Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

(The TQCC of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Method for Cognitive Identification of Ionospheric Precursors of Earthquakes12
Effects of the Strong Ionospheric Storm of August 26, 2018: Results of Multipath Radiophysical Monitoring12
An Analysis of the Latest Super Geomagnetic Storm of the 23RD Solar Cycle (May 15, 2005, Dst: –247 nT)11
Conditions for Whistler Generation by Nonthermal Electrons in Flare Loops10
Seasonal and Long-Term Changes in the Intensity of O2(b1Σ) and OH(X2Π) Airglow in the Mesopause Region10
Two Types of Gradual Events: Solar Protons and Relativistic Electrons10
Dynamics of Cosmic-Ray Cutoff Rigidity and Magnetospheric Parameters during Different Phases of the Storm of November 20, 200310
Influence of Solar-Geophysical Factors on the State of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex10
Solar-Flare Precursors in the Microwave Range9
Cyclic Variations, Magnetic Morphology, and Complexity of Active Regions in Solar Cycles 23 and 249
Relationship between Duration and Rate of the CME Acceleration9
Response of a Magnetospheric Storm in the Atmospheric Electric Field of the Midlatitudes8
Features of the Ionospheric Total Electronic Content Response to the Annular Solar Eclipse of June 21, 20208
Latitudinal Dependence of Ionospheric Responses to Some Geomagnetic Storms during Low Solar Activity8
Forbush Effects Created by Coronal Mass Ejections with Magnetic Clouds8
Influence of the Ionosphere on the Parameters of the GPS Navigation Signals during a Geomagnetic Substorm8
Influence of Interacting Solar Wind Disturbances on the Variations in Galactic Cosmic Rays8
The Response of the Equatorial Ionosphere over Nigeria to a Geomagnetic Storm Event8
Forecast of the Quasi-Stationary and Transient Solar Wind Streams Based on Solar Observations in 20107
Sources of Long-Period X-ray Pulsations before the Onset of Solar Flares7
Characteristic Features of Solar Cosmic Rays in the 21st–24th Solar-Activity Cycles According to Data from Catalogs of Solar Proton Events7
Reconstruction of the Parameters of the Lower Midlatitude Ionosphere in M- and X-Class Solar Flares7
Modulational Interaction in a Dusty Plasma of Meteoroid Wakes7
Observations of Geomagnetic Induced Currents in Northwestern Russia: Case Studies7
Advanced Production of Quasi-Definitive Magnetic Observatory Data of the INTERMAGNET Standard6
Model of the E-Layer Critical Frequency for the Auroral Region6
Effects of Energetic Solar Proton Events of Solar Cycle 23 on Intensity of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex6
Flares Unaccompanied by Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Proton Events6
Ionospheric Precursors of Magnetic Storms. 3. Analysis of Juliusruh Station Data6
Ground-Based and Satellite Observations of the SAR Arc in the MLT Evening Sector at the Beginning of the Magnetic Storm on March 17, 20156
Signs of Preflare Situation in Solar Ultraviolet and Microwave Emission5
Signs of Preparation of Solar Flares in the Microwave Range5
Frequency Modulation as a Cause of Additional Branches of the Gleissberg Cycle in Solar Activity5
Comparative Analysis of Terrestrial and Satellite Observations of Photospheric Magnetic Field in an Appendix to Simulation of Parameters of Coronal Holes and Solar Wind5
Sunspot Activity and Coronal Holes during the Declining Phase of Cycle 245
Microwave Emission of a Flare Loop in the Presence of Whistler Turbulence5
Reconstruction of Heliospheric Modulation Potential Based on Data on the Content of the Cosmogenic Isotope 10Be in Greenland Ice and the Extremes of Solar Activity from the End of the 14th Century5
Differences in the Dynamics of the Asymmetrical Part of the Magnetic Disturbance during the Periods of Magnetic Storms Induced by Different Interplanetary Sources5
Dependence of D-Region Perturbations of the Midlatitude Ionosphere on the Spectral Composition of the X-Ray Radiation of Solar Flares According to Experimental Data5
