Journal of the Geological Society of India

(The TQCC of Journal of the Geological Society of India is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Review of Tsunami Hazard Potential for Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt43
Review of EARFAM - An Annual Publication of AMDER: Special Volume on Exploration and Ore Geology, Vol 29, Dec 202136
Groundwater Sustainability, Security and Equity: India Today and Tomorrow34
Fluoride in Pleistocene Barind Terrace of South Dinajpur, West Bengal: Scope for Nano-Remediation29
Petrography of the Bajocian Sandstone of Joyan Member, Jaisalmer Basin, Western Rajasthan: Implications for Provenance and Basin Evolution28
Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation for Women Scientist/Technologists26
Dynamics of Meander Geometry and Formation of Neck Cutoff of River Raidak-I within Himalayan Foreland Basin, India23
Earthquake Swarm and Quiescence Precursory to the NE Himalaya 2011 Sikkim Earthquake (M 6.9)20
Investigation of Hillslope Failure and Mitigation: A Case Study of Sillewani Ghat, Chhindwara, India19
Constraining Plate Motion and Crustal Deformation from GNSS Measurements: CSIR-NGRI Contribution18
Report on National Seminar on “Chhattisgarh Basin and its Environs: Geology, Structure, Economic and Strategic Mineral Deposits and Future Perspective”16
Opposite Shear Sense from Quartz Shape and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation – a Dichotomy and Its Implications for Kinematic Analysis15
Evaluation of Slope Stability Analysis using Kinematic and Chart Method: A Case Study14
Study of Hydrocarbon Source Potential of Kapurdi Lignites of Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, Western India14
Development of Surface Level Seismic Hazard Maps Considering Local Soil Conditions for the State of Haryana, India14
Evolution of the Ladakh Magmatic Arc13
Iron Ore Exploration In India: A Personal Perspective13
The “Lamprophyre Clan” Revisited13
The Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene Palaeoenvironment of the Kashmir Valley, Western Himalayas13
Geophysics in Groundwater Exploration and Aquifer Mapping in India12
Human Health Risk Assessment of Harmful Heavy Metals and Uranium Exposure in Shallow Aquifer of Nagaon, the Highest Populated District of Assam, India12
Geochemical Studies in India: CSIR-NGRI Contributions12
Heavy Rainfall-triggered Flash Floods around the Amarnath Holy Cave11
Legislative Reforms and Challenges to Provide an Impetus to Mineral Exploration in India10
Processing of Multispectral ASTER Data to Delineate Bauxite Abundant Zones and its Geochemical Characterisation Deposited over Deccan Traps of Central India in Mainpat Plateau, Surguja District, Chhat10
Implication of Weathering, Climatic Condition and Tectonic Setting of Source Rocks on the Geochemical Behaviour of Quaternary Sediments of the Ganga-Yamuna Interfluve in and around Haridwar, Uttarakha10
Geodiversity, Geoheritage and Geoconservation: A Global Perspective10
Advances in Geo-Time Series Modelling9
Copper and Associated Uranium Mineralisation in Mayurbhanj Granite Batholith, Kesharpur-Madansahi-Dudhiasol Sector, Eastern India: A Promising Future Prospect9
Future Challenges in Continental Scientific Drilling9
Paleoclimatic Influence on the Evolution of the Late Quaternary Clastic Sediments, Northwestern Arabian Sea9
Variation in Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility with Depth in the Upper 1 km of the Earth’s Crust in Singhbhum Region (India) – First Results9
Geology and Seismic Susceptibility of Chennai City9
Tectonic Block Model of Continental Earthquakes in China: Twenty-years Retrospective9
Recent Trends and Techniques in the Study of Brittle Deformation: Implications in Upper Crustal Fluid Flow9
Geomagnetism through core-crust-space: Discoveries over Time9
