Journal of Biological Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Biological Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Adapting Undergraduate Biology to Include Science Practices by Teaching Students to Generate Scientific Explanations24
Difficult topics in the revised biology curriculum for advanced level secondary schools in Rwanda: teachers’ perceptions of causes and remedies21
Evidencing microbial communication through Quorum Sensing systems in the environment: a practical approach for undergraduate students16
Pre-service teachers’ ideas about the path of water through the body and their intentions about explaining it to preschool children12
A study of the interactions and conversations of families visiting the museum of microbiology of the Butantan institute, São Paulo, Brazil12
A three-pronged method to analyse pre-service teachers’ understanding and epistemic reasoning about soil11
Use of concept cartoons within the conceptual change model to address students’ misconceptions in biology: a case study10
What is ‘powerful knowledge’ in school biology?10
Not all Bloom and gloom: assessing constructive alignment, higher order cognitive skills, and their influence on students’ perceived learning within the practical components of an undergraduate biolog10
Policy responses to the decline in the number of students choosing biology beyond compulsory school level in Mauritius9
Using lessons from a comparative study of chemistry & bioscience pre-lab activities to design effective pre-lab interventions : a case study9
Students’ perceptions of the presence of feral exotic pets and influencing factors9
Using a social media project as a way to get students to communicate conservation messages to the general public9
Epistemology and biology teaching: obstacles to a contemporary conceptualisation of living organisms among future teachers and biologists8
Representation of insulin synthesis and construction of a three-dimensional insulin model as didactic tools in basic education8
An analysis of plant awareness disparity within introductory biology textbook images7
Exploring the local vegetation: botanical inquiry trail, an interactive journey of learning7
Connecting plant science education in undergraduate life science courses to plant awareness disparity, Vision and Change , and sustainability careers7
Elementary school students’ interests and attitudes towards biology and physics6
Critical thinking activities in Florida undergraduate biology classes improves comprehension of climate change6
Evolving UK biology education6
Preliminary Outcomes from a Learning Community to Increase Biology Course Knowledge6
Teaching evolution: attitudes & strategies of educators in Utah – an update 20 years later6
Grit matters to biology doctoral students’ perception of barriers to degree completion5
Bioscience laboratory practicals, projects and placements in a Covid-19 world5
‘I already know about it, I’ve been watching the Daily News and updates’: Teenagers’ questions about the scientific and social aspects of COVID-195
Drawing our garden’s insects : a didactic sequence to improve pre-service teachers’ knowledge and appreciation of insect diversity5
Learning outcomes of transforming cutting-edge iPSC research into informal science courses for upper secondary school students5
Decolonisation and socio-political arenas in science education: reflecting on the role of biological education5
The notion of ‘information’ in genetics: a pragmatic model5
Attitudes towards plants – exploring the role of plants’ ecosystem services5
Teaching and learning about risk5
Relationships between constructivist learning environment perceptions, conceptions of learning biology and achievement goal orientations4
Preschool children’s attitude toward some unpopular animals and formation of a positive attitude toward them through hands-on activities4
The effect of CKCM-oriented instruction on Grade 8 students’ conceptual understanding of sustainable development4
Conceptual alignment between the somatic cell division curriculum, textbooks, instruction, and assessment in high school4
Validation of Climate and Motivational Measures for Use in the Biology Laboratory Setting4
Creating an effective fluorescence microscopy lesson as a research experience for a science educator-in- training4
The role of the education sector in shaping a sustainable future4
What have we learned?4
Bridging statistics and life sciences undergraduate education4
An example to teach Markov chains and Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium through Mendel’s laws4
Investigation of middle school and high school students’ ecosystem knowledge through their drawings4
Designing a curriculum for the networked knowledge facet of systems thinking in secondary biology courses: a pragmatic framework4
Using multiple strategies in deepening the understanding of the digestive system4
Peer-Interaction – collaborative learning to foster and observe conceptional transformation in science education4
