International Geology Review

(The TQCC of International Geology Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Zircon and monazite U-Pb ages of the Mashan Complex of the Jiamusi Block of NE China: a link to Gondwana?25
Energy Flow and Earth: How Earth Works24
Machine learning for Earth sciences: using Python to solve geological problems19
Structural evolution of the Kanggur tectonic belt: implications for the latest carboniferous to Permian orogeny in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China17
Late Eocene slab retreat, extension, and mantle upwelling inferred from mantle signatures in potassium-rich magmatism in NE Iran17
Petrogenesis of ultramafic rocks from the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer Ophiolite (Morocco): new insights into a long-standing geodynamic question14
Late Paleozoic potassic igneous rocks of the Adyrtor intrusions in the eastern Kyrgyz Tien Shan: geochemistry, isotope U-Pb zircon geochronology, and related W-Mo(-Cu-Au) mineralization12
Discovering the unique geology of the Bergell Alps12
Late Palaeozoic final subduction records of the southwestern Paleo-Asian Ocean revealed by ca. 286–283 Ma basaltic rocks in the West Junggar, NW China11
Carboniferous variation of crustal thickness and subduction angles in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: evidence from the petrogenesis of the magmatic rocks in the Aqishan–Yamansu Belt11
Large Holocene paleoseismic events and synchronized travertine formation: a case study of the Kurai fault zone (Gorny Altai, Russia)11
Middle Triassic to Jurassic convergence at the north-western margin of Gondwana: insights from the Central Cordillera of Colombia10
Tectono‑magmatic control on the intensity of decratonic gold mineralization in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton: A perspective from geochemical comparison10
Buried Jurassic rift system in the middle segment of the northern Qaidam Basin: Implications for Mesozoic landforms of the northern Tibetan Plateau10
The Cambrian explosion as a Black Box: a qualitative appreciation10
Triassic granites in the West Qinling Orogen, China: implications for the Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys ocean10
The 1800-1770 Ma Colider silicic large igneous province in the Amazonian craton: crustal evolution using zircon in situ REE compositions, U-Pb ages and Hf isotope analyses10
Anxiety and geology: managing acute anxiety disorder symptoms during field exercises9
Contrasting Cu mineralization styles across the Dananhu Arc, Eastern Tianshan: insights from the geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes of Carboniferous arc rocks9
Early cretaceous topographic evolution associated with the collapse of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogen in Western Transbaikalia: an integrated analysis9
Cadomian tectonic evolution of Iran: records of an unusually hot and broad extensional convergent margin on the northern margin of Gondwana9
Geochemistry and geochronology of early Triassic tephra from SW China: implications for biological evolution and tectonics9
Age, origin and tectonic implications of Late Carboniferous-Early Permian felsic magmatic rocks from central Inner Mongolia, south-eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt9
A review of the main tectonic settings of Palaeo-and-Mesoarchean ore deposits in the northern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil9
Extremely enriched lithospheric mantle–derived magmas in the central Lhasa Terrane, southern Tibet9
Mesozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of the Tanlu Fault zone and its relationship with the destruction of the North China Craton8
Late Mesozoic Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Hekimhan Basin and the environs (central eastern Anatolia): implications for the eastern Taurides and Gürün Curl8
Neoproterozoic granitoids of northwest Vietnam and their tectonic implications8
Petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous A-type plutonic rocks from the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey): constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology, zircon Lu-Hf and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes8
Neogene uplift and deformation in the northeastern Bird’s Head Peninsula, West Papua, Indonesia: consequences of oblique plate convergence8
Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Paleozoic sedimentary successions of the Southwestern Amazonian craton: geochemistry, provenance, and post-sedimentary events8
Subduction and retreat of Permian oceanic plates in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt: evidence from mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks8
Subduction initiation of Paleo-Pacific Ocean and final closure of Paleo-Asian Ocean: constraints from Triassic granitoids in Jiamusi Block, NE China7
Formation of the Permo-Triassic Ondor Sum thrust system and its constraint on Solonker Ocean closure7
O- and H- Isotope constraints on Neogene high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic volcanic rocks and borates in the Kırka (Eskişehir) basin, W Anatolia7
Provenance and Palaeogeomorphology study of the southwestern North China Craton during Middle-Late Triassic and its geological implication7
The different roles of fluid conduits for marine gas hydrate systems: A global review7
The Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) as recorded in the northern margin of Africa: palaeoceanography of the Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE-2), North-Central Tunisia7
