Health Education Journal

(The median citation count of Health Education Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Combating misinformation: The effects of infographics in verifying false vaccine news22
Children’s pictures of COVID-19 and measures to mitigate its spread: An international qualitative study21
Indigenous strengths-based approaches to healthcare and health professions education – Recognising the value of Elders’ teachings18
Health literacy in school-based health programmes: A case study in one Australian school17
Layla’s Got You: Developing a tailored contraception chatbot for Black and Hispanic young women16
Relationships and sexuality education: Key research informing New Zealand curriculum policy14
Agency beliefs are associated with lower health information avoidance14
What does co-creation mean? An attempt at definition informed by the perspectives of school health promoters in France11
The effect of a games-based intervention on wellbeing in adolescent girls11
The effect of a mobile application on the foot care of individuals with type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled study11
A training programme for community pharmacists to support people living with severe and persistent mental illness: Intervention mapping in the context of a pandemic11
Observations from the playground: Common problems and potential solutions for school-based recess10
Using faith-based organisations to promote mental health education to underserved populations in Jamaica10
A psychoeducational mental health promotion intervention in a comprehensive schools: Recognising problems and reducing stigma10
Life unites us: A novel approach to addressing opioid use disorder stigma9
Digital citizenship among Appalachian middle schoolers: The common sense digital citizenship curriculum9
Physical activity counselling among junior doctors in the UK: A qualitative study8
Promoting mental health literacy in female students: A school-based educational intervention8
Settler allies are made, not self-proclaimed: Unsettling conversations for non-Indigenous researchers and educators involved in Indigenous health8
Effects of the augmented reality game Pokémon GO on fitness and fatness in secondary school students8
Educational interventions to promote adolescents’ mental health: A scoping review8
Physical activity levels during physical education in Spanish children7
Preschool children deliver stroke knowledge to their families with the FAST 112 Heroes educational programme7
Impact of the South Asian Adolescent Diabetes Awareness Program (SAADAP) on diabetes knowledge, risk perception and health behaviour7
Improving health professionals’ and learners’ attitudes towards homeless individuals through street-based outreach7
Utilising a WeChat intervention to improve HIV and AIDS education among college students in China7
Improving university students’ mental health literacy using experiential learning opportunities7
Does virtual versus in-person e-cigarette education have a differential impact?6
Facilitators and barriers to fitness bootcamp participation using the Behaviour Change Wheel6
Mastering medical terminology with ChatGPT and Termbot6
COVID-19 and the Health Promoting School in Italy: Perspectives of educational leaders6
Integrating the concept of cultural intelligence into health education and health promotion6
The role of mental engagement between moderate or vigorous physical activity and academic achievement in adolescents6
Effects of a sexuality education programme on young people’s STI/HIV knowledge, attitudes and risk behaviour in Northeast Nigeria5
Students’ experience of a college wellness course5
Impact of a school-based cooking programme on home cooking participation in Japan5
Virtual, bilingual English-Spanish community nutrition and exercise classes: Barriers and opportunities4
Evaluation of a road safety educational programme for senior elementary school students in Cambodia: A pilot study4
Health literacy among members of the Nepalese immigrant population in Canada4
Assessing children’s health literacy: A curricular approach4
Influence of active ageing and health literacy on quality of life among elderly persons in northeast Thailand4
African immigrant students’ participation in Canadian health-promoting schools4
‘You should tell somebody’: An evaluation of a survivor stories blog project to motivate sexual assault victims4
A qualitative evaluation of a campus wide COVID-19 health education campaign: Intent, impact, and ideas for the future4
The implementation of a whole school approach to mental health and well-being promotion in the Irish primary school context4
Education and skills training for care partners of hospitalised older adults: A scoping review4
Characteristics and effectiveness of physical activity, nutrition and/or sleep interventions to improve the mental well-being of teachers: A scoping review4
Using fitness trackers to increase physical activity in a US Army health initiative4
Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence: Synthesis of theories of change4
A theory-grounded text message–based intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour in university students4
Young adult–targeted vaping cessation media campaigns: Promising themes4
Love and basketball: Audience response to a professional athlete’s mental health proclamation4
School leadership that supports health promotion in schools: A systematic literature review4