GSA Connects 2023: Annual Convention of the Geological Society of America, Pittsburgh, USA9
Adapting Rainfall Variability to Flood Risk: A Case Study of the Ghaggar River Basin9
Allanite in Singhbhum Shear Zone, India and Its Implications on the Genesis of REE Mineralization9
Groundwater Management in India: Need for a National Policy9
Report on the Extraordinary General Body Meeting (EGM) of Fellows/Members of the Geological Society of India held on 23rd September, 20239
Channel Dynamics of a Middle Reach of Rapti River, Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain, India9
Groundwater Sustainability, Security and Equity: India Today and Tomorrow9
Structural Evolution of the Rocks of Western Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC) in Balangi-Sanawal Area, Chhattisgarh8
Geo-investigation and Slope Stability Analysis of Debris Slides along Ramban-Gool Road Network, Jammu and Kashmir, India8
International Symposium on Foraminifera, FORAMS 2023, Perugia, Italy8
Coronene - A Potential Powerful Tool for Reconstructing Ancient Fire Records and Its Significance in a Geological Context8
Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zone using Multi-criteria Decision-making Technique: A Case Study in the South-western Part of Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District, Telangana, India8
2023 IASPEI Medal to Prof. Harsh K. Gupta8
Role of Depleted-MORB Mantle in the Genesis of Basalts from the Neoarchean Eastern Felsic Volcanic Terrane of the Sandur Greenstone belt, Dharwar Craton, India8
A Climatic Surprise – Slope Instability Triggered by Heavy Rain in Maldevta Region, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, on 20 August, 20228
Dickinsonia tenuis reported by Retallack et al. 2021 is not a fossil, instead an impression of an extant ‘fallen beehive’8
Keshav Narhar Pusalkar (1930-2022)8
Spatiotemporal Analysis and Trend Detection of Groundwater Levels Using Gis Techniques in Nadia District of West Bengal, India8
Emerging Energy Resources in India8
Granite-hosted Cu-Au Mineralization in the Machanur Deposit, Eastern Dharwar Craton8
Prof. K. Byrappa (1954-2023)8
Petrographic Studies of a Part of East Coast Bauxite Deposits, Odisha, Eastern India and Implication on their Genesis7
Multispectral Imaging in Mapping and Utilization of Sensitive Bands for Characterization of Waste Rock Dumps: A Case Study of Dongri Buzurg Manganese Mine, Maharashtra, India7
Prioritization by Innovative Approach for Implementation of Groundwater Management Strategies7
New Frontiers in Analytical Techniques - Opportunities and Challenges in Geochemical Research7
Road Drains, An Efficient Tool for Groundwater Recharge – A Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Study on Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India7
River Aquifer Interaction Modeling for the Waterlogged Aquifer and Sustainable Groundwater Irrigation along River Flood Plain7
Geomagnetic Field Polarity Changes7
A Simple Model for Quantifying Fluoride in Shallow Groundwater from Fertilizer Leaching7
Assessment of Trace Metal Pollution in Surface Sediments from Southwestern Part of Bay of Bengal, India7
A Qualitative Slope Stability Assessment of Hill Slopes Using Multiple Integrated Approaches Along Bafliaz – Poshiana (Mughal) Road, Jammu and Kashmir7
Melt Enhanced Deformation in Migmatites of Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC), India7
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Assessment of the Foundation of Yaragol Gravity Dam – A Case Study form India7
Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purpose using Geospatial and Statistical techniques in a Semi-arid Region of Rajasthan, India6
Environmental Geochemistry and Positive Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic with Special Emphasis to Coal Mining Industry: An Overview6
2021 Chennai Floods - An Overview6