Petrogenesis of high-Mg andesites from the Proterozoic Shillong Basin, Northeast India: evidence for continuation of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone to the Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex and its im7
A major neoproterozoic crustal boundary in the Borborema province of ne Brazil6
Whole-Rock Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopic constraints on metasedimentary rocks (Paragneisses) in Stornes Peninsula, Larsemann Hills,East Antarctica6
Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the non-ultrahigh-pressure metasedimentary blocks of North China affinity within the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure belt, eastern China, and tectonic implicati6
Spatiotemporal distribution and mechanism of Mesozoic magmatism in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas: insights from seismic, geochemical, and geochronological data6
Early Cretaceous provenance-depositional systems and volcano-sedimentary responses to strike-slip faulting in southern Jilin and eastern Liaoning provinces, NE China: a case study of the Tonghua Basin6
Geochronology of a Paleoproterozoic metamorphic complex in the Shuangsheng area of Inner Mongolia: constraints on crustal evolution6
Dynamics of Cambro–Ordovician rifting of the northern margin of Gondwana as revealed by the timing of subsidence and magmatism in rift-related basins6
Early Cretaceous partial melting recorded by pelitic gneiss from the Nagasaki Metamorphic Complex, western Kyushu, Japan: initiation of Cretaceous high-Tmetamorphism at eastern margin of Eurasi6
Differences in east-west thermo-rheological structure and lithospheric deformation in the Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau, China6
New palaeoclimatic constraints from paleosols on the Middle-Late Jurassic landscape, Western Colorado, U.S.A6
Reworked Neoproterozoic sub-arc lithosphere beneath the Eastern Desert (Egypt): Evidence from geochemistry and geochronology of metabasites and granitoid gneisses, Gabal Um Gunud area6
Petrogenesis of Eocene mafic and felsic magmas in the New Caledonia ophiolite: geochemistry and geochronology constraints6
Episodic fluid charging and mixing triggers calcite-bearing agates in the Permian Emeishan Basalt, SW China6
Multiple Palaeozoic–Mesozoic orogenic events in the SE Yangtze Block, China: evidence from the petrogenesis and deformation of gneissic granites from the Nanwenhe metamorphic dome and regional correla6
Geospatial analysis applied to mineral exploration: remote sensing, gis, geochemical, and geophysical applications to mineral resources6
Thickness change of the Tibetan lithosphere since Early Cretaceous as revealed by Ce/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios of volcanic rocks6
Metasomatized mantle under the Eastern Mexican Alkaline Province: evidence from the Oligocene Rincón Murillo Gabbro, Sierra de San Carlos-Cruillas, NE México6
Late Triassic magmatic rocks in the southern East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, northern Tibetan Plateau: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications6
Petrology and zircon U-Pb geochronology of mafic - intermediate dykes in the West-Central Taurides: Implications for magma source during the Late Precambrian – Early Palaeozoic6
Cenozoic rifting and inversion of Beibuwan Basin and its linkage with the strike-slip movement along the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone5
Multiple tectonomagmatic reactivation of the unexposed basement in the northern Siberian craton: from Paleoproterozoic orogeny to Phanerozoic kimberlite magmatism5
An outline of Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic crustal evolution of the NW Amazon craton and implications for the Columbia Supercontinent5
Cadomian crustal evolution of Turkey, Iran, and environs5
The May 15, 2020 M 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, earthquake: eyes in the sky, boots on the ground, and a chance for students to learn5
Clastic injectites and seismic-induced liquefaction in latest Quaternary travertine deposits (Serre di Rapolano, Italy)5
Precambrian tectono-magmatic evolution of the western margin of the Yangtze block, South China: evidence from zircon U-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopes, REE and trace elements of Yuanmou-Miyi complexes5
Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution5
U-Pb and Ar-Ar geochronological constraints on timing of deformation and peak metamorphism in the Central Africa Orogenic Belt, Yaoundé Domain, Cameroon5
Cretaceous intraplate volcanism of Govorov Guyot and formation models of the Magellan seamounts, Pacific Ocean5
Damaging earthquakes of the Eastern Indian subcontinent and seismic hazard potential: insights from palaeoseismology5
Mineral potential facing socio-economic development challenges: case study of the democratic republic of Congo, a ‘geological scandal’5
Two ophiolite belts in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt record evolution from the Proto-Tethys to Paleo-Tethys Oceans5
Fault control and timing of manganese deposits at Abu Ramad, South Egyptian margin of the Red Sea5
An evolving tectonic environment of Early to Middle Permian granitic plutons in the Barkol area, East Junggar: insights from integrated zircon U–Pb ages, geochemistry, and Nd–Sr–Hf isotopes5
Volcanic and sedimentary rocks reveal the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet5
