International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

(The TQCC of International Journal of Mechanical Sciences is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Micromechanical analysis of composite materials considering material variability and microvoids156
Editorial Board143
Editorial Board141
Editorial Board138
Tunable pure shear deformation of voltage/charge loaded dielectric elastomers134
Modelling of axial thrust force between rolls in strip mill130
A new 3-D multi-physics coupling model for lubricated piston-liner systems123
A viscoelastic-viscoplastic thermo-mechanical model for polymers under hypervelocity impact119
A streaming-potential-based microfluidic measurement of surface charge at immiscible liquid-liquid interface118
A tuned cable-inerter system for vibration reduction of towers110
Modelling and design of ultra-high stable Fabry–Pérot cavity108
Editorial Board108
Transverse forced vibration of a diamond wire under support excitations105
Thermal softening behavior up to fracture initiation during high-rate deformation105
Acoustic metamaterial lens for two-dimensional vortex beamforming and perception101
Shape sensing of composite shell using distributed fibre optic sensing101
Mechanical adjustment and prediction of metal-composite reconfigurable tubes100
A mixed visco-hyperelastic hydrodynamic lubrication model for water-lubricated rubber bearings97
A whole bone-lacunocanalicular network-osteocyte model examining bone adaptation to distinct loading parameters90
Bioinspired acoustic meta-processor for enhancing physical and psychoacoustic functions89
Fatigue-creep design of transpiration cooled nickel gas turbine blades via low order aerothermal-stress and crystal plasticity finite element modelling87
A direction-tunable Rayleigh wave transducer for inspection of rail web86
A high-performance elastic-soft hybrid pneumatic actuator with origami structure86
3D dynamic analysis of elastically restrained multi-directional FGMs rectangular parallelepiped85
Three-dimensional manipulation via magnetic levitation79
The mechanics and physics of twisted and coiled polymer actuators78
Modeling of discrete-continuous contact behaviors in multilevel helical structures78
Bending and twisting rigidities of 2D materials77
Crashworthiness analysis of okra biomimetic corrugated multi-cellular structure77
Energy generation from friction-induced vibration of a piezoelectric beam76
Experimental and homogenized orientation-dependent properties of hybrid long fiber-reinforced thermoplastics75
Viscoelastic–plastic constitutive model with damage of frozen soil under impact loading and freeze–thaw loading75
Mode-based energy transfer analysis of flow-induced vibration of two rigidly coupled tandem cylinders74
Sparse-grids uncertainty quantification of part-scale additive manufacturing processes73
Molecular dynamics study on nanodust removal strategies from nanotrench structures73
Discovering constitutive equations of crystal structures by sparse identification72
Electrically controllable behaviors in defective phononic crystals with inductive-resistive circuits71
Stiffness characteristics for bi-directional tunable thermal expansion metamaterial based on bi-material triangular unit70
Robust Fano resonance between mechanical first- and second-order topological states68
Prismatic Quasi-Direct-Drives for dynamic quadruped locomotion with high payload capacity68
Large deformation mechanics of the thrust performances generated by combustion-enabled soft actuators66
The influence of selective laser melting defects on the fatigue properties of Ti6Al4V porosity graded gyroids for bone implants66
Transformation-induced fracture toughening in CuAlBe shape memory alloys: A phase-field study66
Broadband pressure spectra induced by unsteady flow in axial turbine65
Tunable topological edge states and rainbow trapping in two dimensional magnetoelastic phononic crystal plates based on an external magnetostatic field65
Anisotropic thermal expansion based on a novel metamaterial64
Cohesive modeling of crack formation in two-phase planar electrodes subject to diffusion induced stresses using the distributed dislocation method64
On the contact between elasto-plastic media with self-affine fractal roughness64
Chatter analysis and mitigation of milling of the pocket-shaped thin-walled workpieces with viscous fluid63
Numerical framework for anisotropic flexible piezoelectrics with large deformation62
Dynamic responses of composite plate-shell coupled structures under moving excitations61
Numerical cross-scale optimization of homogenized composite laminates under impact loading61
A time domain procedure for the identification of periodic structures60
Stochastic bandgap optimization for multiscale elastic metamaterials with manufacturing imperfections60
Design and analysis of a tunable multistable mechanical metamaterial59
Multi-scale and multi-layer perceptron hybrid method for bearings fault diagnosis59
Towards understanding and restraining the mechanical relaxation effect in polishing silicon carbide with a detachable bonnet tool58
Isotacticity in chiral phononic crystals for low-frequency bandgap58
The role of material and geometric nonlinearities and damping effects in designing mechanically tunable acoustic metamaterials57
Full-band vibration isolation of multi-step quasi-zero stiffness systems57
Synergistic acoustic metamaterial for soundproofing: Combining membrane and locally resonant structure57
Subwavelength ultrasonic imaging via a harmonic resonant tunneling metalens57
