JETP Letters

(The TQCC of JETP Letters is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Electromagnetically Induced Gratings Created by Few-Cycle Light Pulses (Brief Review)39
Lead-Free Semiconductors with High Absorption: Insight into the Optical Properties of K2GeSnBr6 and K2GeSnI6 Halide Double Perovskites39
Experimental Determination of the Unipolarity of Pulsed Terahertz Radiation30
Features of Transient Processes in DC Microdischarges in Molecular Gases: From a Glow Discharge to an Arc Discharge with a Unfree or Free Cathode Regime26
High-Q Dielectric Mie-Resonant Nanostructures (Brief Review)25
Valley Orientation of Electrons and Excitons in Atomically Thin Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers (Brief Review)25
Atomic Scale of an Electrical Area for Unipolar Light Pulses23
Unipolar Soliton-Like Structures in Nonequilibrium Dissipative Media22
Generation of Ultrashort Attosecond and Terahertz Pulses Based on the Collective Spontaneous Emission from a Thin Resonant Medium (Brief Review)22
Parameters of Axion-Like Particles Required to Explain High-Energy Photons from GRB 221009A20
Optical–Terahertz Solitons with Tilted Fronts20
Unipolar and Subcycle Extremely Short Pulses: Recent Results and Prospects (Brief Review)20
Theoretical Investigation of the Lead-Free K2InBiX6 (X = Cl, Br) Double Perovskite Compounds Using Ab Initio Calculation20
Parameters of a Light Bullet19
Envelope Area and Electric Pulse Area Interference in Excitation of Quantum Systems by Few-Cycle Attosecond Light Pulses19
Influence of Nanoscale Parameters on Solid–Solid Phase Transformation in Octogen Crystal: Multiple Solution and Temperature Effect17
Electron in the Field of Counterpropagating Electromagnetic Pulses15
Bose—Einstein Condensation and Spin Superfluidity of Magnons in a Perpendicularly Magnetized Yttrium Iron Garnet Film14
Multiple Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy of Optimally Doped Ba(Fe, Ni)2As2 Superconducting Pnictides14
High-Order Fano Resonance in a Mesoscale Dielectric Sphere with a Low Refractive Index14
Comment on “Analysis of the Results of the Neutrino-4 Experiment on the Search for the Sterile Neutrino and Comparison with Results of Other Experiments” (JETP Letters 112, 199 (2020))13
Experimental Study of the Optical Qubit on the 435-nm Quadrupole Transition in the 171Yb+ Ion13
Compression of a Runaway Electron Flow in an Air Gap with a Nonuniform Magnetic Field13
Nonstationary Processes in the Formation of a Dusty Plasma near the Surface of Phobos12
Andreev Spectroscopy of EuCsFe4As4 Stoichiometric Superconducting Pnictide12
Numerical Simulation of Collinear Capillary-Wave Turbulence12
Correlations between the Shear Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Coefficients of Dense Simple Liquids12
Stability and Lifetimes of Magnetic States of Nano- and Microstructures (Brief Review)12
Fock–Schwinger Method in the Case of Different Masses11
Radio-to-Gamma-Ray Synchrotron and Neutrino Emission from Proton–Proton Interactions in Active Galactic Nuclei11
Stimulated Emission and Lasing in Polyhedral ZnO Microcrystals11
Instabilities of a Filled Vortex in a Two-Component Bose–Einstein Condensate11
Lattice Study of the Equation of State of a Rotating Gluon Plasma11
Breaking of Cubic Symmetry in Rare-Earth Dodecaborides with Dynamic Charge Stripes11
Diagnostics of Nanosystems with the Use of Ultrashort X-Ray Pulses: Theory and Experiment (Brief Review)11
Insight into Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Elastic Properties of Full-Heusler Alloys Co2YPb (Y = Ti, V, Fe, and Mo): Ab Initio Study11
Electromagnetic Proximity Effect and the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov Instability in Hybrid Superconductor–Ferromagnet Structures (Brief Review)10
Formation of New Crystalline Phases upon High-Temperature Annealing of Iron Borate FeBO3 in Different Gas Media10
Low-Threshold Whispering-Gallery Mode Lasing in Large-Diameter ZnO Microrods10
