ISA Transactions

(The TQCC of ISA Transactions is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Exponential and robust position-constrained control of robot manipulators via diffeomorphisms343
The no-wait cyclic scheduling of delivery traffic in the grid distribution network171
Enhanced fractional-order PIλ151
Computational intelligence-enabled prediction and communication mechanism for IoT-based autonomous systems130
Editorial Board129
Editorial Board127
Editorial Board121
Editorial Board116
Energy-constraint output formation for swarm systems with dynamic output feedback control protocols115
Panoptic blind image inpainting113
Self-excited oscillations in an inverted cart–pendulum based on the two-relay approach109
Semi-global cluster synchronization for nonlinear systems under fixed and switching topologies104
A milk transportation problem with milk collection centers and vehicle routing101
Disturbance observer-based control with partially coupled inverse model for stable TITO processes with time delays100
Asymptotic stabilization of a transformed quadrotor model using energy-shaping method: Theory and experiments99
Robust Global stabilization of aerial continuum manipulation systems via hybrid feedback97
Operating performance assessment based on multi-source heterogeneous information with deep learning for smelting process of electro-fused magnesium furnace96
Optimal control for multistage uncertain random dynamic systems with multiple time delays94
Improved cascaded model-free predictive speed control for PMSM speed ripple minimization based on ultra-local model89
Set-membership-based distributed moving horizon estimation of large-scale systems85
Editorial Board84
An artificial delay based robust guidance strategy for an interceptor with input saturation81
Optimal averaging time for improving observer accuracy of stochastic dynamical systems80
COVERT: A classless approach to generating balanced datasets for process modelling79
Contact transition control with acceleration feedback enhancement for a quadrotor75
Output event triggered consensus control of nonlinear multi-agent systems with relative state constraints74
Adaptive sensorless control for interior permanent magnet synchronious motor based on sliding mode approach70
Optimization control of a 330 MW drum boiler unit based on DMC algorithm and DEB strategy69
Linear-based gain-determining method for adaptive backstepping controller67
3D generalized bias compensated pseudolinear Kalman filter for colored noisy bearings-only measurements67
High-precision dynamic torque control of high stiffness actuator for humanoids67
Hybrid triggering design for global attitude synchronization of networked rigid bodies66
Making contract users safer: Towards building a Safe Browsing platform on Ethereum65
Three dimensional stabilization controller based on improved quaternion transformation for fixed-wing UAVs65
Integrated thrust ripple identification and compensation for linear servo system using an MP algorithm65
A fault-tolerant control strategy to estimate and compensate the temperature sensor bias in supermarket refrigeration systems65
Double-layer event-triggered policy of passivity-based output regulation under deception attacks for switched systems62
Trajectory tracking control for a quadrotor helicopter in the presence of cyber attacks62
Nonlinear event-based state estimation using particle filter under packet loss62
Construction of response surface model for photoacoustic-based H2S measurement system and significance analysis of multiple influential factors62
Event-triggered surrounding adaptive control of nonlinear multi-agent systems60
Networked control strategy of dual linear switched reluctance motors based time delay tracking system60
Walking position commanded NAO robot using nonlinear disturbance observer-based fixed-time terminal sliding mode60
Globally fuzzy consensus of hybrid-order stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems59
Predictive ESO-based control with guaranteed stability for uncertain MIMO constrained systems59
A robust finite–time model reference adaptive controller for arbitrary order disturbed LTI systems59
SMC-based model-free tracking control of unknown autonomous surface vehicles58
Distributed robust group output synchronization control for heterogeneous uncertain linear multi-agent systems57
Uncertain texture features fusion based method for performance condition evaluation of complex electromechanical systems57
Atom selection strategy for signal compressed recovery based on sensing information entropy56
Two degree of freedom robust data-driven fixed-order controller synthesis using convex optimization53
A disturbance suppression micro-Newton force sensor based on shadow method53
Editorial Board52
Transient analysis and reliability modeling of fault-tolerant system operating under admission control policy with double retrial features and working vacation52
New results on stability and H52
Editorial Board52
Unified gain formula for control diagrams with matrix-based transfer functions52
Stabilization for a class of delay systems via Z-type control52
