Journal of Chemical Physics

(The median citation count of Journal of Chemical Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Wettability gradient-driven droplets with an applied external force713
Path integral molecular dynamics for thermodynamics and Green’s function of ultracold spinor bosons488
Novel applications of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the analysis of ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) images141
A deep learning approach to the measurement of long-lived memory kernels from generalized Langevin dynamics125
Development of a universal method for vibrational analysis of the terminal alkyne C≡C stretch124
Is the non-additive kinetic potential always equal to the difference of effective potentials from inverting the Kohn–Sham equation?113
Perspective from a Hubbard U-density corrected scheme towards a spin crossover-mediated change in gas affinity105
Effect of ammonium fluoride doping on the ice III to ice IX phase transition102
Inhomogeneous defect distribution of triangular WS2 monolayer revealed by surface-enhanced and tip-enhanced Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy97
Subspace recursive Fermi-operator expansion strategies for large-scale DFT eigenvalue problems on HPC architectures90
Photoionization spectroscopy of the SiH free radical in the vacuum-ultraviolet range88
Dynamic and relativistic effects on Pt–Pt indirect spin–spin coupling in aqueous solution studied by ab initio molecular dynamics and two- vs four-component density functional NMR calculations88
Fast-release kinetics of a pH-responsive polymer detected by dynamic contact angles88
Hardness of molecules and bandgap of solids from a generalized gradient approximation exchange energy functional85
Inverse design of pore wall chemistry and topology through active learning of surface group interactions72
Patchy colloidal gels under the influence of gravity66
Extraction of local spin-coupled states by second quantized operators65
Modeling and measuring plasmonic excitations in hollow spherical gold nanoparticles64
Oxygen and vacancy defects in silicon. A quantum mechanical characterization through the IR and Raman spectra61
Exact analytical solution of the Flory–Huggins model and extensions to multicomponent systems60
Event horizon kinetic Monte Carlo57
Accuracy limit of non-polarizable four-point water models: TIP4P/2005 vs OPC. Should water models reproduce the experimental dielectric constant?57
Synthesis and characterization of XeAr2 under high pressure55
Photosynthetic light harvesting and energy conversion55
Electronic state influence on selective bond breaking of core-excited nitrosyl chloride (ClNO)51
Time-resolved thermal lens investigation of glassy dynamics in supercooled liquids: Theory and experiments50
Microscopic observation of two-level systems in a metallic glass model50
Change in vibrational entropy with change in protein volume estimated with mode Grüneisen parameters49
Decoherence and vibrational energy relaxation of the electronically excited PtPOP complex in solution48
Anisotropy in fifth-order exciton–exciton-interaction two-dimensional spectroscopy48
Molecular simulations of sliding on SDS surfactant films48
A comprehensive molecular dynamics simulation of plastic and liquid succinonitrile: Structural, dynamic, and dielectric properties46
Molecular dynamics investigation of structural, thermal, and dynamic properties of maghemite through thermal cycling46
Insight into the interaction of host–guest structures for pyrrole-based metal compounds and C7046
Evidence of supercoolable nanoscale water clusters in an amorphous ionic liquid matrix46
Exact solution of polaritonic systems with arbitrary light and matter frequency-dependent losses45
Building up a view and understanding of the multifunctional activity of black phosphorous nanosheet modified with the metal atom45
Preliminary investigation on the implementation of an artificial synapse using TaOx-based memristor with thermally oxidized active layer45
Performance of periodic EOM-CCSD for bandgaps of inorganic semiconductors and insulators44
Synergy of semiempirical models and machine learning in computational chemistry44
Real-time non-adiabatic dynamics in the one-dimensional Holstein model: Trajectory-based vs exact methods43
Rheology based estimates of self- and collective diffusivities in viscous liquids43
Semiclassical dynamics in Wigner phase space II: Nonadiabatic hybrid Wigner dynamics43
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of iodide–4-thiouracil cluster: The ππ* state as a doorway for electron attachment43
Fingerprints of ordered self-assembled structures in the liquid phase of a hard-core, square-shoulder system42
Atomistic origin of kinetics in hydrated aluminosilicate gels upon precipitation41
Molecular modeling and simulation of organic electrolyte solutions for lithium ion batteries41
Statistical adiabatic channel model for termolecular reactions41
Determining the chemical ordering in nanoalloys by considering atomic coordination types41
