Journal of Biosocial Science

(The median citation count of Journal of Biosocial Science is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Uncertainties beyond preparedness: COVID-19 vaccination in Senegal17
Determinants of unmet need for family planning: Evidence from the 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey15
Status and correlates of non-communicable diseases among children and adolescents in slum and non-slum areas of India's four metropolitan cities14
Provider perspectives on Asram in Ghana11
Current and past factors affecting the quality of aging in a sample of Spanish elderly10
Do maternal obstetric morbidity and its concomitants differ between sedente and migrant groups? The case of the Oraon populations of Eastern India10
Regional variations in the acceptance and experience of intimate partner violence in Nigeria: Revisiting cosmopolitan-success and conservative-failure hypothesis9
The socio-colonial history of Surinamese surnames applied to a validated surname list to identify ancestry in health research8
Life-course socio-economic status and its impact on functional health of Portuguese older adults7
Why do women abort their pregnancies? Evidence from the National Family Health Survey (2019–21) of India7
Caesarean deliveries, subsequent reproductive behaviour and children ever born in India7
Utilisation of public healthcare services by an indigenous group: a mixed-method study among Santals of West Bengal, India7
Prevalence and factors associated with undernutrition and overnutrition among ever-married adolescent girls in Bangladesh: an analysis of national surveys from 2004 to 20177
Widowhood status, morbidity, and mortality in India: evidence from a follow-up survey6
The association of solid fuel use in households for cooking with elevated blood pressure among reproductive-aged married women in Bangladesh6
Social environment perception and associations with overweight in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil6
Association between female genital mutilation and girl-child marriage in sub-Saharan Africa6
Consanguinity rates among Syrian refugees in Lebanon: a study on genetic awareness – CORRIGENDUM6
‘They will be like a person with a disease’: a qualitative investigation of variation in contraceptive side-effect experiences in Central Oromia, Ethiopia6
‘Vaccines are for children only’? Some institutional roots of popular scepticism about vaccines for COVID-19 in Sierra Leone5
Clients’ perceptions of the quality of post-abortion care in eight health facilities in Dakar, Senegal5
Fertility intentions among the working population of Dalian City born between 1980 and 19895
Investigation of usage of antenatal care services by Syrian immigrant pregnant women and the frequency of anaemia and hypertension during the pandemic5
Black-White differences in perceived lifetime discrimination by education and income in the MIDUS Study in the U.S.5
Do dietary patterns and morbidities have a relationship with primary infertility among women? A study from NFHS-4 (2015–16), India5
Declining yet persistent use of traditional contraceptive methods in low- and middle-income countries5
Changing sex differences in undernutrition of African children: findings from Demographic and Health Surveys5
Sociodemographic patterns of preterm birth and low birth weight among pregnant women in rural Mysore district, India: A latent class analysis4
International comparisons of COVID-19 case and mortality data and the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions: a plea for reconsideration4
Income or educational attainment: which is more effective in the fight against overweight? Evidence from Spain and Andalusia4
Is cohabitation as a form of union formation a licence to intimate partner physical violence in Uganda?4
Do women with autonomy in the household experience less intimate partner violence in Malawi? Evidence from the 2015–16 Demographic and Health Survey4
Variation and determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding in high and low neonatal mortality settings in India4
Weight gain is associated with shorter lifespan: a longitudinal study of New Zealand soldiers serving in both world wars3
Nutrition within the household: 18th through early 20thcentury female and male statures3
Social determinants of chronic diseases reporting among slum dwellers in Egypt3
Cohort fertility heterogeneity during the fertility decline period in Turkey3
Factors associated with reporting good maternal health-related knowledge among rural mothers of Yemen3
Gender differences in social environmental factors of psychological distress among Indonesian adolescents: Findings from the 2015 Global School-based Student Health Survey3
The suggestive nature of words. Media coverage of homeopathy, acupuncture, reiki and Bach flower remedies in Spanish press 2011-20163
