Journal of Clinical Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Clinical Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Common Elements and Differences Among Treatment Approaches to Complex Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Commentary on Five Case Studies39
Dynamics of risk: Recent changes in psychological inflexibility precede subsequent changes in returning US veterans' posttraumatic stress34
Development and validation of the facilitative interpersonal skills scale for clients32
Psychopathic dispositions and emotion dysregulation: A dual‐disposition model perspective26
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Therapist training in treating sleep problems: A survey study of clinical practice22
Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the Valuing Questionnaire in Colombian clinical and nonclinical samples22
Investigation of the relationship between continuing bonds and adjustment after the death of a first‐degree family member by using the Multidimensional Continuing Bonds Scale20
Transdiagnostic effects of therapist self‐disclosure on diverse emotional experiences of clients with emotional disorders and schizophrenia20
Preliminary investigation of objective and subjective experiences of relatives of individuals with hoarding behaviors20
Social anxiety, rejection sensitivity, and theory of mind decoding ability19
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Association of vision impairment with suicide ideation, plans, and attempts among adults in the United States19
Clients in context: Environment, class, race, and therapists' perceptions of generalized anxiety disorder17
A measure of functioning in adults With ADHD: Psychometric properties of the general life functioning scale‐parent version17
Identifying and validating emotion regulation latent profiles and their relationship with affective variables17
Understanding processes that advance suicidal behavior among Israeli active duty soldiers: A mediation model16
Cover Image, Volume 78, Number 4, April 202216
A pilot study on the efficacy of motivational interviewing groups in alcohol use disorders15
Trauma‐focused treatment of a client with Complex PTSD and comorbid pathology using EMDR therapy15
Predicting anxiety and depression over 12 months of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A machine learning study14
The interplay between therapeutic relationship and therapeutic technique: The whole is more than the sum of its parts13
Behavioral activation is associated with post‐disaster mental health: Secondary longitudinal analysis from a population‐based study13
Mental health treatment stigma, maladaptive personality trait domains, and treatment‐seeking attitudes and behaviors13
The efficacy of telephone‐delivered cognitive behavioral therapy in people with chronic illnesses and mental diseases: A meta‐analysis13
Issue Information13
Utilizing the couple relationship to prevent suicide: A preliminary examination of Treatment for Relationships and Safety Together13
Banter in psychotherapy: Relationship to treatment type, therapeutic alliance, and therapy outcome13
Perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms: What role does the cognitive triad play?13
Within‐ and between‐patients associations between self‐efficacy, outcome expectation, and symptom change in cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder13
On the impulsivity path: Examining the unique and conjoint relations between emotion‐ and non‐emotion‐related impulsivity, internalizing symptoms, alcohol use, and physical health parameters13
Making meaning of one's own life story in words and images: A narrative case report of personal recovery from personality disorder through the interventions “An Empowering Story” and art therapy13
A latent profile analysis of moral emotions following moral transgressions12
Filling the form: Expressive Therapies Continuum‐guided treatment of narcissistic personality disorder12
Intrapersonal dynamics of closeness versus distance: Qualities of the self‐concept distinguish destructive overdependence, dysfunctional detachment, and healthy dependency12
Profiles of psychological flexibility and caregiving experience in dementia family caregivers: A latent profile analysis12
Longitudinal changes in depression and anxiety during the COVID‐19 pandemic and the impact of COVID‐related factors12
A brief mindfulness‐based intervention for stress, pain, emotion and attention regulation in military service members with mild traumatic brain injury12
Distinct co‐occurrence patterns of acculturation and perceived context of reception between weekdays and weekends among Hispanic college students12
Negative religious coping versus spiritual struggles: Moderator or main effect?12
Narcissistic personality disorder in the ICD‐11: Severity and trait profiles of grandiosity and vulnerability12
Mental health among Latinx emerging adults: Examining the role of familial accusations of assimilation and ethnic identity12
