International Journal of Computer Mathematics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Computer Mathematics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Convergence and stability of the balanced Euler method for stochastic pantograph differential equations with Markovian switching30
On SMSNSSOR iteration method for solving complex symmetric linear systems28
An efficient off-step spline algorithm for wave simulation of nonlinear Kuramoto–Sivashinsky and Korteweg-de Vries equations28
A stable pressure-correction MAC scheme for the fluid-Poroelastic material interaction problem26
A novel term-structure-based Heston model for implied volatility surface26
Spectral approximation for nonlinear time fractional Schrödinger equation on graded meshes22
Low tubal rank tensor completion based on singular value factors20
A study on mild solutions for multi-term time fractional measure differential equations19
Viscosity approximation method for split best proximity point and monotone variational inclusion problem17
Sobolev orthogonal Legendre rational spectral methods for exterior problems16
The measure pseudo almost-periodicty and automorphy in HOHNNs with time-varying delays16
Space–time localized polynomial basis functions for solving parabolic and hyperbolic equations16
New three-term conjugate gradient algorithm for solving monotone nonlinear equations and signal recovery problems15
Modification of numerical algorithm for space-time fractional partial differential equations including two types of fractional derivatives15
Exemplar-based large-scale low-rank matrix decomposition for collaborative prediction15
Parameter estimation in models generated by SDEs with symmetric alpha-stable noise14
The virtual element method for solving two-dimensional fractional cable equation on general polygonal meshes14
Numerical solution of nonlinear third-kind Volterra integral equations using an iterative collocation method14
Numerical solution of third-kind Volterra integral equations with proportional delays based on moving least squares collocation method12
Kaczmarz-type methods for solving matrix equations11
On mild solutions of the p-Laplacian fractional Langevin equations with anti-periodic type boundary conditions11
Enhancing mortgage rate prediction: a comprehensive evaluation of computational statistical approaches11
An optimization method for solving a general class of the inverse system of nonlinear fractional order PDEs11
Convergence and superconvergence analysis of energy-preserving Crank–Nicolson Galerkin method for the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation10
Robust septic Hermite collocation technique for singularly perturbed generalized Hodgkin–Huxley equation9
Discrete Legendre spectral methods for Hammerstein type weakly singular nonlinear Fredholm integral equations9
Numerical solution of general Emden–Fowler equation using Haar wavelet collocation method9
Discontinuous Galerkin for the wave equation: a simplified a priori error analysis9
How do Monte Carlo estimates affect stochastic geometric numerical integration?8
Numerical solution for three-dimensional nonlinear mixed Volterra–Fredholm integral equations via modified moving least-square method8
Approaches that take into account interactions between parameters: pure (fuzzy) soft sets8
A modified-upwind with block-centred finite difference scheme based on the two-grid algorithm for convection-diffusion-reaction equations8
A fast implicit difference scheme for solving high-dimensional time-space fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation8
A uniformly convergent scheme for two-parameter problems having layer behaviour7
The investigation of exact solutions of Korteweg-de vries equation with dual power law nonlinearity using the expaand exp (− Φ (ξ)) methods7
Vector breather waves and higher-order rouge waves to the coupled higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equations7
A non-classical sinc-collocation method for the solution of singular boundary value problems arising in physiology7
A posteriori error estimation and adaptive strategy for a nonlinear fractional differential equation7
New spectral LS conjugate gradient method for nonlinear unconstrained optimization7
Solving generalized polynomial problem by using new affine relaxed technique7
Prescribed time convergence and robust zeroing neural network for solving time-varying linear matrix equation6
An inertial extragradient method for iteratively solving equilibrium problems in real Hilbert spaces6
Optimal fourth-order parameter-uniform convergence of a non-monotone scheme on equidistributed meshes for singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problems6
Efficient parallel Monte-Carlo techniques for pricing American options including counterparty credit risk6
Numerical oscillation and non-oscillation analysis of the mixed type impulsive differential equation with piecewise constant arguments6
A technique for improving the computation of functions of triangular matrices6
A parallel high-order accuracy algorithm for the Helmholtz equations6
Iterative regularization methods for solving equilibrium problems6
A new block preconditioner for weighted Toeplitz regularized least-squares problems5
Analysis of a stochastic model for a prey–predator system with an indirect effect5
A novel radial basis procedure for the SIRC epidemic delay differential model5
Numerical solution of two-point BVPs in infinite-horizon optimal control theory: a combined quasilinearization method with exponential Bernstein functions5
Convergence and stability of modified partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic differential equations with piecewise continuous arguments5
A moving mesh method for quenching problem5
