German Quarterly

(The TQCC of German Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Queer Orientalism and Modernism in Dance Photographs of Harald Kreutzberg and Yvonne Georgi4
Introduction: Black German Studies3
Black German Poetic Ecologies: Joy and Diasporic Homecoming in Megaloh's “Oyoyo” and Leila Akinyi's “Oyoyo // Nyumbani”2
The Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm and their Medieval Background2
Fairy‐Tale Fan Fiction and Questions of Women's Consent2
German Studies and Cosmopolitanism2
Confessional: Sexuality and textuality2
From “Purpurwort” to Forgiveness: A Tawadian Translation of Celan's “Psalm”1
Skin sediments: Narrating memory in Kim de l'Horizon's Blutbuch (2022)1
World Literature: Against Isolationist Readings1
The Future of Black German Studies Cannot Be Within Academia Alone1
Schopenhauer's Critique of Nationalism1
Berlin als literarischer Chronotopos in Nellja Veremejs Berlin liegt im Osten (2013) und Sonallah Ibrahims Berlin 69 (2014)1
World Literature and Literary Afterlife*1
Issue Information1
Telling All the Stories1
“Wer kennt nicht die Almé der Egyptier?” Benedikte Naubert's Alme oder Egyptische Mährchen (1793–97) and Women Storytellers1
To Be Seen and to Be Whole: Black German FLINTA* on Community, Identity, and Connection1
Ruminations on Being Black in Switzerland1
Shared Literary Heritages in the Non‐National Archive*1
Dismantling the Master's Tools: Notes from a BIPOC Adjunct Faculty1
Kafka's Worlds1
Money, Violence, and the Financialized Self in Michael Haneke's Glaciation Trilogy1
Harel, Naama. Kafka's Zoopoetics: Beyond the Human‐Animal Barrier0
Höcker, Arne. The Case of Literature: Forensic Narratives from Goethe to Kafka0
Combined works cited0
The Multilingualism of National Literatures: The Georgian‐German Author Giwi Margwelaschwili (1927–2020)*0
Sentiment and specters: The posthumous influence of animals and women in Marie Espérance von Schwartz's Gemma, oder Tugend und Laster (1877) and the late nineteenth‐century anti‐vivisection deb0
Historical rhapsody: Citation and pseudo‐citation in Herder's Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit0
George, Alys X. The Naked Truth: Viennese Modernism and the Body0
Are universities, and their language departments, now promoting new forms of linguistic indifference?0
Fuchs, Anne. Precarious Times: Temporality and History in Modern German Culture0
Plants, Places, and Power: Toward Social and Ecological Justice in German Literature and Film By MariaStehle, Camden House. 2023. pp. 186. $99.00 (hardcover), $29.95 (e‐book)0
Was bedeutet es eine Schwarze Deutschlehrerin zu sein?0
A secret thing: Forgetting the author in Annette von Droste‐Hülshoff's “Das erste Gedicht”0
Berlin Unter Grund: Vision beyond the surface city0
From the Editors0
Putting the medievalist's gaze on display: Zwei Beiträge zum Zusammenspiel von Medievalism Studies und Tendenzen in der Museums‐ und Kommemorierungspraxis seit 19500
African Voices in German Colonial Sources0
Zwischen Konvention und Eigen‐Art: Text in Gerhard Richters Comic Strip0
Can frameworks for language learning be multilingually indifferent?0
On the curiously queer realism of Adalbert Stifter's Bunte Steine0
Stewart, Lizzie. Performing New German Realities: Turkish‐German Scripts of Post‐migration0
Meyer, Christine. Questioning the Canon: Counter‐Discourse and the Minority Perspective in Contemporary German Literature0
Wilgefortis as an example of Transing logics: Before/after Enlightenment thinking0
Issue Information0
Krimmer, Elisabeth, and Lauren Nossett, editors. Writing the Self, Creating Community: German Women Authors and the Literary Sphere, 1750–18500
