Information Processing Letters

(The TQCC of Information Processing Letters is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The odd chromatic number of a toroidal graph is at most 920
Packing batches of cubes into a single bin16
Packing batches of items into a single bin13
A polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for 2-edge-connected dominating set11
NP-hardness of shortest path problems in networks with non-FIFO time-dependent travel times11
A characterization of 3-γ-critical graphs which are not bicritical9
A note on the satisfactory partition problem: Constant size requirement8
On conflict-free cuts: Algorithms and complexity8
Optimal randomized algorithms of weakly-balanced multi-branching AND-OR trees6
There is no APTAS for 2-dimensional vector bin packing: Revisited5
Isomorphism for random k-uniform hypergraphs5
A competitive analysis for the Start-Gap algorithm for online memory wear leveling5
On matrices potentially useful for tree codes5
Minimum projective linearizations of trees in linear time5
A note on the concrete hardness of the shortest independent vector in lattices5
Kruskal with embedded C-semirings to solve MST problems with partially-ordered costs5
Algorithms for deletion problems on split graphs5
Space-efficient Huffman codes revisited4
Waypoint routing on bounded treewidth graphs4
Computability by monadic second-order logic4
Editorial Board4
Geometric separability using orthogonal objects4
Further results on the second relative greedy weight of 3-dimensional codes4
Embedded edge connectivity of k-ary n-cubes4
Vertex degrees and 2-cuts in graphs with many hamiltonian vertex-deleted subgraphs4
Comment on “An enhanced and secured RSA public cryptosystem algorithm using Chinese remainder theorem (ESRPKC)”4
Spectral independence, coupling, and the spectral gap of the Glauber dynamics4
Rank and select operations on a word4
Polynomial recognition of vulnerable multi-commodities4
A diameter-revealing proof of the Bondy-Lovász lemma4
Distributivity and residuation for lexicographic orders4
Quantitative controller synthesis for consumption Markov decision processes3
On the parameterized complexity of the Maximum Exposure Problem3
Editorial Board3
Finding (s,d)-hypernetworks in F-hypergraphs is NP-hard3
Robust scheduling for minimizing maximum lateness on a serial-batch processing machine3
On product decomposition3
Density of distinct squares in non-primitive words3
On parallel time in population protocols3
Exploring the optimality of byte-wise permutations of a piccolo-type block cipher3
Expressive completeness by separation for discrete time interval temporal logic with expanding modalities3
Editorial Board3
Faster deterministic algorithm for Co-Path Set3
On the security of TrCBC3
Polynomial invariants for cactuses3
Computing minimal solutions to the ring loading problem3
A note on the network coloring game: A randomized distributed (Δ + 1)-coloring algorithm3
On computing Pareto optimal paths in weighted time-dependent networks2
End vertices of graph searches on bipartite graphs2
Bicriteria scheduling on an unbounded parallel-batch machine for minimizing makespan and maximum cost2
Leveraging parameterized Chernoff bounds for simplified algorithm analyses2
On approximate near-neighbors search under the (continuous) Fréchet distance in higher dimensions2
Deterministic treasure hunt and rendezvous in arbitrary connected graphs2
A note on the fine-grained complexity of MIS on regular graphs2
Sparsifying Count Sketch2
Skolem and positivity completeness of ergodic Markov chains2
A 22k-approximation 2
Defying gravity and gadget numerosity: The complexity of the Hanano Puzzle and beyond2
The complexity of finding temporal separators under waiting time constraints2
Algorithms with improved delay for enumerating connected induced subgraphs of a large cardinality2
The facility location problem with maximum distance constraint2
A refined approximation for Euclidean k-means2
A non-clausal tableau calculus for MinSat2
On computing the number of (BC-)subtrees, eccentric subtree number, and global and local means of trees2
Lower and upper bounds on graph communicabilities2
The autocorrelation of a class of quaternary sequences of length pq with high complexity2
Palindromic trees for a sliding window and its applications2
Transforming plane triangulations by simultaneous diagonal flips2
Regular resolution effectively simulates resolution2
Reducing the space used by the sieve of Eratosthenes when factoring2
Unbiased estimation of inner product via higher order count sketch2
Two-level hub Steiner trees2
An asymptotically tight online algorithm for m-Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem2
Recognizing well-dominated graphs is coNP-complete2
Corrigendum to “Revisiting reachability in polynomial interrupt timed automata” [Information Processing Letters 174 (2022) 106208]2
Local linear set on graphs with bounded twin cover number2
The envy-free matching problem with pairwise preferences2
Robbins and Ardila meet Berstel2
Faster counting empty convex polygons in a planar point set2
Faster deterministic algorithm for Cactus Vertex Deletion2
Tight bounds for reachability problems on one-counter and pushdown systems2
Smaller kernels for two vertex deletion problems2
The group factorization problem in finite groups of Lie type2
The maximum linear arrangement problem for trees under projectivity and planarity2
Tight lower bound for average number of terms in optimal double-base number system using information-theoretic tools2
Editorial Board2
Tighter bound for generalized multiple discrete logarithm problem via MDS matrix method2
Ranking and unranking bordered and unbordered words2
Security weakness of a certificate-based proxy signature scheme for IIoT environments2