HAHR-Hispanic American Historical Review

(The median citation count of HAHR-Hispanic American Historical Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Witnesses to Freedom: Paula's Enslavement, Her Family's Freedom Suit, and the Making of a Counterarchive in the South Atlantic World19
The “Indians of Palmares”: Conquest, Insurrection, and Land in Northeast Brazil17
A Party of Ex-convicts: Bolívar Ochart, Carceral Logics, and the Socialist Party in Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico10
Indigenous Slavery's Archive in Seventeenth-Century Chile3
Of Widows, Furrows, and Seed: New Perspectives on Land and the Colonial Andean Commons2
Communicating an Empire and Its Many Worlds: Spanish American Mail, Logistics, and Postal Agents, 1492–16202
Regulating Bracero Migration: How National, Regional, and Local Political Considerations Shaped the Bracero Program2
“Betwixt Ye Two Rivers”: Trafficking and Colonization in Early Seventeenth-Century Saint Christopher1
“Maria Simoa, Who Birthed Twenty-Four Children”: Slavery, Motherhood, and Freedom on the Benedictine Estates, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1866–18711
La Santa Muerte in Mexico: History, Devotion, and Society1
Charles W. Bergquist (1942–2020)1
The Precious Seed of Christian Virtue: Charity, Disability, and Belonging in Guatemala, 1871–19471
Two Bigamists in Tehuantepec: Global(ized) Itineraries in Southern Mesoamerica, circa 16001
Sweet Fuel: A Political and Environmental History of Brazilian Ethanol1
SeriousMaricasand Their Male Concubines: Seeking Trans History and Intimacy in Argentine Police and Prison Records, 1921–19451
“Más agresivos y más revolucionarios”: Los límites y el agotamiento de la “revolución democristiana” en América Central, 1961–19741
Indigenous Record Keeping and Hacienda Culture in the Andes: Modern Khipu Accounting on the Island of the Sun, Bolivia1
Making Medical Subjects: Regeneration, Experimentation, and Women in the Guatemalan Spring1
Ladrones de Luz: Policing Electricity in Mexico City, 1901–19181
La Real Pragmática en la Real Audiencia de Quito: Raza, clase y género hacia fines de la Colonia1
Subsidizing the Costs of Loyalty: Lima, Montevideo, and the Making of the Loyalist Río de la Plata, 1810–18141
“Improve Their Condition While Making Them Useful”: Colonia General Conesa and the Dynamics of Settler Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century Argentina1
The Echo of Voices after the Fall of the Aztec Empire1
Brazil: A Biography0
In Praise of the Ancestors: Names, Identity, and Memory in Africa and the Americas0
Taxing Difference in Peru and New Spain (16th–19th Century): Fiscal Petitions Negotiating Social Differences and Belonging0
Death in Old Mexico: The 1789 Dongo Murders and How They Shaped the History of a Nation0
Indigenous Autocracy: Power, Race, and Resources in Porfirian Tlaxcala, Mexico0
Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gendered Perspective0
Students of Revolution: Youth, Protest, and Coalition Building in Somoza-Era Nicaragua0
Infidels and Empires in a New World Order: Early Modern Spanish Contributions to International Legal Thought0
Virtuous Waters: Mineral Springs, Bathing, and Infrastructure in Mexico0
Transimperial Anxieties: The Making and Unmaking of Arab Ottomans in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850–19400
The Oxford Handbook of Borderlands of the Iberian World0
How to Read the Rock Face? Getting Old in the Archive of Postcolonial Mexico0
Negotiating Heritage through Education and Archaeology: Colonialism, National Identity, and Resistance in Belize0
La Joven Moderna in Interwar Argentina: Gender, Nation, and Popular Culture0
Encuentros y desencuentros con la frontera imperial: La iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Quito y la misión en el Amazonas (siglo XVII)0
Futbolera: A History of Women and Sports in Latin America0
A Colonial Book Market: Peruvian Print Culture in the Age of Enlightenment0
El Libro de Oro y su época: Historia, sociedad y patrimonio del Paraguay (1850–1890)0
The Cambridge Companion to Tango0