Errors in Estimating of the F2-Layer Peak Parameters in Automatic Systems for Processing the Ionograms in the Vertical Radio Sounding of the Ionosphere under Low Solar Activity Conditions5
Trends in the Critical Frequency of the F2 Layer during the Recent Decade5
Dependence of the Local Index of Annual Asymmetry for NmF2 on Solar Activity5
Luminescence of Lyman–Birge–Hopfield Bands of N2 in the Earth’s Atmosphere during the Precipitation of High-Energy Electrons5
Parameters of Atmospheric Turbulence and the Dynamics of the Lower Ionosphere in Studies at the SURA Facility5
Detection of Optical Flares on the Selected G-M Dwarfs from Long-term Photometric Series4
Solar-Activity Indices in the 24th Cycle and the Behavior of the Ionospheric F2-Layer4
Global Ionospheric Response to Intense Variations of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity According to the Data of the GNSS Global Networks of Navigation Receivers4
Lithospheric Electromagnetic Emissions Associated with Some Major Earthquakes Occurred in Indian Subcontinent4
Influence of the Angular Distribution of Langmuir Waves on the Directivity of Radio Emission at Double Plasma Frequency4
Luminescence of Molecular Nitrogen and Molecular Oxygen in the Earth’s Middle Atmosphere During the Precipitation of High-Energy Protons4
Analysis of Y-component of Geomagnetic Field and SYM-H Index Using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis4
Double Filament as a Fine Structure Element of Flare Configuration4
Application of the New Wavelet-Decomposition Method for the Analysis of Geomagnetic Data and Cosmic Ray Variations4
Heliospheric Magnetic Field and The Parker Model4
Diagnostics of Parameters of Hot Jets in the Solar Corona in Time Series of Images4
Analysis of the Properties of SEP Events and Their Solar Sources Taking Into Account of the Magneto-Morphological Classification of Active Regions4
Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: Variability of the Latitudinal Distribution with Altitude4
Reversals of the Geomagnetic Field: Constraint on Convection Intensity in the Earth’s Core4
Analyzing the Effects of Geomagnetic Storms on the F2-region Ionosphere in South Pacific Region4
Similarities and Differences between Forbush Decreases Associated with Streams from Coronal Holes, Filament Ejections, and Ejections from Active Regions4
Spatial Scales of Super Thin Current Sheets with MMS Observations in the Earth’s Magnetotail4
Three-hourly Indices of Ionospheric Activity4
Prolonged, Weak C1.2 Flares: A Source of Protons and Electrons4
Unitary Variation in the Seismic Regime of the Earth: Carnegie-Curve Matching4
Solar Activity and Climate Change at the End of the Ice Age and Transition to the Holocene4
Numerical Simulation of Sub-Terahertz Thermal Emission: RADYN Code4
Detection of Strongly Turbulent Regions in the Supercorona with the Venus Express and Mars Express Satellites4
Ground-based Instrument for the Study of Cosmic Ray Variation in Nur-Sultan4
Hot Jets in the Solar Corona: Creating a Catalogue of Events Based on Multi-Instrumental Observations4
Two Links between Parameters of 11-year Cycle of Solar Activity4
Analysis of Changes in Magnetic Anomalies in the Largest Underground Gas Storage Area in China4
Dynamics of Relativistic Electron Fluxes of the Outer Radiation Belt during Geomagnetic Disturbances of Different Intensity4
Evolution of Electric Current and Resistance in the Flare Loop in the Course of Loop Shrinkage3
Ionospheric Anomalies Due to Nepal Earthquake-2015 as Observed from GPS-TEC Data3
Deep Learning of Ionosphere Single-Layer Model and Tomography3
Dependence of foF2 on Solar Activity Indices Based on the Data of Ionospheric Stations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres3
Wind Effects in the Thermosphere during the Propagation of Atmospheric Waves Generated by a Tropospheric Heat Source3
The Depths to the Lithospheric Magnetic Sources Along the Kovdor–GSZ-76 Profile (Baltic Shield–Barents Sea)3
