Journal of Chemical Physics

(The TQCC of Journal of Chemical Physics is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Software for the frontiers of quantum chemistry: An overview of developments in the Q-Chem 5 package653
r2SCAN-3c: A “Swiss army knife” composite electronic-structure method403
Perspective on integrating machine learning into computational chemistry and materials science125
Coarse graining molecular dynamics with graph neural networks111
An improved chain of spheres for exchange algorithm108
Combined multiplet theory and experiment for the Fe 2p and 3p XPS of FeO and Fe2O3101
DeePMD-kit v2: A software package for deep potential models97
Δ -machine learning for potential energy surfaces: A PIP approach to bring a DFT-based PES to CCSD(T) level of theory97
GPUMD: A package for constructing accurate machine-learned potentials and performing highly efficient atomistic simulations92
r2SCAN-D4: Dispersion corrected meta-generalized gradient approximation for general chemical applications91
Intermolecular interactions in optical cavities: An ab initio QED study88
Operator learning for predicting multiscale bubble growth dynamics85
Reproducibility of cavity-enhanced chemical reaction rates in the vibrational strong coupling regime81
A deep potential model with long-range electrostatic interactions78
State predictive information bottleneck72
When do short-range atomistic machine-learning models fall short?69
Inertial self-propelled particles67
Deep potential generation scheme and simulation protocol for the Li10GeP2S12-type superionic conductors66
A symmetry-orientated divide-and-conquer method for crystal structure prediction64
Uncertainty estimation for molecular dynamics and sampling61
Multi-scale dynamics simulations of molecular polaritons: The effect of multiple cavity modes on polariton relaxation59
Phase separation vs aggregation behavior for model disordered proteins58
Multiple spin–phonon relaxation pathways in a Kramer single-ion magnet58
Low communication high performance ab initio density matrix renormalization group algorithms57
An improved seminumerical Coulomb and exchange algorithm for properties and excited states in modern density functional theory56
Deep eutectic solvents—The vital link between ionic liquids and ionic solutions53
A semiclassical Thomas–Fermi model to tune the metallicity of electrodes in molecular simulations52
Negligible rate enhancement from reported cooperative vibrational strong coupling catalysis51
The Madrid-2019 force field for electrolytes in water using TIP4P/2005 and scaled charges: Extension to the ions F−, Br−, I−, Rb+, and Cs+51
Primitive model electrolytes in the near and far field: Decay lengths from DFT and simulations50
Cavity-modulated ionization potentials and electron affinities from quantum electrodynamics coupled-cluster theory50
A perspective on ab initio modeling of polaritonic chemistry: The role of non-equilibrium effects and quantum collectivity49
Multiscale modeling of genome organization with maximum entropy optimization48
A new method to improve the numerical stability of the hierarchical equations of motion for discrete harmonic oscillator modes48
Requirements for an accurate dispersion-corrected density functional48
Efficient propagation of the hierarchical equations of motion using the Tucker and hierarchical Tucker tensors46
Low-energy quasilocalized excitations in structural glasses46
Cavity molecular dynamics simulations of vibrational polariton-enhanced molecular nonlinear absorption45
Quantum computation of dominant products in lithium–sulfur batteries45
Quantum chemistry-augmented neural networks for reactivity prediction: Performance, generalizability, and explainability45
Theory of vibrational polariton chemistry in the collective coupling regime45
Core level photoelectron spectroscopy of heterogeneous reactions at liquid–vapor interfaces: Current status, challenges, and prospects45
OrbNet Denali: A machine learning potential for biological and organic chemistry with semi-empirical cost and DFT accuracy44
Modeling nonadiabatic dynamics with degenerate electronic states, intersystem crossing, and spin separation: A key goal for chemical physics43
Toward the design of chemical reactions: Machine learning barriers of competing mechanisms in reactant space43
Hybrid methods for combined experimental and computational determination of protein structure43
Dispersion corrected r2SCAN based global hybrid functionals: r2SCANh, r2SCAN0, and r2SCAN5043
Entangled two-photon absorption by atoms and molecules: A quantum optics tutorial42
Revealing the nature of electron correlation in transition metal complexes with symmetry breaking and chemical intuition41
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for heterogeneous catalysis: Fundamentals, current status, and challenges41
Full-frequency GW without frequency41
