Journal of Agricultural Economics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Agricultural Economics is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Farmer Behaviour as Reasoned Action: A Critical Review of Research with the Theory of Planned Behaviour121
Precision agriculture technology adoption and technical efficiency42
The role of behavioural factors and opportunity costs in farmers' participation in voluntary agri‐environmental schemes: A systematic review40
Demand for Crop Insurance in Developing Countries: New Evidence from India32
Impacts of cooperative membership on banana yield and risk exposure: Insights from China32
Mobile phones, off‐farm employment and household income in rural India31
Demand for Imported versus Domestic Fish in Nigeria25
The Effect of Land Fragmentation on the Technical Inefficiency of Dairy Farms25
Is Animal Welfare Promoting Hornless Cattle? Assessing Consumer’s Valuation for Milk from Gene‐edited Cows under Different Information Regimes23
Oil palm cultivation, household welfare, and exposure to economic risk in the Indonesian small farm sector21
The (in)stability of farmer risk preferences20
Energy and crop price cycles before and after the global financial crisis: A new approach20
Bridging behavioural factors and standard bio‐economic modelling in an agent‐based modelling framework19
Agricultural Productivity Growth and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Thailand19
Are consumers willing to pay for in‐vitro meat? An investigation of naming effects19
Selling Together: The Benefits of Cooperatives to Women Honey Producers in Ethiopia17
Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services17