The Effect of Interruption of “Serpentine Emission” (SE) in the Polar Cap during Geomagnetic Storm Sudden Commencements (SSC)3
Comparison of the Properties of a Statistical Functional from Measurements of the Magnetic Field in the Middle of the Russian Continental Platform and in a Seismically Active Region3
Development of Forbush Decreases Associated with Coronal Ejections from Active Regions and non-Active Regions3
Manifestation of Solar Activity Effects in Lidar Observations of Stratospheric Aerosol3
Statistical Analysis of the Critical Frequency foF2 Dependence on Various Solar Activity Indices3
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Fast Electrons and Plasma Turbulence in an Inhomogeneous Flare Plasma3
Features of the Behavior of Time Parameters of Forbush Decreases Associated with Different Types of Solar and Interplanetary Sources3
Observation of an Excess of Positive Air Ions in Underground Cavities3
The Rate of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Index (ROTI) as a Proxy for Nighttime Ionospheric Irregularity Using Ethiopian Low-Latitude GPS Data3
Reconstruction of Electron-Density Height Profiles Based in the Bottomside Ionosphere on Topside Satellite Sounding Data with the IRI Model3
Influence of the Gleissberg Cycle on Variations of the 11-Year Cycle of Solar Activity in 1700–20213
Geomagnetic Effects of Remote Earthquakes3
Diurnal and Longitudinal Variations in the Equatorial Anomaly for Winter Solstice According to Interkosmos-19 Satellite Data3
Coronal Holes of Cycle 24 in Observations at the Solar Dynamics Observatory3
Some Applied Aspects of the Study of Trends in the Upper and Middle Atmosphere3
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Preflare Situations in the Solar Corona with the Use of Parallel Computing3
Behavior of He++ Ions at the Front of an Interplanetary Shock3
Differences in the Predicted Conditions of Shortwave Radio Communication between a Medium-Latitude Transmitter and a Receiver in the Arctic Region with the Use of Different Empirical Ionospheric Model3
The Origin of Time Delays between Sub-Terahertz and Soft X-ray Emission from Solar Flares3
Analysis of the Preflare Phase of Eruptive and Noneruptive Flares Using Data on the Spatial Dynamics of Coronal Magnetic Structures and Their Microwave and Ultraviolet Emission3
Nonthermal Electron Diffusion Modes in Whistler Turbulence in Flare Loops3
Climate Sensitivity to an Increase in the Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Atmosphere Decreases with an Increase in the Water Vapor Concentration upon Warming3
Interpretation of Ionospheric Disturbances During the Largest Earthquake by the Using the Differentiated Approach for the Special Methods to Processing Satellite Radio Signals3
Long-term Activity in Photospheres of Low-mass Stars with Strong Magnetic Fields3
Consequent Flares X5.4 and X1.3 on March 7, 2012 and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections3
Geomagnetic Storm Prediction Based on the Neural Network Digital Processing of Joint Observations of the URAGAN Muon Hodoscope and Neutron Monitor Stations3
Superfast Stellar Pulsations of Hot Stars3
Superfast Stellar Pulsations from O to A Stars3
Indications of Changing Solar Activity and North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature in Fennoscandian Climate3
Anomalies of Shape of 11-year Solar Cycle in Sunspot Number Series3
Response of Background Optical Emission to Ionospheric Heating by High-Power Radio Emission3
Large-Scale Disturbances Features Induced in the Ionosphere by Powerful Decameter Radiation during Moderate Magnetic Storms3
Relationship between the Horizontal Gradient of the Vertical Magnetic Field and the Horizontal Electric Current on the Photosphere in a Model Active Region of the Sun3
Effective Solar-Activity Index for Short-Term Forecasting of the Mean Solar-Activity Index3
Spatial Structure of the Illuminated Area of the Auroral Hiss Based on Ground-Based Observations at Auroral Latitudes3