Air–ground coordinated unmanned swarm systems: A multitasking framework for control design51
Finite-time prescribed performance tracking control of seeker stabilized platform in the discrete-time domain50
Linear and non-linear dynamics of the epidemics: System identification based parametric prediction models for the pandemic outbreaks50
Trajectory tracking of a quadrotor using a robust adaptive type-2 fuzzy neural controller optimized by cuckoo algorithm50
A deep capsule neural network with data augmentation generative adversarial networks for single and simultaneous fault diagnosis of wind turbine gearbox49
Dynamics modeling and nonlinear attitude controller design for a rocket-type unmanned aerial vehicle49
IMC based modified Smith predictor for second order delay dominated processes with RHP49
A novel metaheuristics with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for decision making on autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle systems48
A novel model predictive artificial potential field based ship motion planning method considering COLREGs for complex encounter scenarios48
An autonomous decision-making framework for gait recognition systems against adversarial attack using reinforcement learning47
Deep learning based model predictive controller on a magnetic levitation ball system47
Control of single input Hamiltonian systems based on the flatness of their tangent linearization45
Reinforcement learning-based integrated active fault diagnosis and tracking control44
Observer-based event-triggered control of linear system with two-time scales43
Event-based fuzzy resilient control of nonlinear DC Microgrids under denial-of-service attacks43
Discrete space-based route planning for rotary-wing UAV formation in urban environments43
Consensus of a novel heuristic nonlinear multi-agent system in DOS attack network environment via saturation impulse control mechanism43
Sequential output information based predictive control for event-triggered networked control systems42
Aperiodically intermittent event-triggered pinning control on cluster synchronization of directed complex networks42
Optimal design of robust resilient automatic voltage regulators42
Fixed-time stabilization of fuzzy neutral-type inertial neural networks with proportional delays42
Computed torque control and force analysis for mechanical leg with variable rotation axis powered by servo pneumatic muscle42
Time-varying formation tracking for multi-agent systems with maneuvering leader under DDoS attacks and actuator faults42
Linear quadratic regulator design via metaheuristics applied to the damping of low-frequency oscillations in power systems42
Cascaded adaptive integral backstepping sliding mode and super-twisting controller for twin rotor system using bond graph model41
Multi-objective optimization technique for trajectory planning of multi-humanoid robots in cluttered terrain41
Air-gap eccentricity fault detection, isolation, and estimation for synchronous generators based on eigenvalues analysis41
A new approach for robust fault estimation in nonlinear systems with state-coupled disturbances using dissipativity theory41
An approximate model matching technique for controller design of linear time-invariant systems using hybrid firefly-based algorithms41
Adaptive neural tracking control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with event-triggered state measurement41
A Bayesian inference-based approach for performance prognostics towards uncertainty quantification and its applications on the marine diesel engine40
Data consistency method of heterogeneous power IOT based on hybrid model40
Novel dynamic enhanced robust principal subspace discriminant analysis for high-dimensional process fault diagnosis with industrial applications40
Adaptive MOMEDA based on improved advance-retreat algorithm for fault features extraction of axial piston pump40
Sliding mode observer-based adaptive control of uncertain singular systems with unknown time-varying delay and nonlinear input40
Efficient feedback linearization control for an IPMSM of EVs based on improved firefly algorithm40
Fixed-time terminal sliding mode tracking protocol design for high-order multiagent systems with directed communication topology39
Random Fourier feature kernel recursive maximum mixture correntropy algorithm for online time series prediction39
Model-free nonlinear robust control design via online critic learning39
A novel unified method for time-varying dead-time compensation39
Adaptive robust controller using intelligent uncertainty observer for mechanical systems under non-holonomic reference trajectories39
A new angular velocity observer for attitude tracking of spacecraft39
An efficient and global interactive optimization methodology for path planning with multiple routing constraints38
Robust predictive visual servoing control for an inertially stabilized platform with uncertain kinematics38
Sensorless fractional order composite sliding mode control design for wind generation system38
A unified and simple control strategy for a class of n-link vertical underactuated manipulator38
Dynamic repair priority rule based on remaining useful life predictions38