Assessment of Geothermal Renewable Energy with Reference to Tapoban Geothermal Fields, Garhwal Northwest Himalaya, India6
Geotechnical Evaluation of Multi-Layered Simsima Limestone using Bi-Directional Static Load Test (BDSLT)6
Delineation of the Causative Fault of Recent Earthquakes (April-May 2020) in Delhi from Seismological and Morphometric Analysis6
Dr. Ramesh Moreshwar Badve (1937- 2021)6
Unraveling Depositional Mode and Provenance of Kopili Formation, Northeast India6
Geological and Geo-Environmental Processes on Earth. Edited by Arun Kumar Shandilya, Vinod Kumar Singh, Suresh Chandra Bhatt and Chandra Shekhar Dubey. Published by Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.,6
Dr. M. J. Chandrashekar Gowda (1939-2021)6
Review on the Comparative Sedimentology of Late Jurassic Transgressive Deposits of Tendaguru Hill - Mandawa Basin (Tanzania) and Wagad Hill - Kachchh Basin (India)6
Gully Erosion: An Underestimated Hazard?6
Sources and Fate of Organic Carbon in West Spitsbergen Fjord Systems: A Review6
Mineralogy, Organic Richness and Macerated Microbial Studies of the Rohtasgarh Shales in the Vindhyan Basin, India: Implications for Gas Generation Potential6
Signatures of Heavy Metal concentration over Laterites identified through Regional Stream Sediment Geochemical Survey in parts of Katni, Panna and Satna Districts of Madhya Pradesh, India6
Volcano Sedimentary Origin of Archaean Banded Iron Formation of Nellore Schist Belt from Chundi-Malakonda-Ayyavaripalle Area, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh and its Petro-chemical Characterization6
Petro-physics Analysis and Rock Physics Modeling for Estimation of Gas Hydrate Saturation: A Case Study in the Mahanadi Offshore Basin6
Ashok Kumar Srivastava (1960 – 2022)6
Dr. B. Varadendra (1960-2022)6
Summary Report, Earth Science Week, Maharashtra Vruksha Samvardhini6
Can Ammonium Records in Antarctic Ice Cores be a Proxy for Sea Ice Fluctuations?6
Sekhar Chandra Ghosh (1939–2021)5
Litho-stratigraphy of Cretaceous Tidding Suture Package with Ophiolite Emplacements in Eastern Arunachal Himalaya: An Analysis5
Studies of the Earth’s Magnetic Field from Peninsular India: Contributions from CSIR-NGRI5
Report on National Seminar on ‘75 years of Mineral Exploration and Future Challenges in India’ – MEFCI-20225
Importance of Engineering Rock Mass Classifications for Rock Cut Slope Stability Analysis5
Road Cut Slope Stability Analysis at Kotropi Landslide Zone Along NH-154 in Himachal Pradesh, India5
Gold Mineralisation in Pahardia – Rungikocha Area, West Singhbhum District, Jharkhand, India5
Decadal Response of Dokriani Glacier using High-resolution Hydrological Data, Indian Himalaya5
Archean Biogeochemical Cognizance from Dharwar Craton, India – A Review5
First Report of Carbonatite from Gundlupet Area, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, Southern India5
Report on the Webinar No. 25 on ‘Ramnadi Restoration Mission’, 29th November, 2020, Pune5
Synchronous Tremor Modulation During the Passage of 2012 Super-typhoon Jelawat in Nankai Trough: By Chance or Real Consequence?5
Investigating and Measuring Radon Gas Concentration in Tehran and Alborz Metro Stations5
Estimation of Mining Subsidence in Talcher Region using Time Series Earth Observation Data5
Hands-on Training on Groundwater Modelling using FEFLOW5
Modern Pollen-vegetation Relationships along the Vegetation Gradient in the Bhagirathi Valley, Western Himalaya, India5
Is Law Still Grappling with Groundwater?5
Webinars and E-Classes by Institution of Geoscientists, Odisha5
Petrography and Geochemistry of Sandstones of Eocene Kopili Formation, Shillong Plateau: Implications on Paleo-weathering, Provenance and Tectonic Setting5
Assessing Alpine Ecosystem Dynamics over the Great Himalayan Mountain Range, Kashmir: Earth Observation and Ecosystem Modeling5
Reappraisal of Duration and Eruptive Rates in Deccan Volcanic Province, India5
Foreland Basin Geometry and Disposition of Major Thrust Faults as Proxies for Identification of Segmentation along the Himalayan Arc5
Deuterium Excess of Groundwater as a Proxy for Recharge in an Evaporative Environment of a Granitic Aquifer, South India5
Kinematic and Statistical Analysis of Fold Related Fractures in the Northeast of Kopet Dagh Folded Belt, Northeast Iran5
Proceedings of the Annaul General Meeting – 20235
Celebration of the Earth Day 2024 – A Report5
Provenance and Depositional Setting of Black Shales from the Dhalbhum Formation, North Singhbhum Mobile Belt, Eastern India5
Sodic-Silicic Magmatism in Tadpatri Formation- A Study in Quartz Keratophyre and Albitite5
Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Offshore Gulf of Cambay, Western India by Abhiraman Govindan and L. Chidambaram. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v.97, 2021, pp.1403-14075
Kimberlites and Related Rocks: Tracers of the Mantle and Geodynamic Processes5
Internal Stratigraphy of the Mesoarchean Keonjhar Siliciclastics, Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India: Paleogeographic Implications.5
A Perspective on Rishiganga-Dhauliganga Flash Flood in the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Garhwal Himalaya, India5
Sulphur Isotopic Studies of Pyrite from Gogi Uranium Deposit, Bhima Basin, Karnataka5
Discovery of Stenothyrid Gastropod from Deccan Intertrappean at Barga Village, Madhya Pradesh and its Palaeoenvironmental Significance4
Construct a Geomechanical Model to Estimate the Critical Drawdown Pressure for the Sandstone Reservoirs4
Prediction of Geo-mechanical Parameter Logs from Petrophysical Well Logs using Machine Learning Approach4
Shallow Landslide Modeling in Complex Hillslope by Using TOPMODEL and SINMAP Models4
Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Permian Wargal Limestone: Implication for Reservoir Potential in the Salt Range, Pakistan4
Hydrogeochemistry and Quality Assessment using Water Quality Indices of Surface and Groundwater of Konar Reservoir Region, Hazaribag District, Jharkhand, India4
Integrated Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Geospatial Approach to Assess Soil Erosion in Machhu Sub-watershed, Morbi, India4
Ganga Basin Sediment (GBS): A Potential Geological Reference Material for Tropical Rivers4
Remote Sensing-based Morphometry on the Petroliferous Cambay Rift Basin (Gujarat, Western India)4
Himalayan Seismic Belt, Seismic Gaps and Related Issues4
A GIS and Remote Sensing-based Approach on Supraglacial Lake Dynamics Study in the Himalayan Glaciers4
Simulation of Rock-Water Interaction in the Southwestern Part of El Minya Governorate of Egypt4
Appraisal of Active Tectonics: An Insight from the Morphotectonic Study of Drainage Basins and OSL Dating in the Kangra Area, Himachal Pradesh4
Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Accuracy Assessment of LULC Map and Landslide Susceptibility Prediction for Meghalaya, India4
Bijoy Krushna Mohanty (1933 – 2023)4
Distribution and Characterization of Heavy Mineral Placer Deposits along the Central Tamil Nadu Coast, India4
Report on ‘The Deccan - Next’, International Conference, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune, Maharashtra, India, 1 - 5 October, 20234
Landslides: A Review from the Southern Western Ghats of India4
Source Minerals for the Release of Salinity in the Groundwater: A Case Study of Pratapgarh District, Uttar Pradesh, India4
Water Stress in Bengaluru, Silicon City4
XXIst INQUA Congress 2023: Time for Change4
Factors Influencing the Sand Production in the Lakwa Oilfield of Upper Assam Basin, India4
Maturity Parameter of Carbonaceous and Coaly Matter Revealed through Raman Spectroscopy4
Ancient Rock Paintings Inside Rock Shelters in Abchand Reserve Forest, Sagar District, Madhya Pradesh4