The early Paleogene strike-slip tectonic setting along the northeastern Asian margin: structural control on magmatism5
Isotopes in economic geology, metallogenesis and exploration5
Petrogenesis of Early-Middle Jurassic gabbros in southern Tibet with implications for crustal growth in the southern Lhasa subterrane5
Petrogenesis, geochronology, and tectonic setting of the Calymmian 1.45–1.50 Ga basic magmatism in the Southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil: evidence of intracontinental rifting and Columbia break-up4
Zircon xenocrysts in Late Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the Kermanshah Ophiolite: link to Iran continental crust supports the subduction initiation model4
Late paleozoic–mesozoic subduction and accretion of the paleo-pacific plate: insights from the ocean plate stratigraphy of the wandashan accretionary complex, NE China4
Jurassic to Early cretaceous sedimentary record: indications of Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction in Southeast China4
Origin and palaeodepositional environment of evaporites in the Bala sub-basin, Central Anatolia, Türkiye4
Peridotite xenoliths of Harrat ar-Rahah-Uwayrid alkaline basalts, NW Saudi Arabia: fragments of a multiply metasomatized Neoproterozoic mantle4
Defining the Cimmerian orogeny in the West Pontides: geochronological and geochemical data from Permo-Triassic dykes in the İstanbul-Zonguldak Tectonic Unit4
Petrogenesis of Cretaceous felsic volcanic rocks in Zhejiang province, China: insights from zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotopes4
Evidence for Neoproterozoic terrane accretion in the central Borborema Province, West Gondwana deduced by isotopic and geophysical data compilation4
Alpine convergence record in the Carboniferous Badstub Formation, Upper Austroalpine basement nappes, Austria4
A review of geological characteristics and time–space distribution of cobalt deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, Northwest China4
A review of the main tectonic settings of Neoarchaean ore deposits and mineral occurrences in the northern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil4
Introduction to applied mineralogy4
A late Neoarchean continental arc system in the northeastern North China Craton: constrain from the Guanghua mélange in the Tonghua area, southern Jilin Province4
Groundwater quality and geochemistry in arid and semi-arid regions4
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of ophiolitic rocks from the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ), Ladakh Himalaya: insights for depleted mantle beneath an intra-oceanic island arc complex4
Introduction to environmental mineralogy4
Soft rocks, hard rocks: the world’s resources and reserves of Ti and Zr and associated critical minerals4
Bulk chemistry and Hf isotope ratios of the Almogholagh Intrusive Complex, western Iran: a consequence of an extensional tectonic regime in the Late Jurassic4
Huge sedimentary hiatus in the southern margin of the North China Craton from mid-Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic4
A review of Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic rocks of the Jiamusi–Khanka Massif, NE China: a rifted fragment from the Siberian Craton?4
Mesozoic thermal events and related gold mineralization in the еastern Mongol-Okhotsk Orogenic Belt: constraints from regional geology and 40Ar/39Ar dating4
A clockwise P‐T‐t-D path of the northern Patagonia basement: implications for the Permian evolution of the Panthalassan margin of Gondwana4
Garnetite, garnet-quartz (‘coticule’) and calc-silicate layers in high-pressure metapelitic rocks, Venezuela: metamorphosed exhalites in a Cretaceous back-arc basin4
Late cenozoic exhumation of the Nodoushan plutonic complex constrained by low-temperature thermochronology: evidence for Arabia–Eurasia collision in the southeastern Iranian Plateau4
Reply to discussion of ‘new insights on Franciscan complex geology, architecture, depositional age, and provenance for the western Mt. Tamalpais area, Marin County, California’ by Graymer et al. (20214
Early activity of the Kerguelen Mantle plume: geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of mafic dykes and sills from the Tethyan Himalaya4
Triassic magmatism in Northeast China: Implications for spatiotemporal distribution, continental crustal accretion, and geodynamic evolution3
Petrogenesis and geochronology of the bronze fox porphyry Cu-Au deposit: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Gurvansaykhan Island arc, southern Mongolia3
Tectonic controls on Late Cretaceous sedimentation on the southern Tethyan passive margin, Tunisia: new evidence of structural segmentation and early basin inversion3
Petrogenesis of late cretaceous arc volcanism in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: insight from zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Hf-Sr-Nd isotopes3
Multistage metallogeny and tectonic evolution in eastern NE China and adjacent Russian Far East: geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope perspectives3
Sedimentary tectonic pattern of Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations in the northern margin of Sichuan Basin, South China3
Comment on ‘New insights on Franciscan Complex geology, architecture, depositional age, and provenance for the western Mt. Tamalpais area, Marin County, California’ by Bero et al. (2020)3
