
(The median citation count of Geophysics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Simultaneous source separation by shot collocation and strength variation79
Deep-learning-based 3D fault detection for carbon capture and storage76
Elastic reverse time migration angle gathers using a stabilized Poynting vector without zero points within the wave propagation ranges67
Simultaneous inversion ofQand reflectivity using dictionary learning65
An explicit stabilization scheme for Q-compensated reverse time migration65
P/S-wave separation of multicomponent seismic data at the land surface based on deep learning58
Phantom subsurface targets in ground-penetrating radar data55
Using a dynamic representation of sedimentary structural features in prestack inversion: A case study in a tight sandstone in the Sichuan Basin52
Wall thickness image construction in wellbore casings using data-driven inversion of magnetic flux leakage52
A deep-learning approach for dynamic region merging applied to feature extraction from borehole microresistivity images49
Water flow pattern recognition and fracture characterization in near-surface chalks using time-lapse ground-penetrating radar: An experiment47
A prestack seismic inversion method constrained by facies-controlled sedimentary structural features46
A Novel Polarity Correction Method for Waveform Stacking Location of Microseismic Events45
Seismic Foundation Model (SFM): a next generation deep learning model in geophysics45
Influence of Gas Accumulation on Rock Elasticity and Control Factors Analysis for Gas Chimney Formation44
Does pre-existing differential pressure have an impact on poroelastic compressibilities?43
Least-squares Reverse Time Migration in Viscoacoustic Tilted Transversely Isotropic Media42
Attenuation-compensated viscoelastic reverse time migration with finite difference operators40
Data-driven modeling of time-domain induced polarization39
Research on the classification of complex noise-mixed microseismic events based on machine vision36
CIGVis: An open-source Python tool for the real-time interactive visualization of multidimensional geophysical data36
Time-lapse 4D full-waveform inversion for ocean-bottom cable seismic data with seawater velocity changes36
Controls of sedimentary-diagenetic evolution on rock physics properties in Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic ancient carbonate reservoirs35
Axial resolution enhancement of borehole acoustic measurements via inversion-based interpretation supported with ultrasonic data34
Empirically informed convolutional neural network model for logging curve calibration32
Simultaneous seismic interpolation and statics estimation of land data31
Active learning with deep autoencoders for seismic facies interpretation30
Handling missing data in well-log curves with a gated graph neural network30
An accurate and efficient multiscale finite-difference frequency-domain method for the scalar Helmholtz equation29
The ℓ1−2-norm-regularized basis pursuit seismic inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equation28
Slowness vectors in viscoelastic anisotropic media and their physical interpretation and significance27
MAU-net: A multibranch attention U-net for full-waveform inversion27
Seismic amplitude inversion based on a new PP-wave reflection coefficient approximation equation for vertical transversely isotropic media26
Improving parsimonious refraction interferometry through U-Net-based correction of first-arrival traveltimes26
Bayesian joint inversion of seismic and electromagnetic data for reservoir lithofluid facies, including geophysical and petrophysical rock properties26
Extracting small time-lapse traveltime changes in a reservoir using primaries and internal multiples after Marchenko-based target zone isolation26
Efficient preconditioned least-squares wave-equation migration25
Faster determination of an initial velocity model for full-waveform inversion based on simulated annealing25
Optimizing a transformer-based network for a deep-learning seismic processing workflow24
Pseudoelastic PP and PSSP modeling in stratified media24
Potential field data interpolation by Taylor series expansion24
Parsimonious truncated Newton method for time-domain full-waveform inversion based on the Fourier-domain full-scattered-field approximation24
Full-waveform inversion of pure quasi-P waves in titled transversely isotropic media based on different parameterizations24
A synthetic denoising algorithm for full-waveform induced polarization based on deep learning24
Removing abnormal environmental noise in nodal land seismic data using deep learning24
Detecting fault zone characteristics and paleovalley incision using electrical resistivity: Loma Blanca Fault, New Mexico24
Liouville partial-differential-equation methods for computing 2D complex multivalued eikonals in attenuating media24
Seismic acquisition design based on full-wavefield migration23
Far-offset detection of normal modes and diving waves: A case study from the Valhall Field, southern North Sea23
Subbasalt Marchenko imaging with offshore Brazil field data23