Relationship of the SAR Arc Dynamics to Substorm Injection Based on the Aurorae Observation. Magnetospheric Phenomena in the Plasmapause Vicinity3
An Investigation of the Global TEC Behavior from 1999 to 2017 Variations and Deviations3
Dependence of the Occurrence of Coronal Mass Ejections on the Initial Length of the Eruptive Prominence3
Identification of Seismogenic Anomalies Induced by 11 April, 2012 Indonesian Earthquake (M = 8.5) at Indian Latitudes Using GPS-TEC and ULF/VLF Measurements3
Gamma Rays Generated in Nuclear Interactions of Protons Accelerated during Solar Flares2
Efficiency of Ionospheric Model Correction by Vertical-Incidence Sounding Data from an Ionosonde during Low Sunspot Activity2
Solar-Activity Index for the E-Layer Critical Frequency at Middle Latitudes2
Preflare X-ray Pulsations with Sources Outside the Main Flare Active Region2
Activity of Selected Solar Twins2
Solar Activity, Galactic Cosmic Ray Variations, and the Global Seismicity of the Earth2
Comparative of foF2 Measurements with IRI-2016 Model Predictions for Different Latitudes during Low and High Solar Activity2
Cyclic Variations of the Polarity of the Photospheric Magnetic Field2
Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: The Influence of the Meridional Thermospheric Winds2
Ion Pressure in Different Regions of the Dayside Auroral Precipitation2
Anticorrelation of Variations of the Magnetic Field of a Sunspot and the Brightness of Its Umbra in Long-Period Sunspot Oscillations2
Bicentennial Evolution and Statistics of Times of Variations in the Energy of the Potential Geomagnetic Field2
Induced Electron Precipitations from the Inner Radiation Belt Registered in Oceania2
Phenomena of Hysteresis in the Cutoff Rigidity of Cosmic Rays during the Superstorm of November 7–8, 20042
High-Latitude Geomagnetic Disturbances and Field Aligned Currents in the Recovery Phase of the Large Magnetic Storm on June 21–26, 20152
Nanoflash Distribution at the Solar Minimum2
Cyclic Variability in Brightness of the Young Solar Analog BE Ceti2
Solar-Activity Cycles Reconstructed from Statistics on Polar Lights with Allowance for the Contribution of the Main Magnetic Field of the Earth in 1000–20002
Lunar Tides in the Mesopause Region Obtained from Summer Temperature of the Hydroxyl Emission Layer2
Estimating the Energy of Solar and Stellar Superflares2
Forbush Decreases and Geomagnetic Disturbances: 1. Events Associated with Different Types of Solar and Interplanetary Sources2
Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Region of High Latitudes at Various States of the Ionosphere at the Frequencies of the RSDN-20 (Alpha) Radionavigation System2
Spitze Angle Changes during Rapid Geomagnetic Core Field Variation2
Subauroral Luminosity STEVE over Yakutia during a Substorm: Analysis of the Event of March 1, 20172
Modeling the Earth’s Nightglow Intensity of the Chamberlain and Herzberg I Bands and Comparing the Calculation Results with the Experimental Data2
Geoefficiency of Sporadic Phenomena in Solar Cycle 242
Cyclic Variations of Active Regions Violating the Hale’s Polarity Law in 1989–2020 and in the Synthetic Cycle2
A Plasma Pressure Plateau in the Night Sector of the Earth’s Magnetosphere and Its Stability2
Properties of the Variability of the Maximum Density of the F 2-Layer over Almaty at Different Levels of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity2
Effect of the Solar Activity Variations on the NmF2 Variability under Geomagnetically Quiet Conditions According to Ionosonde Data over Moscow2
Reorientation of the IMF Bz Component as a Trigger of Isolated Bursts of Long-Period Pulsations in the Region of the Dayside Polar Cusp2
Relationship between the Drift of Medium-Scale Irregularities and the Orientation of Transverse Anisotropy of Small-Scale Irregularities in the F Region of the Midlatitude Ionosphere2
Features of the Earth’s Solar Climate Changes in the Present Epoch2
Some Features of the Present-day Transition Period in Solar Activity2