Appalachia as Contested Borderland of the Early Modern Atlantic, 1528–17150
Philip II of Spain and the Architecture of Empire0
Al margen de la Corona: La emigración del clero regular canario a América en la edad moderna0
Guerra por las ideas en América Latina, 1959–1973: Presencia soviética en Cuba y Chile0
Region Out of Place: The Brazilian Northeast and the World, 1924–19680
Construction of Maya Space: Causeways, Walls, and Open Areas from Ancient to Modern Times0
Citizens of Scandal: Journalism, Secrecy, and the Politics of Reckoning in Mexico0
Fueling Mexico: Energy and Environment, 1850–19500
Looking for Alicia: The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel0
Runway Hospitality: Air Jamaica's “Rare Tropical Birds” and the Embodied Gender and Race Politics of Tourism, 1966–19800
On the Other Shore: The Atlantic Worlds of Italians in South America during the Great War0
The Last Slave Ships: New York and the End of the Middle Passage0
Los virreinatos de Nueva España y del Perú (1680–1740): Un balance historiográfico0
Redes empresariales y administración estatal: La provisión de materiales estratégicos en el mundo hispánico durante el largo siglo XVIII0
Liberalism as Utopia: The Rise and Fall of Legal Rule in Post-colonial Mexico, 1820–19000
A Carceral Ecology: Ushuaia and the History of Landscape and Punishment in Argentina0
Stormy Passage: Mexico from Colony to Republic, 1750–18500
With Masses and Arms: Peru's Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement0
Beyond Babel: Translations of Blackness in Colonial Peru and New Granada0
South-South Solidarity and the Latin American Left0
Violence and the Caste War of Yucatán0
Fearful Vassals: Urban Elite Loyalty in the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, 1776–18100
Colonial Intimacies: Interethnic Kinship, Sexuality, and Marriage in Southern California, 1769–18850
Panama in Black: Afro-Caribbean World Making in the Twentieth Century0
The Journal of James A. Brush: The Expedition and Military Operations of General Don Francisco Xavier Mina in Mexico, 1816–18170
Tiempos críticos: Historia, revolución y temporalidad en el mundo iberoamericano (siglos XVIII y XIX)0
Bartolomé de las Casas, OP: History, Philosophy, and Theology in the Age of European Expansion0
Good Neighbor, Bad Neighbor: Fact and Fiction in an FBI Investigation of Brazilian Literature during World War II0
Food and Revolution: Fighting Hunger in Nicaragua, 1960–19930
The New Age of Andeans: Chronological Age, Indigenous Labor, and the Making of Spanish Colonial Rule0
A Troubled Marriage: Indigenous Elites of the Colonial Americas0
Conscript Nation: Coercion and Citizenship in the Bolivian Barracks0
Paternalism, Transgression and Slave Resistance in Brazil0
The Rain Gods' Rebellion: The Cultural Basis of a Nahua Insurgency0
Mapping Nature across the Americas0
Borderlands Curanderos: The Worlds of Santa Teresa Urrea and Don Pedrito Jaramillo0
Revolutionary Masculinity and Racial Inequality: Gendering War and Politics in Cuba0
Policing the Mexican Past: Transitional Justice in a Post-authoritarian Regime0
L'action culturelle française en Colombie 1930–19700
Populism and Ethnicity: Peronism and the Jews of Argentina0
Vientos de guerra: Apogeo y crisis de la Real Armada, 1750–18230
Sports in South America: A History0
The “Indios” of Spain and the Mexican Revolution: Racial Ideologies and the Labor of Internationalist Solidarity0
The Revolution from Within: Cuba, 1959–19800
The Codex Mexicanus: A Guide to Life in Late Sixteenth-Century New Spain0
The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment0
José Murilo de Carvalho (1939–2023)0
Cacicas: The Indigenous Women Leaders of Spanish America, 1492–18250
Guaraná: How Brazil Embraced the World's Most Caffeine-Rich Plant0
Dictators and the Disappeared: Democracy Lost and Restored0
Mexico in the Time of Cholera0
Return to Ixil: Maya Society in an Eighteenth-Century Yucatec Town0
Smoker beyond the Sea: The Story of Puerto Rican Tobacco0
The Fate of Peruvian Democracy: Political Violence, Human Rights, and the Legal Left0