Experimental seismic crosshole setup to investigate the application of rock-physical models at the field scale23
Comments on: “Imaging the Aquistore reservoir after 36 kilotonnes of CO2 injection using distributed acoustic sensing” (K. Harris, D. J. White, and C. Samson, 2017, Geophysics, 82, no. 6, M23
Angle-domain common-image gathers from plane-wave least-squares reverse time migration22
Receiver grouping strategies for hybrid geometric-mean reverse time migration22
Geotechnical site characterization with 3D ambient noise tomography22
Seismic data antialiasing interpolation using sparse Radon transform and dynamic mask function22
3D inversion of large-scale frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data using unstructured local mesh22
3D self-potential tomography of seafloor massive sulfide deposits using an autonomous underwater vehicle22
Robust high-dimensional seismic data interpolation based on elastic half norm regularization and tensor dictionary learning22
Robust and efficient waveform-based velocity model building by optimal transport in the pseudotime domain: An ocean-bottom cable case study in the North Sea22
Elastic geometric-mean reverse time migration for source imaging22
Gaussian-weighted crosscorrelation imaging condition for microseismic source localization21
A depth-variant seismic wavelet extraction method for basis pursuit inversion with an impedance trend constraint21
A feasibility study on time-lapse transient electromagnetics for monitoring groundwater dynamics21
Inner structure of monogenetic Pilot Knob submarine volcano (Austin, Texas) revealed by electrical resistivity tomography and magnetic surveys21
Denoising for full-waveform inversion with expanded prediction-error filters21
Forge ahead in acquisition and model building via full-waveform inversion: Gulf of Mexico case study20
Pressure dependence of elastic wave velocities of unconsolidated cemented sands20
Internal multiple prediction using inverse scattering series with sparsity promotion — Part 2: Application strategy and field data examples20
Using resistivity data to study the waterflooding process: A case study in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Ordos Basin, China20
Poro-acoustoelasticity finite-difference simulation of elastic wave propagation in prestressed porous media20
Adaptive merging migration19
On cost-efficient parallel iterative solvers for 3D frequency-domain seismic multisource viscoelastic anisotropic wave modeling19
NMO stretch in vertical transverse isotropic media presented by nonhyperbolic approximations19
Least-squares reverse time migration using convolutional neural networks19
This issue of Geophysics19
A knowledge-embedded close-looped deep-learning framework for intelligent inversion of multisolution problems19
Investigating the causes of permeability anisotropy in heterogeneous conglomeratic sandstone using multiscale digital rock19
Automatic interpretive image-focusing analysis19
The effect of geologic structure on fracture characterization using azimuthal vertical seismic profiles18
Separation of seismic multiple reflection-refraction based on morphological component analysis with high-resolution linear Radon transform18
A study of time spectrum identification of induced polarization field based on Weibull distribution function18
A theoretical contribution to the 1D inverse problem of reflection seismograms18
Approximation of P-, S1-, and S2-wave reflection coefficients for orthorhombic media18
Effective medium modeling of the joint elastic-electrical properties of sandstones with partial water saturation18
Efficient inversion of 2.5D electrical resistivity data using the discrete adjoint method18
Determination of the phase-velocity direction in anisotropic media using a direction vector18
Beamform processing for sonic imaging using monopole and dipole sources18
An optimal frequency-domain finite-difference operator with a flexible stencil and its application in discontinuous-grid modeling18
Multiwindow weighted stacking of surface-wave dispersion18
Time-lapse difference inversion based on the modified reflectivity method with differentiable hyper-Laplacian blocky constraint18
Multidirectional eigenvalue-based coherence attribute for discontinuity detection18
Sparsity-promoting multiparameter pseudoinverse Born inversion in acoustic media18
Bayesian Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method for the estimation of pyrolysis parameter S117
Real-time analysis and forecasting of the microseismic cloud size: Physics-based models versus machine learning17
Numerical modeling of seismic responses from fractured reservoirs in 4D monitoring — Part 1: Seismic responses from fractured reservoirs in carbonate and shale formations17
Calculating multiple scattering from a time-varying undulating sea surface using a full-wavefield multistage algorithm17
The general dislocation source model and its application to microseismic focal mechanism inversion17
A comparative study of permeability prediction for Eocene sandstones — Part 2: Application and modification of the Schlumberger-Doll Research equation17
Effects of material texture and packing density on the interfacial polarization of granular soils17