Surface plasmons on silver gratings transform pyrolytic carbon into luminescent graphitized carbon dots41
Unlocking amplified magneto-photocurrent using multi-field manipulation in nonfullerene organic bulk heterojunction systems41
Excess volume measurements of binary alloy liquids using electrostatic levitation: Magneto-volume effect on positive excess volume40
NaCl aggregation in water at elevated temperatures and pressures: Comparison of classical force fields40
Tangentially driven active polar linear polymers—An analytical study39
The nucleation of C–S–H via prenucleation clusters39
MDiGest: A Python package for describing allostery from molecular dynamics simulations38
Atomic insights into shock-induced alloying reaction of premixed Ni/Al nanolaminates38
Fano plasmonics goes nonlinear38
Computational optimal transport for molecular spectra: The fully continuous case38
Dispersion corrected r2SCAN based global hybrid functionals: r2SCANh, r2SCAN0, and r2SCAN5038
Bottom-up coarse-grain modeling of plasticity and nanoscale shear bands in α-RDX37
The performance of OPC water model in prediction of the phase equilibria of methane hydrate37
Assessment of hybrid functionals for singlet and triplet excitations: Why do some local hybrid functionals perform so well for triplet excitation energies?37
Controlling the symmetry breaking charge transfer extent in excited quadrupolar molecules by tuning the locally excited state37
The Madrid-2019 force field for electrolytes in water using TIP4P/2005 and scaled charges: Extension to the ions F−, Br−, I−, Rb+, and Cs+37
A bivariational, stable, and convergent hierarchy for time-dependent coupled cluster with adaptive basis sets36
Comparison of classical and ab initio simulations of hydronium and aqueous proton transfer36
Multiparticle collision dynamics simulations of hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal suspensions: How well does the discrete particle approach do at short range?35
Cascading symmetry constraint during machine learning-enabled structural search for sulfur-induced Cu(111)-(43×43) surface reconstruction35
Resonant Auger decay of iodobenzene below the I 4d edge35
Statistical theory of fluids confined in quenched disordered porous media35
Matsubara dynamics approximation for generalized multi-time correlation functions35
A new dynamic Monte Carlo method satisfying n-particle diffusion equation with position-dependent diffusion coefficient, free energy, and intermolecular interactions34
Self-consistent construction of grand potential functional with hierarchical integral equations and its application to solvation thermodynamics34
Binary mixtures of ionic liquids: Ideal, non-ideal, or quasi-ideal?34
Perspectives on determinism in quantum mechanics: Born, Bohm, and the “Quantal Newtonian” laws33
Deciphering electric field induced spatial pattern formation in the photosensitive chlorine-dioxide iodine malonic acid reaction and the Brusselator reaction-diffusion systems33
Orientation and dynamics of water molecules in beryl33
An efficient zero-order evolutionary method for solving the orbital-free density functional theory problem by direct minimization33
Recombination of vibrationally cold N2+ ions with electrons33
Analysis on high-resolution spectrum of the S1–S0 transition of free-base phthalocyanine32
Perspective: Mechanistic investigations of photocatalytic processes with time-resolved optical spectroscopy32
First-principles study of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dione and DNA adducts32
Markov-chain sampling for long-range systems without evaluating the energy32
Measuring the carrier diffusion length in quantum dot films using graphene as photocarrier density probe32
Up- and down-conversion in molecules and materials32
On melting of Boltzmann system of quantum hard spheres31
Homogenization of diffusion in multicomponent liquids31
Characterization and efficient Monte Carlo sampling of disordered microphases31
Dynamics of C(3P) + OH(X 2Π) reaction on the new global HCO(X2A′) potential energy surface31
Predicting allosteric sites using fast conformational sampling as guided by coarse-grained normal modes31
Sub-THz acoustic excitation of protein motion31
Enhanced photoconductivity of hybrid 2D-QD MoS2–AgInS2 structures31
High unimer concentration and asymmetric bilayer observed in small unilamellar vesicles of mixed surfactants TDMAO/LiPFO31
Substantial impact of surface charges on electrochemical reaction kinetics on S vacancies of MoS2 using grand-canonical iteration method31
Structure and dynamics of aqueous NaCl solutions at high temperatures and pressures30
Unraveling the variational breakdown of core valence separation calculations: Diagnostic and cure to the over relaxation error of double core hole states30
Anharmonic and quantum effects in Pm3̄ AlM(M = Hf, Zr)H6 under high pressure: A first-principles study30
The overlooked role of excited anion states in NiO2− photodetachment30
Sum-over-state expressions including second-order Herzberg–Teller effects for the calculation of absorption and resonance Raman intensities30