Does healthcare decision-making capacity affect women’s justification of sexual violence? The situation of sub-Saharan Africa3
What has comprehensive HIV/AIDS knowledge got to do with HIV testing among men in Kenya and Mozambique? Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys3
Ideal body image for the opposite sex and its association with body mass index3
Consanguinity in northwest Pakistan: evidence of temporal decline3
Association between women’s empowerment and diarrhoea in children under five years: evidence from the 2017/18 Benin Demographic and Health Survey3
Declining fertility and increasing use of traditional methods of family planning: a paradox in Uttar Pradesh, India?3
Childbearing culture: a prominent context in the process of maternal role attainment in Iranian mothers with preterm neonates3
Rural–urban dimensions of the perception of malaria severity and practice of malaria preventive measures: insight from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey3
The effect of height on family formation in rural Spain, birth-cohorts 1835–19753
Safer sex negotiation and parity among women in sub-Saharan Africa3
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS knowledge and HIV testing among men in sub-Saharan Africa: a multilevel modelling3
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is not an independent risk factor for breech presentation among singleton term births in Vienna, Austria3
Prevalence and factors associated with Anaemia in Married Women of Reproductive age group: Evidence from North East India3
A study of the effect of number of children on depression among rural older women: empirical evidence from China3
Age-incidence and prevalence of HIV among intact and circumcised men: an analysis of PHIA surveys in Southern Africa3
Patterns and correlates of ownership and utilization of insecticide-treated bed-nets for malaria control among women of reproductive age (15–49 years) in Malawi2
The Association between Early Menarche and Small for Gestational Age Birth2
The impact of neonatal parameters and parental factors on body fat level in early childhood2
Geographic inequities in neonatal survival in Nigeria: a cross-sectional evidence from spatial and artificial neural network analyses2
Social inequities in food deserts and food swamps in a northeastern Brazilian capital2
Frequency of watching television, owning a mobile phone and risk of being overweight/obese among reproductive-aged women in low- and lower-middle-income countries: A pooled analysis from Demographic a2
Age heaping among individuals in selected South Asian countries: evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys2
Lean legacy, heavy heritage: family history of diabetes and its association with young adult body mass index2
Undernutrition among children and its determinants across the parliamentary constituencies of India: a geospatial analysis2
Psychosocial influences on pregnancy and childbirth behaviours in north-western Nigeria: a cross-sectional analysis2
Intimate partner violence as a determinant of pregnancy termination among women in unions: evidence from the 2016–2018 Papua New Guinea Demographic and Health Survey2
Revisiting the predisposing, enabling, and need factors of unsafe abortion in India using the Heckman Probit model2
Factor Associated with HIV/AIDS knowledge among males: Findings from 2017-18 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey2
Who is Anaemic in India? Intersections of class, caste, and gender2
Comparing social responses to Ebola and Covid-19 in Sierra Leone: an institutional analysis2
Socio-ecological determinants of under-five mortality in Nigeria: exploring the roles of neighbourhood poverty and use of solid cooking fuel2
Volga German surnames and Alzheimer’s disease in Argentina: an epidemiological perspective2
Biocultural and social determinants of ill health and early mortality in a New Mexican paediatric autopsy sample2
Multiple realities around sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among adolescents in Ghana2
Biological Differences between Late 19th and Early 20th Century Urban and Rural Residence2
Contribution of between region and neighborhood variation of socioeconomic factors on the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting: a multilevel analysis of Tanzanian national surveys2
Height, wealth, and schooling outcomes in young women from lower- and middle-income countries2
Trends in attitudinal acceptance of wife-beating, domestic violence, and help-seeking among married women in Nepal2
Caesarean delivery in Uganda: Do non-clinical factors explain the trend?2
What factors are associated with forms of mistreatment during facility-based childbirth? A survey of referral health facilities in south-east Nigeria2
Overweight and obesity in preschool children in Turkey: A multilevel analysis2