The Permian-Triassic succession of the Montagnola Senese Ridge (Middle Tuscan Ridge, Italy): a perspective for late Palaeozoic magmatism and continentalisation in the western Tethys3
Middle Permian basic and acidic volcanism in the Istanbul zone (NW Turkey): evidence for post-variscan extensional magmatism3
Tectonic development of the Ankara-Erzincan suture and the Eastern Pontide mountains, Northeast Anatolia, Turkey3
The Marifil Volcanic Complex at Sierra de Pailemán: implications for the Early Jurassic magmatic evolution of the Eastern North Patagonian Region3
Metamorphic P-T-t path of Triassic eclogite from the Rongcheng region, eastern China: implications for the tectonic evolution of Sulu orogenic belt3
Chalcophile element systematics of Mariana Trough basalts and implications for sulphide saturation evolution of intra-oceanic back-arc magmatic systems3
Geology, geochemistry, and exploration of the Central African Copperbelt: a review3
Deep kimberlite prospecting and thrust-nappe structure: Analysis of diamond metallogenic belt in Wafangdian, China3
U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of dikes in the Changbaishan Tianchi volcanic field (NE China) and their relations with the coeval Jingbohu and Longgang monogenetic volcanic fields3
Petrogenesis of the Early Silurian Renda appinite suite in the southeastern Qilian Orogen, NW China: Implications for the evolution of a Proto-Tethys magmatic arc3
Triassic gypsum layers in Keban Metamorphics, eastern Tauride Belt, Southeastern Turkey: New data about Triassic rifting in northern Tethys margin3
Evolved Late Mesozoic continental arc: Constraints of detrital zircons from the western East China Sea3
Rare earth metals and minerals industries: status and prospects3
Special issue on tectonic, magmatic and metallogenetic evolution of the central China orogenic belt3
Late cretaceous magmatism in the Northern Lhasa subterrane, central Tibet: geodynamic implications3
A review of 3.66 to 2.77 Ga crustal differentiation in the northern São Francisco Craton, Brazil3
Neoproterozoic geodynamics in NW India – evidence from Erinpura granites in the South Delhi Fold Belt3
A re-evaluation of the Meso-Cenozoic thermo-tectonic evolution of Bogda Shan (Tian Shan, NW China) based on new basement and detrital apatite fission track thermochronology3
Paleocene to Miocene migmatization and kinematics of the deformation at the northern boundary of the Xolapa Complex: implications for the Chortís Block-southern Mexico connection3
Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic mafic dykes in western Yangtze Block, South China: implications for the assembly and break-up of Rodinia3
Tectonic significance of the late Eocene (Bartonian) calc-alkaline granitoid body in the Marivan area, Zagros suture zone, northwest Iran3
Evidence of late Palaeozoic and Middle Triassic magmatism in the Sakar-Strandzha Zone, SE Bulgaria: Regional geodynamic implications3
Cryogenian crustal evolution in western Nigeria shield: whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic evidence from Bakoshi-Gadanya granites3
Late Ediacaran post-collisional magmatism in the Guéra Massif, South-Central Chad3
Magma hybridization, mingling, and recycling in the Manzanillo plutonic complex, Mexican Cordillera3
Crustal structure of the Western Azuero Peninsula, Panama: Insights into the structure of accretionary complexes and forearc ophiolites3
Early Carboniferous high-silica granites in the Kalejun Mountains, Chinese western Tianshan: Petrogenesis, tectonic setting and geodynamic implications for the South Tianshan Ocean3
Origin and evolution of Li-rich geothermal waters from the Kawu geothermal system, Himalayas: based on hydrochemistry and H-O, Li isotopes3
Miocene lamprophyre and felsic volcanics in the outer zone of SW Japan: arc building through multiple sources in an active convergent margin3
Geological resources of scandium: a review from a Chinese perspective3
Ordovician crustal thickening and syn-collisional magmatism of Iran: Gondwanan basement along the north of the Yazd Block (Central Iran)3
Volatile accumulation for the mineralization of Li–Be pegmatites in the northeastern Pamir, Western Kunlun, China3
Accretion and subduction mass transfer processes: Zircon SHRIMP and geochemical insights from the Carboniferous Western Series, Central Chile3
Early Paleozoic tectono–magmatic evolution in the South Altun orogenic belt, northwest China: Insights from zircon U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and geochemistry of the granitoids3
Geochronological and stratigraphical characterization of lower Jurassic tectonically-controlled felsic tuff ring volcanism in Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina3
Orogen-parallel mid-lower crustal ductile flow during the late Triassic Qinling orogeny: structural geology and geochronology3
Late Neoarchean charnockite in Daqingshan terrane, North China Craton: petrogenesis and implications for continental crustal evolution3
Three periods of gold mineralization in the Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton3
Mine wastes and water, ecological engineering and metals extraction: sustainability and circular economy3
Miocene adakitic volcanism in eastern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: perspective from zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes3
Transition in tectonic regime from the Paleo-Asian Ocean to Paleo-Pacific Ocean: constraints from the Jurassic adakitic and I-type granites, and calc-alkaline diorites at the northern margin of the No3