Experimental measurement of the exclusion-diffusion potential in sandstone and shaly sand samples at full and partial water saturation17
Oriented NMO correction of VTI data in the absence of near-offset traces17
Predictive geologic mapping from geophysical data using self-organizing maps: A case study from Baie Verte, Newfoundland, Canada17
Noise suppression of airborne transient electromagnetic data with minimum curvature17
Ultradeep fractured-vuggy reservoir characteristic identification based on well data constrained seismic linear discriminant analysis17
Distributed acoustic sensing/surface orbital vibrator: Rotary seismic sources with fiber-optic sensing facilitates autonomous permanent reservoir monitoring16
Paleokarst caves recognition from seismic response simulation to convolutional neural network detection16
Self-supervised, active learning seismic full-waveform inversion16
Improving image resolution using deabsorption prestack time migration with effective Q estimation: A back-propagation network approach16
Sequence-constrained multitask horizon tracking15
Seismic wavefield model excited by a finite long cylindrical charge15
Efficient iterative prestack least-squares reverse time migration through surface-offset gather compression15
Evaluation of starting model approaches and effective source wavelet variations for high-frequency ground-penetrating radar full-waveform inversion15
Three-dimensional cooperative inversion of airborne magnetic and gravity gradient data using deep-learning techniques15
Robust Q-compensated multidimensional impedance inversion using seislet-domain shaping regularization15
Wavefield simulation and reverse time migration for acoustic TTI media15
3D DC inversion, visualization, and processing of dense time-lapse data in fine domains applied to remediation monitoring15
An optimized finite-difference method to minimize numerical dispersion of acoustic wave propagation using a genetic algorithm15
Rock-physics-guided machine learning for shear sonic log prediction15
A novel and efficient engine for P-/S-wave-mode vector decomposition for vertical transverse isotropic elastic reverse time migration15
Diffraction-angle filtering of gradient for acoustic full-waveform inversion15
Seismic inversion of shale reservoir properties using microseismic-induced guided waves recorded by distributed acoustic sensing15
This issue of Geophysics15
This issue of Geophysics15
Deep physics-aware stochastic seismic inversion15
Amplitude-variation-with-offset in thermoelastic media15
IncepTCN: A new deep temporal convolutional network combined with dictionary learning for strong cultural noise elimination of controlled-source electromagnetic data15
Numerical validation of Gassmann’s equations15
Dealiased seismic data interpolation by dynamic matching14
Q-compensated image-domain least-squares reverse time migration through preconditioned point-spread functions14
Microearthquake location and uncertainty analysis using a Kirchhoff wavefront imaging method: A comparison with traveltime inversion and full wavefield imaging methods14
A class-rebalancing self-training semisupervised learning for imbalanced data lithology identification14
An integrated approach for sewage diversion: Case of the Huayuan mine, Hunan Province, China14
Seismic characterization of in situ stress in orthorhombic shale reservoirs using anisotropic extended elastic impedance inversion14
Anisotropic Born scattering for the qP scalar wavefield using a low-rank symbol approximation14
Insights on electromagnetic field distribution due to a vertical electric dipole source inside an infinite steel casing14
Petrophysical interpretation of logging-while-drilling borehole measurements in the presence of electrical anisotropy, mud-filtrate invasion, noise, and well deviation effects14
Acoustoelastic Mori-Tanaka model for third-order elastic constants of fractured rocks14
Novel method for detecting weak acoustic emission signals based on the similarity of time-frequency spectra14
An accurate analytical model for squirt flow in anisotropic porous rocks — Part 2: Complex geometry14
Improved hydrogeophysical imaging by structural coupling of 2D magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity tomography14
Identification of an oil-bearing layer by formation water resistivity: A case study of the Jurassic reservoir, Southwest Ordos Basin14
Predicting the azimuth of natural fractures and in situ horizontal stress: A case study from the Sichuan Basin, China14
A frequency-Hankel transform method to extract multimodal Rayleigh wave dispersion spectra from active and passive source surface wave data14
Unsupervised contrastive learning for seismic facies characterization14
Improved geoelectrical resistivity monitoring for earthquake precursors near the Xinfengjiang reservoir of southern China, with a fixed Wenner array of downhole electrodes in four separated boreholes13
Numerical dispersion mitigation neural network for seismic modeling13
Inversion strategies for Q estimation in viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion13
