Journal for the History of Astronomy

(The TQCC of Journal for the History of Astronomy is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Twentieth-century milestones in the history of the Russian ephemeris service: Marking 100 years of the Calculation Institute and astronomical yearbook7
The astronomy of Tawantinsuyu6
East or Easter? Keys to the orientation of Romanesque churches along the Way of Saint James5
Machines for representing the cosmos5
John of Lignères as a table compiler2
Astronomy in service of the nation2
A new edition and translation of Pico’s Disputationes2
Algol anomaly or careful observations of its brightness? The values recorded for the magnitude of Algol in the medieval astronomical corpus2
Indicating hours in ancient cultures2
Actors, networks and scientific instruments at the Bureau des longitudes2
Astronomical and astrological diagrams from cuneiform sources2
The coolest book cover ever2
Six hundred calendar makers2
Accuracy of eclipse records in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle2
Thirty years of the HST2
Gerard of Cremona’s Latin translation of the Almagest and the revision of tables2
Prediction and politics in Beijing, 1668: A Jesuit astronomer and his technical resources in a time of crisis2
A definitive survey of Iberian and Maghribī astronomy2
Abū Ma‛šar’s astrological classic in English2
Obstacles encountered by four major European astronomical observatories belonging to academies in the 18th century2
A survey of Arabic astrolabe makers1
The total eclipse of the sun of July 29, AD1478, in contemporary Spanish documents1
Photographing Indian observatories1
Kepler’s struggle with the problem of force obstruction1
The bizarre history of the astrological vault “El Cielo de Salamanca”1
Two editions of an Italian translation of Ps.-Ptolemy’s Centiloquium1
Ad astra per aspera: From the Sewers of Kansas to Harvard College Observatory1
An Introduction to English Calendars1
The Greek portable sundial from Memphis rediscovered1
Laplace in America1
Paul Kunitzsch (1930–2020)1
The Long Legacy of Ptolemy1
Late Babylonian astronomy and astrology1
Celebrating the Centenary of the IAU1
Annibale Riccò and the catoptric proof of the Earth’s curvature1
A much richer idea of modernity1
Nebulae or galaxies? The history of a change in astronomical terminology1
Editor’s Note: Hipparchus’s Methods of Calculation1
Numerical tables in the history of astronomy1
Michael Hoskin (1930–2021)1
From biblical chronology to criticism of astrology1
On the chronology of the Anonymous Commentary to Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos: Analysis of the astronomical evidence1
Tycho Brahe’s observations of Præsepe Cancri1
‘Excellentissimo tubo Dollondiana’: The Stockholm Observatory’s 10-foot Dollond achromatic refractor1
Medieval Structures of Astrology1
New evidence for Hipparchus’ Star Catalogue revealed by multispectral imaging1
John L. Heilbron, 1934–20231
Aristotle on the celestial spheres1
Spectrographic observations of the ionized iron coronal emission lines at Pic du Midi Observatory (F) in the mid-60s1
The Starry Universe of Jacques Cassini: Century-old Echoes of Kepler1
Myth and meteorology1
Rome and the total solar eclipse of BC188 July 17: Apology1
Time in Pre-Columbian America1
Late Byzantine astronomy1
BM 47886+47914, a Babylonian astral compendium with possible implications for the origin of the “year of the Sun”1
Investigating calendrical methods of calculating sunrise and sunset times in the Shixian calendar1
On the demotic-hieratic horoscopes from Athribis1
Time-keeping devices and astronomy1
John Harrison’s clockmaking science1
G.B. Riccioli’s geo-heliocentric use of Epicepicycles, ellipses and spirals1
Madeira: 300 years of an astronomical site1
Landscape, orientation and celestial phenomena on the ‘Coast of Death’ of NW Iberia1
A new series on Alfonsine astronomy1
The book everybody read1
More ancient Greek sundials1
Owen Gingerich, 1930–20231
Training early modern navigators1
The Tychonic Method for Calculating the Ratio between the Eccentricities of Mars1
Gauging the Herschels’ star gauging programme1
Two biographies of Vera Rubin1
Peurbach’s influential textbook1
Corrigendum to ‘The Heliocentric Path of the Moon’1
Maurolico, Rheticus, and the Birth of the Secant Function1
The manuscript diagrams of Theodosios’ Spherics1