‘Healthy Children, Healthy Planet’: A pilot school-based educational intervention4
Improving practice: Giving voice to the experiences of sexual health education teachers4
Improving infectious TB education for foreign-born patients and family members3
Exploring the impact of a compassion-focused therapy training course on healthcare educators3
Usability of an mHealth application in India for type 2 diabetes mellitus3
Be Wise: A complementary and alternative medicine health literacy skill-building programme3
The role of specialised content knowledge in teaching basic life support3
Fall prevention education for older people being discharged from hospital: Educators’ perspectives3
Nutrition education programme changes food intake and baseball performance in high-school students3
Co-creating an empowering health education intervention for urological cancer patients3
Impact of teacher encouragement on children’s consumption and non-eating behaviour in a Wisconsin elementary school vegetable snack programme3
Understandability, actionability and suitability of educational videos on dietary management for hypertension3
Effect of an adolescent peer-led health curriculum on peer educators and participants3
‘We are all in this together’: Investigating alignments in intersectoral partnerships dedicated to K-12 food literacy education3
The Intentional Compassion Framework for school communities3
Evaluating patient education resources for supporting treatment decisions in latent tuberculosis infection3
Canadian cannabis education resources to support youth health literacy: A scoping review and environmental scan3
Co-developing peer interventions in health-related contexts: A case study from exercise referral3
Exploring classroom teachers’ efficacy towards implementing physical activity breaks in the classroom3
The influence of peer and coach relationships in after-school sports on perceptions of school climate3
Are school-based interventions promoting 24-hour movement guidelines among children? A scoping review2
Health literacy among children living with a long-term condition: ‘What I know and who I tell’2
US college women’s understandings of definitions of intimate partner violence2
Aboriginal children’s health, playgroup participation and early learning outcomes in two remote Northern Territory communities2
Exploring the interplay between fat talk, social media use and body image among young women: New opportunities for health education?2
Manager, coach and sports club participant perceptions of health promotion2
Acceptability of alcohol-free dance in place of traditional alcohol-focused events2
Work physical activity culture and need support impacts on physical activity outcomes2
Cooking app engages kids as well as moms: Inviting secondary users into health outreach2
Addressing adolescent anaemia in vulnerable urban Indian communities: A qualitative exploration2
An on-line school-based randomised controlled trial to prevent non-specific low back pain in children2
Interpersonal and structural healthcare barriers among transgender women: Healthcare curriculum needs2
Educational needs and type 1 diabetes mellitus: The voices of adolescents, parents and caregivers2
US nationwide assessment of school health policies and practices using state-level data2
A social media intervention for the families of young Black men with obstructive sleep apnoea2
Exercise referral scheme participant characteristics, referral mode and completion status2
The use of extended reality (XR) in patient education: A critical perspective2
Whole grain perceptions and consumption attitudes: Results of a survey in Italy2
Designing an interprofessional Facebook discussion group to teach about LGBTQ healthcare disparities and inclusive practices2
Spirituality in the health curricula in Canada: A review2
Does food and health education in school influence students’ everyday life?2
Undergraduate students’ learning experiences as part of an online sexuality education workshop in Japan2
Effective strategies for testicular torsion education in adolescents: A qualitative study in educational environments2
Revising and evaluating falls prevention education for older adults in hospital2
Sexuality education for primary school students with disability in Fiji2
Pedagogical models: Can they make a difference to girls’ in-class physical activity?2
Changing perspectives among pre-health undergraduates through a brief weight bias pedagogical intervention2
Community partners’ experiences with medical students’ service-learning activities2
The role of primary school teachers’ nutrition training in healthy eating promotion2
Facilitators, challenges and usefulness of an asthma educational programme2
University peer health coaches’ perceptions of learning and applying motivational interviewing2
Competences for promoting mental health in primary school2
Message frames in health warnings and plain packaging. What effects do they have on non-smokers?2
Women, wellbeing and the city: A model of participatory health research exploring physical activity in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities2
Spiritual well-being and coronary artery diseases severity: Mediating effects of anger rumination and worry2
Attaining well-being beyond the home: A socio-cultural framing of mental health among university students in the Philippines2
Monitoring student education and confidence in LGBTQ+ health in UK medical schools2
Lessons learned from a gender-specific educational programme supporting young women with experience of domestic abuse2