Tobias, Rochelle, editor. Hölderlin's Philosophy of Nature0
Queer occultism0
Tucker, Brian. Theodor Fontane: Irony and Avowal in a Post‐Truth Age0
Ellis, Alicia E. Gender and Identity in Franz Grillparzer's Classical Dramas: Figuring the Feminine0
Haakenson, Thomas O. Grotesque Visions: The Science of Berlin Dada.0
Thinking outside of Philosophy: Goethe, Lévi‐Strauss, Propp0
Men explain Things to her: Misuse and Abuse in Lou Andreas‐Salomé's Novel Ruth (1895)0
The Redemption of Things: Collecting and Dispersal in German Realism and Modernism By SamuelFrederick, Cornell University Press. 2021. pp. 330. $125 (hardcover), $34.95 (paperback)0
The Thirteenth‐Century Animal Turn: Medieval and Twenty‐First Century Perspectives By NigelHarris, Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. pp. 131. $68.50 (hardcover). $54.99 (e‐book)0
Tracing the Continual Present: Yoko Tawada and Vilém Flusser10
Dowden, Stephen; Gregor Thuswaldner, and Olaf Berwald, editors. Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives0
Rupprecht, Caroline. Asian Fusion: New Encounters in the Asian‐German Avant‐Garde0
“Stories one tells in dark times”: Fabulation, fugitivity, and futurity in Olivia Wenzel's 1000 Serpentinen Angst0
Label Noir's Heimat, bittersüße Heimat: A Transgressive and Transformative Text0
Meinungsdiktatur and dehumanization: Tendentious drifts in Juli Zeh's Über Menschen0
Materializing history: Objects and women's lives in medieval Germany0
On Being Adjacent to Historical ViolenceBy IreneKacandes (Ed.), De Gruyter. 2022. pp. 550. $57.99 (paperback)0
Issue Information0
Between Rationalism and Romanticism: Blanckenburg's Versuch über den Roman and the Transformation of Rationalist Metaphysics0
The Problem of the Actress in Modern German Theater and Thought By S. E.Jackson, Camden House. 2021. 246 pp. $105 (hardcover) $29.95 (ebook or pdf)0
Negotiating the Dichotomies of Memory Culture in a Post‐Unification Graphic Narrative about the GDR: Simon Schwartz'sDrüben!0
The humanities in crisis: How did we get here and where do we go from here?0
Robert Tobin and the longue durée of German LGBTQ+ history0
Criser, Regine, and Ervin Malakaj, editors. Diversity and Decolonization in German Studies0
Griffiths, Elystan. The Shepherd, the Volk, and the Middle Class: Transformations of Pastoral in German‐Language Writing, 1750–18500
Knowing Gender in Kim de l'Horizon's Blutbuch0
Enduring colonial legacies in Philadelphia0
What the Mapmaker doesn't know0
Vertical German Studies: The Significance of the Past for a Concept of World Literature0
“In der Zwickmühle der Zeit”: Marieluise Fleißer'sMehlreisende Frieda Geier(1931) and the Non‐Simultaneities of Gendered Subjectivity0
Immigration, poetry, and translation between Syria and Germany: Adel Karasholi0
Plant studies0
The Myth of Abstraction: The Hidden Origins of Abstract Art in German Literature By AndreaMeyertholen, Camden House. 2021. pp. xiv + 310. $110 (handbook)0
McGlothlin, Erin. The Mind of the Holocaust Perpetrator in Fiction and Nonfiction0
Figures of Possibility: Aesthetic Experience, Mysticism, and the Play of the Senses By NiklausLargier, Stanford University Press. 2022. pp. 304. $28.00 (paperback)0
Forum on linguistic indifference: Combined works cited0
Shame and shamelessness in Oskar Roehler'sDie Unberührbare0
Labrador Inuit and Moravian missionaries: Legacies of a shared documentary heritage0
Dickinson, Kristin. DisOrientations: German‐Turkish Cultural Contact in Translation, 1811–19460
Red Fairy Tales and Non‐Anthropocentric Solidarity: Hermynia Zur Mühlen, Ernst Bloch, and Siegfried Kracauer0
Queer Utopia in Klaus Mann'sDer fromme Tanz0