Transformations of the Spectrum of an Optical Phonon Excited in Raman Scattering in the Bulk of Diamond by Ultrashort Laser Pulses with a Variable Duration10
Electronic and Spin Structure of Topological Surface States in MnBi4Te7 and MnBi6Te10 and Their Modification by an Applied Electric Field10
Electronic and Spin Structures of Intrinsic Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators of the MnBi2Te4(Bi2Te3)m Family and Their Magnetic Properties (Brief Review)10
Direct and Reverse Precession of a Massive Vortex in a Binary Bose–Einstein Condensate10
Cu-Site Disorder in CuAl2O4 as Studied by XPS Spectroscopy10
Study of the Parameters of Laser-Induced Shock Waves for Laser Shock Peening of Silicon10
Optimization of the Normal Mode Spectrum of Linear Ion Crystals in Paul Traps for EIT Cooling Using an Optical Lattice9
Lithium Doping Effect for Enhancing Thermoelectric and Optoelectronic Performance of Co2NbAl9
Electronic and Superconducting Properties of the AFeAs (A = Li, Na) Family Alkali-Metal Pnictides: Current Stage of the Research (Brief Review)9
Features of the Interaction of a Magnon Bose—Einstein Condensate with Acoustic Modes in Yttrium Iron Garnet Films9
Initiation of Explosive Electron Emission and Runaway of Electrons during Pulsed Breakdown of Dense Gases9
Generation of Optical—Terahertz Biphotons and Detection of Their Terahertz Component under Frequency-Nondegenerate Parametric Down-Conversion9
Collective Effect of Transformation of a Hydrogen Bond Network at the Initial State of Growth of Methane Hydrate9
Source of Indistinguishable Single Photons Based on Epitaxial InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots for Integration in Quantum Computing Schemes9
Structure of Magnetic Inhomogeneities in Films with Topological Features9
Fine Structure of the Photoluminescence Spectrum of Diamond under the Multiple Emission of an Optical Phonon during the Autolocalization of Photoexcited Electrons9
Optimization of the Readout Fidelity of the Quantum State of an Optical Qubit in the 171Yb+ Ion9
Virtual Image within a Transparent Dielectric Sphere9
On Laser-Induced High-Order Wave Mixing and Harmonic Generation in a Graphene Quantum Dot8
Plasma Crystal in (3 + 1) Dimensions8
Evidence of the Ferroelectric Polarization in Charge Transport through WTe2 Weyl Semimetal Surface8
Auroral Kilometric Radiation as a Diagnostic Tool for the Properties of the Magnetosphere8
On the Mechanism of Melting in Simple Metals8
Physical Processes Accompanying Laser Ablation in Liquid8
Carpet—2 Search for Gamma Rays above 100 TeV in Coincidence with HAWC and IceCube Alerts8
Interlayer Heat Conductivity and Thermal Stability of Distorted Bilayer Graphene8
Multiparticle Effects in the Spectrum of Collective Excitations of Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron Systems (Brief Review)8
Vielbein with Mixed Dimensions and Gravitational Global Monopole in the Planar Phase of Superfluid 3He8
Oscillating Nematic Aerogel in Superfluid 3He8
Quantum Size Effect in Three-Dimensional Microscopic Semiconductor Crystals8
Spontaneous Currents and Topologically Protected States in Superconducting Hybrid Structures with the Spin–Orbit Coupling (Brief Review)8
On the Mechanism of the Generation of Runaway Electrons after a Breakdown of a Gap8
Model for the Description of the Relaxation of Quantum-Mechanical Systems with Closely Spaced Energy Levels8
On the Electric Area of an Electromagnetic Pulse8
Features of Surface States of an Intrinsic Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator with a Noncollinear Texture of Domain Walls8
On Anomalous Dissipation in the Plasma of the Dusty Lunar Exosphere8
Magnetoresistance of a Ferromagnet/Superconductor/Ferromagnet Trilayer Microbridge Based on Diluted PdFe Alloy8
Megawatt-Level Repetitively Pulsed Erbium 3-µm Laser with Strong Thermal Lens Compensation8
Breaking of the Axial Symmetry of Terahertz Radiation from Single-Color Filament Plasma8
