International Journal for Parasitology

(The TQCC of International Journal for Parasitology is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial board199
Editorial board109
The anticancer drug imatinib induces autophagy in Schistosoma mansoni54
Editorial board52
Plasmodium early transcribed membrane proteins appear tailored to the host range of malaria parasites50
Editorial board46
Editorial board43
Editorial board40
Editorial board38
Editorial board34
Keyword Index33
The transmission-blocking effects of antimalarial drugs revisited: fitness costs and sporontocidal effects of artesunate and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine33
Short-term culture adaptation of Toxoplasma gondii archetypal II and III field isolates affects cystogenic capabilities and modifies virulence in mice31
Parasite exchange and hybridisation at a wild-feral-domestic interface30
Malaria research in Australia: looking through the lens of the past towards the future30
Comparative genomics analysis reveals sequence characteristics potentially related to host preference in Cryptosporidium xiaoi28
The biodiversity of marine trematodes: then, now and in the future28
The unusual kinetics of lactate dehydrogenase of Schistosoma mansoni and their role in the rapid metabolic switch after penetration of the mammalian host28
Tracking gastrointestinal nematode risk on cattle farms through pasture contamination mapping27
Peripheral Taenia infection increases immunoglobulins in the central nervous system26
Rapid, automated quantification of Haemonchus contortus ova in sheep faecal samples26
Morphological variability in the mucosal attachment site of Trichuris muris revealed by X-ray microcomputed tomography26
Insights into the functional expansion of the astacin peptidase family in parasitic helminths25
Alkyne modified purines for assessment of activation of Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites and growth of pre-erythrocytic and erythrocytic stages in Plasmodium spp.24
Linking avian malaria parasitemia estimates from quantitative PCR and microscopy reveals new infection patterns in Hawai'i24
Dark diversity of flea assemblages of small mammalian hosts: effects of environment, host traits and host phylogeny23
Genome-wide scan reveals important additive and non-additive genetic effects associated with resistance to Haemonchus contortus in Florida Native sheep23
Intercontinental distributions, phylogenetic position and life cycles of species of Apharyngostrigea (Digenea, Diplostomoidea) illuminated with morphological, experimental, molecular and genomic data22
Vol 52 Contents21
Is vision deterioration responsible for changes in the host’s behavior caused by eye flukes?20
Releasing latent Toxoplasma gondii cysts from host cells to the extracellular environment induces excystation20
A Taq-Man-based multiplex quantitative PCR for the simultaneous detection and quantification of Angiostrongylus vasorum, Crenosoma vulpis, and species of respiratory capillarids in canids19
Editorial board19
Vector species richness predicts local mortality rates from Chagas disease19
Laboratory and field validation of the recombinase polymerase amplification assay targeting the Schistosoma mansoni mitochondrial minisatellite region (SmMIT-RPA) for snail xenomonitoring for schistos19
Modelling the potential spread of Hyalomma marginatum ticks in Europe by migratory birds18
Effective low-cost preservation of human stools in field-based studies for helminth and microbiota analysis18
Praziquantel pharmacotherapy reduces systemic osteopontin levels and liver collagen content in murine schistosomiasis mansoni17
Editorial board17
Age-specific patterns of DBLα var diversity can explain why residents of high malaria transmission areas remain susceptible to Plasmodium falciparum blood stage infection throughout life16
Assessing the role of individual foxes in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis through faecal samples16
MicroRNA miR-155-5p knockdown attenuates Angiostrongylus cantonensis-induced eosinophilic meningitis by downregulating MMP9 and TSLP proteins16
How do trematode clones differ by fitness-related traits and interact within a host?15
Expanding the known haemosporidian parasite diversity in Eurasian bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) subspecies through amplicon sequencing15
Assessment of a 10-year dog deworming programme on the transmission of Echinococcus multilocularis in Tibetan communities in Sichuan Province, China15
In vitro cultivation methods for coccidian parasite research15
The turkey ascarid, Ascaridia dissimilis, as a model genetic system14
Intricate balance of dually-localized catalase modulates infectivity of Leptomonas seymouri (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae)14
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) derived from Leishmania and bacteria increase gene expression of antimicrobial peptides and gut surface proteins in sand flies14
Searching for common patterns in parasite ecology: species and host contributions to beta-diversity in helminths of South African ungulates and fleas of South American rodents14
Global profiling of lncRNAs-miRNAs-mRNAs reveals differential expression of coding genes and non-coding RNAs in the lung of beagle dogs at different stages of Toxocara canis infection14
Bacterial community dynamics following antibiotic exposure in a trematode parasite14
Genomic and metagenomic analyses of the domestic mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae identify it as a widespread environmental contaminant and a host of a basal, mite-specific Wolbachia lineage (supergroup 13