From the Grounds Up: Building an Export Economy in Southern Mexico0
Sacrifice and Regeneration: Seventh-day Adventism and Religious Transformation in the Andes0
90 millas: Relaciones económicas Cuba–Estados Unidos, 1898–20200
La niñez desviada: La tutela estatal de niños pobres, huérfanos y delincuentes; Buenos Aires, 1890–19190
Selling Black Brazil: Race, Nation, and Visual Culture in Salvador, Bahia0
Lula and His Politics of Cunning: From Metalworker to President of Brazil0
Ceramics of Ancient America: Multidisciplinary Approaches0
Surgery and Salvation: The Roots of Reproductive Injustice in Mexico, 1770–19400
The Conquest of Mexico: 500 Years of Reinventions0
Frontiers in the Gilded Age: Adventure, Capitalism, and Dispossession from Southern Africa to the US-Mexican Borderlands, 1880–19170
Freedom's Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific0
To the Shores of Chile: The “Journal and History” of the Brouwer Expedition to Valdivia in 16430
Navigating Life and Work in Old Republic São Paulo0
Una etnohistoria de Chiquitos: Más allá del horizonte jesuítico0
Water Troubles: Peruvian Capitalists, Mining Infrastructure, and the First Copper Bonanza0
The Gathering Storm: Eduardo Frei's Revolution in Liberty and Chile's Cold War0
The Low–Carbon Contradiction: Energy Transition, Geopolitics, and the Infrastructural State in Cuba0
The Caribbean War Front in World War II: The Untold Story of U-boats, Spies, and Economic Warfare0
We Are the Land: A History of Native California0
Where Caciques and Mapmakers Met: Border Making in Eighteenth-Century South America0
Costa Rica después del café: La era cooperativa en la historia y la memoria0
The Age of Dissent: Revolution and the Power of Communication in Chile, 1780–18330
Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War0
Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America (1900–1950)0
Fields of Revolution: Agrarian Reform and Rural State Formation in Bolivia, 1935–19640
Rogue Revolutionaries: The Fight for Legitimacy in the Greater Caribbean0
Christon I. Archer (1940–2021)0
As ditaduras argentina e brasileira em ação: Violência repressiva e busca de consentimento0
Spanish and Portuguese Conflict in the Spice Islands: The Loaysa Expedition to the Moluccas 1525–1535; From Book XX of “The General and Natural History of the Indies” by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y 0
La migración china en República Dominicana: 1862–19610
Colonial Cataclysms: Climate, Landscape, and Memory in Mexico's Little Ice Age0
Museum Matters: Making and Unmaking Mexico's National Collections0
Gendered Capitalism: Sewing Machines and Multinational Business in Spain and Mexico, 1850–19400
Fascism in Brazil: From Integralism to Bolsonarism0
Richard Stafford Poole (1930–2020)0
Emotions and Migration in Argentina at the Turn of the Twentieth Century0
Diane M. Nelson (1963–2022)0
Clio's Laws: On History and Language0
Our Time Is Now: Race and Modernity in Postcolonial Guatemala0
Juan Marchena Fernández (1954–2022)0
Social Change, Industrialization, and the Service Economy in São Paulo, 1950–20200
Mexican Waves: Radio Broadcasting along Mexico's Northern Border, 1930–19500
Un militar realista en la independencia de México: Estudio y edición del diario personal del oficial de infantería Modesto de la Torre (29 de mayo de 1821–4 de junio de 1822)0
Los Adaes, the First Capital of Spanish Texas0
Rituals and Sisterhoods: Single Women's Households in Mexico, 1560–17500
Clothing the New World Church: Liturgical Textiles of Spanish America, 1520–18200
Reshaping the World: Debates on Mesoamerican Cosmologies0
The Inca: Lost Civilizations0
Celia Sánchez Manduley: The Life and Legacy of a Cuban Revolutionary0
Spinsters, Gamblers, and Friedrich Engels: The Social Worlds of Money and Expansionism in Argentina, 1860s–1900s0
Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile0
Colonial Loyalties: Celebrating the Spanish Monarchy in Eighteenth-Century Lima0
Alberto Flores Galindo: Utopía, historia y revolución0
Tecnologías de la memoria: Mapas y padrones en la configuración del territorio guaraní de las misiones0
