International Migration

(The median citation count of International Migration is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The buying of freedom: Migrant workers and the “Azad” Visa in the Persian Gulf123
Diaspora alumni networks as transnational governance actors22
Issue Information21
Probationary precarity? Differential inclusion among post‐graduation work permit‐holders in Canada20
Krause, Ulrike. 2021. Difficult life in a refugee camp: Gender, violence and coping in Uganda. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp. 25019
Regulation of migrant entrepreneurship: The strained conjunction of laws, policies and practices15
Kanaaneh, Rhoda. 2023. The Right Kind of Suffering: Gender, Sexuality and Arab Asylum Seekers in America. Austin: University of Texas Press. pp. 19414
Issue Information14
Environmental change and human mobility: Opportunities and challenges of big data14
Cross‐border mobility, inequality and migration intermediaries: Labour migration from Nepal to Malaysia13
Issue Information13
Introduction: Assimilation, integration or transnationalism? An overview of theories of migrant incorporation13
Remittances and emigration intentions: Evidence from Armenia13
Issue Information11
Mayblin, Lucy and Turner, Joe. (2021). Migration Studies and Colonialism. Polity Press. Cambridge. pp. 245.11
Issue Information11
The 2015 EU‐Africa joint Valletta action plan on immigration: A parable of complex interdependence11
Temporary protection for forced migrants: A commentary on the Colombian temporary protection status10
The Philippines and seafaring labour export: State, non‐state and international actors in the assembly and employability of Filipino seafarers10
Ageing and migration. Reflection on an emerging nexus and application to the Middle East and northern Africa10
Improving the evidence base: The role of International Migration and IOM10
Legal status history, gender, and the health of Latino immigrants in the US10
Parents and children in resettled refugee families: What are determinants of informational parental support?10
The importance of evidence‐based research on migration: Historical reflections and current salience10
Issue Information9
Buckling under ageing and climate crisis: Migration flows in Turkish agriculture9
Drones: Robot eyes on racialized migrant bodies9
The well‐being and voice of migrant workers in participatory organizational interventions9
Double displacement of refugees in the context of the 2023 Turkey‐Syria earthquake9
Nikielska‐Sekula, Karolina and Desille, Amandine. 2021. Visual Methodology in Migration Studies: Possibilities, Theoretical Implications, and Questions. Springer Nature. pp. 343.9
Spatial deprivation: Impact on settlement intentions of eco‐migrants8
Migration information campaigns: How to analyse their impact?8
Chaos theory and Afghan mobility: Reflections on August 20218
How far can we compare? Migration studies, comparative urbanism and the potential of a trans‐Mediterranean perspective8
Integration and the struggle to turn space into “our” place: Homemaking as a way beyond the stalemate of assimilationism vs transnationalism8
A capital theory approach to migrants' views and engagement with climate adaptation in the region of origin: A qualitative study in Belgium8
Neoliberalism in question: The Philippines' nurse education and labour export as liberal neo‐statist development agenda8
Contending with precarity, temporariness and life aspirations in the context of international labour migration8
Stacey Vanderhurst. 2022. Unmaking migrants: Nigeria’s campaign to end human trafficking. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 2108
Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross‐Border Politics in Mexico. LaurenDuquette‐Rury. Oakland, California: University of California Press. 2019. 312 pages. $34.95/£29.00 (Paperback). ISBN: 9780520321968
How migration information campaigns shape local perceptions and discourses of migration in Harar city, Ethiopia8
Fault‐lines in temporary migration schemes: The case of Australia and the legacies of settler‐colonial mentalities in the exploitation of temporary non‐citizens8
Can, Şule (2019) Refugee Encounters at the Turkish‐Syrian Border: Antakya at the Crossroads. Routledge, London and New York, 178 pp.7
Controlling Voice and Loyalty: The Regulation of Exit in Latin America7
Criminalizing mobilities: Exit restrictions in post‐Soviet Central Asia7
Jubilut, Liliana Lyra, Espinoza, Marcia Vera, Mezzanotti, Gabriela. 2021. Latin America and Refugee Protection: Regimes, Logics and Challenges. Berghahn Books: New York. pp. 434.7
