International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

(The TQCC of International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Semantic Adaptation and Validation of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C, in the Chilean Population36
Hypnosis in Treatment of Stomatodynia: Preliminary Retrospective Study of 12 Cases34
Interoceptive Accuracy as a Function of Hypnotizability20
Reporting and Mapping Research Evidence on Perceptions of Clinical Hypnosis Among the General Population and Patients Receiving Health Care Including Cancer Care: A Scoping Review19
Delivery of a Group Hypnosis Protocol for Managing Chronic Pain in Outpatient Integrative Medicine16
Association of Hypnotizability, Interoception, and Emotion15
Hypnotizability Norms may not be Representative of the General Population: Potential Sample and Self-Selection Bias Considerations10
Survey of Beliefs about Hypnosis among Students, Therapists, Followers of Paranormal Beliefs, and the General Public in Poland10
Efficacy of Hypnosis Interventions: Fibromyalgia, Sleep, Oncology, Test Anxiety, and Beliefs10
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS), Hypnosis, and Hypnotizability: Literature Review and Future Directions9
Using Buddhist Meditation-informed Hypnotic Techniques to Manage Rumination: Two Case Illustrations9
The Efficacy of Hypnotic Analgesic Suggestions in Chronic Nociplastic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial8
Clinical Hypnosis For Pain Reduction In Breast Cancer Mastectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial8
Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation, Sleep, Pain, and the Potential of Hypnosis Apps6
French Norms for a Shortened Online Adaptation of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A6
The Challenge of Fibromyalgia Efficacy of Hypnosis in Alleviating the Invisible Pain: A Narrative Review6
Virtual Reality Combined with Mind-Body Therapies for the Management of Pain: A Scoping Review6
Can Hypnotherapy Be Considered a Valuable Component in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Insights from a Comprehensive Review6
A General Factor of Hypnotizability Revealed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis5
Implicit Rapport: Some Introductory Comments5
Feasibility of a Self-Administered Hypnosis Intervention for Improving Sleep in College Students5
The Effectiveness of Mindful Hypnotherapy on Depression, Self-Compassion, and Psychological Inflexibility in Females with Major Depressive Disorder: A Single-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial5
Hypnotherapy in Treatment of Mastocytosis: A Prospective Study5
Reliability and Validity of the Elkins Hypnotizability Scale within a Clinical Sample4
Clinical Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Cognitive Behavior Therapy: An Updated Meta-Analysis4
The Emerging New Reality of Hypnosis Teletherapy: A Major New Mode of Delivery of Hypnotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis Training3
Suggestions in Hypnosis to Aid Pain Education (SHAPE) in People with Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Pilot Feasibility Randomized, Controlled Trial3
Hypnosis, Free Will, and Consciousness3
Positions of French Nurses Regarding the use of Hypnotherapy to Relieve Pain in Postoperative Settings3
Feasibility of Attention Restoration Theory-Driven Hypnotherapy for Fatigue in Cancer Survivors3
A Multicomponent Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnotic Approach for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment: A Case Study3
Pilot Study of a Brief Hypnotic Induction: Effects on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Subjective Distress in Patients Diagnosed with Hypertension3
Association of Thought Impact Scale Scores with Hypnosis Treatment Responses and Hypnotherapy-Seeking: A Confirmation Study3
Power of a Few Vagrant Words: Effects of Direct and Indirect Suggestions for Self-Representation in Art-Based Online Interventions3
Hypnotic Enhancement of Virtual Reality Distraction Analgesia during Thermal Pain: A Randomized Trial3