Ultrahigh-speed multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microspectroscopy using scanning elliptical focal spot30
Isotope effects in supercooled H2O and D2O and a corresponding-states-like rescaling of the temperature and pressure30
Spherical densities and potentials in exactly solvable model molecules30
Unraveling the rapid ion migration in perovskite solar cells by circuit-switched transient photoelectric technique30
Unraveling multi-state molecular dynamics in single-molecule FRET experiments. II. Quantitative analysis of multi-state kinetic networks29
Ethanol exchange between two graphene surfaces in nanoconfined aqueous solution: Rate and mechanism29
Unidirectional coherent energy transport via conjugated oligo(p-phenylene) chains29
Moving boundary truncated grid method for electronic nonadiabatic dynamics29
Self-assembly and complex formation of amphiphilic star and bottle-brush block copolymers29
Physics-constrained Bayesian inference of state functions in classical density-functional theory29
Benchmarking isotropic hyperfine coupling constants using (QTP) DFT functionals and coupled cluster theory29
Mechanisms of the antiferro-electric ordering in superprotonic conductors Cs3H(SeO4)2 and Cs3D(SeO4)229
Path integral molecular dynamics simulations for Green’s function in a system of identical bosons28
Pattern selection of directionally oriented chitosan tubes28
Dynamically disordered hydrogen bonds in the hureaulite-type phosphatic oxyhydroxide Mn5[(PO4)2(PO3(OH))2](HOH)428
Temperature induced change of TMAO effects on hydrophobic hydration28
Molecular Zeeman interactions in NMR spectra of methyl groups28
Revisiting the link between magnetic properties and chemisorption at graphene nanoribbon zigzag edge28
Selection of representative structures from large biomolecular ensembles28
High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of supersonically cooled singlet carbenes: Bromomethylene (HCBr) in the CH stretch region28
Understanding the difference in the stretched structural relaxations probed by dielectric and enthalpic studies of glass forming substances28
Nonequilibrium free energy during polymer chain growth28
Halogen bonding and rotational disorder in chlorine clathrate hydrate cages28
Resolving the interlayer distance of cationic pyrene clusters embedded in superfluid helium droplets using electron diffraction27
Erratum: “Molecular dynamics simulation of electric-field-induced self-assembly of diblock copolymers” [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 234901 (2016)]27
The N3/TiO2 interfacial structure is dependent on the pH conditions during sensitization27
Electronic energies from coupled fermionic “Zombie” states' imaginary time evolution27
A comparative study of structural, electronic, and optical properties of thiolated gold clusters with icosahedral vs face-centered cubic cores27
Temporally stable rotational coherent states for molecular simulations. II. Symmetric rotor case27
Order of magnitude reduction in Joule heating of single molecular junctions between graphene electrodes27
Multi-objective optimization for retinal photoisomerization models with respect to experimental observables27
The onset of solidification: From interface formation to the Stefan regime27
Beginnings of exciton condensation in coronene analog of graphene double layer27
State-selective exciton–plasmon interplay in a hybrid WSe2/CuFeS2 nanosystem27
Electron ratcheting in self-assembled soft matter27
Erratum: “Accurate semiempirical potential energy curves for the a3Σ+-state of NaCs, KCs, and RbCs” [J. Chem. Phys. 154, 154304 (2021)]27
Erratum: “Migration of an active colloidal cell in inhomogeneous environments” [J. Chem. Phys. 156, 134903 (2022)]27
Nanoparticle diffusion in polymer melts in the presence of weak nanoparticle–monomer attractive interactions: A mode-coupling theory study27
A neural network-assisted open boundary molecular dynamics simulation method27
Erratum: “Two-color, intracavity pump-probe, cavity ringdown spectroscopy” [J. Chem. Phys. 155, 104201 (2021)]27
An Au2S network model for exploring the structural origin, evolution, and two-electron (2e−) reduction growth mechanism of Aun(SR)m clusters27
The effect of 1H offset and flip-angle on heteronuclear decoupling efficiency in ROSPAC pulsed sequence: A Floquet description26
Selecting resonances in molecular scattering by anti-Zeno effect26
Hidden singularities in spontaneously polarized molecular solids26
Temperature-controlled focusing of Brownian particles in a channel26
Theoretical analysis of structures and electronic spectra of molecular colloidal cadmium sulfide clusters and nanoplatelets26
Fragmentation of SO2q+ (q = 2–4) induced by 1 keV electron collision26
Development of efficient computational analysis of difference infrared and Raman spectroscopies26
Tunable resonance Raman scattering of quantum dots in a nonlinear excitation regime26
Fano–Feshbach formalism applied to the calculation of autoionization widths through analytic continuation26
