Journal of Aesthetic Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Aesthetic Education is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Therapeutic Self-knowledge in Narrative Art9
Narrative, Knowledge, and Moral Character in Art and Literature4
The Avant-Garde and Creativity: A Gricean Account4
Violence Is a Cleansing Force: Frantz Fanon, the Criminological Imagination, and Blade Runner 20493
Learning through Stories: Epistemic Understanding as a Cognitive Value of Narrative Arts3
Introduction: Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art3
Conversation on Conversation: Maieutic Dialogue and Exponential Power in Creative Work2
Back Matter2
Two Approaches to Aesthetic Experience2
Education, Play, and the Political Valence of Art: Revisiting the Hermeneutic Interpretation of Schiller2
“Forever by Your Side,” Cross-Cultural Understanding, and the Aesthetic Dimension of Life2
Toward a Definition of Competency in Art Education2
Aesthetic Preparation2
Plato: Educating through Images1
Mental Theorizing about Fictional Characters1
Moral Education through Literary Aesthetic Experience: A Moral Study of the Harry Potter Series1
The Italian Reception of John Dewey's Art as Experience1
Mapping Approaches to Interpretation1
The Idea of Visva-Bharati: Tagore and Comparative University Studies1
Signifying the Sound: Criteria for Black Art Movements1
The Claims of Politics on the Arts? Oakeshott andScrutinyin the 1930s1
On the Educational Significance and Value of Visual Arts1
Art as Experience in the Spanish-Speaking World: Receptions and Reconfigurations1
Ecocide and Khattam-Shud1
Darwin’s “Beautiful”: Coadaptation as a Problem in Evolutionary Aesthetics1
Art Education and the Investment of Attention1
Beyond the Art Museum: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Account of Everyday Aesthetics1
Culture as Experience from Dewey to Cavell1
The “Aesthetics of Existence” in the Last Foucault: Art as a Model of Self-Invention1
Overcoming Limitations: Reading as Transformational Experience in Emerson's Writings1
A New Interpretation of the Essence of Aesthetic Experience: From the Perspective of Cognitive Neuroaesthetics and Aesthetic Anthropology0
The Pedagogical Primacy of Language in Mental Imagery: Pictorialism vs. Descriptionalism0
Art, Eros, and Liberation: Aesthetic Education between Pragmatism and Critical Theory0
Aesthetics in the Eugenics Movement: A Critical Examination0
Aesthetic Normativity, Aesthetic Education, and Hypothetical Judgments0
Virgil's Feminist Counterforce: Juno's Furor as Matter of Imperium's Unjust Forms0
The Art of Education and the Work(ing) of Art: Theorizing Museum Educator Pedagogies0
On the Value of Sad Music0
“Gender” Performs Tacitly: The “Tacit Turn” in Pedagogy0
Onstage Emotion as Imagination0
Toward an Ecological View of Musical Creativity for Music Educators0
The Educational Journey: Bildningsresa (Swedish), Bildungsreise (German), and Personal Development0
Rechoreographing Homonymous Partners: Rancière's Dance Education from Loïe Fuller0
Educating Bodies, Educating Streets0
Stinging or Soothing: Trigger Warnings, Fanfiction, and Reading Violent Texts0
John Dewey's Aesthetic Legacy in China0
Command Attention Rather Than Demand Concentration0
Novel Reading as Aesthetic: The Nesting of Aesthetic Experiences and Reproduction of Aesthetic Perception0
Nature in Frames: The Miseducation of the Idle Stare0
Perspectivism, Cognitivism, and the Ethical Evaluation of Art0
Museum as Métier: Victor D'Amico and the Museum of Modern Art0
Dewey's Aesthetics and Its Legacy in Poland0
Giving the Body a Voice: Introduction to the Cameraethnographic Approach0
Aesthetic Education in Developing a Historically Relevant Pedagogy0
Learning Jazz Language by Aural Imitation: A Usage-Based Communicative Jazz Theory (Part 2)0
Cure for Kant: Art as Experience as One of the Four Fundamental Texts in Aesthetics0
Pedagogy, Hyperreality, and Agency—To Sound Out Education Effects Ascribed to a Video Game0
Toward the Idea of a Character: Kant, Hegel, and the End of Logic0
Dances and Affordances: The Relationship between Dance Training and Conceptual Problem-Solving0
A Common Arts Instructional Method and the Logic of Design0
Material Metaphor and Reflexivity in Contemporary Painting: A Practice-based Investigation0
In Defense of Art Museum Audio Guides0
Disposing of Art and Educating Theory Choice0
Art and Life0
The Practical Education of Poetry: Discovering Pain and Therapeutic Effects in Shelley's “Mutability” and Keats's “Ode on Melancholy”0
Joanna Baillie's Theory of Tragedy0
Visual Art and Pragmatic Truth: Georgia O’Keeffe at the Helm0
Art and Moral Motivation: Why Art Fails to Move Us0
The Aesthetics of Water Management of The Humble Administrator's Garden0
Dewey's Art as Experience in Global Perspective: An Introduction0
Moral Learning through Tragedy in Aristotle and Force Majeure0
Opera as Liberal Education0
Comparative Study of the Development of Aesthetic Education in Zhejiang and Taiwan0
Front Matter0
Modern Trends in the Development of the Art of Children's Book Illustration0
What Do We Look At When We Look at Art? The Bible, Visual Art, and the Redemption of Existence0
The Transformative Power of Literary Perspectives0
Ethereal Things Brought to Sensuous Immediacy: Dewey's Art as Experience and the Centrality of Aesthetics to Human Nature0
Aesthetics of Romanesque Architecture0
The Aesthetic Value of Film0
On the State of Dance Philosophy0
Art Clusters: The Importance of Similarities in Aesthetic Research and Education0
Fantasy and Adult Development0
Evidencing an Art Evaluation0
Thief-Takers and Rule-Breakers: Why Television Cop Shows Can Never Tell the “Truth” about Policing0
“Constrained neither physically nor morally”: Schiller, Aesthetic Freedom, and the Power of Play0
“Creative Acts of Vision”: Connecting Art and Theory through Gloria Anzaldúa's Archived Sketches0
Forget Taste0
Unsettling Art and Its Psychological Impact0
Teaching the Virtue of Kindness through Using Art Works0
The Silent Teacher: Aesthetic Education According to Ursula K. Le Guin0
“The Aberrant Is the Classic”: William Carlos Williams and Literary History0
Back Matter0
The Domains of Aesthetics and Perception Theories: A Review Relevant to Practice-based Doctoral Theses in the Visual Arts0
Deep Interdisciplinarity: Team-Teaching and Critical Thinking about Art0
On “Perspective(s)” and Empathy in Art Education0
Nietzsche on Aesthetic Education: A Fictional Narrative0
Front Matter0
Realism in Arts Education0
Epicurus, Pleasure, and the Twenty-First-Century Diet0
The Horizonal Field of Improvised Musical Performance0
The Dehumanization of Architecture0
Tactile Perception in Aesthetic Evaluation: A Systematic Review0
Learning Jazz Language by Aural Imitation: A Usage-Based Communicative Jazz Theory (Part 1)0
John Dewey's Art as Experience in Korea and Japan0
The Complex Art of Murder0
Turnspits and Other Malenky Machines: Laziness and Cowardice in Burgess's A Clockwork Orange0
Ontology and Atrocity: Teaching Heidegger’s Philosophy of Art0
“What you look hard at seems to look hard at you”: Metaphysics and the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins0
G. H. Mead: Socially Structured Aesthetic Experiences0
Learning from Literary Experience0