International Journal of Psychology

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Psychology is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Educational gains ofin‐personvs. distance learning in primary and secondary schools: A natural experiment during theCOVID‐19 pandemic school closures in Switzerland186
Resilience of children in disasters: A multisystem perspective114
Employee psychological well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany: A longitudinal study of demands, resources, and exhaustion110
Being an accountant, cook, entertainer and teacher—all at the same time: Changes in employees' work and work‐related well‐being during the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic64
An outbreak of xenophobia: Perceived discrimination and anxiety in Chinese American college students before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic51
The conspiracy hoax? Testing key hypotheses about the correlates of generic beliefs in conspiracy theories during the COVID‐19 pandemic46
When loneliness dimensions drift apart: Emotional, social and physical loneliness during the COVID‐19 lockdown and its associations with age, personality, stress and well‐being40
Phone follow up to families of COVID‐19 patients who died at the hospital: families' grief reactions and clinical psychologists' roles35
Posttraumatic symptoms, posttraumatic growth, and internal resources among the general population in Greece: A nation‐wide survey amid the first COVID‐19 lockdown34
Students' basic needs and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A two‐country study of basic psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic learning motivation, positive emotion and the moderating role32
Are face masks a partisan issue during the COVID‐19 pandemic? Differentiating political ideology and political party affiliation29
The psychological effect of COVID‐19 quarantine on Greek young adults: Risk factors and the protective role of daily routine and altruism28
How is loneliness related to anxiety and depression: A population‐based network analysis in the early lockdown period27
Resource loss and mental health during COVID‐19: Psychosocial protective factors among U.S. older adults and those with chronic disease25
Putting the social back into physical distancing: The role of digital connections in a pandemic crisis24
Alexithymia, narcissism and social anxiety in relation to social media and internet addiction symptoms23
Appraisal and coping predict health and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An international approach23
The COVID‐19 lockdown and psychological distress among Italian parents: Influence of parental role, parent personality, and child difficulties23
Left‐behind children's social adjustment and relationship with parental coping with children's negative emotions during the COVID‐19 pandemic in China22
“It's a war! It's a battle! It's a fight!”: Do militaristic metaphors increase people's threat perceptions and support for COVID‐19 policies?21
Individual values and well‐being: The moderating role of personality traits20