Improved accuracy and transferability of molecular-orbital-based machine learning: Organics, transition-metal complexes, non-covalent interactions, and transition states41
Abundance of cavity-free polaritonic states in resonant materials and nanostructures41
PASP: Property analysis and simulation package for materials41
Molecular vibrational polariton: Its dynamics and potentials in novel chemistry and quantum technology41
Machine learning implicit solvation for molecular dynamics40
Quantum HF/DFT-embedding algorithms for electronic structure calculations: Scaling up to complex molecular systems40
The Young–Laplace equation for a solid–liquid interface39
DLPNO-MP2 second derivatives for the computation of polarizabilities and NMR shieldings39
ωB97X-3c: A composite range-separated hybrid DFT method with a molecule-optimized polarized valence double-ζ basis set39
Ground state properties and infrared spectra of anharmonic vibrational polaritons of small molecules in cavities38
Swinging between shine and shadow: Theoretical advances on thermally activated vibropolaritonic chemistry38
Predicting the impact sensitivities of energetic materials through zone-center phonon up-pumping38
Machine learning meets chemical physics38
Efficient implementation of atom-density representations38
The surface states of transition metal X-ides under electrocatalytic conditions37
Fast dynamics in a model metallic glass-forming material37
Some recent developments in auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo for real materials37
Vapor–liquid equilibrium of water with the MB-pol many-body potential37
The seven deadly sins: When computing crystal nucleation rates, the devil is in the details37
The adaptive shift method in full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo: Development and applications36
Light–matter interaction of a molecule in a dissipative cavity from first principles36
Simulating photodissociation reactions in bad cavities with the Lindblad equation36
Artificial neural networks for predicting charge transfer coupling36
Semiconductor nanocrystal photocatalysis for the production of solar fuels35
Salt dependent phase behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins from a coarse-grained model with explicit water and ions35
Machine-learning accelerated geometry optimization in molecular simulation35
Computational spectroscopy of complex systems35
Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy of condensed-phase molecular systems35
Learning intermolecular forces at liquid–vapor interfaces34
How to validate machine-learned interatomic potentials34
Quantum-electrodynamical time-dependent density functional theory within Gaussian atomic basis34
Effect of the metallicity on the capacitance of gold–aqueous sodium chloride interfaces34
A joint experimental and theoretical study on structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of MnGen− (n = 3–14) clusters34
A phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo perspective on the uniform electron gas at finite temperatures: Issues, observations, and benchmark study33
Size-dependent dark exciton properties in cesium lead halide perovskite quantum dots33
The hierarchy of Davydov’s Ansätze: From guesswork to numerically “exact” many-body wave functions33
Machine learning of free energies in chemical compound space using ensemble representations: Reaching experimental uncertainty for solvation33
Hybrid theoretical models for molecular nanoplasmonics33
How is CO2 absorbed into a deep eutectic solvent?33
The performance of CIPSI on the ground state electronic energy of benzene33
Variational coupled cluster for ground and excited states33
Classical molecular dynamics32
CAS without SCF—Why to use CASCI and where to get the orbitals32
Density-functional theory vs density-functional fits32
REANN: A PyTorch-based end-to-end multi-functional deep neural network package for molecular, reactive, and periodic systems32
Untargeted effects in organic exciton–polariton transient spectroscopy: A cautionary tale32
Universal time-domain Prony fitting decomposition for optimized hierarchical quantum master equations32
Accurate prediction and measurement of vibronic branching ratios for laser cooling linear polyatomic molecules32
Space-dependent diffusion with stochastic resetting: A first-passage study32
Exploring non-linear correlators on AGP31
Multi-faceted spectroscopic mapping of ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics near conical intersections: A computational study31
The relevance of electronic perturbations in the warm dense electron gas31
Nuclear–electronic orbital Ehrenfest dynamics31
Permutationally invariant polynomial regression for energies and gradients, using reverse differentiation, achieves orders of magnitude speed-up with high precision compared to other machine learning 31
