Journal of Agricultural Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Agricultural Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Farmer Behaviour as Reasoned Action: A Critical Review of Research with the Theory of Planned Behaviour121
Precision agriculture technology adoption and technical efficiency42
The role of behavioural factors and opportunity costs in farmers' participation in voluntary agri‐environmental schemes: A systematic review40
Impacts of cooperative membership on banana yield and risk exposure: Insights from China32
Demand for Crop Insurance in Developing Countries: New Evidence from India32
Mobile phones, off‐farm employment and household income in rural India31
The Effect of Land Fragmentation on the Technical Inefficiency of Dairy Farms25
Demand for Imported versus Domestic Fish in Nigeria25
Is Animal Welfare Promoting Hornless Cattle? Assessing Consumer’s Valuation for Milk from Gene‐edited Cows under Different Information Regimes23
Oil palm cultivation, household welfare, and exposure to economic risk in the Indonesian small farm sector21
The (in)stability of farmer risk preferences20
Energy and crop price cycles before and after the global financial crisis: A new approach20
Are consumers willing to pay for in‐vitro meat? An investigation of naming effects19
Bridging behavioural factors and standard bio‐economic modelling in an agent‐based modelling framework19
Agricultural Productivity Growth and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Thailand19
Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services17
Selling Together: The Benefits of Cooperatives to Women Honey Producers in Ethiopia17
Farmers’ preferences toward an outcome‐based payment for ecosystem service scheme in Japan16
Latent Class Modelling for a Robust Assessment of Productivity: Application to French Grazing Livestock Farms15
Measuring farmers' well‐being: Influence of farm‐level factors on satisfaction with work and quality of life14
Costs of an environmental regulation in livestock farming: Evidence from pig production in rural China14
The Heterogeneous Effects of Standards on Agricultural Trade Flows13
From Farm to Kitchen: How Gender Affects Production Diversity and the Dietary Intake of Farm Households in Ethiopia12
Crop Choice, Drought and Gender: New Insights from Smallholders’ Response to Weather Shocks in Rural Uganda12
China‐U.S. trade dispute and its impact on global agricultural markets, the U.S. economy, and greenhouse gas emissions12
Effects of agri‐environment schemes on farm‐level eco‐efficiency measures: Empirical evidence from EU countries11
Heterogeneous Demand and Supply for an Insurance‐linked Credit Product in Kenya: A Stated Choice Experiment Approach10
The effects of the national agricultural input voucher scheme (NAIVS) on sustainable intensification of maize production in Tanzania10
Innovation context and technology traits explain heterogeneity across studies of agricultural technology adoption: A meta‐analysis9
The Size of Terroir: A Theoretical Note on Economics and Politics of Geographical Indications9
Coupled support for sugar beet in the European Union: Does it lead to market distortions?9
Farmers' adoption of ecological practices: A systematic literature map9
Exploring adoption effects of subsidies and soil fertility management in Malawi9
The relative performance of ex‐ante and ex‐post measures to mitigate hypothetical and strategic bias in a stated preference study9
Economic impacts of the Black Sea Grain Initiative9
Food prices, processing, and shocks: Evidence from rice and COVID‐199
Demand Elasticity of Processed Food Exports from Developing Countries: A Panel Analysis of US Imports8
Molecular marketing, personalised information and willingness‐to‐pay for functional foods: Vitamin D enriched eggs8
How Bayesian Are Farmers When Making Climate Adaptation Decisions? A Computer Laboratory Experiment for Parameterising Models of Expectation Formation8
The role of social networks in the adoption of competing new technologies in Ghana8
Conditional Income Disparity between Farm and Non‐farm Households in the European Union: A Longitudinal Analysis8
Input subsidies and crop diversity on family farms in Burkina Faso8
Do Consumers Really Care? An Economic Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Produced Using Prohibited Production Methods8
A meta‐regression analysis on the willingness‐to‐pay for country‐of‐origin labelling8
Assessing the Effects of Seasonal Tariff‐rate Quotas on Vegetable Prices in Switzerland8
Determinants of dairy‐product trade: Do subsidies matter?7
Energy productivity and greenhouse gas emission intensity in Dutch dairy farms: A Hicks–Moorsteen by‐production approach under non‐convexity and convexity with equivalence results7
Output market power and firm characteristics in dairy processing: Evidence from three EU countries7
From fork to farm: Impacts of more sustainable diets in the EU‐27 on the agricultural sector7
Budgetary Impacts of Adding Agricultural Risk Management Programmes to the CAP7
Linkages between natural gas, fertiliser and cereal prices: A note7
Does agricultural official development assistance facilitate foreign direct investment in agriculture: Evidence from 63 developing countries7
Farm technical and environmental efficiency and subsidy redistribution in Ireland: A simulation approach of possible performance and equity effects7
Do quality incentive payments improve cooperative performance? The case of small French agricultural cooperatives6
Spatial Spillovers on Input‐specific Inefficiency of Dutch Arable Farms6
Quantitative input restriction and farmers’ economic performance: Evidence from Denmark's yellow card initiative on antibiotics6
Gauging the impact of Ethiopia’s productive safety net programme on agriculture: Application of targeted maximum likelihood estimation approach6
Technological Change in Dairy Farming with Increased Price Volatility6
Lower price increases, the bounded rationality of bidders, and underbidding concerns in online agricultural land auctions: The Ukrainian case6
Consumers’ food control risk perception and preference for food safety certification in emerging food markets6