The Empowerment Ladder: Understanding transition across leadership stages in individuals with type 1 diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases2
What have 16- to 18-year-olds in England learnt about reproductive health? A survey of school students2
The effectiveness of a nurse-led health development programme on fourth-grade school-age children in North Cyprus: A randomised-controlled trial2
Farm-to-School programmes, benefits, health outcomes and barriers: A structured literature review1
Teachers’ awareness and perceptions of Health Education Nutrition Programmes in Greece: A qualitative study1
Identification of Facebook posts on nephrology-related terms that benefit patient outreach1
Investigating the effectiveness of an adapted professional development model in the adoption of school wellness initiatives1
Urban youth perceptions of sports and energy drinks: Insights for health promotion messaging1
Development and refinement of a corner-based injury prevention programme for Latino day labourers1
GeroCast: Using podcasting to deliver living cases in gerontology education1
Promoting healthy eating: The intervening role of health and nutrition-related claims in food advertisements1
Health On You programme: Development and implementation of web-based health education intervention for university students1
Needs assessment and patient-guided development of a video-based diabetic retinopathy patient education tool1
Methodological reflections on the use of photovoice in school health research1
Parental engagement in child sexual abuse prevention education in Hong Kong1
Evaluation of a peer support intervention to improve the breakfast habits of Japanese college students1
English headteacher perspectives on school responses to protect student and staff mental wellbeing in the later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic1
Patient voice and health education for familial hypercholesterolaemia1
Gender differences in barriers to physical exercise among university students studying physical activity and sports sciences1
Know diabetes by heart: Education about the linkage between cardiovascular disease and diabetes1
Building connections in health and wellbeing education: Qualitative findings of a study with New Zealand agricultural students1
School principals’ role in promoting physical activity for inactive children in school settings: An exploratory study1
Supporting vulnerable students: Staff and parents speak1
Assessing learning about food safety using Personal Meaning Maps1
Assessing the effectiveness of a school educational video on cancer and radiotherapy1
A qualitative evaluation of remote training to develop a fitness surveillance system1
Children’s cookbooks – Learning by using recipes, cooking experiments and taste competence1
Relationships between COVID-related health literacy, mental health and workload of school leaders1
Influenza vaccination uptake during COVID-19 pandemic: A trusted messenger approach1
Retailers’ perspectives on the prevention of underage tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery system sales1
Development of an app-based maintenance programme to promote skin protection behaviour for patients with work-related skin diseases1
Participatory architecture workshops with asylum seekers and local people: Experiences from the Crossing Cultures project in Southern Italy1
Feasibility and acceptability of paramedic-initiated health education for rural-dwelling older people1
Paediatric manikins and school nurses as Basic Life Support coordinators: A useful strategy for schools?1
Step on up! A multi-component health promotion intervention to promote stair climbing1
Pilot rapid assessment of cultural and linguistic appropriateness of COVID-19 educational materials1
How prepared are people for their future? Findings from the Preparedness for the Future survey1
A multi-site intervention using influencers to communicate about syringe service programmes1
The Healthy Environment Project: Promoting sustainable change in early childhood education settings1
Flexibility in human sexuality education during a pandemic1
Girls under surveillance: Engaging Zimbabwean parents on young people’s sexual health1
Analysis of self-efficacy for stroke recognition and action from a cluster randomised trial evaluating the effects of stroke education pamphlets versus a 12-minute culturally tailored stroke film amon1
School Lunch Advisory Councils’ use of behavioural economics influences vegetable selection and waste1
Improving infection prevention behaviours in schools: Feasibility study to measure the impact of educational resources1
Impact of intersectoral health and education training on school learning outcomes and emotions1
Head Start programme participation and BMI change: Roles of family partnership and age of entry1
Tackling colourism through storytelling in an online course for public health professionals1
Completing a soundscape questionnaire reduces the psychological distance of sound and hearing1
Biological requirements or social expectations? Entanglements of sex and gender in nutrition policies in Ontario secondary schools1
Pilot of an early intervention programme for low-risk persons who use drugs in the Philippines1
Achieving weight loss through a community-based, telewellness programme: A randomised controlled trial1
An online game-based intervention using quizzes to improve nutrition and physical activity outcomes among university students1