Discussion of the Problem of Ionospheric Precursors of Magnetic Storms2
24th Cycle of Solar Activity: Geoefficiency of Flares2
Correlation Analysis of Global Ionospheric Total Electron Content Maps in March 20152
Diurnal Variations of the Statistical Characteristics of NmF2 Variability According to Ground-Based Low Latitude Ionosondes in Geomagnetically Quiet Conditions at Low Solar Activity2
Thermal Regime of the Lithosphere under the Taimyr Peninsula According to Geomagnetic Data2
The Depths to Lithospheric Magnetic Sources under the Baltic Shield2
Comparison of the Efficiency of Machine Learning Methods in Studying the Importance of Input Features in the Problem of Forecasting the Dst Geomagnetic Index2
Geomagnetic Field Variations during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2 July 2019 in La Serena, Chile2
Parameters of Coronal Dimmings and Their Variations during Solar Cycle 242
Extreme Space Weather Events during the First Cycles of Epochs with Decreased Solar Activity2
Estimates of Current Helicity and Tilt of Solar Active Regions and Joy’s Law2
Energetics of X-Class Flares at the Minima of 22, 23, and 24 Solar Cycles2
Solar Activity over the Past Million Years according to Data on Long-Lived Radionuclides in Lunar Rocks2
A Semiempirical Approximate Method for Investigating Some Problems of the Aeronomy of the D-Region of the Ionosphere. I. Basic Principles of Method Development and Basic Equations2
Weibel Instability and Deformation of an External Magnetic Field in the Region of Decay of a Strong Discontinuity in a Plasma with Hot Electrons2
The Response of a Plasma Magnetospheric Maser to Atmospheric Perturbations2
Inferring Quadrupolar Dynamo Mode from Sunspot Statistics2
A Detailed Analysis of the Behavior of the F2-Layer Critical Frequency Prior to Magnetic Storms2
Trends in the Сritical Frequency foF2 at Stations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres2
Global-Scale Coupling Characteristics between Geomagnetic Storms and Ionospheric Disturbances2
Analyzing the Effects of Tropical Cyclone on Critical Frequency of the F 2-Region Ionosphere in South Pacific Region2
Features of Radio-Brightness Distribution over the Solar Disk at Millimeter Waves: Models and Observations2
Detection of Possible Short-Term Ionospheric Precursors of Strong Earthquakes Based on Changes in Diurnal Es Characteristics2
Numerical Simulation of Sub-Terahertz Emission of the Flare Chromosphere: the Event of July 4, 20122
Variations in Ionospheric Parameters during the Formation of a Polarization Jet2
Effect of Explosive Processes on the Sun on the Inclination Angles of Magnetic Field Lines in Sunspot Umbrae2
Disturbances in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere during Spotless Sun2
Polar and Low-Latitude Faculae in Activity Cycles 23–242
Statistical Analysis of Storm-time TEC Variation during Ascending and Descending Solar Periods of 24th Solar Cycle2
Dependence of NmF2 Local Annual Asymmetry Index on Local Time and Solar Activity2
Estimate of Lower Ionosphere Ionization during Solar Flares of the X Class According to VLF Observations2
Radio Occultation Studies of Disturbances in the Earth’s Ionosphere During a Magnetic Storm on June 22–23, 20152
Electron Energy Spectra and e–e Bremsstrahlung from Anisotropic Electron Distributions in Extreme Solar Flares2
Restoration of the Profile of Chromospheric Lines in Quiet and Active Areas of the Sun2
Insolation Contrast and Trends in Modern Climate Change2
Relation of the Monthly Mean Ionospheric T Index to Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Indices2
The Use of Coupling Functions in the Forecasting of the Dst-Index Amplitude with Adaptive Methods2
Tracking IMF Fluctuations Nearby Sun Using Wavelet Analysis: Parker Solar Probe First Encounter Data2
Effect of Weak Magnetic Storms on the Propagation of HF Radio Waves2
Effects of Solar Proton Events of January 2005 on the Middle Atmosphere Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere2