Hormones and Behavior

(The median citation count of Hormones and Behavior is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
What is a pair bond?58
Digit ratio (2D:4D) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): Systematic literature review and meta-analysis42
Sex-dependent effects of social status on the regulation of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) V1a, oxytocin (OT), and serotonin (5-HT) 1A receptor binding and aggression in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus aura29
A longitudinal evaluation of ovulatory cycle shifts in women's mate attraction and preferences29
Aggression, glucocorticoids, and the chronic costs of status competition for wild male chimpanzees29
Central and peripheral leptin resistance in obesity and improvements of exercise28
High housing density increases stress hormone- or disease-associated fecal microbiota in male Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii)26
How prior pair-bonding experience affects future bonding behavior in monogamous prairie voles25
Perinatal exposure to FireMaster® 550 (FM550), brominated or organophosphate flame retardants produces sex and compound specific effects on adult Wistar rat socioemotional behavior25
Endocrine and neuroendocrine regulation of social status in cichlid fishes24
Variation in aggression rates and urinary cortisol levels indicates intergroup competition in wild bonobos24
Endocrine changes related to dog domestication: Comparing urinary cortisol and oxytocin in hand-raised, pack-living dogs and wolves22
Oxytocin reverses ethanol consumption and neuroinflammation induced by social defeat in male mice21
Oral contraceptive use, especially during puberty, alters resting state functional connectivity21
The role of dopamine signaling in prairie vole peer relationships21
Differential effects of progesterone on social recognition and the avoidance of pathogen threat by female mice19
Convergent neuroendocrine mechanisms of social buffering and stress contagion19
Sex differences in seasonal brain plasticity and the neuroendocrine regulation of vocal behavior in songbirds19
Disruption of global hypothalamic microRNA (miR) profiles and associated behavioral changes in California mice (Peromyscus californicus) developmentally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals19
Juvenile hormone regulates brain-reproduction tradeoff in bumble bees but not in honey bees18
A consideration of brain networks modulating social behavior18
Prenatal androgen exposure and children's gender-typed behavior and toy and playmate preferences18
Social network dynamics predict hormone levels and behavior in a highly social cichlid fish18
Adolescent social instability stress leads to immediate and lasting sex-specific changes in the neuroendocrine-immune-gut axis in rats18
Vasopressin regulates daily rhythms and circadian clock circuits in a manner influenced by sex18
Galanin neuron activation in feeding, parental care, and infanticide in a mouthbrooding African cichlid fish18
Juvenile hormone functions as a metabolic rate accelerator in bumble bees (Bombus terrestris)17
Central oxytocin signaling inhibits food reward-motivated behaviors and VTA dopamine responses to food-predictive cues in male rats17
No evidence for a difference in 2D:4D ratio between youth with elevated prenatal androgen exposure due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia and controls17
Mathematical modeling reveals how the speed of endocrine regulation should affect baseline and stress-induced glucocorticoid levels17
Characterizing the effects of tonic 17β-estradiol administration on spatial learning and memory in the follicle-deplete middle-aged female rat17
Glucoregulation and coping behavior after chronic stress in rats: Sex differences across the lifespan16
Nesting strategy shapes territorial aggression but not testosterone: A comparative approach in female and male birds16
Social boldness correlates with brain gene expression in male green anoles16
Effects of light pollution on photoperiod-driven seasonality16
Activation of G-protein coupled estradiol receptor 1 in the dorsolateral striatum attenuates preference for cocaine and saccharin in male but not female rats15
FKBP5 expression is related to HPA flexibility and the capacity to cope with stressors in female and male house sparrows15
Oxytocin receptor behavioral effects and cell types in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis15
Hormones, ovulatory cycle phase and pathogen disgust: A longitudinal investigation of the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis15
Invasive alien species as an environmental stressor and its effects on coping style in a native competitor, the Eurasian red squirrel15
Corticosterone's roles in avian migration: Assessment of three hypotheses15
Group size, temperature and body size modulate the effects of social hierarchy on basal cortisol levels in fishes15
Androgens and corticosteroids increase in response to mirror images and interacting conspecifics in males of the Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens14
Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism14
Triiodothyronine and cortisol levels in the face of energetic challenges from reproduction, thermoregulation and food intake in female macaques14
Rank- and sex-specific differences in the neuroendocrine regulation of glucocorticoids in a wild group-living fish14
Long-term oral administration of a novel estrogen receptor beta agonist enhances memory and alleviates drug-induced vasodilation in young ovariectomized mice14
Early social experience has life-long effects on baseline but not stress-induced cortisol levels in a cooperatively breeding fish14
Estrogen and sex-dependent loss of the vocal learning system in female zebra finches14
Neural programming of seasonal physiology in birds and mammals: A modular perspective14
Long term effects of chronic intranasal oxytocin on adult pair bonding behavior and brain glucose uptake in titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus)14
Early experience alters developmental trajectory of central oxytocin systems involved in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation in Long-Evans rats14
Progesterone rapidly alters the use of place and response memory during spatial navigation in female rats14
Endogenous oxytocin, cortisol, and testosterone in response to group singing14
Activation of the amylin pathway modulates cocaine-induced activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system in male mice14
Frank Beach Award Winner: The centrality of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in dealing with environmental change across temporal scales13
The glucocorticoid response to environmental change is not specific to agents of natural selection in wild red squirrels13
The effects of food supply on reproductive hormones and timing of reproduction in an income-breeding seabird13
Do female bonobos (Pan paniscus) disperse at the onset of puberty? Hormonal and behavioral changes related to their dispersal timing13
Deconstructing sex: Strategies for undoing binary thinking in neuroendocrinology and behavior13
Changes in maternal motivation across reproductive states in mice: A role for prolactin receptor activation on GABA neurons13
Norepinephrine and dopamine contribute to distinct repetitive behaviors induced by novel odorant stress in male and female mice13
Family environmental antecedents of pubertal timing in girls and boys: A review and open questions13
Acute aggressive behavior perturbates the oxidative status of a wild bird independently of testosterone and progesterone12
An evolutionary perspective on stress responses, damage and repair12
Effects of testosterone therapy on constructs related to aggression in transgender men: A systematic review12
Energetics at the urban edge: Environmental and individual predictors of urinary C-peptide levels in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)12
Nuclear androgen and progestin receptors inversely affect aggression and social dominance in male zebrafish (Danio rerio)12
Effects of the social environment on vertebrate fitness and health in nature: Moving beyond the stress axis12
Reduction in vasopressin cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mice increases anxiety and alters fluid intake12
Endocrine stress responsivity and social memory in 3xTg-AD female and male mice: A tale of two experiments12
Expanding the frame around social dynamics and glucocorticoids: From hierarchies within the nest to competitive interactions among species12
Neural control of female sexual behaviors12
Functional inhibition of deep brain non-visual opsins facilitates acute long day induction of reproductive recrudescence in male Japanese quail11
An examination of the influence of prenatal sex hormones on handedness: Literature review and amniotic fluid data11
Specificity in sociogenomics: Identifying causal relationships between genes and behavior11
Aggressive but not reproductive boldness in male green anole lizards correlates with baseline vasopressin activity11
Individuality meets plasticity: Endocrine phenotypes across male dominance rank acquisition in guinea pigs living in a complex social environment11
Glucocorticoids in a warming world: Do they help birds to cope with high environmental temperatures?11
A longitudinal investigation of bidirectional and time-dependent interrelationships between testosterone and training motivation in an elite rugby environment11
Elevated prenatal maternal sex hormones, but not placental aromatase, are associated with child neurodevelopment11
Glucocorticoid receptor expression as an integrative measure to assess glucocorticoid plasticity and efficiency in evolutionary endocrinology: A perspective11
Inside the supergene of the bird with four sexes10
Relationships between ovarian hormone concentrations and mental rotations performance in naturally-cycling women10
Experimental ghrelin administration affects migratory behaviour in a songbird10
Uncovering the seasonal brain: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) as a biochemical approach for studying seasonal social behaviors10
Genetic dissection of steroid-hormone modulated social behavior: Novel paralogous genes are a boon for discovery10
Olfactory detection of trace amounts of plant volatiles is correlated with testosterone in a passerine bird10
Stable and persistent male-like behavior during male-to-female sex change in the common clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris10
A retrospective view of early research on dominance, stress and reproduction in cooperatively breeding carnivores10
The endocrine control of reproductive suppression in an aseasonally breeding social subterranean rodent, the Mahali mole-rat (Cryptomys hottentotus mahali)10
Maternal stress and the maternal microbiome have sex-specific effects on offspring development and aggressive behavior in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)10
The serotonin 1A receptor modulates the social behaviour within groups of a cooperatively-breeding cichlid10
Social status mediated variation in hypothalamic transcriptional profiles of male mice10
Elevated corticosterone levels are associated with increased immunocompetence in male toads, both when calling and under experimental conditions9
Plasma levels of ghrelin and GLP-1, but not leptin or amylin, respond to a psychosocial stressor in women and men9
APOE4 genotype or ovarian hormone loss influence open field exploration in an EFAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease9
Chronic treatment with hormonal contraceptives alters hippocampal BDNF and histone H3 post-translational modifications but not learning and memory in female rats9
FireMaster® 550 (FM 550) exposure during the perinatal period impacts partner preference behavior and nucleus accumbens core medium spiny neuron electrophysiology in adult male and female prairie vole9
Male White-shouldered Fairywrens (Malurus alboscapulatus) elevate androgens greater when courting females than during territorial challenges9
The onset of puberty in colony-housed male and female titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus): Possible effects of oxytocin treatment during peri-adolescent development9
HIV-1 Tat and morphine decrease murine inter-male social interactions and associated oxytocin levels in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus9
Progesterone does raise disgust9
A cross-taxonomic perspective on the integration of temperature cues in vertebrate seasonal neuroendocrine pathways9
Sex diversity in the 21st century: Concepts, frameworks, and approaches for the future of neuroendocrinology9
Bidirectional effects of estradiol on the control of water intake in female rats9
Impact of bisphenol-A and synthetic estradiol on brain, behavior, gonads and sex hormones in a sexually labile coral reef fish9
Treatment with androgens plus estrogens cannot reverse sex differences in song and the song control nuclei in adult canaries8
Social status mediates behavioral, endocrine, and neural responses to an intruder challenge in a social cichlid, Astatotilapia burtoni8
Testosterone, cortisol, and criminal behavior in men and women8
The effect of testosterone on economic risk-taking: A multi-study, multi-method investigation8
Central administration of endocannabinoids exerts bimodal effects in food intake of rainbow trout8
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) affects the activity of the gonadotrophic axis in sheep8
Effects of gonadal status and the estrogen milieu on hypothalamic oxytocin gene expression and serum oxytocin levels in female rats8
A transient reduction in circulating corticosterone reduces object neophobia in male house sparrows8
Sex differences in afferents and efferents of vasopressin neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial amygdala in mice8
Aldosterone hyperreactivity to acute psychosocial stress induction in men with essential hypertension8
The relative speed of the glucocorticoid stress response varies independently of scope and is predicted by environmental variability and longevity across birds.8
Neural mechanisms of comforting: Prosocial touch and stress buffering8
Preliminary evidence that oxytocin does not improve mentalizing in women with schizophrenia8
Alterations in corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 in the preoptic area and hypothalamus in mice during the postpartum period8
Motherhood and DREADD manipulation of the nucleus accumbens weaken established pair bonds in female prairie voles8
Leptin at birth and at age 7 in relation to appetitive behaviors at age 7 and age 108
Adrenal MT1 melatonin receptor expression is linked with seasonal variation in social behavior in male Siberian hamsters8
Flaxseed oil as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid source modulates cortisol concentrations and social dominance in male and female guinea pigs8
Moderately elevated glucocorticoids increase mate choosiness but do not affect sexual proceptivity or preferences in female gray treefrogs8
The roles of GnRH in the human central nervous system8
Alamandine through MrgD receptor induces antidepressant-like effect in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen8
Oxytocin and ‘social hyperthermia’: Interaction with β3-adrenergic receptor-mediated thermogenesis and significance for the expression of social behavior in male and female mice8
Prolactin promotes parental responses and alters reproductive axis gene expression, but not courtship behaviors, in both sexes of a biparental bird8
Sex difference in human olfactory sensitivity is associated with plasma adiponectin8
Estradiol withdrawal following a hormone simulated pregnancy induces deficits in affective behaviors and increases ∆FosB in D1 and D2 neurons in the nucleus accumbens core in mice7
Endocrinological effects of social exclusion and inclusion: Experimental evidence for adaptive regulation of female fecundity7
Interactive effects of compounding multidimensional stressors on maternal and male and female rat offspring outcomes7
Considering hormones as sex- and gender-related factors in biomedical research: Challenging false dichotomies and embracing complexity7
Glutamate transporter-1 link astrocytes with heightened aggressive behavior induced by steroid abuse in male CF1 mice7
Maternal deprivation during early infancy in rats increases oxytocin immunoreactivity in females and corticosterone reactivity to a social test in both sexes without changing emotional behaviour7
Covariation between glucocorticoid levels and receptor expression modulates embryo development and postnatal phenotypes in gulls7
Lack of association of common polymorphisms linked to empathic behavior with self-reported trait empathy in healthy volunteers7
Frank Beach Award Winner: Lessons from poison frogs on ecological drivers of behavioral diversification7
Oxytocin induces lordosis behavior in female rats through the prostaglandin E2/GnRH signaling system7
Annual regulation of adrenocortical function in migrant and resident subspecies of white-crowned sparrow7
Evolutionary endocrinology and the problem of Darwin's tangled bank7
Inhibition of progesterone receptor activity during development increases reelin-immunoreactivity in Cajal-Retzius cells, alters synaptic innervation in neonatal dentate gyrus, and impairs episodic-li7
Oxytocin promotes species-relevant outgroup attention in bonobos and chimpanzees7
Men are not aware of and do not respond to their female partner's fertility status: Evidence from a dyadic diary study of 384 couples7
Social sleepers: The effects of social status on sleep in terrestrial mammals7
Hormones do not maketh the mole-rat: No steroid hormone signatures of subordinate behavioral phenotypes6
BDNF Val66Met genotype and adolescent glucocorticoid treatment induce sex-specific disruptions to fear extinction and amygdala GABAergic interneuron expression in mice6
Cortisol and testosterone concentrations during the prenatal and postpartum period forecast later caregiving quality in mothers and fathers6
Developmental conditions have intergenerational effects on corticosterone levels in a passerine6
Using seasonality and birdsong to understand mechanisms underlying context-appropriate shifts in social motivation and reward6
Life-threatening, high-intensity trauma- and context-dependent anxiety in zebrafish and its modulation by epinephrine6
Factors modulating the behavioral and physiological stress responses: Do they modify the relationship between flight initiation distance and corticosterone reactivity?6
Anxiety and depressive symptoms effects on cortisol trajectories from pregnancy to postpartum: Differences and similarities between women and men6
Socioemotional deficit and HPA axis time response in high compulsive rats selected by schedule-induced polydipsia6
Hippocampal volume changes in a pharmacological sex-hormone manipulation risk model for depression in women6
Seasonal variation in gonadal hormones, spatial cognition, and hippocampal attributes: More questions than answers6
Evolution of hormone-phenotype couplings and hormone-genome interactions6
Exogenous testosterone decreases men's sensitivity to vocal cues of male dominance6
Estradiol attenuates chronic restraint stress-induced dendrite and dendritic spine loss and cofilin1 activation in ovariectomized mice6
A test of the social behavior network reveals differential patterns of neural responses to social novelty in bonded, but not non-bonded, male prairie voles6
Methylation of OXT and OXTR genes, central oxytocin, and social behavior in female macaques6
No detectable changes in anxiety-related and locomotor behaviors in adult ovariectomized female rats exposed to estradiol, the ERβ agonist DPN or the ERα agonist PPT6
Gene expression in the female tree swallow brain is associated with inter- and intra-population variation in glucocorticoid levels6
Integrating the female masculinization and challenge hypotheses: Female dominance, male deference, and seasonal hormone fluctuations in adult blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur flavifrons)6
A causal role of estradiol in human reinforcement learning6
The role of sex chromosomes and sex hormones in vocal learning systems5
Mistimed restricted feeding disrupts circadian rhythms of male mating behavior and female preovulatory LH surges in mice5
Breeding at higher latitude is associated with higher photoperiodic threshold and delayed reproductive development in a songbird5
Lactation is not required for maintaining maternal care and active coping responses in chronically stressed postpartum rats: Interactions between nursing demand and chronic variable stress5
Effects of intranasal oxytocin on pain perception among human subjects: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis5
Costs of seasonality at a southern latitude: Behavioral endocrinology of female baboons in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa5
Unique and interactive associations of proactive and reactive aggression with cortisol secretion5
High estradiol reduces adult neurogenesis but strengthens functional connectivity within the hippocampus during spatial pattern separation in adult female rats5
Major role of MT2 receptors in the beneficial effect of melatonin on long-term recognition memory in C57BL/6J male mice5
Task-specific effects of biological sex and sex hormones on object recognition memories in a 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion model of Parkinson's disease in adult male and female rats5
Contrasting central and systemic effects of arginine-vasopressin on urinary marking behavior as a social signal in male mice5
Androgen receptor CAG repeat length as a moderator of the relationship between free testosterone levels and cognition5
Sex differences in aggressive intensities and brain steroids during status resolution in a sex changing fish, Lythrypnus dalli5
How experimental competition changes ovarian gene activity in free-living birds: Implications for steroidogenesis, maternal effects, and beyond5
A single GnRH challenge promotes paternal care, changing nestling growth for one day5
Medaka as a model for seasonal plasticity: Photoperiod-mediated changes in behaviour, cognition, and hormones5
Development of a single-dose intranasal testosterone administration paradigm for use in men and women5
Relationship between proximity and physiological stress levels in hunter-gatherers: The Hadza5
Male social niche conformance? Effects of manipulated opportunity for extra-pair mating on behavior and hormones of male zebra finches5
Territorial scent-marking effects on vigilance behavior, space use, and stress in female Columbian ground squirrels5
Hormone contraceptive use in young women: Altered mood states, neuroendocrine and inflammatory biomarkers5
Increases in glucocorticoids are sufficient but not necessary to increase cooperative burrowing in Damaraland mole-rats5
Individual differences in hormonal responsiveness to social encounters: Commentary on Félix et al., 2020 and review of pertinent issues5
Acute exposure of rats to a severe stressor alters the circadian pattern of corticosterone and sensitizes to a novel stressor: Relationship to pre-stress individual differences in resting corticostero5
Measuring salivary mesotocin in birds - Seasonal differences in ravens' peripheral mesotocin levels5
Sex differences in basal reelin levels in the paraventricular hypothalamus and in response to chronic stress induced by repeated corticosterone in rats5
Thyroid hormones mediate the impact of early-life stress on ventral tegmental area gene expression and behavior5
Mitochondria as the powerhouses of sexual selection: Testing mechanistic links between development, cellular respiration, and bird song5
Sex steroids modulate circadian behavioral rhythms in captive animals, but does this matter in the wild?5
The selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen protects against subtle cognitive decline and early markers of injury 24 h after hippocampal silent infarct in male Sprague-Dawley rats5
High and fluctuating levels of ovarian hormones induce an anxiogenic effect, which can be modulated under stress conditions: Evidence from an assisted reproductive rodent model4
Optimal hormonal regulation when stressor cues are imperfect4
Characterizing seasonal transitions: Breeding-like morphology and behavior during the late non-breeding season in green anole lizards4
Maternal immune activation alters social affective behavior and sensitivity to corticotropin releasing factor in male but not female rats4
Reduced sexual motivation of diabetic female rats: Restoration with insulin4
Activational vs. organizational effects of sex steroids and their role in the evolution of reproductive behavior: Looking to foot-flagging frogs and beyond4
“Home alone!” influence of nest parental attendance on offspring behavioral and hormonal stress responses in an Antarctic seabird, the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea)4
Meerkat manners: Endocrine mediation of female dominance and reproductive control in a cooperative breeder4
Relatively rapid effects of testosterone on men's ratings of female attractiveness depend on relationship status and the attractiveness of stimulus faces4
Agmatine prevents the manifestation of impulsive burying and depression-like behaviour in progesterone withdrawn female rats4
Endogenous variation in estradiol in women affects the weighting of metric and categorical information in spatial location memory4
Assessment of autism-relevant behaviors in C57BKS/J leptin receptor deficient mice4
Exploring the role of endocrine factors in sensitive parenting in men4
The influence of estrogen receptor α signaling independent of the estrogen response element on avoidance behavior, social interactions, and palatable ingestive behavior in female mice4
Cyclic estrogen and progesterone during instrumental acquisition contributes to habit formation in female rats4
Sex and timing of gonadectomy relative to puberty interact to influence weight, body composition, and feeding behaviors in mice4
Sodium palatability in male spontaneously hypertensive rats4
Vasopressin mediates nonapeptide and glucocorticoid signaling and social dynamics in juvenile dominance hierarchies of a highly social cichlid fish4
Regulation of maternal behavior, social isolation responses, and postpartum estrus by steroid hormones and vaginocervical stimulation in sheep4
Galanin expression varies with parental care and social status in a wild cooperatively breeding fish4
Systems biology as a framework to understand the physiological and endocrine bases of behavior and its evolution—From concepts to a case study in birds4
Basal cortisol concentrations related to maternal behavior during puppy development predict post-growth resilience in dogs4
African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) as a neurobehavioral model for male parental care4
Intranasal vasopressin expedites dishonesty in women4
Sex mechanisms as nonbinary influences on cognitive diversity4
Perinatal opioid exposure leads to decreased social play in adolescent male and female rats: Potential role of oxytocin signaling in brain regions associated with social reward4
Androgen receptors immunoreactivity in the rat brain of males with same-sex preference4
Ghrelin-Ghrelin receptor (GSHR) pathway via endocannabinoid signal affects the expression of NPY to promote the food intake of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)4
Spexin modulates molecular thermogenic profile of adipose tissue and thermoregulatory behaviors in female C57BL/6 mice4
The relationship between daily behavior, hormones, and a color dimorphism in a seabird under natural continuous light4
Impact of temperature-induced sex reversal on behavior and sound production in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)4
Sex differences in androgen receptor, estrogen receptor alpha, and c-Fos co-expression with corticotropin releasing factor expressing neurons in restrained adult mice3
Determining menstrual cycle phase: An empirical examination of methodologies and recommendations for improvement in behavioral and brain sciences3
Pterostilbene alleviates cafeteria diet-induced obesity and underlying depression in adolescent male Swiss albino mice and affects insulin resistance, inflammation, HPA axis dysfunction and SIRT1 medi3
Metabolic, neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of social defeat in male and female mice using the chronic non-discriminatory social defeat stress model3
Development of social recognition ability in female rats: Effect of pubertal ovarian hormones3
Estradiol and progesterone-induced lordosis behavior is modulated by both the Kisspeptin receptor and melanin-concentrating hormone in estradiol benzoate-primed rats3
Narcissism moderates the association between basal testosterone and generosity in men3
Pharmacological manipulation of oxytocin receptor signaling during mouse embryonic development results in sex-specific behavioral effects in adulthood3
Colours of stress in male Indian rock agamas predict testosterone levels but not performance3
Acute inhibition of dopamine β-hydroxylase attenuates behavioral responses to pups in adult virgin California mice (Peromyscus californicus)3
The elusive role of prolactin in the sociality of the naked mole-rat3
Social status influences relationships between hormones and oxidative stress in a cichlid fish3
Sex and seasonal differences in neural steroid sensitivity predict territorial aggression in Siberian hamsters3
Single dose testosterone administration enhances novelty responsiveness and short-term habituation in healthy males3
Daily GnRH agonist treatment delays the development of reproductive physiology and behavior in male rats3
Associations between nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, disgust sensitivity, and first-trimester maternal serum free β-hCG and PAPP-A3
Emotion recognition and mood along the menstrual cycle3
Pronounced cortisol response to acute psychosocial stress in type 2 diabetes patients with and without complications3
Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis3
Methoprene-tolerant and Krüppel homolog 1 are actors of juvenile hormone-signaling controlling the development of male sexual behavior in the moth Agrotis ipsilon3
Menstrual cycle and exogenous attention toward emotional expressions3
Where to from here? Perspectives on steroid-induced and naturally-occurring singing in female songbirds3