International Organization

(The median citation count of International Organization is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Challenges to the Liberal Order: Reflections on International Organization167
Populism in Place: The Economic Geography of the Globalization Backlash122
Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change106
Contestations of the Liberal International Order: From Liberal Multilateralism to Postnational Liberalism105
The Politics of Pandemic Othering: Putting COVID-19 in Global and Historical Context104
Politicizing International Cooperation: The Mass Public, Political Entrepreneurs, and Political Opportunity Structures93
COVID-19 and the Politics of Crisis86
Struggles for Recognition: The Liberal International Order and the Merger of Its Discontents74
Health Diplomacy in Pandemical Times72
Democracy, Autocracy, and Emergency Threats: Lessons for COVID-19 From the Last Thousand Years58
Domestic Politics, China's Rise, and the Future of the Liberal International Order53
The COVID-19 Pandemic, International Cooperation, and Populism47
The Big Reveal: COVID-19 and Globalization's Great Transformations46
Pandemic Response as Border Politics46
The Song Remains the Same: International Relations After COVID-1942
Surveillance, Security, and Liberal Democracy in the Post-COVID World40
Chinese Power and the State-Owned Enterprise39
Tariffs As Electoral Weapons: The Political Geography of the US–China Trade War36
Digital Authoritarianism and the Future of Human Rights34
Do External Threats Unite or Divide? Security Crises, Rivalries, and Polarization in American Foreign Policy33
Rising Inequality As a Threat to the Liberal International Order33
Fair Share? Equality and Equity in American Attitudes Toward Trade31
Pool or Duel? Cooperation and Competition Among International Organizations27
What's in a Name? Metaphors and Cybersecurity27
The Assault on Civil Society: Explaining State Crackdown on NGOs26
The Effects of Naming and Shaming on Public Support for Compliance with International Agreements: An Experimental Analysis of the Paris Agreement26
Ordinary Patterns in an Extraordinary Crisis: How International Relations Makes Sense of the COVID-19 Pandemic25
Racism and Antiracism in the Liberal International Order25
Embedded Liberalism in the Digital Era23
The Epistemological Challenge of Truth Subversion to the Liberal International Order23
The Co-Constitution of Order22
Political Exclusion, Lost Autonomy, and Escalating Conflict over Self-Determination21
COVID-19 and the Sacrificial International Order21
The Exclusionary Foundations of Embedded Liberalism20
Forced Displacement and Asylum Policy in the Developing World20
The Janus Face of the Liberal International Information Order: When Global Institutions Are Self-Undermining18
The Past, Present, and Future of Behavioral IR16
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Assessing the Effect of Gender Norms on the Lethality of Female Suicide Terrorism14
Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Institutions14
Does More Equality for Women Mean Less War? Rethinking Sex and Gender Inequality and Political Violence13
Built on Borders: Tensions with the Institution Liberalism (Thought It) Left Behind12
Coming to Terms: The Politics of Sovereign Bond Denomination12
Brexit Dilemmas: Shaping Postwithdrawal Relations with a Leaving State12
Conflict, Cooperation, and Delegated Diplomacy11
America and the Trade Regime: What Went Wrong?11
Memory, Institutions, and the Domestic Politics of South Korean–Japanese Relations10
State Formation in Korea and Japan, 400–800 CE: Emulation and Learning, Not Bellicist Competition10
Earmarked Funding and the Control–Performance Trade-Off in International Development Organizations9
Hawkish Biases and Group Decision Making9
Regaining Control? The Political Impact of Policy Responses to Refugee Crises9
Four Conceptions of Authority in International Relations9
Honor Among Thieves: Understanding Rhetorical and Material Cooperation Among Violent Nonstate Actors9
Threats at Home and Abroad: Interstate War, Civil War, and Alliance Formation9
The Impact of China's AIIB on the World Bank8
Smuggling and Border Enforcement8
Robustness of Empirical Evidence for the Democratic Peace: A Nonparametric Sensitivity Analysis8
The Collapse of State Power, the Cluniac Reform Movement, and the Origins of Urban Self-Government in Medieval Europe7
Testing for Negative Spillovers: Is Promoting Human Rights Really Part of the “Problem”?7
One for All? State Violence and Insurgent Cohesion6
Corporate Sovereign Awakening and the Making of Modern State Sovereignty: New Archival Evidence from the English East India Company6
Deflective Cooperation: Social Pressure and Forum Management in Cold War Conventional Arms Control6
Globalization, Institutions, and Ethnic Inequality6
See No Evil, Speak No Evil? Morality, Evolutionary Psychology, and the Nature of International Relations5
War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe5
Countering Violent Extremism and Radical Rhetoric5
Where You Work Is Where You Stand: A Firm-Based Framework for Understanding Trade Opinion5
Stopping the Violence but Blocking the Peace: Dilemmas of Foreign-Imposed Nation Building After Ethnic War5
A Theory of External Wars and European Parliaments5
Segregation, Integration, and Death: Evidence from the Korean War5
The Power of Geographical Imaginaries in the European International Order: Colonialism, the 1884–85 Berlin Conference, and Model International Organizations5
Relative Gains in the Shadow of a Trade War5
Partners with Benefits: When Multinational Corporations Succeed in Authoritarian Courts4
Do Politically Irrelevant Events Cause Conflict? The Cross-continental Effects of European Professional Football on Protests in Africa4
Free Riding, Network Effects, and Burden Sharing in Defense Cooperation Networks4
War and Welfare in Colonial Algeria4
The Dark Matter of World Politics: System Trust, Summits, and State Personhood4
Systemic Instability and the Emergence of Border Disputes4
Terrified or Enraged? Emotional Microfoundations of Public Counterterror Attitudes3
Social Positioning and International Order Contestation in Early Modern Southeast Asia3
Crude Calculations: Productivity and the Profitability of Conquest3
Penalizing Atrocities3
The Arbitrage Lobby: Theory and Evidence on Dual Exchange Rates3
Legibility and External Investment: An Institutional Natural Experiment in Liberia3
Public-Private Governance Initiatives and Corporate Responses to Stakeholder Complaints3
Concealing Conflict Markets: How Rebels and Firms Use State Institutions to Launder Wartime Trade3
Dual Use Deception: How Technology Shapes Cooperation in International Relations3
The Great Revenue Divergence3