Exploring the roles of human values and self‐discrepancies in postnatal depression in first‐time mothers12
Supervisor versus self‐assessment of trainee competence: Differences across developmental stages and competency domains11
The ongoing rewriting of the therapeutic contract in Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for narcissistic personality disorder: The case of Mark11
Anxiety, distress tolerance, and the relationship between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol use in veterans11
Socioeconomic status and access to psychotherapy11
Measuring morality: Analyzing the factor structure of the moral foundations questionnaire in veterans11
Inquiry‐based stress reduction: A systematic review of the empirical literature11
What do we need in order to successfully treat persons with pathological narcissism? How does change happen? Treatment principles and mechanisms of change emerging from single cases treated by experts11
A case report of the treatment of narcissistic personality disorder with transference focused psychotherapy11
Comparing treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction among individuals presenting to psychiatric care with and without recent suicidal ideation11
Evaluating interactions between emotion regulation strategies through the interpersonal context of female friends11
Major depression and generalised anxiety disorder: An analysis of the effects of remission status and comorbidity on mother‐infant emotional availability in the perinatal period11
Lifetime adversity predicts depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment in a nationally representative sample of older adults in the United States11
Subjective evaluation of home environment and levels of self‐reported depression in middle to old age: Results from the HCHS study11
The relations between real‐time use of emotion regulation strategies and anxiety and depression symptoms11
Interpersonal perceptions in treatment sessions: Pathological narcissism predicts self‐rater discrepancies11
Psychometric network analysis of the Intuitive Eating Scale‐2 in Chinese general adults10
Modeling pathways to non‐suicidal self‐injury: The roles of perfectionism, negative affect, rumination, and attention control10
Idiographic patient reported outcome measures (I‐PROMs) for routine outcome monitoring in psychological therapies: Position paper10
Examining cognitive disengagement syndrome in a psychiatric outpatient sample: Psychometric support and associations with internalizing symptoms and sleep problems10
Essential workers: Past month suicidal ideation and COVID‐19 stress10
A multisite, quasiexperimental trial of a college course to support student mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Extended validation of the Relational Depth Frequency Scale: Retest reliability, divergent validity, criterion validity with psychotherapy satisfaction, and measurement invariance in UK‐ and US‐strati10
Social problem‐solving in intimate partner violence victims: Exploring the relative contributions of shame and PTSD symptoms10
The association between trauma and interpersonal problems in a United States community mental health setting10
Impact of facemasks on psychotherapy: Clinician's confidence and emotion recognition10
Examining Longitudinal Relations Between Eating Disorder Symptoms and Negative Emotion Variability in Military Members10
Insecure attachment and eating disorder symptoms: Intolerance of uncertainty and emotion regulation as mediators10
Cross‐cultural adaptation and clinical application of the Perth Empathy Scale10
What sound sources trigger misophonia? Not just chewing and breathing9
Relationships among non‐interpersonal and interpersonal trauma types, posttraumatic stress, and posttraumatic growth9
Measurement invariance of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale‐Self‐Report9
Investigating the network structure and causal relationships among bridge symptoms of comorbid depression and anxiety: A Bayesian network analysis9
Clinical determinants of involuntary psychiatric hospitalization: A clinical profile approach9
Integration of hatha yoga and evidence‐based psychological treatments for common mental disorders: An evidence map9
Structured group psychotherapies: Advantages, challenges, and possibilities9
Understanding the relationship between negative emotional eating and binge eating: The moderating effects of acting with awareness and non‐reactive mindfulness9
Trajectories of change among highly challenging patients in intensive long‐term psychoanalytic psychotherapy9
Promoting an integrating recovery style: A mentalization‐informed approach9
Depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and their co‐occurrence among people living with schizophrenia in China: Prevalence and correlates9
Development and validation of the Brief‐Mentalized Affectivity Scale: Evidence from cross‐sectional online data and an urban community‐based mental health clinic9
