International Studies Quarterly

(The H4-Index of International Studies Quarterly is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Military Alliances and Public Support for War34
Infrastructural Geopolitics30
Why Does Aid Not Target the Poorest?26
Economic Decline, Social Identity, and Authoritarian Values in the United States26
Breaking the Myth of Cyber Doom: Securitization and Normalization of Novel Threats25
Norm Contestation and Normative Transformation in Global Peacebuilding Order(s): The Cases of China, Japan, and Russia23
Great Power Narcissism and Ontological (In)Security: The Narrative Mediation of Greatness and Weakness in International Politics22
Spanning Thousands of Miles and Years: Political Nostalgia and China's Revival of the Silk Road21
The Personality Traits of Populist Leaders and Their Foreign Policies: Hugo Chávez and Donald Trump20
The Logic of Ceasefires in Civil War20
The Varieties of Coups D’état: Introducing the Colpus Dataset20
The Politics of Emotions in International Relations: Who Gets to Feel What, Whose Emotions Matter, and the “History Problem” in Sino-Japanese Relations20
Angling for Influence: Institutional Proliferation in Development Banking19
Coup Agency and Prospects for Democracy18
Why National Ministries Consider the Policy Advice of International Bureaucracies: Survey Evidence from 106 Countries18
The Increasing Representativeness of International Organizations’ Secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997–201516
Can We Predict Armed Conflict? How the First 9 Years of Published Forecasts Stand Up to Reality16
Rethinking Authoritarian Power: The Logistics Space and Authoritarian Practices in and between Secondary Port Cities of the Global South16