Schultz, Sussane U.“Failed” Migratory Adventures? Malian Men Facing Conditions Post Deportation in Southerner Mali. pp. 2337
Refugee protection in the region: A survey and evaluation of current trends7
Christou, Anastasia and Kofman, Eleanore. Gender and Migration: IMISCOE Short Reader. Spring ebooks, 2022. pp. 1237
Letter from the editors6
Skeldon, Ronald (2021) Advanced Introduction to Migration Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 1766
Staying the course on global governance of migration through the COVID‐19 and economic crises6
Balancing inclusion and exclusion among Somali migrants in Germany6
Perceptions on dynamics and mobilities in the Triple Border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay6
The Re(production) of Restless Bodies: Freedom of Movement and Social Reproduction6
Restrictions on citizens’ exits reconsidered: Taiwan, young democracy under threat6
Avoiding the Re‐traumatization of unaccompanied immigrant youth in the United States6
“We have nothing to hide”: Legitimacy narratives, researcher positionality and the ethics of accessing the Dutch deportation apparatus6
Entrepreneurship and ethnic economy employment among Chinese and Vietnamese residents of Warsaw6
Parsing the mobilities of capital and labour: The case of Tim Hortons and internationally mobile Filipino workers6
Issue Information6
Household gender dynamics and remitting behaviour in sub‐Saharan Africa6
Identity, nationhood and migrations to Turkey from the Balkans, 1950–19606
Language, networks, and virtual transnationalism: The case of Russian speakers from Estonia living in Finland6
In search of children's best interest6
Real and perceived voting costs: Lithuanian emigrants’ discourses on external voting difficulty6
Beyond street‐level bureaucracy: the organisational culture of migration policy‐making and administrative elites6
Reflections on return migration: Understanding how African immigrants in Canada contemplate return6
Migration 2030: Governing migration in a globalising world6
Conflicting temporalities and the unsustainability of the Italian model of migrant personal care assistant6
Regulation through responsibilisation: Gendered exit policies and precarious migration from India and Sri Lanka5
The Cartagena refugee definition and nationality‐based discrimination in Mexican refugee status determination5
Much ado about very little: The dubious connection between ethnic minority business policy and ethnic minority entrepreneurship5
The making and the portrayal of Scottish distinctiveness: How does the narrative create its audience?5
Colombia's open‐door policy: An innovative approach to displacement?5
A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility5
Labour market integration of FRY refugees in Sweden vs. Denmark5
Migration and livelihood constellations: Assessing common themes in the face of environmental change in Somalia and amongAgro‐Pastoralpeoples5
Discrimination meets interculturalism in theory, policy and practice5
Feminization of refugee: Intersectionality, solidarity, resistance5
Stay away or stay in? Exploring settlement decisions of economic migrants and war refugees from Ukraine in the structural approach framework5
Postmigrant thinking: Definition, critiques and a new offer5
Issue Information5
Australia’s superior skilled migration outcomes compared with Canada’s5
Measuring residential segregation in multi‐ethnic and unequal European cities5
Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar and Basu Ray Chaudhury, Anasua. 2022. Caste and partition in Bengal: The story of Dalit refugees, 1946‐1961. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 288.5
The Syrian refugee crisis through the lenses of Turkish political discourses: An analysis of deliberations in the Turkish Parliament4
The challenges and opportunities of the EU migration partnerships: A North African perspective4
The gendered occupational value of a U.S. education for skilled Indian immigrants4
After the transnational turn: Looking across borders to see the hard face of the nation‐state4
Remote work, social inequality and the redistribution of mobility4
Echeverria, Gabriel. 2020. Towards a systemic theory of irregular migration: Explaining Ecuadorian irregular migration in Amsterdam and Madrid. Cham: Springer, p. 246.4
Does the global migration matter? The impact of top ten cities migration on native nationals income and employment levels4
Effects of COVID‐19 on integration of women refugees into Turkish society4
Environmental migration as short‐ or long‐term differences from a trend: A case study of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita effects on out‐migration in the Gulf of Mexico4