Unveiling disparities: a non-linear decomposition analysis of the gap in menstrual hygiene material use between adolescent women in Aspirational and the remaining districts of India1
Gender differences in dietary behaviours, health-related habits and prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Botswana1
Parental income inequality and children’s digit ratio (2D:4D): a ‘Trivers-Willard’ effect on prenatal androgenization?1
Is newborn survival influenced by place of delivery? A comparison of home, public sector and private sector deliveries in India1
Prevalence and risk factors of physical violence against husbands: evidence from India1
Height and quality of life among older adults (50+) in India: a cross-sectional study1
Factors influencing menstrual regulation and its socioeconomic inequalities among ever-married women in Bangladesh: Findings from a nationwide cross-sectional survey1
Fertility intention-based birth forecasting in the context of China’s universal two-child policy: an algorithm and empirical study in Xi’an City1
Machine learning models for prediction of double and triple burdens of non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh1
Parental background and daughters’ and sons’ educational outcomes – application of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis1
Prevalence of and factors associated with insufficient physical activity among adolescents: evidence from a nationwide survey in Bangladesh1
Variations in adult BMI among Indian men: a quantile regression analysis1
Assessment of non-communicable disease related lifestyle risk factors among adult population in Bangladesh1
Mid upper arm circumference as an alternative measure to assess the nutritional status of adolescents: a study in India based on NFHS-4 data1
Trends in adult mortality rates in India, 1970 to 2018: age–period–cohort analysis1
Social determinants of blood pressure control in a middle-income country in Latin America1
Critical medical ecology and intersectionality perspectives in schistosomiasis prevention and control in selected communities in Mindanao, the Philippines1
Understanding the sex inequality in childlessness: an approach using Swedish register data1
The experiences of familial mental illness stigma among individuals living with mental illnesses1
Can changes in education alter future population ageing in Asia and Europe?1
Anaemia status of preconception young married women in India1
Factors influencing the sex ratio at birth in the United States from a historical perspective1
Can adult children’s education prevent parental health decline in the short term and long term? Evidence from rural China1
‘It’s always difficult for women’: an analysis of the life stories of sub-Saharan migrant women1
HIV testing and ethnicity among adolescent girls and young women aged 15–24 years in Ghana: what really matters?1
Exploring the link between household structure and women’s household decision-making autonomy in Mauritania1
Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho1
Quantity and quality of physical activity during adolescence: Evidence from a mixed-method study in rural Telangana, India1
COVID-19 vaccine anxieties: exploring social and political drivers of vaccine attitudes in Kono District, Sierra Leone1
Who is chronically obese in Indonesia? The role of individual preferences1
Comment on ‘Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho’, and ‘Age-incidence and prevalence of HIV among intact and circumcised men: an analysis of PHIA surveys in Southe1
Burden of Anaemia, Hypertension and Diabetes among pregnant women in India1
Effects of parental stature on child stunting in India1
Social and individual factors associated with condom use among single youths: an analysis of the 2018 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey1
Surnames and population structure in the Doctrine of Belén, Altos de Arica, Viceroyalty of Peru (1750–1813)1
Contraception knowledge and practices among students in Lebanese universities1
The effects of sex, nation, ethnicity, age and self-reported pubertal development on participant-measured right-left 2D:4D (Dr-l) in the BBC internet study1
The biological standard of living of Korean men under Confucianism, colonialism, capitalism, and communism1
Exploring the Relationship between Household Structure and Utilisation of Maternal Health Care Services in India1
Slim north, fat south: explaining regional differences in abnormal weights in Nigeria1
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnancy postponement – evidence from Japan1
Do unwanted children face growth penalties in resource poor environments? Evidence from Roma Settlements in Serbia1
Does the prenatal factor or the postnatal factor contribute more to changes in the child sex ratio in India? An investigation in the context of fertility and mortality transition1