A “short blanket” dilemma for a state-of-the-art neural network potential for water: Reproducing experimental properties or the physics of the underlying many-body interactions?31
Violation of Hund’s rule in molecules: Predicting the excited-state energy inversion by TD-DFT with double-hybrid methods31
Nonlinear density response from imaginary-time correlation functions: Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of the warm dense electron gas31
Microdroplets can act as electrochemical cells31
Equivariant representations for molecular Hamiltonians and N-center atomic-scale properties31
Coupled cluster benchmarks of large noncovalent complexes: The L7 dataset as well as DNA–ellipticine and buckycatcher–fullerene31
The parental active model: A unifying stochastic description of self-propulsion31
Bandgap of two-dimensional materials: Thorough assessment of modern exchange–correlation functionals30
Constructing tensor network influence functionals for general quantum dynamics30
Polarizable and non-polarizable force fields: Protein folding, unfolding, and misfolding30
Dynamics of water confined in mesopores with variable surface interaction30
A perspective on the microscopic pressure (stress) tensor: History, current understanding, and future challenges30
Multi-body effects in a coarse-grained protein force field30
Nonequilibrium effects of cavity leakage and vibrational dissipation in thermally activated polariton chemistry30
Anomalous dielectric response of nanoconfined water30
stk: An extendable Python framework for automated molecular and supramolecular structure assembly and discovery30
The atomistic modeling of light-harvesting complexes from the physical models to the computational protocol30
Revisiting the basic theory of sum-frequency generation30
Local embedding of coupled cluster theory into the random phase approximation using plane waves30
A partially linearized spin-mapping approach for nonadiabatic dynamics. I. Derivation of the theory30
Applicability of multipole decomposition to plasmonic- and dielectric-lattice resonances29
Benchmarking binding energy calculations for organic structure-directing agents in pure-silica zeolites29
How sensitive are physical properties of choline chloride–urea mixtures to composition changes: Molecular dynamics simulations and Kirkwood–Buff theory29
Scaled charges for ions: An improvement but not the final word for modeling electrolytes in water29
Extended magnesium and calcium force field parameters for accurate ion–nucleic acid interactions in biomolecular simulations29
Transfer learning with graph neural networks for optoelectronic properties of conjugated oligomers29
Challenges for machine learning force fields in reproducing potential energy surfaces of flexible molecules29
Viscoelasticity of biomolecular condensates conforms to the Jeffreys model29
Computational discovery of stable and metastable ternary oxynitrides28
Simulating electronic excitation and dynamics with real-time propagation approach to TDDFT within plane-wave pseudopotential formulation28
Controlled syngas production by electrocatalytic CO2 reduction on formulated Au25(SR)18 and PtAu24(SR)18 nanoclusters28
Ring polymer quantization of the photon field in polariton chemistry28
Construction of meta-GGA functionals through restoration of exact constraint adherence to regularized SCAN functionals28
OCELOT: An infrastructure for data-driven research to discover and design crystalline organic semiconductors28
Charge carrier nonadiabatic dynamics in non-metal doped graphitic carbon nitride28
Translational and reorientational dynamics in deep eutectic solvents28
A compression strategy for particle mesh Ewald theory28
Full-dimensional, ab initio potential energy surface for glycine with characterization of stationary points and zero-point energy calculations by means of diffusion Monte Carlo and semiclassica28
An extended autoencoder model for reaction coordinate discovery in rare event molecular dynamics datasets28
Effect of molecular Stokes shift on polariton dynamics27
On-the-fly ab initio semiclassical evaluation of third-order response functions for two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy27
Position-dependent memory kernel in generalized Langevin equations: Theory and numerical estimation27
DQC: A Python program package for differentiable quantum chemistry27
MetalWalls: Simulating electrochemical interfaces between polarizable electrolytes and metallic electrodes27
Overcoming finite-size effects in electronic structure simulations at extreme conditions27
Temperature-dependent local conformations and conformational distributions of cyanine dimer labeled single-stranded–double-stranded DNA junctions by 2D fluorescence spectroscopy27
Understanding the role of mass transport in tuning the hydrogen evolution kinetics on gold in alkaline media27