Betts, Alexander. 2021The Wealth of Refugees: How Displaced People Can Build Economies. Oxford University Press:Oxford University Press, pp. 430.4
Barriers to naturalization: How dual citizenship restrictions impede full membership4
Escape from education fever?: Impact of migration on child education practice4
Chinese grand(parenting) encourages a re‐imagining of Canada's immigration regime4
Mass migration governance and openness toward refugees: Comparing Germany and Turkey4
Dislocation after disaster: What does ‘returning home’ mean?4
Using the innovative to improve the established: The employment of social networking sites as recruitment tools in migrant surveys4
A qualitative research on emigration and identity in İzmir–Eşrefpaşa4
Professional development of newly arrived teachers in Sweden4
Digital border technologies, techno‐racism and logics of exclusion4
‘I found everything in them’: Formation of migrant networks and social capital4
Land, agriculture and migration4
The willingness to emigrate in six MENA countries: The role of post‐revolutionary stress4
Does speaking or writing Italian make differences?4
Immobility in Moldova: Beyond the migration paradigm4
Refugee‐owned small businesses: A typology for blended value creation4
Family Separation and Remigration Intentions to the USA among Mexican Deportees4
Between transnational engagements and local integration of Chinese communities in Italy: An analysis of the role of migrant organisations3
The rise of the border apps3
Norman, Kelsey P. (2020). Reluctant Reception: Refugees, Migration and Governance in the Middle East and North Africa. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. pp 259.3
Understanding surveillance capitalism from the viewpoint of migration3
Stierl, Maurice. 2019. Migrant Resistance in Contemporary Europe. Routledge: Oxfordshire and New York. 234 pp.3
English skills and early labour market integration: Evidence from humanitarian migrants in Australia3
Integration policy and refugees’ economic performance: Evidence from Sweden’s 2010 reform of the introduction programme3
Reed, Kate & Schenck, Marcia C.. 2023. The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugees and Global South Researchers. Montreal, QC: McGill‐Queen’s University Press. pp. 280.3
Remittances and the future of African economies3
Issue Information3
Yasmine Shamma, Suzan Ilcan, Vicki Squire, Helen Underhill (Eds.). 2022. Migration, culture and identity: Making home away: Politics of citizenship and migration. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 206.3
Change and stability of migration intentions. Evidence from Italy3
Digital nomadism and global mobility: Challenges and suggestions for international migration policies3
Progress of migration scholarship over 60 years of International Migration3
Migrant health professionals’ systemic human rights vulnerabilities3
When exit policies determine entry policies: The case of the Karta Polaka3
How European integration rationales shape reintegration assistance in Guinea and Senegal3
CARIN' about migrants through news? Linking migrant deservingness to traditional and digital media consumption3
Agricultural crisis, refugee crisis, or health crisis? Migrant seasonal workers in Italian agriculture during the COVID pandemic3
The UK National Health Service's migration infrastructure in times of Brexit and COVID‐19: Disjunctures, continuities and innovations3
Issue Information3
Ma, Ran. 2022. Independent Filmmaking across Borders in Contemporary Asia. Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam. pp. 278.3
Issue Information3
Placing the future: Onward migration, education and citizenship among Portuguese‐Bangladeshi in London2
“Knowledge is confused”: Rethinking pull factors in light of asylum and refugee integration policies2
Constructing children's psychological well‐being: Sources of resilience for children left behind in Northeast China2
Issue Information2
Labour segmentation and outmigration in Japan: Evidence using firm–worker matching data2
Location and visa‐category determinants of naturalization in Australia2
Relative education of recent refugees in Germany and the Middle East: Is selectivity reflected in migration and destination decisions?2
Beyond the asylum‐applications growth. The limits of the Spanish refugee reception program2
Challenging transitions? Assessing the occupational mobility patterns of US immigrants by gender2
International marriage migration: The predicament of culture and its negotiations2
Public attitudes towards immigrants: A curious case of Croatia2
The neglected colonial legacy of the 1951 refugee convention2