Eedy, Sean. Four‐Color Communism: Comic Books and Contested Power in the German Democratic Republic0
Arendt und kein Ende? Representing the political in recent work on Hannah Arendt0
Bonds and beards: New Work on gender in German medieval studies0
The Long Century's Long Shadow: Weimar Cinema and the Romantic Modern By Kenneth S.Calhoun, University of Toronto Press. 2021. 267pp. $70.00 (hardcover or ebook)0
Issue Information0
Performing solidarity and building activist communities in Simone Dede Ayivi's Solidaritätsstück0
“Toleranz – du nervst mich so”: Reinventing Lessing's Nathan der Weise for the Contemporary German Stage0
Issue Information0
In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Jewish‐Communist Writers in East Germany By Thomas C.Fox, Camden House. 2022. pp. 201. $95.00 (hardcover)0
Adler, Anthony Curtis. Politics and Truth in Hölderlin: “Hyperion” and the Choreographic Project of Modernity0
Spinner, Samuel J. Jewish Primitivism0
“Wie alles sich zum Ganzen webt, / Eins in dem andern wirkt und lebt!”: Goethe's Faust I as aesthetic experiment0
Unpacking the Library Catalog: How to make Authors talk from across the Stacks0
Ja, sind denn alle verrückt geworden?0
Moving Memories. Erinnerungsfilme in der Trans‐Nationalisierung der Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland und Polen By RebeccaGroßmann, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2021. 401pp. €55 (hardcover)0
The flaneur in the Borsig locomotive works: Walter Benjamin, the Berlin Radio Youth Hour, and sound as pedagogy0
Andress, Reinhard, editor. Vorstufen des Exils/Early Stages of Exile0
Fattening queer: Interventions in fat embodiment0
What does cheating in German class have to do with linguistic indifference?0
Introduction: What do we do with Juli Zeh?0
Inverted minor literature: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben's poem “Rotwälsch” and the naturalization of the German language0
Klüger, Ruth. “Wer rechnet schon mit Lesern?” Aufsätze zur Literatur0
Campus Medius: Digital mapping in cultural and media studies By SimonGanahl, transcript, 2022, 356 pp. $50 (paperback)0
Chronister, Necia. Domestic Disputes: Examining Discourses of Home and Property in the Former East Germany0
Decolonizing German and European History at the Museum By Katrin Sieg,University of Michigan Press. 2021. 326pp. $80 (hardcover); $34.95 (paperback)0
A Stage for Debate: The Political Significance of Vienna's Burgtheater, 1814–1867 By MartinWagner, University of Toronto Press. 2023. pp. 215. $70 (hardcover and ebook)0
Gailus, Andreas. Forms of Life: Aesthetics and Biopolitics in German Culture0
Deiulio, Laura, and John B. Lyon, editors. Gender, Collaboration, and Authorship in German Culture: Literary Joint Ventures, 1750–18500
Introduction: On linguistic indifference0
The Old/New Enlightenment: From the Compossible to the Complex0
Thank You0
Fantastic Consumption and the Utopia of Self‐Cannibalism in Ludwig Tieck's Des Lebens Überfluß0
Issue Information0
Mennel, Barbara. Women at Work in Twenty‐First‐Century European Cinema.0
Miller, Matthew. The German Epic in the Cold War: Peter Weiss, Uwe Johnson, and Alexander Kluge0
Issue Information0
Caplan, Marc. Yiddish Writers in Weimar Berlin0
Issue Information0
Sound Writing: Experimental Modernism and the Poetics of Articulation By TobiasWilke, University of Chicago Press. 2022. pp. 263. $35 (paperback)0
Simpson, Patricia Anne. The Play World: Toys, Texts, and the Transatlantic German Childhood0
Donahue, William Collins, and Martin Kagel, editors. Die große Mischkalkulation: Institutions, Social Import, and Market Forces in the German Literary Field.0