Using the wavelet transform for seismic wave impedance inversion13
Directional sources and distributed acoustic sensing deployments for near-surface characterization13
Two-dimensional anisotropic magnetotelluric inversion using a limited-memory quasi-Newton method13
Hilbert transform of unequally sampled data: Application to dispersion relations in magnetotellurics13
Enhancing internal multiple prediction by using the inverse-scattering series: Methodology and field application13
Experiences with distributed acoustic sensing using both straight and helically wound fibers in surface-deployed cables — A case history in Groningen, The Netherlands13
Enhancing the resolving ability of electrical resistivity tomography for imaging saltwater intrusion through improvements in inversion methods: A laboratory and numerical study13
Numerical modeling of low-frequency distributed acoustic sensing signals for mixed-mode reactivation13
Wave characteristics in elliptical orthorhombic media13
Local primary-and-multiple orthogonalization for leaked internal multiple crosstalk estimation and attenuation on full-wavefield migrated images13
Global optimization with deep-learning-based acceleration surrogate for large-scale seismic acoustic-impedance inversion12
Seismic horizon extraction with dynamic programming12
Microseismic analysis over a single horizontal distributed acoustic sensing fiber using guided waves12
Protecting the weak signals in distributed acoustic sensing data processing using local orthogonalization: The FORGE data example12
A matrix-fracture-fluid decoupled PP reflection coefficient approximation for seismic inversion in tilted transversely isotropic media12
Up and down deconvolution in complex geological scenarios12
Learning to solve the elastic wave equation with Fourier neural operators12
Seismic-while-drilling by drill-bit source and large-aperture ocean-bottom array12
Simulation of seismic waves in fluid-solid coupled thermoelastic media12
Common-midpoint spatial autocorrelation analysis of seismic ambient noise obtained from a spatially unaliased sensor distribution12
Heterogeneous reservoir seepage characterized by geophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrologic methods12
Modeling and numerical simulation of a type of pure-viscoacoustic-wave equation in attenuated transversely isotropic media12
Nonuniform 3D finite-difference elastic wave simulation on staggered grids12
FaultSSL: Seismic fault detection via semisupervised learning12
Numerical modeling of self-potential in heterogeneous reservoirs12
Trial-and-error modeling of ground-airborne electromagnetic data in the Yishu Faulting Basin, China12
Time-domain extended-source full-waveform inversion: Algorithm and practical workflow12
Characteristic reflection wavefield-based wave equation traveltime inversion12
Full wavefield least-squares reverse time migration12
Convolutional neural networks applied to the interpretation of lineaments in aeromagnetic data12
Helmholtz-equation solution in nonsmooth media by a physics-informed neural network incorporating quadratic terms and a perfectly matching layer condition12
Bayesian amplitude variation with angle and azimuth inversion for direct estimates of a new brittleness indicator and fracture density12
Target-oriented high-resolution elastic full-waveform inversion with an elastic redatuming method12
Source-independent Q-compensated viscoacoustic least-squares reverse time migration11
Sparse prior-net: A sparse prior-based deep network for seismic data interpolation11
Joint microseismic moment-tensor inversion and location using P- and S-wave diffraction stacking11
Minibatch least-squares reverse time migration in a deep-learning framework11
Convolutional equivalent layer for magnetic data processing11
Using distributed acoustic sensing to characterize unconventional reservoirs via perforation-shot triggered P waves11
Converted PS-wave imaging based on offset vector tiles11
Average QP and QS estimation in marine sediments using a dense receiver array11
Interpolation method based on pattern-feature correlation11
5D dealiased seismic data interpolation using nonstationary prediction-error filter11
Unpaired training: Optimize the seismic data denoising model without paired training data11
Characteristics and effectiveness of deep and ultradeep tight sandstone fractures: Insights from geologic and geophysical data analysis11
A data-driven workflow based on multisource transfer machine learning for gas-bearing probability distribution prediction: A case study11
Deep learning for multitrace sparse-spike deconvolution11
Weakly anelliptical traveltime analysis: Ambiguity between subsurface and elasticity11
Seismic denoising via truncated nuclear norm minimization11
Tidally modulated seismic velocity changes observed using submarine dark fiber and the virtual-source method11
Computational aspects of finite-frequency traveltime inversion kernels11
Elastic time-reverse imaging of backscattered surface-wave data11
Simultaneous inversion for S-wave velocity and density from the SV-SV wave11
Magnetotelluric data denoising method combining two deep-learning-based models11