Low-frequency band gaps in quasi-zero stiffness locally resonant metamaterial shaft57
Cyclic behaviour modelling of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures56
Mesoscale numerical investigation of dynamic spalling fracture in toughness concrete56
Meta-barriers for ventilated sound reduction via transformation acoustics56
Bimodal powder optimization in SiC binder jetting for mechanical performance55
A robust data processing method for pulse-decay measurement of tight materials53
Investigation of a 2-DOF GER fluid damper in cut mode53
Power screw-assisted reconfigurable reflective metasurface with spatial modulation52
Editorial Board52
Hybrid multi-resonators elastic metamaterials for broad low-frequency bandgaps52
Rough surface damping contact model and its space mechanism application51
Investigation on the compressive mechanical properties of ultra-thick CFRP laminates51
Performance and efficiency oriented optimal design of tuned inerter damper for seismic response control of building structures51
Impact analysis of a honeycomb-filled motorcycle helmet based on coupled head-helmet modelling51
The optimal design of negative stiffness inerter passive dampers for structures51
Modeling of acoustoelastic effects based on anharmonic atomic interaction51
Unified buckling computational framework of hydro-statically-loaded stiffened composite cylindrical shells50
Periodic response of a nonlinear axially moving beam with a nonlinear energy sink and piezoelectric attachment50
Numerical investigation on buffeting and lock-in phenomenon for biplane airfoils at 50
Dynamic modeling and analysis of fluid-delivering cracked pipeline considering breathing effect50
Nonlinear characteristic and chip breaking mechanism for an axial low-frequency self-excited vibration drilling robot49
Fundamental relationship between rolling contact fatigue driven surface damage and torsional fatigue49
A vibration-driven locomotion robot excited by time-varying stiffness49
Improving the performance of a two-sided vibro-impact energy harvester with asymmetric restitution coefficients49
Strong strain hardening in graphene/nanotwinned metal composites revealed by molecular dynamics simulations48
Shock compression of nanoporous silicon carbide at high strain rate48
Molecular dynamics simulations on one-way shape memory effect of nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy and its cyclic degeneration48
Transfer learning-based crashworthiness prediction for the composite structure of a subway vehicle48
In-plane compressive behavior of a novel self-similar hierarchical honeycomb with design-oriented crashworthiness48
Modeling the anisotropic plasticity and damage of AA7075 alloy in hot forming48
Improving metal surface integrity by integrating mechanical stress fields during micron- and nano-abrasive machining48
Free and forced vibration analysis of general multiple beam systems47
Sensitivity-aided active control of flow past twin cylinders47
Simulation of nanofluid-cooled lithium-ion battery during charging: A battery connected to a solar cell47
Ellipsoidal drop impact on a single-ridge superhydrophobic surface47
Robust performance improvement of a raft-type wave energy converter using a nonlinear stiffness mechanism47
Extracting longitudinal waves by utilizing the symmetry of piezoelectric sphere47
Additively manufactured truss-core sandwich cylinders: Materials, processes and performances47
Experimental and numerical studies of NiTi dynamic fracture behaviors under the impact loading46
Continuous-phase-transformation elastic metasurface for flexural wave using notched structure46
Design optimization of the bamboo-inspired foam-filled tube for high-speed train collision energy absorption46
Vibration analysis of thick-section sandwich structures in thermal environments46
Waves in elastic bars under axial constant velocity loading46
Thermo-metallurgical-mechanical modeling of FG titanium-matrix composites in powder bed fusion46
Numerical and experimental investigation on autoparametric resonance of multi-system structures46
Equivalent mechanical model of resin-coated aramid paper of Nomex honeycomb46
Building efficient interfacial property with graphene heterogeneous interface46
The functional switching on the operating modes of a piezoelectric semiconductor bipolar junction transistor via mechanical loadings46
Creep properties and life model of anisotropic Ni-based single crystal superalloys over a wide temperature range45
Crashworthiness analysis and multi-objective optimization design for foam-filled spiral tube45
Direct modeling of non-uniform strain field of heterogeneous materials45
Coolant flow in drilling titanium considering two phase boiling45
Formability of third generation advanced high strength steel: experimental and theoretical approach45
Visco-elastohydrodynamic lubrication and wear model amended by deformation velocity44
Large deformation frictional contact formulations for isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shell44
Mechanical properties and failure behaviour of architected alumina microlattices fabricated by stereolithography 3D printing44
Layer jamming: Modeling and experimental validation44
A solution for estimating high-temperature strength based on additive manufacturing characteristics44
Topology optimization and 3D printing of micro-drone: Numerical design with experimental testing43
Development of a novel high bandwidth piezo-hydraulic actuator for a miniature variable swept wing43