A critique of gender‐blind migration theories and data sources2
Learning in migration management? Persistent side effects of the EUTF2
Issue Information2
Transnational social protection infrastructures: African migrants in Mexico2
Introduction: Environmental (im)mobilities: Improving the evidence base for effective policy making2
Food security, equitable development and South–South migration: Towards a research agenda2
Brexit, uncertainty, and migration decisions2
Conceptual contours of migration studies in and from Asia2
Holding the door slightly open: Germany's migrants' return intentions and realizations2
Intergenerational adverse childhood experiences and adolescent migration aspirations in Nicaragua2
The economically rich refugees: A case study of the business operations of Istanbul‐based Syrian refugee businesspeople2
Social globalization, well‐being indicators and unaccompanied child migration from Central America2
Refugees as perceived threat: College students' attitudes towards refugees in South Korea2
Romania's agricultural workers. Return mobilities and modes of food production2
Dragomir, Cristina‐Ioana. 2023. Making the immigrant soldier: How race, ethnicity, class and gender intersect in the US military. Chicago and Springfield: University of Illinois Press. pp. 258.2
European migration governance in the context of uncertainty2
Exploring the co‐movements between COVID‐19 pandemic and international air traffic: A global perspective based on wavelet analysis2
Exit is the answer: The political nature of Central American migration2
Asylum seekers’ experiences on the migration journey to Italy (and beyond): Risk factors and future planning within a shifting political landscape2
Jones, Garett. 2022. The culture transplant: How migrants make the economies they move to a lot like the ones they left. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 228.2
Exhaustion: Migrant mental health, gendered migration and workplace regime2
Exiliados” in Podemos: A grassroots approach of long‐distance activism in parties abroad2
Public policy towards immigrants in poland’s shrinking cities – The case study of the city of Lomza2
Ahrens, Jill & King, Russell (Eds.) 2022. Onward Migration and Multi‐Sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties. Springer Cham. pp. 2392
Illuminating the shadows of skilled migration: Highly qualified immigrants from Latin America in Spain2
Ugandan women and sex trafficking in Istanbul2
Robbery victimization of Mexican migrants while crossing the border2
Human mobility and environmental degradation: Shaping rural Morocco2
Andrikopoulos, Apostolos. 2023. Argonauts of West Africa. Chicago: University Chicago Press. pp. 201.2
“You are too expensive, you need to work faster!”: Ukrainian agricultural workers navigating precarities in Denmark2
Inside the ‘efficacy gap’: Migration policy and the dynamics of encounter2
Acculturation of Chinese international students in the US: Does sojourner status really matter?2
Mapping the diversity and structuring of migration patterns: One‐off, repeat and multiple migrants in the European Union2
Non‐linear relationship between remittances and financial development in Jamaica2
Revealing the power of informal social support: Impact on rural migrants' entrepreneurial income2
Pursuing social justice in gender and migration research2
Evaluating special representation of non‐resident citizens: Eligibility, constituency and proportionality2
Dimensions of emigration policy: An indexing exercise for polities across three regions2
Do welfare policies matter for immigrant entrepreneurship? An analysis in the context of France2
Interplay of poverty, remittances and human capital development: Panel evidence from selected Sub‐Saharan African countries2
Democrats abroad: What motivates core activists to engage in political transnationalism?2
Post‐2015 refugees in Germany: “Culture of welcome”, solidarity or exclusion?2
The puzzle of loneliness: A sociostructural and transnational analysis of International Chinese Students' networks in Germany2
Emancipation really matters: Why family firms might be a preferable choice for Syrian refugees in Egypt? An exploratory study1
A compendium of keywords in refugee and migration studies is a collective work1
Progressive legislation but lukewarm policies: The Brazilian response to Venezuelan displacement1
Life satisfaction and desire to emigrate: What does the cross‐national analysis show?1
Dynamics of immobility: Capability conversion among aspiring migrants in Pakistan1
Venezuelans in Peru: Adaptation attitudes, optimism and relations with host society1
Remarriage migration of women in Asia: The case of Japan1