An observer-based adaptive fault-tolerant control for hypersonic vehicle with unexpected centroid shift and input saturation38
Asymmetric morphological filter for roughness evaluation of multifunctional surfaces37
State observer-based Physics-Informed Machine Learning for leader-following tracking control of mobile robot37
Formation control of fixed-wing UAVs with communication delay37
A novel order-separated generalized feedforward design for motion control in energy-efficient electrohydraulic system with proportional and integral feedback37
Position-based visual servoing of a 6-RSS parallel robot using adaptive sliding mode control36
Practical approach to mid-ranging control of double-unit actuating systems36
Compliant gait control method based on CVSLIP-FF model for biped robot walking over uneven terrain36
Enhanced-coupling nonlinear controller design for load swing suppression in three-dimensional overhead cranes with double-pendulum effect35
A two-stage MPPT controller for PV system based on the improved artificial bee colony and simultaneous heat transfer search algorithm35
Adaptive tracking control of two-wheeled mobile robots under Denial-of-Service attacks35
Autonomous drift controller for distributed drive electric vehicle with input coupling and uncertain disturbance35
Bipartite synchronization of multilayer signed networks under aperiodic intermittent-based adaptive dynamic event-triggered control35
A new deep domain adaptation method with joint adversarial training for online detection of bearing early fault35
Intelligent framework for automated failure prediction, detection, and classification of mission critical autonomous flights35
A graph empowered insider threat detection framework based on daily activities35
A soft sensor model based on long&short-term memory dual pathways convolutional gated recurrent unit network for predicting cement specific surface area35
State and parameter estimation for a class of Nonlinear Systems based on Sliding Mode Approach35
Secure consensus of multi-agent systems with redundant signal and communication interference via distributed dynamic event-triggered control35
Design and implementation of Type-3 intuitionistic fuzzy logic MPPT controller for PV solar system: Comparative study35
Didactic platform for DC motor speed and position control in Z-plane35
Tidal turbine support in microgrid frequency regulation through novel cascade Fuzzy-FOPID droop in de-loaded region35
Distributed cooperative fault tolerant optimal active power control in AC microgrid35
Restored Action Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning from observation for robot manipulator35
A Domain Adaptation with Semantic Clustering (DASC) method for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery34
Data-driven control of singularly perturbed hybrid systems with multi-rate sampling34
Prediction regions based on dissimilarity functions34
A multi-strategy fusion identification model for failure mode of reinforced concrete column34
Asymptotic adaptive output feedback event-triggered control of uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear systems with sensors triggering34
Privacy preserving federated learning for full heterogeneity34
Secure output containment of heterogeneous multi-agent systems against hybrid attacks34
Event-triggered based predictive iterative learning control with random packet loss compensation for nonlinear networked systems33
Attitude control of a 3-DoF quadrotor platform using a linear quadratic integral differential game approach33
On the synthesis of a sliding-mode-observer-based adaptive fault-tolerant flight control scheme33
Consensus-based secondary control for DC microgrids with communication delays via a networked predictive control strategy33
Distributed cyber attack detection and physical fault diagnosis for a class of interconnected large-scale systems33
A 2D-FM model-based robust iterative learning model predictive control for batch processes33
Repetitive dynamic matrix control for systems with periodic specifications33
Nearly optimal fault-tolerant constrained tracking for multi-axis servo system via practical terminal sliding mode and adaptive dynamic programming33
Fault detection and analysis for wheelset bearings via improved explicit shift-invariant dictionary learning32
BTA-MM: Burst traffic awareness-based adaptive mobility model with mobile sinks for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks32
Learning autonomous race driving with action mapping reinforcement learning32
Distributed multi-agent collision avoidance using robust differential game32
LMI-based H32
Improved point-to-point iterative learning control for batch processes with unknown batch-varying initial state32
A refined adaptive event-based resilient filtering for complex networks over switching topology32
Multi-sliding mode current disturbance suppression scheme based model reference adaptive system for sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motor32
Design and implementation of finite time sliding mode controller for fuzzy overhead crane system32