Biology lecturers’ perceptions of genetics literacy in Indonesia: an explanatory sequential mixed methods study4
Saudi students’ and science teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes towards biotechnology4
An online case study seminar for teaching C 4 photosynthesis in an evolutionary context, by assembling multidisciplinary characters3
Cooperation as a causal factor in human evolution: a scientific clarification and analysis of German high school biology textbooks3
Inquiry-based learning in immunology: analysis of scientific argument construction by undergraduate students in biological science and health care classes3
How does a queen ant behave? An inquiry-based pre-service teacher learning experience3
Traditional vs. virtual laboratories in health sciences education3
Studying natural history far from the museum: the impact of 3D models on teaching, learning, and motivation3
Reflections of hands-on dissection and virtual dissection experiences of pre-service science teachers3
The ‘Tea Test’ - a mobile phone based spectrophotometer protocol to introduce biochemical methods independent of the laboratory3
The UnEssay project as an enriching alternative to practical exams in pre-professional and graduate education3
Interdisciplinary practices for teaching biology: a systematic review3
ICT tools and citizen science: a pathway to promote science learning and Education for Sustainable Development in schools3
Place-based education through immersive virtual experiences — preparing biology students for the field3
“I just don’t find it interesting”: academic major and timing of enrollment predict motivation in an introductory biology course3
Measuring students’ plant awareness: A prerequisite for effective botany education3
In awe of awe3
Alcohol misuse affects learning in school and university students: a role for biological education2
A homemade laboratory applied to the phytoremediation of textile dyes by high school students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic2
A renewed purpose?2
Analysis of upper-secondary education students’ models and perceptions after an analogy-based didactic intervention2
Proficiency testing schemes in laboratory lessons: a useful and powerful educational tool in bioscience studies2
The epistemic and pedagogical dimensions of evolutionary thinking in educational resources for zoology designed for preservice teacher education2
Teaching native biodiversity: an exploratory study with Brazilian teachers2
Impact of outdoor place-based learning on elementary school students’ ability to make unsolicited observations about living organisms over time2
When less is more in living systems: subtractive cognitive biases and life science learning2
The medium matters! The effect of a mobile digital identification tool on students’ intrinsic motivation during plant identification2
Assessing the knowledge and attitude of middle and higher secondary school students towards waterbirds in Bhutan2
Characterisation of the pedagogical knowledge of evolution content using the mapping approach2
Pre-Service Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of the Concepts of ‘System’ and ‘Biological System’2
Exploring the nature of science with abnormal frogs2
Overcoming plant blindness: are the future teachers ready?2
Higher education and professional performance: gaps and opportunities for developing professional skills in marine biologist graduates2
Preservice science teachers’ conceptions of trees, forests and deforestation2
Preservice biology teachers’ decision-making on, and informal reasoning about, an agriculture-based socioscientific issue2
You said, we did! Employer led work-simulated learning framework for enhancing ecology graduate employability2
Microorganism education: misconceptions and obstacles2
Development and validation of a measure instrument for the understanding of structural-functional correlations of the locomotor system (MUSCLS)2
Do examinations prepare students for higher education? A lesson from the Covid-19 lockdown2
Acceptance of CRISPR-based technologies for clinical application: a Thematic Analysis of Attitudes on Novel Gene Therapies in Undergraduates2
‘Let’s play?’ A systematic review of board games in biology2
Lower secondary school students’ knowledge and understandings of bees2
Using a metacognitive awareness approach to improve perception of the fundamental biological principle – homeostasis2
Better understanding of ageing research through a 12-week laboratory course for undergraduates majoring in biotechnology2
The influence of spatial ability on undergraduate students’ tree-thinking ability2
High school students’ perceptions of science and scientists improve following university-based online DNA day2
Student informed development of virtual reality simulations for teaching and learning in the molecular sciences2
Teacher views of experimentation in ecosystem science2