Analysis of Landfill Site Suitability for Solid Waste Disposal in the Ranchi District of Jharkhand, India Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geo-Spatial Techniques3
New Evidence for Palaeo-wildfire in the Early Permian (Artinskian) of Gondwana from Wardha Valley Coalfield, India3
Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Hazard for Uttarakhand State of India3
Successful Alert Issuance with Sufficient Lead Time by Uttarakhand State Earthquake Early Warning System: Case Study of Nepal Earthquakes3
Duration of the Occurrence of Mw ≥ 4.5 Aftershocks of the 2 April 2024 Mw 7.4 Hualin, Taiwan Earthquake3
Mapping Facies Classification of Volcanic and Associated Succession in the Dongargarh Province3
Analysis of Global Design Standards to Assess Different Levels of Structural Seismic Protection3
Report on the Deliberations of 45th Indian Social Science Congress3
A New Fauna from the Deccan Intertrappean Sediments of Central India Reveals KP Extinction and Survivorship, and Origins of Asiatic Freshwater Molluscs3
A Note on Ore Genetic Process of Heti Ni-PGE Prospect, Gondpipri Mafic-ultramafic Complex, Central India3
Comparison of the Felt Earthquakes since Historical Times with NCS Catalogue and ISR Telemetry Network in Gujarat (2006 to date)3
Erratum: If a Magnitude ~8 Earthquake Occurs in India Today……3
Study of Freeze-thaw Induced Damage Characteristic for Himalayan Schist3
Paleo-subduction Zones in the Indian Cratons3
Petro-geochemical Signatures as Evidences for Tectonic Setting, Palaeoweathering and Provenance of Eocene Kopili Sandstones, Meghalaya, Northeast India3
A Glimpse at Some Momentous Recent Discoveries and Developments in Geosciences3
Earthquake Early Warning Systems in Taiwan: Current Status3
A New Find of Ediacaran Biota and its Depositional Environment in Bairenkonda Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India3
A Review of the Progress, Challenges and Future Trends in Tsunami Early Warning Systems3
Warm and dry palaeoclimate during the Palaeoproterozoic: Evidences from the Papaghni sub-basin of the Cuddapah Basin, India3
K. Gopalakrishnan (1938 – 2022)3
Parameterization of Bernard’s Mathematical Model to Estimate Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves in the Curitiba and São José dos Pinhais Sub-basins Belonging to the Upper Iguaçu River Basin, Brazil3
Greater India and the New Gondwana Geological Map (IGCP-628)3
Integration of Geological and Geophysical Approaches in Meeting the Challenges of Uranium Exploration in the Cuddapah Basin — a Case Study from Chitrial Area, Nalgonda District, Telangana3
Proposed Sequential Process to Identify Smaller Vulnerable Area from a Larger Area for Groundwater Modelling Studies using Groundwater Potential Zone and Stage of Groundwater Development Category Maps3
One Day Seminar on IUGS Heritage Stones: Indian Contribution held on November 4, 2024 at Panjab University, Chandigarh3
Non-carcinogenic Health Risk Assessment of Fluoride and Nitrate of Groundwater – A Case Study of the Central Dry Zone of Chikkanayakanahalli Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka3
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Sitamarhi near the Central Himalayan Region3
Geochemical Characteristics of the Bottom and Pond Fly ash, Neyveli, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India3
The 37th International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Republic of Korea – A Brief Report3
Evaluation of Degree of Alteration in Fossil Ostracods from Middle Callovian-Lower Oxfordian Beds of Southern Part of Kachchh Basin, Gujarat, India by Characterizing Surface Roughness of the Shell3
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation along National Highway 1D from Sonamarg to Kargil, North Western Himalaya3
Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Variability of a Flood Using the Hydrological Process of Flood Frequency in Ghagra River Basin, India3