Unveiling a new shear stress transfer mechanism in composites with helically wound hierarchical fibres43
Compressive-sensing model reconstruction of nonlinear systems with multiple attractors43
Unraveling the heterogeneous evolution of the microstructure and texture in the thermomechanically affected zone of commercially pure titanium during friction stir processing43
Virtual modelling integrated phase field method for dynamic fracture analysis43
Formation of lamellar domains in liquid crystal elastomers under compression43
Low-frequency enhancement of acoustic black holes via negative stiffness supporting43
Modeling of pitting damage-induced ultrasonic nonlinearity in AL-Whipple shields of spacecraft: Theory, simulation, and experimental validation43
Analysis of bounce of viscoelastic spheres on rigid surfaces43
Analytical solution for circular inhomogeneous inclusion problems with non-uniform axisymmetric eigenstrain distribution42
Buckling analysis of multi-span non-uniform beams with functionally graded graphene-reinforced foams42
Elasto-viscoplastic material modelling using the multiaxial Prandtl operator approach42
Specific cutting energy optimization of CF/PEEK milling considering size effect42
Broadband Rayleigh wave attenuation utilizing an inertant seismic metamaterial42
Mechanics of vitrimer particle compression and fusion under heat press42
Effect of splitter plate length on FIV of circular cylinder42
Effect of three tandem cylinder diameter difference on flow-induced vibrations and heat transfer42
Study on MR fluid hybrid hole-entry spherical journal bearing with micro-grooves42
Effect of scratches on the damage characteristics of fused silica optics under extremely-high impact load42
Quasi-static and dynamic investigation of an advanced high strength and corrosion resistant 10 % Cr nanocomposite martensitic steel42
Design of multi-state tunable phononic crystals based on the reconstruction mechanism of guide-rail lattice41
Accurate 3D thermal stress analysis of thermal barrier coatings41
Underwater gradient metalens for broadband subwavelength focusing41
Diagnostic-prognostic framework for assessing the health status of composite structures41
Process-induced Mechanical Property Heterogeneity along the Building Direction of Directed Energy Deposited IN718 Thin-walled Parts41
How sensitivity of metals to strain, strain rate and temperature affects necking onset and hardening in dynamic tests41
Electro-mechano-acoustical equivalent circuit model of z-structured piezoelectric transducer41
Cooperative collapse of helical structure enables the actuation of twisting pneumatic artificial muscle41
A novel theoretical model for obtaining Norton's law of creep materials using different small specimens40
Wave propagation in periodic nano structures through second strain gradient elasticity40
Interfacial stress and crack propagation experimental study in mini-LED chip debonding40
The yielding behavior of TU00 pure copper under impact loading40
Optimization method to construct multiple acoustic vortices for holograms40
Ductile damage and fracture characterizations in bi-cyclic biaxial experiments40
An improved Marciniak-Kuczynski approach for predicting sheet metal formability40
An automated design framework for composite mechanical metamaterials and its application to 2D pentamode materials40
A thermodynamically consistent creep constitutive model considering damage mechanisms40
Convective heat transfer modelling in dry-running polymer spur gears39
Internal-interfacial cracking interaction: Combined phase-field and discontinuous Galerkin/cohesive zone modeling39
Dynamic strain aging of an AISI 1025 steel coil and its relationship with macroscopic responses during the upsetting process39
Buckling and Postbuckling of Anisotropic Laminated Doubly Curved Panels under Lateral Pressure39
Dynamic loading in a transversely isotropic and layered elastic half-space39
Anomalous elastic response of a 3D anti - tetrachiral metamaterial39
Low-cycle fatigue simulation of ductile materials using elasto-plastic gradient damage approach39
Wave propagation of 2D elastic metamaterial with rotating squares and hinges39
Theoretical analysis of detection sensitivity in nano-resonator-based sensors for elasticity and density measurement39
Research on the generation mechanism and interference of surface texture in ultrasonic vibration assisted milling38
Variational-asymptotic homogenization of thermoelastic periodic materials with thermal relaxation38
Negative Poisson's ratio and effective Young's modulus of a vertex-based hierarchical re-entrant honeycomb structure38
Compression and spallation properties of polyethylene terephthalate under plate impact loading38
Synchronous mass detection based on 1:1:2 internal resonance of piezo-driven resonator38
Effective elastic properties of sandwich-structured hierarchical honeycombs: An analytical solution38
Crashworthiness analysis of variable thickness CFRP/Al hybrid multi-cell tube38
Correlation between meso-structures and magnetoelectric properties in 0-3 magnetoelectric composites38
Effect of different geometrically nonlinear strain measures on the static nonlinear response of isotropic and composite shells with constant curvature38
Thermo-mechanically coupled sliding contact shakedown analysis of functionally graded coating-substrate structures38
Tuning of topological interface modes in an elastic beam array system with inerters38
Quantification, localization, and reconstruction of impact force on interval composite structures37