The 1624 Tumult of Mexico in Perspective (c. 1620–1650): Authority and Conflict Resolution in the Iberian Atlantic0
The Things of Others: Ethnographies, Histories, and Other Artefacts0
Patriots and Traitors in Revolutionary Cuba, 1961–19810
Food, Texts, and Cultures in Latin America and Spain0
The Brazilian Revolution of 1930: The Legacy of Getúlio Vargas Revisited0
Mapmaking and Sovereignty Building: Francisco Requena and the Late Eighteenth-Century Boundary Demarcation Commissions0
The Sacred Cause: The Abolitionist Movement, Afro-Brazilian Mobilization, and Imperial Politics in Rio de Janeiro0
El hambre de los otros: Ciencia y políticas alimentarias en Latinoamérica, siglos XX y XXI0
The CIA in Ecuador0
Of Light and Struggle: Social Justice, Human Rights, and Accountability in Uruguay0
En tela de juicio: Justicia penal, homicidios célebres y opinión pública (México, siglo XX)0
Genoese Entrepreneurship and the Asiento Slave Trade, 1650–17000
Nahua Fasting in a Series of Don'ts: An Interpretation of the Precontact Nezahualiztli Practice0
Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World0
México beyond 1968: Revolutionaries, Radicals, and Repression during the Global Sixties and Subversive Seventies0
Fugitive Freedom: The Improbable Lives of Two Impostors in Late Colonial Mexico0
Movements after Revolution: A History of People's Struggles in Mexico0
A Silver River in a Silver World: Dutch Trade in the Rio de la Plata, 1648–16780
The Perfection of Nature: Animals, Breeding, and Race in the Renaissance0
Latin America's Democratic Crusade: The Transnational Struggle against Dictatorship, 1920s–1960s0
La Confederación Argentina y sus subalternos: Integración estatal, política y derechos en el Buenos Aires posindependiente (1820–1860)0
The Market for Mesoamerica: Reflections on the Sale of Pre-Columbian Antiquities0
Memories of Earth and Sea: An Ethnographic History of the Islands of Chiloé0
Death in the Snow: Pedro de Alvarado and the Illusive Conquest of Peru0
Gendering Antifascism: Women's Activism in Argentina and the World, 1918–19470
The World That Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era0
Aztec and Maya Apocalypses: Old World Tales of Doom in a New World Setting0
The Spirit of Hispanism: Commerce, Culture, and Identity across the Atlantic, 1875–19360
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation0
The Indigenous Struggle and the Bolivian National Revolution: Land and Liberty!0
These People Have Always Been a Republic: Indigenous Electorates in the US-Mexico Borderlands, 1598–19120
Health in the Highlands: Indigenous Healing and Scientific Medicine in Guatemala and Ecuador0
Fighting for Andean Resources: Extractive Industries, Cultural Politics, and Environmental Struggles in Peru0
Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women, the Law, and the Making of a White Argentine Republic0
Descendants of Aztec Pictography: The Cultural Encyclopedias of Sixteenth-Century Mexico0
The Public Good and the Brazilian State: Municipal Finance and Public Services in São Paulo, 1822–19300
A Singular Remedy: Cinchona across the Atlantic World, 1751–18200
Mapping Diaspora: African American Roots Tourism in Brazil0
José Carlos Mariátegui o el “cojito genial”: Historia y discapacidad en el Perú0
Calculating Brilliance: An Intellectual History of Mayan Astronomy at Chich'en Itza0
Flight From Chile: An Oral History of Exile0
Empire of Eloquence: The Classical Rhetorical Tradition in Colonial Latin America and the Iberian World0
Constructing the Spanish Empire in Havana: State Slavery in Defense and Development, 1762–18350
History of the Chichimeca Nation: Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Seventeenth-Century Chronicle of Ancient Mexico0
From Conquest to Colony: Empire, Wealth, and Difference in Eighteenth-Century Brazil0
Arise! Global Radicalism in the Era of the Mexican Revolution0
Transatlantic Cinephilia: Film Culture between Latin America and France, 1945–19650
Trabajos y trabajadores en América Latina (siglos XVI–XXI)0
“Postreros acentos de la lira indiana”: The Discovery of the Cantares mexicanos in the Nineteenth Century0