Analysis of random synchronization under bilayer derivative and nonlinear delay networks of neuron nodes via fixed time policies32
An improved low-frequency noise reduction method in shock wave pressure measurement based on mode classification and recursion extraction32
Attitude-orbit coupled sliding mode tracking control for spacecraft formation with event-triggered transmission31
Nonlinear back-end optimization method for VSLAM with multi-convex combined maximum correntropy criterion31
Data-driven fault detection of heterogeneous multi-agent systems using combined hardware and temporal redundant information31
Mining high occupancy patterns to analyze incremental data in intelligent systems31
Model-free robust motion control for biological optical microscopy using time-delay estimation with an adaptive RBFNN compensator31
Privacy preserving for AI-based 3D human pose recovery and retargeting31
LPVS guidance and adaptive event-triggered control for an underactuated surface vessel with the prevention of obstacle’s vicious maneuvering31
Period-oriented multi-hierarchy deconvolution and its application for bearing fault diagnosis31
Design and implementation of a Model-Free Fractional Order Intelligent PI Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller for water level tank system31
Denoising the hob vibration signal using improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise and noise quantization strategies31
Fault diagnosis of rotor based on Semi-supervised Multi-Graph Joint Embedding30
Event-based adaptive fuzzy control design for nonstrict-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems with state constraints30
Telepresence augmentation for visual and haptic guided immersive teleoperation of industrial manipulator30
Fixed-time projective synchronization of delayed memristive neural networks via aperiodically semi-intermittent switching control30
High-impedance faults in power distribution systems: A narrative of the field’s developments30
Temporal dependence Mahalanobis distance for anomaly detection in multivariate spacecraft telemetry series30
Model predictive and compensated ADRC for permanent magnet synchronous linear motors30
Double-loop tracking control for a wheeled mobile robot with unmodeled dynamics along right angle roads30
Intelligent Energy Management and Multi-Objective Power Distribution Control in Hybrid Micro-grids based on the Advanced Fuzzy-PSO Method30
Active disturbance rejection control for nanopositioning: A robust U-model approach30
Application of optimization algorithms to adaptive motion control for repetitive process30
Robustness analysis of Adaptive Model Predictive Control for uncertain non-linear dynamic systems using s-gap metric concepts30
A MOGA and extended RPN based approach for heuristic key reliability characteristics analysis in manufacturing30
Deterministic learning-based neural control for output-constrained strict-feedback nonlinear systems30
NMPC-based controller for vehicle longitudinal and lateral stability enhancement under extreme driving conditions30
Distributed preview control for large-scale systems with time-varying delay30
Modeling and tracking control of dielectric elastomer actuators based on fractional calculus30
Barrier lyapunov function-based homogeneous fixed-time controller design for a double integrator system29
Optimal tracking control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: A PMP approach29
Optimal distributed time-varying formation control for second-order multiagent systems: LQR-based method29
A novel model predictive control for a piecewise affine class of hybrid system with repetitive disturbance29
Causal augmented ConvNet: A temporal memory dilated convolution model for long-sequence time series prediction29
Fault causes and its detection in standalone PV system using ANN and GEO technique29
Trust assessment for mobile crowdsensing via device fingerprinting29
Distributed model predictive control based on neighborhood optimization for thickness and tension control system in tandem cold rolling mill29
Fully distributed consensus of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with large input and communication delays28
Integrated sensor fault estimation and control for continuous-time switched systems: A new separation principle28
Cooperative regulation based on virtual vector triangles asymptotically compressed in multidimensional space for time-varying nonlinear multi-agent systems28
Breaking New Ground in HEV Energy Management: Kinetic Energy Utilization and Systematic EMS Approaches based on robust drive control28
Complex ontology alignment for autonomous systems via the Compact Co-Evolutionary Brain Storm Optimization algorithm28
Joint unknown input observer for descriptor system based on interval observer28
A multi-objective multi-tasking evolutionary algorithm based inverse mapping and adaptive transformation strategy: IM-MFEA28
Design of trot gait parameters planning system for parallel quadruped robot based on virtual model controller and fuzzy neural network28
Parallel Layered Scheme based Integrated Orbit-Attitude-Vibration Coupled Dynamics and Control for Large-Scale Spacecraft28
Editorial Board28