India’s First Carbonatite Discovery at Amba Dongar is Sixty Years Old: An Overview and Current Status3
Celebration of the National Remote Sensing Day 2024 – A Report3
Evaluating the Performance of Multi-criteria Decision-making Techniques in Flood Susceptibility Mapping3
A New Find of Anorthoclase Crystals-lined Vug in a Deep-sea Basalt, Central Indian Ocean Basin3
Prof. Harsh K. Gupta Elected as a Fellow of the International Science Council3
Report on the Geospatial Insights for Landslide Mapping and Mitigation Training Program sponsored by ISRO’s Disaster Management Support Program (DMSP)3
Understanding the Interrelationship of Aquifer Parameters and Sedimentary Characteristics of an Aquifer: A Case Study of WRD Watershed, Chandrapur District, Maharashtra3
Report on National Seminar on Vindhyan Supergroup: Recent Advances, Challenges and Opportunities (VISACOP)3
A Short Note on the Aftershock Duration of Strong to Major Himalayan Earthquakes3
Applicability of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for the Study of Snow Dune Complexes and Snow Sheets in Antarctica and their Bearing on Paleo-Climatic Variability3
Multi-collinearity Based Parameter Optimization and Comparison among Multi-criteria Decision Analysis to Map Groundwater Potential Zones3
Prof. N.V. Chalapathi Rao – Appointed as Director of the National Centre for Earth Science Studies3
Using Spatial Autocorrelation for the Hypsometric Integral to Differentiate Geology and Neotectonics: A Case Study in Bailongjiang Drainage Basin (Eastern Tibet Plateau)3
Report on the Celebration of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 20243
Prof. Subhendu Bardhan (1951-2023)3
A new species of Talantodiscus (Family Pleurotomariidae ) from the Late Jurassic of the Kutch, Western India3
Characterisation of Pre and Post-Tsunami Sediments by Grain Size Analysis Using G2Sd Package in R Programming from Nagoor to Poompuhar, Tamil Nadu, India3
An Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Coal Mining through Acid Mine Drainage and Soil Degradation from Makum Coalfields, Upper Assam, India: A Case Study3
Synergistic Application of Geoelectrical Methods for Mapping Placers along the Coastal Periphery of Southern Odisha, India3
Numerical Analysis of a Tunnel Passing through Jointed Rockmass3
Partitioning of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Coal to Coal Fly Ash in Different Thermal Power Stations (TPSs) of India3
Ascertaining Potential Causes of Hillslope Failure Associated to Human Settlement: A Case Study from Alaknanda Valley, Uttarakhand, NW Himalaya, India3
Padma Shri Award to Dr. Shailesh Nayak3
Rajendra Kumar Pant (1934-2024)3
The Journal of the Geological Society of India: Challenges that will Confront us in Future3
Land Subsidence Phenomena in Joshimath Town, Garhwal Himalaya, India: Field Observations and Possible Causes3
Proceedings of the National Convention on Rivers held on 26-27 February 2022 at Hyderabad3
Early Miocene (Burdigalian) Dinoflagellate Cysts from the Kerala Basin, Southwest India: Indicators of Marine Ingression at the Onset of the Mid-Miocene Climate Optimum (MMCO)2
Petrological and Geochemical Characterization of Miocene Tipam Sandstone in Parts of Cachar Fold Belt, Northeast India2
Chemical Speciation and Leaching of Trace Metals in Groundwater from the Depleted Landfills, India2
A Review of the CSIR-NGRI Seismicity Studies during the Last Sixty Years2
Study of Local Site Conditions for Seismic Hazard Assessment at the BHU Campus, Varanasi, North India, using Ambient Noise Measurements2
Value Addition to Low-grade Coal Resources: A New Avenue for its Alternative Utilization2
Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability using the Ambient Noise Recordings in Cachar Fold Belt, Assam2
