Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

(The H4-Index of Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Decolorization of rhodamine B using an ultrasonic oxygen-doped carbon felt as cathode in electro-Fenton system66
Synergistic design of Mo-intercalated NiSe2: a binary transition metal chalcogenide for highly efficient bifunctional seawater electrolysis39
Fabrication of titanium nanotubes array: phase structure, hydrophilic properties, and electrochemical behavior approach36
Evaluation of antigen-antibody recognition by electrochemical impedance on AuNP-biopolymer electrode34
Fabrication and evaluation of TiO2/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite thin-film photoelectrodes via sol–gel electrophoretic deposition using mixed solvents33
Investigating electrochemical impedance and performance variation in nanostructured Mn3O4/activated carbon/reduced graphene oxide asymmetric supercapacitors with different electrolytes28
Precursor solution concentration-dependent electrochemical supercapacitive behavior of spray-deposited RuO2 films using aqueous/organic solvent mixtures27
Insights into the electrochemical performance of manganese dioxide coated metallic foils as potential electrodes for supercapacitors27
Acrylate-modified binder for improving the fast-charging ability of a power battery26
High catalytic activity of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ prepared by the spray pyrolysis towards the oxygen reduction reaction25
Evolution and stability of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole inhibitor film upon Al alloy 606123
Innovation in potentiometry: 3D-printed polylactic acid-based ion-selective bulk electrode membranes22
Voltammetric and impedimetric analysis of adriamycin and fish sperm DNA interaction using pencil graphite electrodes21
Modeling ionic intercalation and solid-state diffusion using typical descriptors of batteries19
Microstructural and segregation effects affecting the corrosion behavior of a high‐temperature Bi‐Ag solder alloy in dilute chloride solution19
Selective electrochemical detection of chromium ions in water samples by poly (rutin)/carbon black-chitosan nanocomposite-modified glassy carbon electrode18
Current collectors corrosion behaviours and rechargeability of TiO2 in Aqueous Electrolyte Aluminium-ion batteries18
Direct impedimetric detection of exosomes and practical application in urine18