
Editorial Board3
Editorial – Special issue on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2018)3
Preprocessing vertex-deletion problems: Characterizing graph properties by low-rank adjacencies3
Preimage problems for deterministic finite automata3
Uniform parsing for hyperedge replacement grammars3
Approximating the existential theory of the reals3
Largest common prefix of a regular tree language3
Closure and nonclosure properties of the classes of compressible and rankable sets3
Quantum random access stored-program machines3
Bisection of bounded treewidth graphs by convolutions3
Undecidability of the speed positiveness problem in reversible and complete Turing machines3
46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2019) - Track C: Foundations of networks and multi-agent systems3
Single-source shortest paths and strong connectivity in dynamic planar graphs3
Greedy routing and the algorithmic small-world phenomenon3
On the parameterized complexity of Grid Contraction3
A dichotomy for bounded degree graph homomorphisms with nonnegative weights3
Bidding mechanisms in graph games3
Analytic methods for reachability problems3
Reachability relations of timed pushdown automata3