Engaging seventh-grade students in prediction-observation-explanation of plant absorbance/transport phenomena: impact on relational conceptual changes and scientific inquiry abilities1
Biology teachers’ implementation of the competence based curriculum in Tanzania: challenges and opportunities1
Generalised mutagenesis with transposon Tn5. A laboratory procedure for the identification of genes responsible for a bacterial phenotype and its regulation, illustrated with phenazine producti1
Environmental education to engage urban youth: anecdotes from Southwest China1
The wolf is back! Revisiting the concept of the ecological niche to predict the viability of the wolf population with elementary students1
Combining virtual simulations with take-home projects as a replacement for face-to-face labs in introductory biology laboratory courses1
Plants, education and sustainability: rethinking the teaching of botany in school science1
Teachers’ views of Future-Oriented Pedagogy as part of inquiry-based molecular biology teaching in high school biology laboratories1
A Phase Overshadowed by Mitotic Division: Interphase1
A fictional field case study to understand the genetic basis of host-fungal pathogen interactions using the wheat powdery mildew-wheat pathosystem1
Developing assessments to elicit and characterize undergraduate mechanistic explanations about information flow in biology1
Integration of ‘design thinking’ in a reflection model to enhance the teaching of biology1
Why are universities so important for biology teacher education?1
Designing and evaluation of 3D materials for teaching biological systems to 6 th grade students with visual impairment (SVI)1
What can be done to increase future teachers’ plant knowledge?1
Visualisation of deep evolutionary time: looking back and looking forward1
Environmental literacy of lower secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic1
Jigsaw dissection activity enhances student ability to relate morphology and ecology in aquatic insects1
The use of a three-tier diagnostic test to investigate conceptions related to cell biology concepts among pre-service teachers of life and earth sciences1
Investigating student experiences of botanical field work using a semi-immersive virtual botanical fieldtrip1
Teaching for sustainable development in vocational education1
Interactive socio-scientific inquiry for promoting scientific literacy, enhancing biological knowledge, and developing critical thinking1
Putting nature back into secondary biology education: a framework for integration1
Influencing the attitude towards hand hygiene and face masks by pathogen visualisation during the COVID-19 pandemic1
The Conceptual Analysis of Disciplinary Evidence (CADE) framework as a guide for evidentiary reasoning: A practical implementation in a Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) laboratory investigation1
Conceptions of primary school students and trainee teachers about seed germination1
The problem-based learning (PBL) of biology for promoting health literacy in secondary school students1
Innovations in microbiological research education: a practical approach for investigating the effects of graphene oxide sheet nanomaterial on opportunistic pathogen viability1
Conflict of allegiance: professional development challenges in transforming science teachers’ identities and practices1
Unravelling the Central Dogma of Biology in an active way: a case study1
‘Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth’ – Students’ affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts1
Fictional placemaking creating meaningful contexts for causal reasoning in secondary school biology education1
Integration of biomimicry into science education: biomimicry teaching approach1
Introducing nematodes and the use of model organisms: a practical class for undergraduate students1
College students in the southern US can change their views about evolution1
Development and validation of the Perspective Scale on the Origin of Life and Biodiversity (PSOLB)1
Diagram production in Biology: comparing children and pre-service teachers’ performance1
Increasing retention in STEM by improving GPA through peer mentors and course enrichments in introductory biology1
Laboratory class for isoenzymes teaching: simulation of creatine kinase electrophoresis using dyes1
The role of biology teachers in epistemically insightful health and wellbeing education: a case study of the English relationships, sex and health education curriculum1
Approaching the risk perception gap: effects of a subject matter knowledge-based intervention in a health context1
Have teachers’ opinions about outdoor education changed after the pandemic?1
Climate change, sustainability and the environment: the continued importance of biological education1
Shaping young naturalists, owl pellets dissection to train high-school students in comparative anatomy and molecular biology1
How do plants protect themselves from insects? A practical laboratory exercise to illustrate the defence mechanisms of the plant through secondary metabolites1