Morphometric Analysis of Yamuna River Basin in Delhi Region: Implications to Hydrological Hazards2
Geospatial Data Analysis Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process to Delineate Groundwater Potential Zone in a Semi-arid Hard Rock Terrain2
First Record of Lagerstroemia (family Lythraceae) Wood from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of India2
210Pb Geochronology and Heavy Metal Fluxes in Darna and Gangapur Reservoirs, Maharashtra, India2
Prof. Nicolas J. Beukes (1945-2023)2
Value-addition, by Extraction of Critical Minerals - Cu, Co, Ni, Mo and REEs - from the Albitite Type U-deposits in Rohil and Adjoining Areas, Rajasthan, India2
Dr. Sheik Jeelani Saheb - the Butterfly Man of India - A tribute (18.05.1958-09.10.2024)2
Evaluation of Tectonics along Western Extension of Gavilgarh Fault Zone, Central India using Geomorphic Indices2
Tertiary Himalayan Coal-bearing Sequences of India: A Reappraisal of their Evolutionary Consequences2
Epithermal Vanadium Mineralization in Sonia Sandstone of Marwar Supergroup, India2
A Brief Overview of Groundwater Studies at CSIR-NGRI During Six Decades2
The Tectonic and Metamorphic Perspective of Southern Granulite Terrane, India2
Report on ‘World Innovative Neoteric Geological Sciences (WINGS-2023)’ held during 1-3 February, 2023, at the Department of Geology, Periar University Centre for Post-graduate and Research Studies at 2
GIS Based Spatial and Temporal Investigation of Groundwater and Soil Quality along Noyyal River, Tiruppur, India2
Predicting Erosion Potential Zones using CA-ANN and Multicriteria Analysis for the Bhavani Watershed, India2
Mineralogy and Chemistry of Lakshanhatti Dolomite of Proterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Karnataka, India2
A Pilot Assessment of the Fatal Landslide on 29 August 2022 in Kudayathoor, Idukki, Kerala2
Asian Seismological Commission – A Bright History and Challenges Ahead2
Frontal Changes of Gangotri Glacier, Garhwal Himalaya, between 1935 and 20222
China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES): A System Science Perspective2
The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones: Edited by Angela Ehling, Gurmeet Kaur, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, JoAnn Cassar, Elaine Aparecida Del Lama and Tom Heldal, Published by International Union of Ge2
The Star-shaped Resting Traces Asteriacites lumbricalis from Thaiat Member (Early Jurassic -Bajocian) of Lathi Formation of the Jaisalmer Basin, Western India2
Report on the ‘65th Foundation Day’ Celebrations of the Geological Society of India, Bengaluru on 29th May, 20232
Sampige Srikantia - A Tribute to Unsung Indian Geologist2
Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Zone in Mandideep Industrial Area using DRASTIC Model2
Sampige V. Srikantia (1935-2022)2
Sediment Yield Assessment, Prioritization and Control Practices in Chambal River Basin Employing SYI Model2
Six Decades of Uranium Exploration in the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Formations of Himalaya: Challenges, Understanding and Strategies2
A Novel Application of Catchment Approach to Assessment of 2021 Rockfall and Landslides Vulnerabilities in Tirumala Hills, Andhra Pradesh, India2
Paleo-environmental study of the Raniganj and Barakar Formations: Implications from the Geochemical and Geomechanical Aspects of Sandstone and Shale2
Earth Science Education at a Crossroad – Headed Toward an Irreversible Decline or Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future?2
Report on 7th Rock Deformation and Structures (RDS 7) Conference and Field Workshop held at the Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi2
Stability Assessment of Siwalik Rock Slopes – A Case Study from Dehradun Area, Uttarakhand, India2
Anatomy of the Veligonda Range – New Insights into the Tectonic Connection Between the Cuddapah Basin and the Nellore Schist Belt2