Gesta-International Center of Medieval Art

(The median citation count of Gesta-International Center of Medieval Art is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
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Forging the Augustinian Past: The Rule-Giving of Saint Augustine in a Duecento Gradual2
Between Biblical and Political: The Subversion of Samson in Twelfth-Century León-Castile2
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The Fictive Mosaics of Medieval Serbia1
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Witness Images and Oath-Stones: On Law and Pictorial Culture in the Eleventh Century1
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Art, Relics, and the Senses in the Cult of Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki1
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Jerusalem in Rome: New Light on the Façade Mosaics of Gregory IX (1227–41) and Passion Relics in Old St. Peter’s0
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Seeing Christ on the Cross in Late Antique Syria and Mesopotamia: Crosses, Crucifixes, and the Question of Iconicity0
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Monastic Imagination and Historical Preservation: The Role of Geoffrey Martel in the Translatio Scene on the Shrine of the Holy Tear at the Abbey of La Trinité, Vendôme0
Riders on the Throne: Animal Agency in Benedetto Antelami’s Parma Cathedra0
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Between Wonder and Omen: Conjoined Twins and the Mandylion from Constantinople to Norman Sicily0
The Columns from “the Tomb of Charlemagne” between Aachen and the Louvre: A Modern Spoliation Saga0
Holy, Holy, Holy: Hearing the Voices of Angels0
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“Go Forth and Learn”: Visual Exegesis in the Medieval Haggadah0
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Compounding Greekness: St. Katherine “the Egyptian” and the Sta. Croce Micromosaic0
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Illumination Unbound: The Victoria and Albert Museum Cross and Its Parchment Miniatures0
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The Iberian Hebrew Bible: Rabbinic Writings and Ornamental Carpet Pages0
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Animal Affinities: Monsters and Marvels in the Ambrosian Tanakh0
Brave as a Lion, Fierce like a Griffin: Heraldic Devices and Aristocratic Identity in the Frescoes of St. Panteleimon, Nerezi0
Making and Unmaking Love in the Macclesfield Psalter0
Puppets, Manuscripts, and Gendered Reading in the Hortus deliciarum0
In Search of “Temps perdu pour Colombe”0
Restaging Remnants of the Past: Royal Sculpture in Charles IV’s Prague0
The King in the Manuscript: The Presentation Inscription of the Vienna Latin Bible moralisée0
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An African “Constantine” in the Twelfth Century: The Architecture of the Early Zagwe Dynasty and Egyptian Episcopal Authority0
Imago humilis: Humor, Irony, and the Rhetorical Wit of the Sacred in the Arena Chapel, Padua0
(Re)Birth of a Seal: Power and Pretense at San Nicola, Bari, ca. 13000
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Seeing through Sigebert: A Re-Examination of the Liturgical Portraits of Sigebert of Minden (1022–36)0
Identifying a Literary Antecedent to the Siege of the Castle of Love in Gothic Ivories0
Singing the Magnificat from Prague to Siena: Altarpieces for the Feast of the Visitation, 1386–14230
Space, Image, Light: Toward an Understanding of Moldavian Architecture in the Fifteenth Century0
Painting the Sculptural Body in Lucca and Florence: Intermediality in Croci Dipinte0
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Touching the Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in Iberia in the Central Middle Ages0
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Into the Desert: Demons, Spiritual Focus, and the Eremitic Ideal in Morgan MS M.6260
The Façade of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: The Visual Strategies of a Political Agenda0