Publisher’s Note: “Breaking covalent bonds in the context of the many-body expansion (MBE). I. The purported “first row anomaly” in XHn (X = C, Si, Ge, Sn; n= 1–4)” [J. Ch26
Erratum: “Electron attachment dynamics following UV excitation of iodide-2-thiouracil complexes” [J. Chem. Phys. 156, 244302 (2022)]26
Essential collective dynamics analysis reveals nonlocal interactions of alpha-synuclein38-95 monomers with fibrillar seeds25
Photoionization and core resonances from range-separated time-dependent density-functional theory for open-shell states: Example of the lithium atom25
Sedimentation path theory for mass-polydisperse colloidal systems25
Deciphering the effects of electrolyte concentration on the performance of lithium batteries by correlative surface characterization25
A two-site triplet exciton hopping model: Application to 3P70025
Shedding light on the metal-phthalocyanine EXAFS spectra through classical and ab initio molecular dynamics25
Local thermodynamic consistency for integral equations describing single-component fluids25
Erratum: “Biotin-painted proteins have thermodynamic stability switched by kinetic folding routes” [J. Chem. Phys. 156, 195101 (2022)]25
Fock similarity transformation of the electronic Hamiltonian25
Erratum: “Reinvestigation of the Herzberg-Lagerqvist-Malmberg transitions of C2 in vacuum ultraviolet region and the implications for astronomical observations” [J. Chem. Phys. 157, 164303 (2022)]25
Structures and bonding characteristics of KCl(H2O)n clusters with n = 1–10 based on density functional theory24
Eutectic crystallization and melting in sharp concentration gradients24
Microstructure evolution under thermo-mechanical operating of rocksalt-structure TiN via neural network potential24
X-ray induced fragmentation of fulminic acid, HCNO24
A critical analysis of least-squares tensor hypercontraction applied to MP324
Theory, implementation, and disappointing results for two-photon absorption cross sections within the doubly electron-attached equation-of-motion coupled-cluster framework24
Molecular dynamics study of six-dimensional hard hypersphere crystals24
Confined and spontaneously transformed oxidation structures due to the intrinsic heterogeneous surface morphology of C3N monolayer24
Ehrenfest modeling of cavity vacuum fluctuations and how to achieve emission from a three-level atom24
Multidimensional minimum-work control of a 2D Ising model24
Multicomponent solutions: Combining rules for multisolute osmotic virial coefficients24
Dynamically and structurally heterogeneous 1-propanol/water mixtures24
Ultrafast restricted intramolecular rotation in molecules with aggregation induced emission24
Joint experimental and theoretical study on electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) molecule24
Exploring structure–property landscape of non-fullerene acceptors for organic solar cells24
Three-metal ion mechanism of cross-linked and uncross-linked DNA polymerase β: A theoretical study24
Error of relativistic effective core potentials for closed-shell diatomic molecules of p-block heavy and superheavy elements in DFT and TDDFT calculations24
Preferential solvation and optical properties of eumelanin building blocks in binary mixture of methanol and water24
Origin of the nonlinear structural and mechanical properties in oppositely curved lipid mixtures24
Stochastic kinetic theory applied to coarse-grained polymer model24
Enhanced EMC—Advantages of partially known orientations in x-ray single particle imaging24
Breakdown of dipole Born approximation and the role of Rydberg’s predissociation for the electron-induced ion-pair dissociation to oxygen in the presence of background gases24
Dynamic and weak electric double layers in ultrathin nanopores24
Electronic excitations through the prism of mean-field decomposition techniques23
Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of Au38(SC6H13)24 monolayer-protected clusters resolved by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy23
Ionization potentials for the H2CO trimer23
Structural evolution and bonding properties of Nb1–2Gen−/0 (n = 3–7) clusters: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical calculations23
Scaled opposite-spin atomic-orbital based algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme for the polarization propagator with asymptotic linear-scaling effort: Theory and implementation23
Preferential decomposition of the major anion in a dual-salt electrolyte facilitates the formation of organic-inorganic composite solid electrolyte interphase23
A simple theory for interfacial properties of dilute solutions23
Solar to hydrocarbon production using metal-free water-soluble bulk heterojunction of conducting polymer nanoparticle and graphene oxide23
Complexes++: Efficient and versatile coarse-grained simulations of protein complexes and their dense solutions23
Special issue on time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy23
Theory of mobility of inhomogeneous-polymer-grafted particles23