„Mein Gorilla hat ’ne Villa im Zoo.“ Die Weintraubs Syncopators zwischen Berlin und Australien By AlbrechtDümling, ConBrio. 2022. pp. 232. € 24,90 (paperback)0
Ward, Elizabeth. East German Film and the Holocaust0
Landry, Olivia. Theatre of Anger: Radical Transnational Performance in Contemporary Berlin.0
Revolutions at Home: The Origin of Modern Childhood and the German Middle Class By Emily C.Bruce, University of Massachusetts Press. 2021. 261pp. $27.95 (paperback) $90.00 (hardcover)0
Issue Information0
Norton, Robert E. The Crucible of German Democracy: Ernst Troeltsch and the First World War0
Stemmann, Anna. Räume der Adoleszenz. Deutschsprachige Jugendliteratur der Gegenwart in topographischer Perspektive0
Orphans with Parents: Robert Walser's Jakob von Gunten and the Modernist Novel0
Birkhold, Matthew H. Characters before Copyright: The Rise and Regulation of Fan Fiction in Eighteenth‐Century Germany0
The appeal of the queer right0
How can German studies become a site of resistance to linguistic indifference in language policy regimes?0
Fannish Folklore: Feminist Fan‐Fiction Retellings of Germanic Fairy Tales By Jaime W.Roots, PeterLang. 2022. pp. 240. $78.80 (paperback and ebook)0
At the Expense of Black Humanity: White Abolitionist Performativity0
Millington, Richard. The Gentle Apocalypse: Truth and Meaning in the Poetry of Georg Trakl0
Verschiedene Perspektiven auf räumliche und zeitliche Repräsentationen der Welt im Mittelalter0
Reframing German Cultural Studies: Displacement, Temporality, and Minority Discourses0
Film History for the Anthropocene: The Ecological Archive of German Cinema By SethPeabody, Camden House. 2023. pp. 199. $120 (hardback), $29.95 (ebook)0
Grün statt Grau: The garden of planetary politics0
Rosellini, Jay Julian. The German New Right: AfD, PEGIDA and the Re‐imagining of National Identity0
Expanding trans German studies0
Nickl, Benjamin. Turkish German Muslims and Comedy Entertainment: Settling into Mainstream Culture in the Twenty‐First Century0
Dante in Deutschland: An Itinerary of Romantic Myth By DanielDiMassa, Bucknell UP. 2022. pp. 242. $150 (hardback), $35.95 (paperback and e‐book)0
„Der Lettern Heer, durch deren Erzt man lauter spricht“: Stimmenamplifikation und die Dialektik der Aufklärung in Gottscheds „Jubelode auf das dritte Jahrhundert der edlen Buchdruckerkunst“0
Sustainable sounds: Hildegard Westerkamp's soundwalking, then and now0
Hillard, Derek; Heikki Lempa, and Russell Spinney, editors. Feelings Materialized: Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500–19500
Baer, Hester. German Cinema in the Age of Neoliberalism0
Writing the Child: Fictions of Memory in German Postwar Literature By SusanneBaackmann, Peter Lang. 2022. pp. 228. $55 (paperback and ebook)0
From the Material to the Mystical in Late Medieval Piety: The Vernacular Transmission of Gertrude of Helfta's Visions By RachaKirakosian, Cambridge University Press. 2021. pp. xviii + 349. $99.99 (har0
Flowers, Women, and Work in the Socialist Fairy Tale: Toward a Feminist, Materialist, and Ecocritical Approach0
Resisting pluralization and globalization in German culture, 1490–1540: Visions of a nation in decline By PeterHess, Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2020, ix + 389 pp. $115.99 (ebook & hardcover), ISBN 0
Decay and Afterlife: Form, Time, and the Textuality of Ruins, 1100 to 1900 By AleksandraPrica, The University of Chicago Press. 2022. 298pp. $35.00 (paperback)0
McCormick, Rick. Sex, Politics, and Comedy: The Transnational Cinema of Ernst Lubitsch0
Deutsche Literatur – global Stimmen und Positionen der Gegenwartsliteratur0
Women, Cinema, and the First World War in Rosa Porten's Film Wanda's Trick (1918)0
