International Journal of Game Theory

(The median citation count of International Journal of Game Theory is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Linear evasion differential game of one evader and several pursuers with integral constraints21
Entry with two correlated signals: the case of industrial espionage and its positive competitive effects8
Improving efficiency in school choice under partial priorities6
The roommate problem with externalities6
Allocating the costs of cleaning a river: expected responsibility versus median responsibility5
Search for a moving target in a competitive environment4
Strategic information transmission with sender’s approval4
Fair reallocation in economies with single-peaked preferences4
The allocation of marginal surplus for cooperative games with transferable utility4
Bayesian persuasion in unlinked games3
Ordinal imitative dynamics3
The priority value for cooperative games with a priority structure3
Subgame perfect equilibria under the deferred acceptance algorithm3
Comparison of the voluntary contribution and Pareto-efficient mechanisms under voluntary participation3
Price leadership, spying, and secret price changes: a Stackelberg game with imperfect commitment3
Sunspot equilibrium in positive recursive general quitting games3
Complexity of stability in trading networks2
Horizontal product differentiation in Varian’s model of sales2
Cooperative games with partial information2
Equilibrium payoffs in two-player discounted OLG games2
Joint market dominance through exclusionary compatibility2
Buyers’ welfare maximizing auction design2
Best-response dynamics, playing sequences, and convergence to equilibrium in random games2
Object reallocation problems under single-peaked preferences: two characterizations of the crawler2
An upper bound for the $$\ell _1$$-variation along the road to agreement2
Spatial competition on 2-dimensional markets and networks when consumers don’t always go to the closest firm2
Charges and bets: a general characterisation of common priors2
Weighted voting procedure having a unique blocker2
(In)efficiency and equitability of equilibrium outcomes in a family of bargaining games2
The good, the bad, the well-connected2
Hart–Mas-Colell consistency and the core in convex games2
Optimal contracts with random monitoring2
A note on a Tarski type fixed-point theorem2
Two-player pebbling on diameter 2 graphs2
Discrete Colonel Blotto games with two battlefields2
Fairness and fuzzy coalitions2
Step-by-step negotiations and utilitarianism2
Effort of rugby teams according to the bonus point system: a theoretical and empirical analysis2
Legitimate equilibrium1
Strategy-proof and Pareto efficient allocation of indivisible goods: general impossibility domains1
Entry in first-price auctions with signaling1
Cyclical behavior of evolutionary dynamics in coordination games with changing payoffs1
Comparable axiomatizations of the average tree solution and the Myerson value1
Cautious farsighted stability in network formation games with streams of payoffs1
On the foundation of monopoly in bilateral exchange1
Strategic transmission of imperfect information: why revealing evidence (without proof) is difficult1
Collusion with capacity constraints under a sales maximization rationing rule1
A threshold model of urban development1
Best-response equilibrium: an equilibrium in finitely additive mixed strategies1
Deterministic n-person shortest path and terminal games on symmetric digraphs have Nash equilibria in pure stationary strategies1
Impartial games with decreasing Sprague–Grundy function and their hypergraph compound1
Meet meets join: the interaction between pooled and common knowledge1
Allocation rules are very generally vulnerable to the strategic withholding of endowments1
Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency1
Minimum cost spanning tree problems as value sharing problems1
Receiver’s sensitivity and strategic information transmission in multi-sender cheap talk1
Evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous populations: a general framework for an arbitrary type distribution1
Existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in discontinuous Bertrand games: a complete characterization1
Nonatomic game with general preferences over returns1
Discrete Richman-bidding scoring games1
Prices as signals of product quality in a duopoly1
Axiomatic characterizations of the core and the Shapley value of the broadcasting game1
A myopic adjustment process for mean field games with finite state and action space1
Marginality and a Characterization of the Owen Graph value1
Minimal farsighted instability1
The (non-)robustness of influential cheap talk equilibria when the sender’s preferences are state independent1
On strategy-proofness and single-peakedness: median-voting over intervals1
Coordination on networks with farsighted and myopic agents1
The Lipschitz constant of perturbed anonymous games1
Queen reflections: a modification of Wythoff Nim1
The equal collective gains value in cooperative games1
Existence of value for a differential game with asymmetric information and signal revealing0
Efficient equilibria in common interest voting games0
On the relationship between p-dominance and stochastic stability in network games0
Deterrence games and the disruption of information0
TU-games with utilities: the prenucleolus and its characterization set0
Selling two complementary goods0
Strategy-proof interval-social choice correspondences over extended single-peaked domains0
