
(The H4-Index of Geotechnique is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Influence of air entrainment and gas kinetics on liquefaction triggering during tsunami loading76
Probabilistic failure envelopes of strip foundations on soils with non-stationary characteristics of undrained shear strength 60
Assessment of Skempton's pore water pressure parametersBandAusing a high-capacity tensiometer54
Frequency dependence of acoustic emission with particle interaction and failure process in dry sands during triaxial compression51
Michele Jamiolkowski49
The effect of surface roughness and shear rate during fall-cone calibration47
Laboratory investigation on the single particle crushing strength of carbonate gravel incorporating size and shape effects47
A complete analytical solution for axial pipeline walking considering seabed resistance as rigid plastic behaviour43
An experimental study on factors affecting the ageing of shaft friction on steel displacement piles in sand43
Use of fall-cone flow index for soil classification: a new plasticity chart43
K0determination using improved experimental technique36
On swelling behaviours of a bentonite under different water contents34
Editorial: linear infrastructure and slopes34
Coupled hydromechanical modelling of cone penetration in layered liquefiable soils32
DEM modelling of mini-triaxial test based on one-to-one mapping of sand particles31
Effects of vegetation growth on soil microstructure and hydro-mechanical behaviour31
Effect of mean grain size on shear modulus degradation and damping ratio curves of sands28
Cyclic liquefaction of granular materials with varied forms under multidirectional loads28
The impact of thermal–hydraulic variation on tunnel long-term performance: a tale of two tunnels28
On the influence of the shearing rate on the monotonic and cyclic response of Malaysian kaolin26
Impact behaviour of dry granular flow against baffle structure: coupled effect of Froude and particle characteristics26
An experimental study into the ultimate capacity of an ‘impression’ pile in clay25
Announcement: Award-winning papers in 202124
Modelling unsaturated silty tailings and the conditions required for static liquefaction24
Cavity expansion in cohesive-frictional soils with limited dilation24