Determination of the Heating Rate and Temperature of an Ion Chain in a Linear Paul Trap by the Dephasing of Rabi Oscillations8
Activation Energy and Mechanisms for Skyrmion Collapse in Synthetic Antiferromagnets8
Analog of Gravitational Anomaly in Topological Chiral Superconductors8
New Polytype of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor NbS3 with a High-Temperature Charge Density Wave8
Light Quark Masses in the Theory with the Dynamical Breaking of Chiral Symmetry8
Optical Harmonics Generation under the Interaction of Intense (up to 1014 W/cm2) Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Laser Radiation of a Fe:ZnSe Laser System with a Dense Laminar Gas Jet8
Implementation of an Optical Quantum Memory Protocol in the 167Er3+:Y2SiO5 Crystal8
Phase Transitions and the Magnetic Properties of the Potts Model with Four Spin States on a Hexagonal Lattice in Low Magnetic Fields8
On the Nature of the Excess Internal Energy and Entropy of Metallic Glasses8
Type-II Weyl Semimetal versus Gravastar8
On the Mechanism of Generation of Trichel Pulses in Atmospheric Air8
Optical Levitation of Mie-Resonant Silicon Particles in the Field of Bloch Surface Electromagnetic Waves8
Jet Quenching with T-Dependent Running Coupling8
Resonances of the Faraday Effect in Nanostructured Iron Garnet Films7
Effect of the Motion of Atoms and Collisions with the Antirelaxation Coating of the Walls of Gas Cells on the Shape and Shift of the Coherent Population Trapping Resonance7
Capillary Flotation in a System of Two Immiscible Bose–Einstein Condensates7
Relativistic Self-Trapping of Extreme Laser Light in an Inhomogeneous Plasma7
Comparison of Three Ultrastable Lasers with a Femtosecond Frequency Comb7
Phase Logic Based on π Josephson Junctions7
Stone–Wales Bilayer Graphene: Structure, Stability, and Interlayer Heat Transfer7
Optical Properties of Hyperbolic Metamaterials (Brief Review)7
Superradiance of an Extended Resonant Medium Excited by Half-Cycle Attosecond Pulses7
Hall Effect in a Doped Mott Insulator: DMFT Approximation7
Determination of the Superconducting Order Parameter of BaFe1.92Ni0.08As2 Weakly Underdoped Pnictides by Two Complementary Techniques7
Spin-Fluctuation Transition in the Disordered Ising Model7
Correlation Properties of an Optical–Terahertz Biphoton Field7
Optimization of Multilayer Photonic Structures using Artificial Neural Networks to Obtain a Target Optical Response7
Lattice Dynamics of Bi2Те3 and Vibrational Modes in Raman Scattering of Topological Insulators MnBi2Te4·n(Bi2Te3)7
Virasoro Versus Superintegrability. Gaussian Hermitian Model7
Direct Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Turbulence: Zakharov–Sagdeev Spectrum7
Vortices in Polar and β Phases of 3He7
Femtosecond Infrared Laser Spectroscopy of Characteristic Molecular Vibrations in Bacteria in the 6-µm Spectral Range7
Two-Dimensional Yukawa System: The Behavior of Defects near the Melting Region7
Josephson Spin-Valve Realization in the Magnetic Nodal-Line Topological Semimetal Fe3GeTe27
Wave-Packet Dynamics Study of the Transport Characteristics of Perforated Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons7
Focusing of an Atomic Beam for the Efficient Loading of an Atom Chip7
Effect of Structural Inhomogeneity and Nonreciprocal Effects in the Interaction of Macroparticles on the Dynamic Properties of a Dusty Plasma Monolayer7
First Experimental Synthesis of Mg Orthocarbonate by the MgCO3 + MgO = Mg2CO4 Reaction at Pressures of the Earth’s Lower Mantle7
Femtosecond Laser Irradiation of a Multilayer Metal–Metal Nanostructure6
On the Physics and Atomic Mechanisms of Molecular Hydrogen Intercalation into Graphite Nanofibers6
Study of Geodesic Acoustic and Alfvén Modes in Toroidal Fusion Devices (Brief Review)6
Electron Heating of the Cluster Plasma by an Ultrashort Laser Pulse6
Influence of Active Loop Extrusion on the Statistics of Triple Contacts in the Model of Interphase Chromosomes6