Two seasons of tick paralysis in Victoria yet one season in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia13
Climatic requirements of the eastern paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, with a consideration of its possible geographic range up to 209013
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibodies in pigs using an oral fluid-based commercial ELISA: Advantages and limitations12
Trich-tracker – a practical tool to trace Trichinella spiralis transmission based on rapid, cost-effective sampling of genome-wide genetic variation12
Differential expression of microRNAs and tRNA fragments mediate the adaptation of the liver fluke Fasciola gigantica to its intermediate snail and definitive mammalian hosts12
Antibody kinetics and exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in cats: a seroepidemiological study12
In silico analyses of neuropeptide-like protein (NLP) profiles in parasitic nematodes12
The key to egress? Babesia bovis perforin-like protein 1 (PLP1) with hemolytic capacity is required for blood stage replication and is involved in the exit of the parasite from the host cell12
Multiple UDP glycosyltransferases modulate benzimidazole drug sensitivity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in an additive manner12
Molecular phylogeny of Diplostomum, Tylodelphys, Austrodiplostomum and Paralaria (Digenea: Diplostomidae) necessitates systematic changes and reveals a history of evolutionary host switching events11
Influence of land use and host species on parasite richness, prevalence and co-infection patterns11
High prevalence of Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale in co-infections with Plasmodium falciparum in asymptomatic malaria parasite carriers in southwestern Nigeria11
Morphological constraint obscures richness: a mitochondrial exploration of cryptic richness in Transversotrema (Trematoda: Transversotrematidae)11
PpSP32-like protein as a marker of human exposure to Phlebotomus argentipes in Leishmania donovani foci in Bangladesh11
Author Index10
Editorial board10
Specialist by preference, generalist by need: availability of quality hosts drives parasite choice in a natural multihost–parasite system10
Revisiting the phylogeny of microsporidia10
The invasive acanthocephalan parasite Pachysentis canicola is associated with a declining endemic island fox population on San Miguel Island10
Bat microfilariae in the cityscape: a transmission tale between bats, mites, and bat flies10
Use the force, fluke: Ligand-independent gating of Schistosoma mansoni ion channel TRPMPZQ9
Host traits, identity, and ecological conditions predict consistent flea abundance and prevalence on free-living California ground squirrels9
Editorial board9
Editorial board9
Editorial board9
Taxonomy and molecular epidemiology of Cryptosporidium and Giardia – a 50 year perspective (1971–2021)9
Proteases and their inhibitors involved in Schistosoma mansoni egg-host interaction revealed by comparative transcriptomics with Fasciola hepatica eggs9
Shortened egg reappearance periods of equine cyathostomins following ivermectin or moxidectin treatment: morphological and molecular investigation of efficacy and species composition9
Editorial board9
Gastropod invasions in anthropogenically impacted impoundments in South Africa: Tracing their origins and exploring field evidence of parasite spillback and amplification9
Alan David Donald AM BVSc PhD FASP FRSB (UK) FTSE MANZCVS Editor, IJP, 1993–19979
The cell invasion preference of Varroa destructor between the original and new honey bee hosts8
A repeatable and quantitative DNA metabarcoding assay to characterize mixed strongyle infections in horses8
Low parasite infestations in high densities: The paradox of woodpigeons in urban areas8
Plasmodium DDI1 is a potential therapeutic target and important chromatin-associated protein8
Is parasite taxonomy really in trouble? A quantitative analysis8
Helminth-induced CD9+ B-cell subset alleviates obesity-associated inflammation via IL-10 production8
B cell clonal expansion and mutation in the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain in response to Pfs230 and Pfs25 malaria vaccines8
Editorial board8
Monepantel-based anthelmintic combinations to optimize parasite control in cattle8
Parasite airlines: mapping the distribution and transmission of avian blood parasites in migratory birds8
The effect of landscape and human settlement on the genetic differentiation and presence of Paragonimus species in Mesoamerica7
A new species of mammalian trypanosome, Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) bubalisi sp. nov., found in the freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis7
Phylogenetic signals in flea-host interaction networks from four biogeographic realms: differences between interactors and the effects of environmental factors7
Investigating how clathrin adaptor complex AP-2 participates in Giardia lamblia encystation7
Determinants of haemosporidian single- and co-infection risks in western palearctic birds7
Editorial board7
Update on the treatment and prevention of ocular thelaziosis (Thelazia callipaeda) in naturally infected dogs from Spain7
Exo-erythrocytic development of two Haemoproteus species (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae), with description of Haemoproteus dumbbellus, a new blood parasite of bunting birds (Emberizidae)7
Vol 52 Keyword Index7
A quantum leap in the evolution of platyhelminths: Host-switching from turtles to hippopotamuses illustrated from a phylogenetic meta-analysis of polystomes (Monogenea, Polystomatidae)7
Host exposure history and priority effects impact the development and reproduction of a dominant parasite7
Editorial board7