Risky journeys – Risk and decision‐making among potential irregular migrants in Senegal and Guinea1
On occasion of the pandemic: Reflections on Egyptian labour migration1
Migrant community responses to the COVID‐19 pandemic: Mutual aid at La Morada1
Career trajectories, skills transfers and work stability of educated Polish migrants returning from the UK1
Migrant money and political unrest: Remittances and support for protest in Latin America and the Caribbean1
Courting diaspora for foreign direct investment: The conditional nature of diaspora engagement1
Counter moves. Destabilizing the grand narrative of onward migration and secondary movements in Europe1
Leaving on a strong passport: State protection of Chinese workers in Africa and beyond1
Issue Information1
How effective are integration policy reforms? The case of asylum‐related migrants1
Feminist methodologies in migration research1
Parenting practices of Somali immigrant mothers in Alberta1
Vulnerability of refugees: Some reflections on definitions and measurement practices1
Maria Garcia Cristina. 2022. State of disaster: The failure of US migration policy in an age of climate change. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. pp. 235.1
The ‘contract’ and its discontents: Can it address protection gaps for migrant agricultural workers in Canada?1
Exploring the difference: Immigrant peers and the imagination of natives1
Even worse than the undocumented? Assessing the refugees’ integration in the labour market of Lombardy (Italy) in 2001–20141
Nuclear family and social capital of refugees in Austria1
Employment for women with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in Australia: An overview of workforce participation and available support programmes1
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on network dynamics among Chinese immigrants in the United States1
Human mobility in the context of environmental and climate change: Recent data collection tools from the International Organization for Migration to address key methodological and conceptual issues1
Migration narratives in Northern Triangle, Mexican and US media from 1999 to 20191
Closing the gap in public policy support for immigrant entrepreneurs1
Being “top‐ranked” without “causing troubles”: Comparing federal and provincial immigration pathways for Chinese international students in Canada1
The immigration scholarship of Stephen Castles1
Desecuritizing migration in Greece: Contesting securitization through “flexicuritization”1
Living in micro‐networks: Korean migrants' social networking practices in Canadian cities1
Gender, migration and policymaking in light of the 60th anniversary of international migration1
A study of Italian young adults’ transnational mobility to Australia: The reproduction of unequal trajectories in the host society1
Ethics & exclusions: Reflections on the passing of Stephen Castles1
Poland: What does it take for a public opinion coup to be reversed?1
Pathways to reintegration in Senegal and Nigeria promoted by Italian Assisted Voluntary Return programmes1
Mobility at the margins: The facilitating and risk‐reducing role of clustered migration in migration for begging between Romania and Norway1
Diaspora and development: The IOM's role in diaspora mapping in Bosnia and Herzegovina1
A Lifeline in troubled waters: A support intervention for migrant farm workers1
The right to exit as national and transnational governance: The case of Eritrea1
AliceElliot. 2021. The Outside: Migration as Life in Morocco. Indiana University Press: Indiana. pp.2041
Lost in data translation: A critical review of datasets on refugees1
Undocumented migrants in Saudi Arabia: COVID‐19 and amnesty reforms1
Back for good? Return aspirations of immigrants in the Netherlands1
Employment‐based visas: The inflexible U.S. Visa regime and the impact(s) on immigrant labour market integration1
How does outmigration behaviour cascade within the community of origin? A socio‐historical approach to migrant network analysis using the Philippines case1
Subjective well‐being of older migrants in the Netherlands: A conceptual and methodological discussion1
Dini, Sabine and Giusa, Caterina (2020) Externalising Migration Governance Through Civil Society. Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, CH, 94p.1
Comprehensive social and medical security for Ukrainian migrant workers: Degree of protection1
Homeland–diaspora nexus during crisis: Towards a transformed engagement model1
Queer asylum: Between hostility and incredibility1
Unsettling the migration and development narrative. A Latin American critical perspective1