A note on synthetic data for replication purposes in agricultural economics6
Do virtual reality experiments replicate projection bias phenomena? Examining the external validity of a virtual supermarket6
A note on performance indicators for agricultural economic journals6
Resolvable and Near‐epistemic Uncertainty in Stated Preference for Olive Oil: An Empirical Exploration6
The economic impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the Taiwanese food industry: Empirical evidence using business transaction data6
Farmers' participation in the Income Stabilisation Tool: Evidence from the apple sector in Italy6
Incorporating attitudes into the evaluation of preferences regarding agri‐environmental practices5
A note on European farmers' preferences under cumulative prospect theory5
Mobilising the public to fight poverty using anti‐poverty labels in online food markets: Evidence from a real experimental auction5
Determinants of Livestock Insurance Demand: Experimental Evidence from Chinese Herders5
Perishability and market power in Nepalese food crop production5
Utilising farm‐level panel data to estimate climate change impacts and adaptation potentials5
The Value of USDA Announcements in the Electronically Traded Corn Futures Market: A Modified Sufficient Test with Risk Adjustments5
Are farmers ‘efficient but poor’? The impact of crop choices on technical efficiency and poverty in Nigeria5
The Influence of Choice Context on Consumers’ Preference for GM Orange Juice5
Predator or prey? Effects of farm growth on neighbouring farms5
Institutional quality and the duration of agri‐food trade flows5
Diet diversity, malnutrition and health: Evidence from Kenya5
Climate change adaptation and productive efficiency of subsistence farming: A bias‐corrected panel data stochastic frontier approach4
Quantifying heterogeneity, heteroscedasticity and publication bias effects on technical efficiency estimates of rice farming: A meta‐regression analysis4
US federal farm payments and farm size: Quantile estimation on panel data4
Incentivising and retaining public servants in remote areas: A discrete choice experiment with agricultural extension agents in Ethiopia4
Socioeconomic burden of trypanosomiasis: Evidence from crop and livestock production in Ethiopia4
Experimental auctions with exogenous and endogenous information treatment: Willingness to pay for improved parboiled rice in Benin4
Are agro‐clusters pro‐poor? Evidence from Ethiopia4
Short‐term impact of food safety standards on agri‐product exports: Evidence from Japan's positive list system on Chinese vegetable exports4
Using supermarket loyalty card data to measure the differential impact of the UK soft drink sugar tax on buyer behaviour4
Dairy sector trade dynamics: Some insights on the evolution of trade linkages within the EU4
Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives4
Non‐tariff measures and productivity of Ukrainian food‐processing firms4
Returns on investment to the British bovine tuberculosis control programme4
The role of family life‐cycle events on persistent and transient inefficiencies in less favoured areas4
Heterogeneous farm‐size dynamics and impacts of subsidies from agricultural policy: Evidence from France4
Agricultural input subsidies, extension services, and farm labour productivity nexus: Evidence from maize farmers in Tanzania3
Overcoming data barriers in spatial agri‐food systems analysis: A flexible imputation framework3
Migrant remittances, agriculture investment and cropping patterns3
Comparing practice‐ and results‐based agri‐environmental schemes controlled by remote sensing: An application to olive groves in Spain3
One size does not fit all: Heterogeneous economic impact of integrated pest management practices for mango fruit flies in Kenya—a machine learning approach3
An act of defiance? Measuring farmer deviation from personalised extension recommendations in Zambia3
E‐commerce and supply chain resilience during COVID‐19: Evidence from agricultural input e‐stores in China3
A competitive marketplace or an unfair competitor? An analysis of Amazon and its best sellers ranks3
Early growing season weather variation, expectation formation and agricultural land allocation decisions in Ethiopia3
Can medium‐scale farms support smallholder commercialisation and improve welfare? Evidence from Nigeria3
Auctions for buying back groundwater for environmental purposes: Which design performs better?3
How effective is a fat subsidy? Evidence from edible oil consumption in India3
Using farmers' ex ante preferences to design agri‐environmental contracts: A systematic review3
Productivity impacts of hybrid rice seeds in Vietnam2
New plant engineering techniques, R&D investment and international trade2
AES presidential address, 2021: Policy analysis for rural resilience—Expanding the toolkit2
Quantifying the impact of farmers' social networks on the effectiveness of climate change mitigation policies in agriculture2
Are food price promotions predictable? The hazard function of supermarket discounts2
Would Market Sheds Improve Market Participation and Earnings of Small Ruminant Keepers? Evidence from Ethiopia2
Investigating cost non‐attendance as a driver of inflated welfare estimates in mixed‐logit models2
Estimating persistent and transient technical efficiency and their determinants in the presence of heterogeneity and endogeneity2
Agricultural mechanisation and gendered labour activities across sectors: Micro‐evidence from multi‐country farm household data2
Unconstrained trade: The impact of EU cage bans on exports of poultry‐keeping equipment2
On Feta and Fetta: Protecting EU geographical indications in Australia2
Maritime connectivity and agricultural trade2
Cost of abating excess nitrogen on wheat plots in France: An assessment with multi‐technology modelling2
Group heterogeneity and the economic effect of farmer organisation participation: Empirical evidence from Taiwan2
A note on the correspondence between horizontal and vertical price transmission2
Impacts of tariffs and NTMs on beef, pork and poultry trade2