Fourth-order exponential time differencing Runge–Kutta scheme and local meshless method to investigate unsteady diffusion–convection problems of anisotropic functionally graded materials5
The non-autonomous perturbed potential Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation: its integrability, kinky-quasiperiodic, kink-like breather, lump-kink solutions with mixed backgrounds5
A novel coupled p ( x ) and fractional PDE denoising model with theoretical results5
Defect deferred correction method for two domain natural convection problem5
Efficient pricing and calibration of high-dimensional basket options5
Error analysis of Haar wavelet-based Galerkin numerical method with application to various nonlinear optimal control problems5
Series solution and Chebyshev collocation method for the initial value problem of Emden-Fowler equation4
Numerical computation for rogue waves in the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with the coherent coupling effect4
Novel methodological and computational techniques for uncertainty quantification in diabetes short-term management models using real data4
High accuracy compact difference and multigrid methods for two-dimensional time-dependent nonlinear advection-diffusion-reaction problems4
A new options pricing method: semi-stochastic kernel regression method with constraints4
Approximating solutions of the generalized modification of the system of equilibrium problems and fixed point problem of a nonexpansive mapping4
Legendre collocation method for new generalized fractional advection-diffusion equation4
The enhanced boundary knot method with fictitious sources for solving Helmholtz-type equations4
Numerical approximations based on sextic B-spline functions for solving fourth-order singular problems4
A fourth-order numerical method for solving a class of derivative-dependent nonlinear singular boundary value problems4
Error analysis of a Haar wavelets-based numerical method with its application to a nonlinear fractional dengue model4
An explicit high-order compact finite difference scheme for the three-dimensional acoustic wave equation with variable speed of sound4
Why Magnus expansion4
A gradient-based calibration method for the Heston model4
On the simultaneous reconstruction of the initial diffusion time and source term for the time-fractional diffusion equation4
Multiwave interaction solutions for a (3 + 1)-dimensional generalized BKP equation4
A mollification regularization method with Dirichlet kernel to solve potential-free field inverse Schrödinger Cauchy problem4
Threshold behaviour of a stochastic vector plant model for tomato yellow curl leaves disease: a study based on mathematical analysis and simulation4
Stabilized equal lower-order finite element methods for simulating Brinkman equations in porous media4
Continuous attractors of fuzzy coupled recurrent neural networks4
Numerical analysis of a fully discrete stabilized FEM for system of singularly perturbed parabolic IBVPs4
Conservative second-order finite difference method for Camassa–Holm equation with periodic boundary condition4
FDM-PINN: Physics-informed neural network based on fictitious domain method3
Efficiency energy-preserving cosine pseudo-spectral algorithms for the sine-Gordon equation with Neumann boundary conditions3
Numerical analysis of a dynamic viscoplastic contact problem3
On frame diagonalization of square matrices3
Numerical simulation of a fractional Davey–Stewartson model via a conservative scheme: preservation of mass, energy and momenta3
A dynamical mathematical model for crime evolution based on a compartmental system with interactions3
Approximate solution to solve singular variable-order fractional Volterra–Fredholm integral partial differential equations type defined using hybrid functions3
Forward starting options pricing under a regime-switching jump-diffusion model with Wishart stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rate3
Pressure robust hybrid mixed finite element method for Darcy–Forchheimer model3
Uniformly convergent hybrid numerical scheme for singularly perturbed turning point problems with delay3
A Galerkin approach to solitary wave propagation for the second-order nonlinear evolution equation based on quartic B-spline functions3
Numerical solutions for nonlinear multi-term fractional differential equations via Dickson operational matrix3
Analysis of a semi-Lagrangian numerical method in a cell dwarfism model3
Impulsive effects on stochastic bidirectional associative memory neural networks with reaction-diffusion and leakage delays3
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Mathematical techniques and applications of linear differential equation3
A parallel stabilized quadratic equal-order finite element algorithm for the steady Navier–Stokes equations3
A randomized trapezoidal quadrature3
Structure preserving subspace methods for the general coupled discrete-time periodic matrix equation and its application in antilinear periodic system3
Modelling and filtering for dynamic investment in the precious-metals market3
Characteristic mixed volume element for compressible two-phase displacement in porous media3
Energy stability of a temporal variable-step difference scheme for time-fractional nonlinear fourth-order reaction–diffusion equation3
Superconvergent spectral projection and multi-projection methods for nonlinear Fredholm integral equations3
Integer cum fractional ordered active-adaptive synchronization to control vasospasm in chaotic blood vessels to reduce risk of COVID-19 infections3
Flexible parameter selection methods for Rician noise removal with convergence guarantee3
A convergent numerical scheme to a McKendrick–von Foerster equation with diffusion3
A novel efficient numerical solution of Laplace equation with mixed boundary conditions3
Exponential input-to-state stability for neutral stochastic delay differential equations with Lévy noise and Markovian switching3