Book Reviews0
Kelz, Robert. Competing Germanies: Nazi, Antifascist, and Jewish Theater in German Argentina, 1933–19650
Middle Low German thieves’ tales: Ambivalent narratives and cultural adaptations0
Ruderal City: Ecologies of Migration, Race, and Urban Nature in Berlin By BettinaStoetzer, Duke University Press. 2022. pp. 352. $28.95 (paperback)0
Marcel Odenbach's Angels of History: Cross‐Racial Empathy, Racial Violence, and German Appropriation of Black History0
Lessing divers. Soziale Milieus, Genderformationen, Ethnien und Religionen By DirkNiefanger, Wallstein. 2023. pp. 395. € 34,00 (hardcover or ebook)0
Rhythm, Form, Critique: Kathrin Röggla's wir schlafen nicht (2004)0
Seeking German‐Polish Reconciliation through the Heritage Genre: Florian Gallenberger's Der Überläufer (2020)0
Great Books by German Women in the Age of Emotion, 1770–1820 By MargaretmaryDaley, Camden House. 2022. pp. x + 299. $120 (hardcover). $29.95 (ebook)0
An Atmosphere of Malaise: Failures of Detection in Friedrich Glauser's Matto regiert (1936)0
Pregnancy, Purity, and Body Autonomy in “New Originals” of “Rapunzel”0
German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770–2020 By ElisabethKrimmer and Patricia AnneSimpson (Eds.), Camden House. 2022. pp. 413. $110 (hardcover), $29.95 (ebook)0
On Remembering Hanau and Being an Emotional Academic0
Academic conferences and climate justice: The CLEAT report0
Issue Information0
Index, Volume 94 (2021)0
Introduction: The plurality of Premodern German studies0
Erinnerungsmomente in der Lyrik Brinkmanns. Zehe, Skunk und Frank Sinatra0
How does linguistic indifference masquerade as linguistic resistance?0
Wilhelm Speyer's best‐selling novels of 1927 and male responses to female emancipation0
Simons, Oliver. Literary Conclusions: The Poetics of Ending in Lessing, Goethe, and Kleist0
Alloyed Truth: The Historiographical and Political Importance of Error in Ludwig Börne's Journalism0
Premodern Germany and the teleology of economic history0
Paul Celan Today: A Companion By MichaelEskin, KarenLeeder, and MarkoPajević (Eds.), De Gruyter. 2021. pp. 373. $24.99 (paperpack)0
Fantasies of home: “Heimat” in E. T. A. Hoffmann'sHaimatochare0
VonIbrahimzuIbrahim: Daniel Casper von Lohensteins „Türkische Trauerspiele“0
Special Effects and German Silent Film: Techno‐Romantic Cinema By KatharinaLoew, Amsterdam University Press. 2021. 320pp. $144.00 (hardcover)0
The Lever as Instrument of Reason: Technological Constructions of Knowledge around 1800 By JocelynHolland, Bloomsbury. 2019. pp. vi + 208. $40.95 (paperback), $144.00 (hardcover), $32.36 (ebook and PD0
Feldman, Karen S. Arts of Connection: Poetry, History, Epochality0
Marder, Michael. Green Mass: The Ecological Theology of St. Hildegard of Bingen0
Florvil, Tiffany Nicole. Mobilizing Black Germany: Afro‐German Women and the Making of a Transnational Movement.0
“Über dies eigene Ich wieder hinaus”: Stefan Zweig and Adlerian Psychology0
Making German Jewish Literature Anew: Authorship, Memory, and Place By KatjaGarloff, Indiana University Press. 2022. pp. 216. $35.00 (paperback). $65.00 (hardback)0
Dornbach, Márton. The Saving Line: Benjamin, Adorno, and the Caesuras of Hope0
Werner, Meike G., editor. Ein Gipfel für Morgen. Kontroversen 1917/18 um die Neuordnung Deutschlands auf Burg Lauenstein0
Schwindel(n). Ästhetischer Widerstand in Emmy Hennings' Prosatext Gefängnis (1919)0
Nagel, Barbara N. Ambiguous Aggression in German Realism and Beyond: Flirtation, Passive Aggression, Domestic Violence0
Literaturgeschichte stören. BPoC Literatur in Deutschland relational lesen0
Corpus Delicti 2.0: Juli Zeh und die Covid‐19 Pandemie0