Simultaneous prediction of the geofluid and permeability of reservoirs in prestack seismic inversion11
Target-oriented time-lapse waveform inversion using deep learning-assisted regularization11
Analyzing the seismic response characteristics of P, SV, and SH waves to reservoir parameters using physical modeling11
SLKNet: An attention-based deep-learning framework for downhole distributed acoustic sensing data denoising11
SelfMixed: Self-supervised mixed noise attenuation for distributed acoustic sensing data11
Removing the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability criterion of the explicit time-domain very high degree spectral-element method with eigenvalue perturbation11
Seismic data inversion with acquisition adaptive convolutional neural network for geologic forward prospecting in tunnels11
Atom-profile updating dictionary learning with nucleus sampling attention mechanism sparse coding for audio magnetotelluric denoising10
Seismoelectric waves generated by a point source in horizontally stratified vertical transversely isotropic porous media10
PS energy imaging condition for microseismic data — Part 2: Sensitivity analysis in 3D anisotropic media10
Phenomenological models for estimating and constraining c13 for transversely isotropic hydrocarbon source rocks10
Deep learning-based multifrequency ground penetrating radar data merging10
Seismic predictions of fluids via supervised deep learning: Incorporating various class-rebalance strategies10
Ground-roll extraction using the Karhunen-Loeve transform in the time-frequency domain10
Training deep networks with only synthetic data: Deep-learning-based near-offset reconstruction for (closed-loop) surface-related multiple estimation on shallow-water field data10
Fast 3D forward modeling of a potential field based on spherical symmetry of gravitational potential10
Implementation of the Marchenko multiple elimination algorithm10
Fast 3D transient electromagnetic forward modeling using BEDS-FDTD algorithm and GPU parallelization10
Central-difference time-lapse 4D seismic full-waveform inversion10
Source-independent time-lapse full-waveform inversion for anisotropic media10
Influence of interface condition on reflection of elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous media10
PS energy imaging condition for microseismic data — Part 1: Theory and applications in 3D isotropic media10
Geophysical applications to geothermal energy — Introduction10
The importance of data preconditioning strategies for envelope full-waveform inversion methods: Demonstration on marine seismic data10
Weak-anisotropy approximation of P-wave geometric spreading in horizontally layered anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry: Tilted transversely isotropic specification10
Frequency-dependent Q simulation and viscoacoustic reverse time migration based on the fractional Zener model10
Denoising of distributed acoustic sensing data using supervised deep learning10
Optimized arrays for electrical resistivity tomography survey using Bayesian experimental design10
A sliced-3D approach to finite-difference time-domain modeling by optimizing perfectly matched layers10
Efficient large-scale 3D gravity modeling using a fast evaluate kernel matrix combined with compressed matrix techniques10
Brown and Korringa’s expression for the saturated bulk modulus at high frequencies: Modification of Mavko and Jizba’s squirt flow model10
Kernel method for gravity forward simulation in implicit probabilistic geologic modeling10
Image-guided ray tracing and its applications10
A dual formulation of wavefield reconstruction inversion for large-scale seismic inversion10
Unsupervised deep-learning framework for 5D seismic denoising and interpolation10
The interrelationship between electrical resistivity and VP/VS ratio: A novel approach to constrain the subsurface resistivity structure in data gap areas in a seis10
Three-dimensional supervirtual seismic refraction interferometry: A case study in western Saudi Arabia10
Deep-learning-based sferics recognition for audio magnetotelluric data processing in the dead band10
Common-transmission gather for direct seismic attenuation indication10
Continuous denoising level adjustment of seismic data through filter modification10
Modeling viscoacoustic wave propagation using a new spatial variable-order fractional Laplacian wave equation10
A comparative study on the stress image and adaptive parameter-modified methods for implementing free surface boundary conditions in elastic wave numerical modeling10
Calculation of normalized source strength using second derivatives of the vertical integral of total-field magnetic anomaly9
3D multinary inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic data based on the finite-element method with unstructured mesh9
Comparative analysis of deep learning and traditional airborne electromagnetic data processing: A case study9
Distributed acoustic sensing microseismic reflection imaging for hydraulic fracture and fault lineament characterization9
Solution of large-scale 3D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling problem using efficient iterative solvers9