Mesh-free micromechanical modeling of inverse opal structures37
Enhancement of thermo-fluid performance of square cylinder by dual splitter plates37
Magnetic and vibrational amplitude dependences of MRE grid composite sandwich plates37
The modified relaxation plasticity model and the non-monotonic stress–strain diagram37
Interface and interphase of nanocomposites tailored by covalent grafting of carbon nanotube: Hierarchical multiscale modeling37
Higher order dynamic mode decomposition to model reacting flows37
A double scalar elastic damage constitutive model of ice materials37
Hydrothermal index and entropy generation of a heated cylinder placed between two oppositely rotating cylinders in a vented cavity37
Multi-band topological valley modes of flexural waves in micro-perforated phononic plates37
Evaluation of loading-path-dependent constitutive models for springback prediction in martensitic steel forming36
Stiffness and pre-stretching estimation from indentation test of hyperelastic membrane36
Atomistic simulations of AuTi high-temperature shape memory alloys36
Nonlinear free vibration analysis of ionic liquid enhanced soft composite membrane36
Towards a non-invasive computational diagnostic framework for personalized cardiology of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in interactions with complex valvular, ventricular and vascular disease36
Nonlinear static isogeometric analysis of arbitrarily curved Kirchhoff-Love shells36
Tool wear induced burr formation and concomitant reduction in MQL wetting capability in micro-milling36
A framework of flexible locally resonant metamaterials for attachment to curved structures36
Development of analytical strength estimator for self-piercing rivet joints through observation of finite element simulations36
Editorial Board36
Editorial Board36
Structure genome based machine learning method for woven lattice structures36
Micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4 V with controlled burr formation36
Mechanics of active gel spheres under bulk contraction36
The exact closed-form expressions for optimal design parameters of resonating base isolators36
An improved material point method for coining simulation36
Analysis of adhesive contact of heterogeneous elastic materials35
Editorial Board35
Deformation mechanism and microstructure evolution of medium-Mn AHSS under various loading conditions35
Bulging of dielectric elastomer tubes considering residual stress and viscoelasticity35
Impact failure characteristics of LNG carrier cargo containment system35
Ferroelectric switching behavior of nanoscale Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 grains35
Integrating multiple samples into full-field optimization of yield criteria35
Thermoelectric and stress distributions around a smooth cavity in thermoelectric material35
Reflection characteristics of thin-beds with aligned fractures35
Mechanical design and analytic solution for unfolding deformation of locomotive ferromagnetic robots35
A Dissolvable Micromechanics Model for Composites35
Designing necks and wrinkles in inflated auxetic membranes34
Dynamic cavitation in soft solids under monotonically increasing pressure34
Optimal local truncation error method for 3-D elasticity interface problems34
Dynamic drill-string modeling for acoustic telemetry34
Editorial Board34
Three-dimensional simulation of lateral migration of fiber in a laminar channel flow34
Crashworthiness analysis of Dragonfly inspired tubes under multiple load cases34
Spectral finite element method for efficient simulation of nonlinear interactions between Lamb waves and breathing cracks within the bi-potential framework34
Crack layer model for semi-elliptical surface cracks in HDPE pipes and application in buried pipes with complicated loading conditions34
Continuous electric field modeling of Macro-Fiber Composites for actuation and energy harvesting34
Analytical solutions for film stress and bending deformation of coated optical lenses34
Editorial Board34
Editorial Board34
Editorial Board33
Three-dimensional thermal-stress analysis of transversely isotropic double-layer plate based on Green's function33
Editorial Board33
Editorial Board33
Editorial Board33
Characterisation of out-of-plane shear behaviour of anisotropic sheet materials based on indentation plastometry33
Editorial Board33
Editorial Board33
Effects of ammonia combustion on skin friction characteristics for supersonic flow33
Mechanical analysis of aligned carbon nanotube bundles under electric field33
Stochastic evolution mechanism in random thermoelastic vibration captured using the explicit time-domain method33
Topology optimization of hierarchical structures based on floating projection33
Editorial Board33
Editorial Board33
Model updating of a scaled piping system and vibration attenuation via locally resonant bandgap formation33
Editorial Board33
Surface deformation errors and self-adaptive compensation for microstructured surface generation of titanium alloys33
Relative sensitivity of nano-mechanical cantilevers to stiffness and mass variation33
Unraveling the formation mechanism of deformation bands in AA1100 alloy during plane forging and return-plane forging33
Experimental study of external lateral flow effects on turbulent isothermal upward/downward slot jets impinging inside an open cavity33
Bending and free vibration analyses of circular stiffened plates using the FSDT mesh-free method32
Non-dimensional parameters governing the crashworthy performance of tubes with complex cross-sections32