Stakes of De‐Canonization in Postcolonial German Studies: A Perspective from elsewhere0
Anderson, Stewart. A Dramatic Reinvention: German Television and Moral Renewal after National Socialism, 1956–1970.0
Osborne, Dora. What Remains: The Post‐Holocaust Archive in German Memory Culture0
Disenchantment as Reenchantment and the Genesis of the Pöbel in Gottfried Keller's Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe0
Jane Eyre in German Lands: The Import of Romance, 1848–1918 By LynneTatlock, Bloomsbury. 2022. pp. 277. $108.00 (hardcover)0
Issue Information0
The Brothers Grimm and the Making of German Nationalism By JakobNorberg, Cambridge University Press. 2022. pp. 228. Open access (PDF). £75.00/$99.99 (hardback)0
Issue Information0
Introduction: German Fairy Tales and Folklore in a Global Context0
Ghostly Letters: Legacies of Death Letters in Schnitzler's Short Stories0
Queer print culture and German studies0
A Wende in representing the Holocaust in German literature? From Jurek Becker to W. G. Sebald0
When climate policy bogs down, humanities and the arts can move things forward0
Disability Studies and Black German Studies0
Groves, Jason. The Geological Unconscious: German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary0
Contested selves: Life writing and German culture By KatjaHerges and ElisabethKrimmer (Eds.), Camden House, 2021, 280 pp. $110 (hardcover), $29.95 (ebook)0
Mapping Black Europe: Monuments, Markers and Memories By Natasha A.Kelly and OliveVassell (Eds.), transcript. 2023. pp. 200. $35 (paperback)0
Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature By FlorianFuchs, Zone Books. 2023. pp. 320. $29.95 (hardback, ebook)0
Perpetual Motion, Time, and Power: Christoph Ransmayr'sCoxas Novel of the Anthropocene0
Other Libraries: On German Studies and African Literature in the World0
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and the queer ecology of sericulture0
Art, artifice, and eroticized infantilization: Imagining Japanese femininities in the Weimar Republic in Fritz Lang's Harakiri (1919) and Kapitän Mertens's “Kio, die lasterhafte Kirschblüte” (10
The divine and the open text: Five steps for reading Hölderlin's Homburger Folioheft0
“Vielen Dank für den offenen Austausch”: Juli Zeh as public intellectual0
Enemy of the people? Warum uns die Kohlmeise nicht retten kann0
Vandeputte, Tom. Critique of Journalistic Reason: Philosophy and the Time of the Newspaper0
Forster, Michael N., and Lina Steiner, editors. Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature0
“Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit”: Law, justice, and legal violence in the literature and politics of Juli Zeh0
Sites of Imagination and Memory: Museums and the Remediation of Grimms' Märchen for the Twenty‐first Century0
Medieval things: Agency, materiality, and narratives of objects in medieval German literature and beyond By BettinaBildhauer, Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2020, 223 pp. $99.95 (hardc0
Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition By PeterFenves and JuliaNg, Stanford University Press. 2021. 350pp. $25.00 (paperback)0
Vannette, Charles. Robert Walser: Unmoored: Schizophrenia, Cognition, and the Text0
Transverse Disciplines: Queer‐Feminist, Anti‐racist, and Decolonial Approaches to the University By SimonePfleger and CarrieSmith (Eds.), University of Toronto Press. 2022. pp. 379. $80.00 (hardcover)0
In Pursuit of Happiness: Gay Intimacy and Relationships in Peter Rehberg's “American” novels Play, Fag Love, and Boy Men0
Illusion and individuation in the Orientalisms of Arthur Schopenhauer and Karoline von Günderrode0