Dynamical clustering interrupts motility-induced phase separation in chiral active Brownian particles27
Exact two-component Hamiltonians for relativistic quantum chemistry: Two-electron picture-change corrections made simple27
Constructing many-body dissipative particle dynamics models of fluids from bottom-up coarse-graining27
Building intuition for binding free energy calculations: Bound state definition, restraints, and symmetry27
Are multi-quasiparticle interactions important in molecular ionization?27
Equation-of-motion cavity quantum electrodynamics coupled-cluster theory for electron attachment27
Feshbach–Fano approach for calculation of Auger decay rates using equation-of-motion coupled-cluster wave functions. I. Theory and implementation27
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of non-ideal chemical reaction networks27
Machine learning using host/guest energy histograms to predict adsorption in metal–organic frameworks: Application to short alkanes and Xe/Kr mixtures27
Water on hydroxylated silica surfaces: Work of adhesion, interfacial entropy, and droplet wetting26
Graph neural networks accelerated molecular dynamics26
Probing the electrode–solution interfaces in rechargeable batteries by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy26
Machine learned Hückel theory: Interfacing physics and deep neural networks26
Elastic moduli fluctuations predict wave attenuation rates in glasses26
Temperature effects on singlet fission dynamics mediated by a conical intersection26
Effect of temperature on the coupling transport of water and ions through a carbon nanotube in an electric field26
Amide-based deep eutectic solvents containing LiFSI and NaFSI salts as superionic electrolytes for supercapacitor applications26
Capture theory models: An overview of their development, experimental verification, and applications to ion–molecule reactions26
On the Gibbs–Thomson equation for the crystallization of confined fluids26
The Asakura–Oosawa theory: Entropic forces in physics, biology, and soft matter26
Active matter at high density: Velocity distribution and kinetic temperature26
A mapping approach to surface hopping26
On the role of symmetry in XDW-CASPT226
A periodic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster implementation applied to F-centers in alkaline earth oxides26
A local hybrid exchange functional approximation from first principles26
A combined first principles study of the structural, magnetic, and phonon properties of monolayer CrI325
Infrared spectroscopy of an endohedral water in fullerene25
Potential energy surfaces for high-energy N + O2 collisions25
Liquid–liquid criticality in the WAIL water model25
Polariton chemistry: Molecules in cavities and plasmonic media25
Unraveling multi-state molecular dynamics in single-molecule FRET experiments. I. Theory of FRET-lines25
Deep learning for nanopore ionic current blockades25
Covalency in Fe2O3 and FeO: Consequences for XPS satellite intensity25
Transition rate theory, spectral analysis, and reactive paths25
The nature of the polar covalent bond25
Angle-independent plasmonic substrates for multi-mode vibrational strong coupling with molecular thin films25
Freezing point depression of salt aqueous solutions using the Madrid-2019 model25
Attenuating the fermion sign problem in path integral Monte Carlo simulations using the Bogoliubov inequality and thermodynamic integration25
Evaluating the anharmonicity contributions to the molecular excited state internal conversion rates with finite temperature TD-DMRG25
An efficient adaptive variational quantum solver of the Schrödinger equation based on reduced density matrices25
ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for atomistic simulations24
Multiple evidences of dynamic heterogeneity in hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents24
Generative adversarial networks for transition state geometry prediction24
Fully periodic, computationally efficient constant potential molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquid supercapacitors24
A new generation of diagonal self-energies for the calculation of electron removal energies24
Resetting transition is governed by an interplay between thermal and potential energy24
A multisite decomposition of the tensor network path integrals24
Precise equilibrium structure determination of thiophene (c-C4H4S) by rotational spectroscopy—Structure of a five-membered heterocycle containing a third-row atom24
Quantum Chemistry Common Driver and Databases (QCDB) and Quantum Chemistry Engine (QCEngine): Automation and interoperability among computational chemistry programs24
Machine learning for vibrational spectroscopy via divide-and-conquer semiclassical initial value representation molecular dynamics with application to N-methylacetamide24
A simple generalization of the energy gap law for nonradiative processes24