Characterizing changes in mental health‐related outcomes for health service psychology graduate students during the first year of the COVID‐19 pandemic9
Could immersive daydreaming underlie a deficit in attention? The prevalence and characteristics of maladaptive daydreaming in individuals with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder9
Temporal associations between meaning in life, ultimate meaning struggles, and mental health outcomes in a spiritually integrated inpatient program9
Association of impulsivity with quality of life and well‐being after alcohol withdrawal treatment9
Post‐9/11 military veterans' adjustment to civilian life over time following separation from service8
The use of practice assignments in cognitive processing therapy to promote cognitive and emotional change: A case study8
Postpartum during COVID‐19 pandemic: Portuguese mothers' mental health, mindful parenting, and mother–infant bonding8
Repairing attachment in families with depressed adolescents: A task analysis8
The effects of blood in self‐injurious cutting: Positive and negative affect regulation8
Understanding client engagement in digital mental health interventions: An investigation of the eTherapy Attitudes and Process Questionnaire8
The Italian version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: Validity within a sample of adolescents and associations with psychological problems and alexithymia8
Self‐compassion and depression in Chinese undergraduates with left‐behind experience: Mediation by emotion regulation and resilience8
Nonsuicidal self‐injury, sleep quality, and shame response to a laboratory stress task8
Homework as a driver of change in psychotherapy8
Disorganized attachment and prolonged grief8
Suicide attempts among adults denying active suicidal ideation: An examination of the relationship between suicidal thought content and suicidal behavior8
Symptom Attributions in Illness Anxiety Disorder7
Examining rumination, devaluation of positivity, and depressive symptoms via community‐based network analysis7
Momentary Fluctuations in Impulsivity Predicts Suicidal Ideation Among Those With Problematic Alcohol Use7
Incorporating narrative repair in the treatment of avoidant personality disorders: A case in point7
Predicting improvement of work ability in modalities of short‐ and long‐term psychotherapy: The differential impact of reflective ability and other aspects of patient suitability7
Internalized Transnegativity, Self‐Warmth, Self‐Coldness, and Eating Disorder Symptomatology Among Transgender and Nonbinary Adults7
The path not taken: Distinguishing individuals who die by suicide from those who die by natural causes despite a shared history of suicide attempt7
Eating Disorders, Co‐Morbid Disorders and Early Risk Factors Amongst Post‐9/11 Veteran Men and Women7
The role of premeditation in suicide: Identifying factors associated with increased planning among suicide decedents7
The association between exposure to community violence and somatic symptoms through bullying victimization among African American adolescents in Chicago: A developmental trauma approach7
Emotion dysregulation and hoarding symptoms: A systematic review and meta‐analysis7
Testing and treatment‐by‐attitude in psychotherapy for pathological narcissism: A clinical illustration7
Childhood emotional abuse and problematic social networking sites use in a sample of Italian adolescents: The mediating role of deficiencies in self‐other differentiation and uncertain reflective func7
Adverse childhood experiences and psychological maladjustment in adolescence: The protective role of epistemic trust, mentalized affectivity, and reflective functioning7
The Relationships Between Body‐Related Emotion Intolerance and Restrictive Eating as a Function of Multidimensional Perfectionism7
Profiling ambivalence in the context of nonsuicidal self‐injury7
Issue Information7
Validation of the brief version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale for Spanish children (SCAS‐C‐8)6
Learning the subtle dance: The experience of therapists who deliver mentalisation‐based therapy for borderline personality disorder6
How people react to suicidal ideation: The effect of suicide literacy, suicide stigma, and expressive suppression6
Psychotherapy alone versus collaborative psychotherapy and psychiatric care in the treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with cancer: A naturalistic, observational study6
STAIR Narrative Therapy for complex posttraumatic stress disorder: Treating sexual and gender minority trauma6
Examining the temporal dynamics of anxiety and depressive symptoms during a therapist‐supported, smartphone‐based intervention for depression: Longitudinal observational study6
The interactive effect of mental contamination and cognitive fusion on anxiety6
A Bayesian statistics tutorial for clinical research: Prior distributions and meaningful results for small clinical samples6
