International Migration

(The H4-Index of International Migration is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
“We are part of this place, but I do not think I belong.” Temporariness, Social Inclusion and Belonging among Migrant Farmworkers in Southwestern Ontario27
Integration and the struggle to turn space into “our” place: Homemaking as a way beyond the stalemate of assimilationism vs transnationalism22
Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: A critical and theoretical overview21
Vulnerability of refugees: Some reflections on definitions and measurement practices20
Introduction: Latin American Political and Policy Responses to Venezuelan Displacement19
Access to and exclusion from housing over time: Refugees' experiences in rural areas19
The Cartagena Refugee Definition and Venezuelan Displacement in Latin America119
Does the global migration matter? The impact of top ten cities migration on native nationals income and employment levels19
"It is not O.K to think that you are good just because you have graduated from overseas": Agency and contextual factors affecting Vietnamese returning graduates15
Measuring residential segregation in multi‐ethnic and unequal European cities14
Colombia's open‐door policy: An innovative approach to displacement?14
Contextualizing and conceptualizing reintegration processes in the context of return13
Introduction “Labour market integration of highly skilled refugees in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands”13
The EU's ‘return rate’ with third countries: Why EU readmission agreements do not make much difference13
South‐South Migration: Remittances of Labour Migrants and Household Expenditures in Uzbekistan13
Measuring the Cultural Dimension of Migrant Integration and Integration Policy in the European Context: Dilemmas and Discussions113
All Welcome Here? Attitudes towards Muslim Migrants in Europe13