Journal of Communication Disorders

(The TQCC of Journal of Communication Disorders is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Intersectional sociodemographic and neurological relationships in the naming ability of persons with post-stroke aphasia44
Status of prosody in the practices of speech-language pathologists in France: A survey on theoretical and clinical dimensions27
What do Speech-Language Pathologists want to know when assessing early vocal development in children who are deaf/hard-of-hearing?27
Language function in the acute phase following non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage: A prospective cohort study20
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Hearing Handicap Inventory Screening Scale (HHIE-S) among Older Adults19
Editorial Board19
Calibration matters: II. Measurement of ambient noise in test rooms/areas16
Infection and speech: Disfluency and other speech symptoms in Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome15
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Teaching foreign language grammar to primary-school children with developmental language disorder: A classroom-based intervention study14
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Language sample analysis of conversation samples from school-age children who stutter: The role of syntactic factors in stuttering14
Assessing natural metalinguistic skills in people with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia13
Language comprehension in toddlers with significant developmental delays: An IRT approach12
Perceptions of people with aphasia about supporting reading with text-to-speech technology: A convergent mixed methods study12
Vietnamese children with and without DLD: Classifier use and grammaticality over time12
Long-term voice quality outcome after thyroidectomy without laryngeal nerve injury: a prospective 10 year follow up study12
Using bibliotherapy to rebuild identity for people with aphasia: A book club experience12
Diagnostic validity, accuracy and inter-rater reliability of a phonological assessment for Danish-speaking children11
Effects of computer-based therapy versus therapist-mediated therapy in stroke-related aphasia: Pilot non-inferiority study11
Using semantic verbal fluency to estimate the relative and absolute vocabulary size of bilinguals: An exploratory study of children and adolescents11
Predictors of communication attitude in preschool-age children who stutter11
The role of speech-language pathologists in supporting theory of mind through literacy-based activities11
Comprehension of Miranda warnings in adults with chronic, moderate-severe traumatic brain injury11
Differential spectral characteristics of the Spanish fricative /s/ in the articulation of individuals with dysarthria and apraxia of speech10
Overlapping hearing and communication profiles for the deletion and the RAI1 variant form of Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS)10
White matter correlates of sensorimotor synchronization in persistent developmental stuttering10
Changes in speech prosody perception during Parkinson's disease: A comprehensive analysis10
Differences in the type of vocabulary understood by deaf and hearing students: Results to guide interventions10
Lexical development in Kuwaiti Arabic in typically developing children and late talkers9
A meta-analysis of expressive prosody in cochlear implant users9
Adolescent language outcomes in a complex trilingual context: When typical does not mean unproblematic9
Toward a speech-motor account of the effect of Age of Pacifier Withdrawal9
Aging affects Mandarin speakers’ understanding of focus sentences in quiet and noisy environments8
Early intervention speech-language pathologists’ beliefs and practices related to assessing dual language learners8
A survey of the clinical management of childhood apraxia of speech in the United States and Canada8
Language impairments in people with autoimmune neurological diseases: A scoping review8
Describing communication profiles of low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers8
Clinical perspectives and strategies for confronting disparities in social determinants of health for Hispanic bilinguals with aphasia8
Communication abilities in children with hearing loss – views of parents and daycare professionals8
Self-perceived outcomes of informative and apologetic self-disclosure: A mixed methods study8
Validity and reliability of safety behaviors questionnaire for Persian adults who stutter: A cultural perspective8
Narrative skills and language comprehension in preschool children with cochlear implants: A comparison with children with Developmental Language Disorder or typical development7
Normative values for tests of central auditory processing disorder in children aged from 6 to 12 years old7
Editorial Board7
Language profiles of Welsh-English bilingual children with Down syndrome7
A case study of bilingual neurogenic stuttering: Measures of fluency, emotion, and articulation rate7
Reliability and validity of the Turkish voice handicap index-partner (VHI-P-TR)7
Editorial Board6
The impact of self-reported levels of anxiety on respiratory sinus arrhythmia levels in adults who stutter6
Clinical feasibility, utility, and usability of the Profile of Preschool Communication: A pilot test in community settings6
The role of eye contact in young children’s judgments of others’ visibility: A comparison of preschoolers with and without autism spectrum disorder6
Palin parent-child interaction therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder and stuttering6
The role of temperament in stuttering frequency and impact in children under 76
Characteristics of articulatory gestures in stuttered speech: A case study using real-time magnetic resonance imaging6
Improving speech characteristics of young adults with congenital dysarthria: An exploratory study comparing articulation training and the Beatalk method6
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of a Preschool Outcome Measure: An Interview Study with Speech-Language Pathologists6
Alternative audiometric calibration methods: Evaluation of sound level measuring apps for audiometric calibration6
Classification accuracy of the Quick Interactive Language Screener for preschool children with and without developmental language disorder6
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Speech restructuring group treatment for 6-to-9-year-old children who stutter: A therapeutic trial5
The effects of intensity on a phonological treatment for anomia in post-stroke aphasia5
Factors affecting talker discrimination ability in adult cochlear implant users5
Canonical babbling ratio – Concurrent and predictive evaluation of the 0.15 criterion5
The promise of self-determination theory to study the therapist-client relationship in speech-language treatment5
Language abilities in children and adolescents with DLD and ADHD: A scoping review5
Bilingual Abstract Semantic Associative Network Training (BAbSANT): A Polish-English case study5
The knowledge, experience, and awareness of professionals working with older adults on the auditory-cognitive interactions5
Communicative participation with public authorities: Experiences of people with aphasia, people who stutter, and employees of public authorities5
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Computer-based workplace communication training in persons with traumatic brain injury: The work-related communication program5