Multiresonator Quantum Memory with Single Atoms6
Tunneling Relaxation Mechanisms of the Jahn–Teller Complexes in a CaF2:Cr2+ Crystal6
Melting of Titanium by a Shock Wave Generated by an Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulse6
Liquid–Crystal Structure Inheritance in Machine Learning Potentials for Network-Forming Systems6
Bound States in the Continuum in a Quantum-Mechanical Waveguide with a Subwavelength Resonator6
Phase Transition in Y3Fe5O12 at High Pressures Observed by Raman Spectroscopy6
About Derivatives in Analytic QCD6
Spin Fluctuations and a Spin-Fluctuation Phase Transition in the Magnetically Ordered Phase of Manganese Monosilicide6
Pressure Dependence of the Electrical Properties of Ice6
Search for the Modification of the Properties of the ω Meson in Cold Nuclear Matter in the Hyperon-M Experiment6
Two-Photon Laser Lithography of Active Microcavity Structures6
π0–η–η' Mixing in the Theory with Four-Quark Interactions6
Efficient Integration of Single-Photon Emitters in Thin InSe Films into Resonance Silicon Waveguides6
Spin-Flop Transition in Co2B2O5 Pyroborate6
Magnetic Skyrmions and Phase Transitions in Antiferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Bilayers6
Solution of the Schrödinger Equation on a Quantum Computer by the Zalka–Wiesner Method Including Quantum Noise6
Can the Highly Symmetric SU(4) Spin—Orbital Model Be Realized in α-ZrCl3?6
Implementation of a Quantum Memory Protocol Based on the Revival of Silenced Echo in Orthogonal Geometry at the Telecommunication Wavelength6
Riemann–Cartan Gravity with Dynamical Signature6
Effect of the Parameterization of the Distribution Functions on the Longitudinal Structure Function at Small x6
Elastic Dipoles in Crystal and Glassy Aluminum and High-Entropy Fe20Ni20Cr20Co20Cu20 Alloy6
Strange Quark Matter and the Astrophysical Nature of Anomalous Effects in 1–100 PeV Cosmic Rays6
Generation of an Array of Birefringent Nanogratings in the Bulk of Fluorite Irradiated by Ultrashort Laser Pulses with Different Durations6
Ultrafast Dynamics of Domain Walls in Antiferromagnets and Ferrimagnets with Temperatures of Compensation of the Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum (Brief Review)6
Forward Proton Scattering in Association with Muon Pair Production via the Photon Fusion Mechanism at the LHC6
Effect of Multiplicity of Collisions of Atomic Particles with a Solid on the Measurement of Electronic Stopping Powers6
Electron Spin Resonance under Conditions of a Ferromagnetic Phase Transition6
Formation of Droplets of the Order Parameter and Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous Fermi–Bose Mixtures (Brief Review)6
Second-Order Nanoscale Thermal Effects in Memristive Structures Based on Poly-p-Xylylene6
Formation of a Light Bullet in an Elliptically Polarized Pulse6
Structural Universalities in a Two-Dimensional Yukawa Fluid6
Analog of the Sommerfeld Law in Quantum Vacuum6
Formation of Nanogratings on the Surface of Nanoporous Glass Irradiated by Femtosecond Visible Laser Pulses6
On the Generation of Opposite Currents in Current Sheets6
Temperature Dependence of the Fano Resonance in Nanodiamonds Synthesized at High Static Pressures5
Aharonov–Bohm Interferometry Based on Helical Edge States (Brief Review)5
Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Iron Polyhydrides at Megabar Pressures5
Monochromatic Optical Cherenkov Radiation of Moderately Relativistic Ions in Radiators with Frequency Dispersion5
Identification of Zonal Flows and Their Spatial Distribution in the TJ-II Stellarator Plasmas5
Gravity Through the Prism of Condensed Matter Physics (Brief Review)5
Effect of the Radiation Power on the Modification of Oscillations of the Photocurrent in Single-Barrier p–i–n GaAs/AlAs/GaAs Heterostructures with InAs Quantum Dots5
Anatomy of the Band Structure of the Newest Apparent Near-Ambient Superconductor LuH3 – xNx5
τ− → π−π0ντ and e+e− → π+π− Processes in the Chiral Nambu—Jona-Lasinio Model Including the Interaction of Pions in the Final State5
Intense Infrared Laser-Induced Radiation–Collision Involvement of Molecules That Do Not Absorb Laser Radiation in Resonance with a Laser Field in a Two-Component Molecular Medium5
Magnetoelectric Effect in Ce3Fe5O12 Films5
On the Magnetoelectric Coupling in (Ni, Cu)B2O45
Kinetic Model of Softening of Glasses5
Strongest Magnetically Induced Transitions in Alkali Metal Atoms5
Negative Temperature: Further Extensions5
Repulsion of a Néel-Type Skyrmion from a Pearl Vortex in Thin Ferromagnet–Superconductor Heterostructures5
Сanted Magnetic Interlayer Ordering in a [Fe(3.0 nm)/Cr(1.2 nm)]10 Structure Revealed by Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry with Polarization Analysis5
Localized Dissipative Unipolar Objects under the Condition of Stimulated Raman Scattering5
Dynamics and Emission of Relativistic Magnetic Dipoles of a Laser Cluster Plasma5
Effect of Nanocrystal Size on Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence in Lead Halide Perovskites5
Quantum Symmetrization of Hydrogen Bonds in Ice5
Mobility Edge in the Anderson Model on Partially Disordered Random Regular Graphs5
Quasicrystalline Structures with Narrow-Band Frequency–Angular Selectivity5
Medium Effects for Hadron-Tagged Jets in Proton–Proton Collisions5
Unusual X-Shaped Defects in the Silicon Single Crystal Subjected to Four-Point Bending5
Higher Rank 1 + 1 Integrable Landau–Lifshitz Field Theories from the Associative Yang–Baxter Equation5
Photon-Stimulated Transport in a Quantum Point Contact (Brief Review)5
New Phase of Nonmolecular Polymeric Nitrogen Stable at Zero Pressure5
Universal T/B Scaling Behavior of Heavy Fermion Compounds (Brief Review)5
Dipole–Dipole Broadening in the Selective Reflection of an Intense Laser Beam from the Interface between a Transparent Dielectric and a Dense Resonance Gas5
Sharp Focusing of an Atomic Beam with the Doppler and Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling Mechanisms in a Two-Dimensional Magneto-Optical Trap5
Electronic Structure of Magnetic Topological Insulators Mn(Bi1 – xSbx)2Te4 with Various Concentration of Sb Atoms5
Anomalous Picosecond Optical Transmittance Dynamics in Au-Bi:YIG Hybrid Metasurface5
Vacuum Conditions and the Lifetime of a Single-Charged Helium Ion Beam in the Booster Synchrotron of the NICA (First Run)5
Search for Exotic States in 13C4
Topological Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Systems: Application to Co3Sn2S24
Coherence of a Magnetoexciton Condensate in a Quantum Hall Insulator4
Notes on Interplay between the QCD and EW Perturbative Corrections to the Pole-Running-to-Top-Quark Mass Ratio4
Pair Correlation Function of Vorticity in a Coherent Vortex4
Tomography of Optical Single-Qubit Quantum Memory4
Effect of “Magic” fcc Numbers on the Stability of the Structure of Small Silver Nanoclusters4
Diamond-Like Films from Twisted Few-Layer Graphene4
Measurement of the Angular Distributions of Fission Fragments from the Neutron-Induced Fission of 240Pu Nuclei in the Energy Range of 1–200 MeV and Their Model Analysis4
Mirror Pairs of Quintic Orbifolds4
Stochastization of Long Living Spin-Cyclotron Excitations in a Spin-Unpolarised Quantum Hall System4
Topological Photonics (Brief Review)4
Possibility of Controlled Variation of the Atomic Crystal Structure of Paratellurite by Means of the Excitation of an Ultrasonic Standing Wave4
Dynamical Correlations in the Ground State: Transitions between One-Phonon Nuclear States4
Nonlocal Heat Transfer in a Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion for the Direct Irradiation Scheme4
Resonant Interactions of Vector Breathers4
Nonexponential Photoluminescence Dynamics in an Inhomogeneous Ensemble of Excitons in WSe2 Monolayers4
Does a Form Factor in Smith–Purcell Radiation Exist Always?4
Quasiclassical Quantization of the Motion of a Particle in the Presence of a Drag Force Proportional to the Square of the Velocity4
On Series and Integral Representations of Some NRQCD Master Integrals4
Microscopic Spin Hamiltonian for a Dipolar Heisenberg Magnet LiGdF4 from EPR Measurements4
Low-Temperature Increase in the Van Der Waals Friction Force with the Relative Motion of Metal Plates4
Bilayer Graphene–Stone–Wales Graphene: Structure, Stability, and Interlayer Thermal Conductivity4
Enhancement of Plasma Nonlinearities and Generation of a Microwave–Terahertz Supercontinuum in the Field of Subterawatt Mid-Infrared Pulses4
Natural Explanation of Recent Results on $${{e}^{ + }}{{e}^{ - }} \to \Lambda \bar {\Lambda }$$4
Ferroelectric Domain Reversal: The Role of Domain Wall Conduction4
On the Laser Generation in Two-Dimensional Materials with Pumping by Quasitrapped Modes4
Increase in the Photocurrent in Layers of Ge/Si Quantum Dots by Modes of a Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal4
Theoretical Study of the Electronic and Transport Properties of Lateral 2D–1D–2D Graphene–CNT–Graphene Structures4
New Constraints on the Axion–Electron Coupling Constant for Solar Axions4
Dynamic Susceptibility of Skyrmion Crystal4
Facile Fabrication of a Cu2O Thin Film with a High Seebeck Coefficient4
Scaling of Cross Sections for the Production of K-Vacancies in Atomic Collisions4
Radiation of a Solitary Polarization Pulse Moving at the Speed of Light4
Observation of the “Burst-Like Growth” Mode on 4He Crystals Nucleated in a Metastable Liquid4
Induced Bose–Einstein Condensation of Electron–Hole Pairs in a Highly Degenerate Semiconductor at Room Temperature4
Plasmon Excitations in Partially Screened Two-Dimensional Electron Systems (Brief Review)4
Charge Distribution and Spin Textures in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene4
Temperature Dependence of Circularly Polarized Radiation of an Injection Semiconductor Laser4
Runaway Electrons at the Formation of a Positive Ionization Wave in Nitrogen and Air4
Critical Temperature of a Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanostructure near a Magnetic Skyrmion4
On the Formation of a Plasma Cloud at the Ablation of a Pellet in a High-Temperature Magnetized Toroidal Plasma4
Magnetic Memory Effect in Planar Ferromagnet/Superconductor/Ferromagnet Microbridges Based on Highly Diluted PdFe Alloy4
Faraday Effect in FeBO3 Caused by the Magnetization Component Parallel to the C3 Axis4
Dissociation of Exciton States in Warm Dense Hydrogen4
Anisotropy of the Hall Effect in the Paramagnetic Phase of Ho0.8Lu0.2B12 Cage Glass4
On an Unconventional Approach to the Improvement of Plasma Confinement in Tokamaks4
New Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Bismuthinite4
Adiabatic Growing, Multistability, and Control of Soliton-Comb States in χ(2) Microresonators for Pumping into Second-Harmonic Modes4
High-Temperature Spin Manipulation on Color Centers in Rhombic Silicon Carbide Polytype 21R-SiC4
Insight to the Structural, Electronic, Optical, and Thermoelectric Properties of NaCaSb and KCaSb Half Heusler Compounds: A DFT Approach4
Multiphonon Ionization of Deep Centers in Amorphous Boron Nitride4
On the Global Temperature of the Schwarzschild–de Sitter Spacetime4
Diagnostics of a Diluted Ultracold Plasma Using the Autoionization Effect of Rydberg States of 40Ca Atoms4
Resonant Photoluminescence of a Two-Dimensional Electron System upon the Formation of a Bulk 1/3 State of the Fractional Hall Effect4
Classification of Emergent Weyl Spinors in Multi-Fermion Systems4
GRB 221009A, Its Precursor, and Two Afterglows in the Fermi Data4
Generation and Application of Broadband Biphoton Fields (Brief Review)4
Phase Separation in a Spin Density Wave State of Twisted Bilayer Graphene4
Nondipole Effects in Time Delay of Photoelectrons from Atoms, Negative Ions, and Endohedrals4
Collective Nuclear Vibrations and Initial State Shape Fluctuations in Central Pb + Pb Collisions: Resolving the v2 to v3 Puzzle4