Adaptive multi-dimensional Taylor network dynamic surface control for a class of strict-feedback uncertain nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and output constraint28
A novel polynomial membership functions based control method for T–S fuzzy systems28
Leader–follower method-based formation control for snake robots28
Periodic event-triggered sliding mode control for lower limb exoskeleton based on human–robot cooperation28
Composite robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems with unmatched disturbances using policy iteration27
Detecting contradictions from IoT protocol specification documents based on neural generated knowledge graph27
Enhanced chaotic JAYA algorithm for parameter estimation of photovoltaic cell/modules27
Instantaneous frequency estimation for wheelset bearings weak fault signals using second-order synchrosqueezing S-transform with optimally weighted sliding window27
Disturbance observer-based adaptive reinforcement learning for perturbed uncertain surface vessels27
Neural network for 3D trajectory tracking control of a CMG-actuated underwater vehicle with input saturation27
Some necessary and sufficient conditions for containment of second-order multi-agent systems with intermittent sampled data27
Euler implicit time-discretization of multivariable sliding-mode controllers27
Dynamic event-triggered distributed observer for linear systems27
WITHDRAWN: Deep learning for Koopman Operator Optimal Control27
Dynamic event-triggered fuzzy non-fragile control of DC microgrids27
Hilbert transform for covariance analysis of periodically nonstationary random signals with high-frequency modulation27
Discrete-time practical robotic control for human–robot interaction with state constraint and sensorless force estimation26
Generalized minimum error entropy Kalman filter for non-Gaussian noise26
LMI-based consensus of linear multi-agent systems by reduced-order dynamic output feedback26
Simple PI-PD tuning rules based on the centroid of the stability region for controlling unstable and integrating processes26
Automatic ship classification for a riverside monitoring system using a cascade of artificial intelligence techniques including penalties and rewards26
Fuzzy event-triggered tracking control for nonlinear unreliable networked systems26
Fixed-time time-varying output formation–containment control of heterogeneous general multi-agent systems26
Intelligent diagnosis of mechanical faults of in-wheel motor based on improved artificial hydrocarbon networks26
Robust event-triggered cooperative control of uncertain multiple Euler–Lagrange systems based on three kinds of random transformation topologies26
A modified electromagnetic force calculation method has high accuracy and applicability for EMS maglev vehicle dynamics simulation25
Security control for nonlinear systems under quantization and Round-Robin protocol subject to deception attacks25
The influence of intra-group differences on the flocking and obstacle avoidance movement of multiagent systems25
Event-based asynchronous and resilient filtering for Markov jump singularly perturbed systems against deception attacks25
Slow feature-based feature fusion methodology for machinery similarity-based prognostics25
Asynchronous fault detection filter of positive Markov jump systems by dynamic event-triggered mechanism25
Attention-guided joint learning CNN with noise robustness for bearing fault diagnosis and vibration signal denoising25
Nonsmooth funnel transformation function-based discrete-time sliding-mode control with deterministic performance margin for servo systems25
Designing a robust controller for a lower limb exoskeleton to treat an individual with crouch gait pattern in the presence of actuator saturation25
Fault tolerant control for strict-feedback nonlinear system via event-triggered adaptive algorithms25
A robust performance evaluation method based on interval evidential reasoning approach under uncertainty25
An attention transfer entropy based causality analysis with applications in rooting short-term disturbances for chemical processes24
Adaptive synchronization of marine surface ships using disturbance rejection without leader velocity24
Adaptive robust motion control for hydraulic load sensitive systems considering displacement dynamic compensation24
A novel fault reconstruction and estimation approach for a class of systems subject to actuator and sensor faults under relaxed assumptions24
Standoff tracking of a ground target based on coordinated turning guidance law24
Stream-data-clustering based adaptive alarm threshold setting approaches for industrial processes with multiple operating conditions24
Active fault-tolerant control for the dual-valve hydraulic system with unknown dead-zone24
Multi-Frequency Augmentation framework via information active capture for machinery intelligent fault diagnosis24
On the equivalence between Generalized Proportional Integral Observer and Disturbance Observer24
Distributed global output-feedback formation control without velocity measurement for multiple unmanned surface vehicles24
Soft variable structure control of linear fractional-order systems with actuators saturation24