Intergenerational transmission of lifetime stressor exposure in adolescent girls at differential maternal risk for depression6
Using theory to guide exploratory network analyses6
A longitudinal examination of predictors of nonsuicidal self‐injury disclosures among university students6
Focused group analytic psychotherapy: An integration of clinical experience and research6
Personal growth initiative as a buffer against suicide ideation severity in psychotherapy outpatients with depressive symptoms6
Sex‐specific role of alexithymia in associations between parental bonding and mental health: A moderated mediation model6
Sleep disturbance and suicidality in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents: The role of specific emotion regulation domains6
Psychodynamic group psychotherapy for hikikomori: The case of a socially withdrawn male with schizoaffective disorder6
Mental health concerns and barriers to care among future clinical psychologists6
Mindfulness, coping, and optimism as mechanisms of change in the 3RP‐NF intervention6
The difficulties in emotion regulation scale: Dimensionality, measurement invariance, and physiological correlates in community adolescents6
A clinical illustration of short‐term mentalization‐based therapy for borderline personality disorder6
Exploring the processes of connection and disconnection in imagery work in a patient with depression and dependent personality disorder6
The predictive validity of the family risk survey and child risk survey for identifying persistent firesetting risk6
The mental health self‐direction scale: An abridged version and its sensitivity to change5
The relative contribution of health cognitions and metacognitions about health anxiety to cyberchondria: A prospective study5
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Self‐efficacy and coping style in Iraq and Afghanistan‐era veterans with and without mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder5
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Parental and partner role functioning and personal recovery in bipolar disorder5
Psychological distress of mental health workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A comparison with the general population in high‐ and low‐incidence regions5
Walking through the valley of the shadow of death—The psychotherapy of the head and neck cancer patient expressing suicidal ideations and impulses5
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Editor's vale dictum: Activities, challenges and reflections from the line in between 2011 and 2023, Journal of Clinical Psychology5
A longitudinal investigation of the meaning‐making model in midlife adults who have experienced trauma5
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How are irritability and anhedonia symptoms linked? A network approach5
The effects of a multimedia intervention on help‐seeking process with a Chinese college student sample5
Examining the role of brooding, distress, and negative urgency in dysregulated behaviors: A cross‐sectional study in treatment‐seeking young people5
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Determinants and outcome correlates of engagement with a mobile mental health intervention for depression and anxiety in middle‐aged and older adults5
Association between transition patterns of sleep problems and suicidal ideation in Chinese female nurses: A prospective study5
A systematic review of self‐report measures of generalized shame5
Guiding task work in the context of an emotion‐focused relationship5
Delivering effective combined treatments in mental health settings with difficult‐to‐treat patients: A bipolar case study illustrating the role of teamwork and other mediators5
Beyond treatment modalities: Clinical decisions and relational dynamics that facilitate change in group treatments5
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Determining differences between therapists using an extended version of the facilitative interpersonal skills performance test5
Meaningful military engagement among male and female post‐9/11 veterans: An examination of correlates and implications for resilience5
“It's OK for Me to Cry”: Client and Therapist Perspectives on Change Processes in SPEAKS Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa5
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Schizophrenia, the self and psychotherapy: Is there really anything new under the sun?5
An Item Response Theory examination of the original and short forms of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) in pregnant women5
Commentary: Rupture repair as a transtheoretical corrective experience5
A mental health professional survey of cognitive‐behavioral therapy for the treatment of opioid use disorder5
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Long‐term physical health outcomes of obsessive‐compulsive personality disorder traits5
Alliance negotiation as a predictor of early treatment outcome5