Multistep molecular mechanisms of Aβ16-22 fibril formation revealed by lattice Monte Carlo simulations23
Dynamic heterogeneity in polydisperse systems: A comparative study of the role of local structural order parameter and particle size23
Theoretical investigation of distal charge separation in a perylenediimide trimer23
Density functional theory study of the structure, stability, magnetic properties, and (hyper)polarizability of (sub-nm) rare-earth (RE) doped gold clusters: Au5RE with RE = Sc, Y, La–Lu22
Crystallization kinetics of amorphous acetonitrile nanoscale films22
Re-integration with anchor points algorithm for ab initio molecular dynamics22
Excitons: Energetics and spatiotemporal dynamics22
Importance of feature construction in machine learning for phase transitions22
Solving the Schrödinger equation using program synthesis22
Computational dielectric spectroscopy on solid–solution interface by time-dependent voltage applied molecular dynamics simulation22
Kinetic energy released in the vibrational autodetachment of sulfur hexafluoride anion22
Wetting of surfaces decorated by gas-phase synthesized silver nanoparticles: Effects of Ag adatoms, nanoparticle aging, and surface mobility22
Using tensor network states for multi-particle Brownian ratchets22
Internal molecular conformation of organic glasses: A NEXAFS study22
Concerning the stability of biexcitons in hybrid HJ aggregates of π-conjugated polymers22
A hybrid approach for coarse-graining helical peptoids: Solvation, secondary structure, and assembly22
Molecular dynamics study of water channels in natural and synthetic amyloid-β fibrils22
Growth, phase transition, and island motion of Au on Ge(111)22
Oscillatory shear-induced bcc–fcc martensitic transformation in a colloidal suspension with long-range repulsive interactions22
MnO(001) thin films on MgO(001) grown by reactive MBE using supersonic molecular beams21
Free energy surface of two-step nucleation21
MnFe2O4/polyaniline/diatomite composite with multiple loss mechanisms towards broadband absorption21
Probabilistic microkinetic modeling: Species balance equations for a catalyst surface containing multiple short-range order parameters to capture spatial correlations21
Thermal effects on chemically induced Marangoni convection around A + BC reaction fronts21
Electron attachment to representative cations composing ionic liquids21
Solubility of NaCl under anisotropic stress state21
Development of anisotropic force fields for homopolymer melts at the mesoscale21
Cr2O3 layer inhibits agglomeration of phosphine-protected Au9 clusters on TiO2 films21
First-principles superadiabatic theory for the dynamics of inhomogeneous fluids21
Improved estimation for energy dissipation in biochemical oscillations21
Characterization of environmental airborne hydrocarbon contaminants by surface-enhanced Raman scattering21
How oxygen passivates polycrystalline nickel surfaces21
External concentration gradients can drive a propagating wave in a coherently layered system of nanosheets21
Origins of oscillatory dynamics in the model of reactive oxygen species in the rhizosphere21
Temperature dependent onset of shear thinning in supercooled glass-forming network liquids21
Local structure and molecular dynamics of highly polar propylene carbonate derivative infiltrated within alumina and silica porous templates21
Cryo IR spectroscopy and cryo kinetics of dinitrogen activation and cleavage by small tantalum cluster cations21
Impact of quantum-chemical metrics on the machine learning prediction of electron density21
Effect of confinement on the dynamics of 1-propanol and other monohydroxy alcohols21
Automated fragmentation quantum mechanical calculation of 13C and 1H chemical shifts in molecular crystals21
An efficient protocol for excited states of large biochromophores21
High resolution infrared spectroscopy of (HCl)2 and (DCl)2 isolated in solid parahydrogen: Interchange-tunneling in a quantum solid21
Molecular simulation of flow-enhanced nucleation of polyethylene crystallites in biaxial flows21
Escape from textured adsorbing surfaces20
The ever-expanding optics of single-molecules and nanoparticles20
Ab initio investigation of the CO–N2 quantum scattering: The collisional perturbation of the pure rotational R(0) line in CO20
Pillared graphene oxide frameworks for the adsorption and separation of polar protic and aprotic liquid solvents: The cases of pure water, methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and dimethyl sulfoxide–water mi20
Effects of Na+ and Cl− on hydrated clusters by ab initio study20
Optimal three-dimensional particle shapes for maximally dense saturated packing20
Amino acid interactions that facilitate enzyme catalysis20
Should deep eutectic solvents be treated as a mixture of two components or as a pseudo-component?20
The trapping of methane on Ir(111): A first-principles quantum study20
Local hybrid functionals augmented by a strong-correlation model20
Magnetic functionalization of ZnO nanoparticles surfaces via optically generated methyl radicals20