Network disruption and the common-enemy effect0
Reciprocity models revisited: intention factors and reference values0
Information spillover in multiple zero-sum games0
Best play in Dots and Boxes endgames0
Equal-speed pursuit and evasion on manifolds0
A note on the risk dominance of the Nash demand game0
The minimum set of $$\mu $$-compatible subgames for obtaining a stable set in an assignment game0
Potentials and solutions of cooperative games with a fixed player set0
Sequential competition and the strategic origins of preferential attachment0
A complete solution for the partisan chocolate game0
Correction to: Value dividends, the Harsanyi set and extensions, and the proportional Harsanyi solution0
Domains where the uniform rule is well behaved0
Coalition-weighted Shapley values0
Exact asymptotics and continuous approximations for the Lowest Unique Positive Integer game0
Continuous optimisation problem and game theory for multi-agent pathfinding0
Professor Peter Sudhölter (1957–2024)0
A note on the per capita Shapley support levels value0
Buyers’ welfare maximizing auction design: comment0
Asymmetric majority pillage games0
Information revelation and coordination using cheap talk in a game with two-sided private information0
Core and stability notions in many-to-one matching markets with indifferences0
Some new results on generalized additive games0
The value of information on deadlines; successful opaque management0
Equilibria in infinite games of incomplete information0
Correction to: Hart–Mas-Colell consistency and the core in convex games0
Believing when credible: talking about future intentions and past actions0
On the existence of efficient multilateral trading mechanisms with interdependent values0
A characterization of consistent assessments using power sequences of strategy profiles0
Entry and social efficiency under Bertrand competition and asymmetric information0
Establishing human connections: experimental evidence from the helping game0
Participation constraints in first-price auctions0
Stable source connection and assignment problems as multi-period shortest path problems0
Resource inequality in the war of attrition0
Signaling games with endogenous types0
On the structure of core solutions of discontinuous general cooperative games0
Second-order productivity, second-order payoffs, and the Banzhaf value0
Tenable threats when Nash equilibrium is the norm0
An egalitarian solution to minimum cost spanning tree problems0
Cheating robot games0
Rejection prices and an auctioneer with non-monotonic utility0
Delegation of information acquisition, information asymmetry, and outside option0
Monopolists of scarce information and small group effectiveness in large quasilinear economies0
Computational complexity of Turning Tiles0
Rationalizable self-confirming equilibrium in static games with unawareness0
The Shapley value in positional queueing problems0
Equilibrium refinement in finite action evidence games0
Cost-sharing games in real-time scheduling systems0
Superpolynomial period lengths of the winning positions in the subtraction game0
Additive adjudication of conflicting claims0
Nash equilibria in random games with right fat-tailed distributions0
Pure strategy Nash equilibria for bargaining models of collective choice0
Making friends meet: network formation with introductions0
Winning strategies of (i, j) multimove games on Thai, Japanese, and Chinese chess games0
Professor Stef Tijs (1937–2023)0
The “desire to conform” and dynamic search by a committee0
Some remarks on the modeling of discrete matching markets0
Population monotonicity in fair division of multiple indivisible goods0
All-pay matching contests0
Intervention with limited information0
Noncooperative oligopoly equilibrium in markets with hierarchical competition0
Correction to: Lorenz comparisons of nine rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims0
Emperor nim and emperor sum: a new sum of impartial games0
Nested Tullock contests with nonmonotone prizes0
Semidefinite games0
Evolution of preferences in multiple populations0
Equilibria in bottleneck games0
On $$\alpha $$-constant-sum games0
Simplified group activity selection with group size constraints0
One-bound core games0
Axiomatizations of the $$\beta $$ and the score measures in networks0
Submixing and shift-invariant stochastic games0
Nash implementation of supermajority rules0
Cooperative approach to a location problem with agglomeration economies0
The battle of opinion: dynamic information revelation by ideological senders0
Vexing vexillological logic0
Closed-loop and open-loop equilibrium of a class time-inconsistent linear-quadratic differential games0
Full disclosure in competitive Bayesian persuasion0
Finitely additive behavioral strategies: when do they induce an unambiguous expected payoff?0
Information disclosure in all-pay contests with costly entry0
Computing remoteness functions of Moore, Wythoff, and Euclid’s games0
Trilateral escalation in the dollar auction0
Irresolute mechanism design: a new path to possibility0
The Population Lotto Game: how strategic resource allocation structures non-transitive outcomes in pairwise competitions0
When partner knows best: asymmetric expertise in partnerships0
Discrete stop-or-go games0
In memory of Victoria Kreps (3 September 1945–3 March 2021)0
An epistemic approach to explaining cooperation in the finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma0
Nash blocks0