Rio de Janeiro in the Global Meat Market, c. 1850 to c. 1930: How Fresh and Salted Meat Arrived at the Carioca Table0
Utopias latino-americanas: Política, sociedade, cultura0
Conquistadors and Aztecs: A History of the Fall of Tenochtitlan0
Fútbol y sociedad en América Latina—Futebol e sociedade na América Latina0
As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas0
Sugarcane and Rum: The Bittersweet History of Labor and Life on the Yucatán Peninsula0
Our Social Conquests Will Be Respected: Peasants and Military Dictatorship in Cochabamba, Bolivia0
Ancient Andean Houses: Making, Inhabiting, Studying0
Alton's Paradox: Foreign Film Workers and the Emergence of Industrial Cinema in Latin America0
The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World0
Caudillos y plebeyos: La construcción social del estado en América del Sur (Argentina, Perú, Chile 1830–1860)0
What Is Latin American History?0
Before the Flood: The Itaipu Dam and the Visibility of Rural Brazil0
A Short History of Revolutionary Cuba0
Brasil em projetos: História dos sucessos políticos e planos de melhoramento do reino; Da ilustração portuguesa à Independência do Brasil0
Histories of Drug Trafficking in Twentieth-Century Mexico0
No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War0
Entre el cielo y el suelo: Las identidades elásticas de las clases medias (Santiago de Chile, 1932–1962)0
The Conquest of the Desert: Argentina's Indigenous Peoples and the Battle for History0
South of the Border: Women Travelers to Latin America0
The Usual Suspects: Bourbon Quito through the Visita de Cárcel, 1732–17910
Matters of Justice: Pueblos, the Judiciary, and Agrarian Reform in Revolutionary Mexico0
Anti-Communist Solidarity: US-Brazilian Labor Relations during the Dictatorship in Cold-War Brazil (1964–1985)0
O massacre dos libertos: Sobre raça e república no Brasil (1888–1889)0
Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic Abolitionist Movement in the Seventeenth Century0
Destape: Sex, Democracy, and Freedom in Postdictatorial Argentina0
New World of Gain: Europeans, Guaraní, and the Global Origins of Modern Economy0
A Life Together: Lucas Alamán and Mexico, 1792–18530
The Saints of Progress: A History of Coffee, Migration, and Costa Rican National Identity0
Africanos y afrodescendientes en la América hispánica septentrional: Espacios de convivencia, sociabilidad y conflicto0
Clichês baratos: Sexo e humor na imprensa ilustrada carioca no início do século XX0
A Black Jurist in a Slave Society: Antonio Pereira Rebouças and the Trials of Brazilian Citizenship0
The Capital of Free Women: Race, Legitimacy, and Liberty in Colonial Mexico0
Sex, Skulls, and Citizens: Gender and Racial Science in Argentina (1860–1910)0
Exile and Nation-State Formation in Argentina and Chile, 1810–18620
In This Issue0
Freedom Roots: Histories from the Caribbean0
La Guerra Fría latinoamericana y sus historiografías0
Shifting the Meaning of Democracy: Race, Politics, and Culture in the United States and Brazil0
The Dread Plague and the Cow Killers: The Politics of Animal Disease in Mexico and the World0
Manuel Querino (1851–1923): An Afro-Brazilian Pioneer in the Age of Scientific Racism0
Black Freedom in the Age of Slavery: Race, Status, and Identity in the Urban Americas0
From Revolution to Power in Brazil: How Radical Leftists Embraced Capitalism and Struggled with Leadership0
The People Are King: The Making of an Indigenous Andean Politics0
Black Legend: The Many Lives of Raúl Grigera and the Power of Racial Storytelling in Argentina0
Contested Nation: The Mapuche, Bandits, and State Formation in Nineteenth-Century Chile0
The Boundaries of Freedom: Slavery, Abolition, and the Making of Modern Brazil0
Missionizing on the Edge: Religion and Power in the Jesuit Missions of Spanish Amazonia0
Los otros: Raza, normas y corrupción en la gestión de la extranjería en México, 1900–19500
Warisata en la selva: El núcleo escolar selvícola de Casarabe entre los sirionó, 1937–19480
Olimpismo: The Olympic Movement in the Making of Latin America and the Caribbean0