International Philosophical Quarterly

(The TQCC of International Philosophical Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
About our Contributors4
Conceivability, Rational Intuition, and Metaphysical Possibility2
Overcoming Schumpeter’s Dichotomy1
Why the Embodied Emotion Theory Is Better than the Evaluative1
Fashion and Kant’s Theory of Self-Consciousness1
Absolutism, Utilitarianism and Agent-Relative Constraints1
About Our Contributors0
Avicenna’s Treatment of Analogy/Ambiguity and its Use in Metaphysic0
Edith Stein’s Approach to the Empathy Due to a Presence in advance0
Living Accountably: Accountability as a Virtue0
Relationality in Nature0
About Our Contributors0
Kant’s Notion of an Erring Conscience Reconsidered0
About Our Contributors0
Aristotle on the Function of Phantasia for Phronesis0
Painting as Metaphor in Plato's Republic0
Spiritualism in the Philosophy of Socrates in advance0
The Activities of Truth0
Merleau-Ponty’s Consideration of the Crisis of Western Thought in advance0
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?0
Temptation, Sinlessness, and Impeccability0
The Search for Identity0
Luis de Losada on the Debate Between Analogy and Univocity0
Proper Functionalism, Perfectionism, and the Epistemic Value Problem0
Buddhist No-Self Reductionism, Moral Address, and the Metaphysics of Moral Practice in advance0
Towards a Defensible Nominalism0
About Our Contributors0
Aristotle on the Suffering of Priam in advance0
Two Anomalies Facing the Patriotism-Cosmopolitanism Continuum Thesis0
Explicit Performatives and Force Recognition0
Schopenhauer’s Fourth Way0
Why Ought We Be Good?0
A Thomistic Metaphysics of Participation Accounts for Embodied Rationality0
Derived Quantity and Quantity as Such—Notes toward a Thomistic Account of Modern and Classical Mathematics0
Causal Language in Context in advance0
Ideal Realism—Real Idealism0
Evil, Demiurgy, and the Taming of Necessity in Plato’s Timaeus0
Intuitive Knowledge in Avicenna0
The One Has the Many0
Reading Buber's I and Thou0
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy0
Undoing Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach to Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide by Alexandre Baril0
Why Do We Care Especially About Human Health?0
Coherence of Substance Dualism0
Ethics Ip11 and the Necessary Existence of God0
Hegel, Davidson, and the Dialogical Character of Knowledge0
A Foundation for a Hegelian Welfare State0
Sidgwick’s Dualism of Practical Reason and the Possibility of Divine Sanction in advance0
Observation, Interaction, and Second-Person Sharing0
About Our Contributors0
A Thomistic Defense of Creationism in Late Ming China0
Imagination and the Genealogy of Morals in the Appendix to Spinoza’s Ethics 10
Caught Between an Empirical Rock and an Innate Hard Place0
Reform or Euthanasia of Metaphysics?0
The Moral Status of Love0
Double Thesis on the Finite and the Beginning of Existentialism in Schelling’s Dialogue Bruno (1802)0
About Our Contributors0
Why Christian Monotheism Requires a Social Trinity0
Fides et ratio's Lessons for Philosophers0
Autonomous Weapons and Just War Theory0
The Structure of Charles Taylor’s Philosophy0
The Notions of Miracle, Testimonial Knowledge, and Certainty0
Artificial Intelligence Does Not Do A Single Thing Better Than Human-Beings in advance0
I Know I Should Not Be Biased, But How Do I Do That?0
Plasticity, Numerical Identity,and Transitivity0
The Phenomenon of Loneliness in the Modern World0
Interpreting Aquinas: Resources from Gadamer’s Hermeneutics0
About Our Contributors0