An efficient implementation of the NEVPT2 and CASPT2 methods avoiding higher-order density matrices24
GraphVAMPNet, using graph neural networks and variational approach to Markov processes for dynamical modeling of biomolecules24
Toward chemical accuracy at low computational cost: Density-functional theory with σ -functi24
Dynamics of disordered Tavis–Cummings and Holstein–Tavis–Cummings models24
A trust-region augmented Hessian implementation for restricted and unrestricted Hartree–Fock and Kohn–Sham methods24
Vibronic exciton model for low bandgap donor–acceptor polymers24
Ab initio molecular dynamics with screened Lorentz forces. I. Calculation and atomic charge interpretation of Berry curvature24
Evaluation of the MACE force field architecture: From medicinal chemistry to materials science24
Accurate, affordable, and generalizable machine learning simulations of transition metal x-ray absorption spectra using the XANESNET deep neural network24
Hierarchical equations of motion approach to hybrid fermionic and bosonic environments: Matrix product state formulation in twin space24
Effective electronic forces and potentials from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations24
HJ-aggregates of donor–acceptor–donor oligomers and polymers24
Data-driven many-body models enable a quantitative description of chloride hydration from clusters to bulk23
Skewed thermodynamic geometry and optimal free energy estimation23
Comparison of fixed charge and polarizable models for predicting the structural, thermodynamic, and transport properties of molten alkali chlorides23
Transcorrelated coupled cluster methods23
Underscreening and hidden ion structures in large scale simulations of concentrated electrolytes23
An optimally tuned range-separated hybrid starting point for ab initio GW plus Bethe–Salpeter equation calculations of molecules23
Toward photoswitchable electronic pre-resonance stimulated Raman probes23
Binding curve of the beryllium dimer using similarity-transformed FCIQMC: Spectroscopic accuracy with triple-zeta basis sets23
Approaching meV level for transition energies in the radium monofluoride molecule RaF and radium cation Ra+ by including quantum-electrodynamics effects23
GPAW: An open Python package for electronic structure calculations23
Non-Hermitian cavity quantum electrodynamics–configuration interaction singles approach for polaritonic structure with ab initio molecular Hamiltonians23
Transient 2D IR spectroscopy from micro- to milliseconds23
Understanding dynamics in coarse-grained models. I. Universal excess entropy scaling relationship23
Progress and perspectives in single-molecule optical spectroscopy23
Cavity-altered thermal isomerization rates and dynamical resonant localization in vibro-polaritonic chemistry23
Nuclear–electronic orbital methods: Foundations and prospects23
Carbon–carbon supercapacitors: Beyond the average pore size or how electrolyte confinement and inaccessible pores affect the capacitance23
CLIFF: A component-based, machine-learned, intermolecular force field23
Structural and topological changes across the liquid–liquid transition in water23
Rhodium chemistry: A gas phase cluster study22
Size-consistent explicitly correlated triple excitation correction22
Simulating energy transfer dynamics in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex via the modified generalized quantum master equation22
Quantum dynamical simulations of intra-chain exciton diffusion in an oligo (para-phenylene vinylene) chain at finite temperature22
Smaller molecules crowd better: Crowder size dependence revealed by single-molecule FRET studies and depletion force modeling analysis22
Comparing (stochastic-selection) ab initio multiple spawning with trajectory surface hopping for the photodynamics of cyclopropanone, fulvene, and dithiane22
Charge transfer from Eu2+ to trivalent lanthanide co-dopants: Systematic behavior across the series22
A partially linearized spin-mapping approach for nonadiabatic dynamics. II. Analysis and comparison with related approaches22
Deep learning combined with IAST to screen thermodynamically feasible MOFs for adsorption-based separation of multiple binary mixtures22
A new one-site coarse-grained model for water: Bottom-up many-body projected water (BUMPer). I. General theory and model22
Wall friction should be decoupled from fluid viscosity for the prediction of nanoscale flow22
Effect of surface properties and polymer chain length on polymer adsorption in solution22
How to train a neural network potential22
Improving molecular force fields across configurational space by combining supervised and unsupervised machine learning22
Long-lived Ag106+ luminescence and a split DNA scaffold22
Thermodynamic, transport, and structural properties of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents composed of tetraalkylammonium chloride and decanoic acid22