Geofisica Internacional

(The TQCC of Geofisica Internacional is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Investigation of Salanda Fault Zone, between Yesiloz and Gumuskent (Nevsehir-Turkey) with PSInSAR6
Site effect evaluation for Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico5
Complejación de metales por sustancias húmicas acuáticas como proceso natural, tomando como caso de estudio el Lago de Xochimilco3
Seismic Hazard Analysis at Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico3
Seismic facies characterization using Rock Physics Templates and brittleness indices: Stybarrow field3
La magnetometría como alternativa en la búsqueda de aguas subterráneas. El caso de la cuenca baja del río Grijalva.2
Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad del acuífero Victoria – Güémez mediante el método DRASTIC2
Mineral lithotype identification on the andrill AND-2A drillcore, antarctica by using ternary mineral rock physics templates built from a self-consistent approach2
Reconstrucción de imágenes sísmicas virtuales con técnicas de interferometría en datos de símica pasiva2
New insights into the seismic activity of Damascus fault (Syria): a quantitative analysis2
Micromechanical modeling of ultrasonic velocity for pore-structure and porosity characterization considering anisotropy in carbonate samples1
Assessment of the tectonic effects on soil radon activity along the margin of the Arabian plate boundary in northwestern Syria1
Characterization of PM2.5 during ACU15 campaign in Mexico City1
The Great 1822 Aleppo Earthquake: New historical sources and strong ground motion simulation1
A Seismological Study of the Michoacán-Colima, Mexico, Earthquake of 19 September 2022 (Mw7.6)1
Gold ore identification in Santa Catarina Gabbro using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and visualization of mineralization in three dimensions, São Sepé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil1
Content of Total Organic Carbon Using Random Forest, Borehole Imaging, and Fractal Analysis: A Methodology Applied in the Cretaceous La Luna Formation, South America1
Ruby Xenocrystals in Dacite from Central Mexico1
Gamma-ray spectrometry applied in the identification of potential acid mine drainage generation zones in waste rock pile with uranium ore and associated sulfides (caldas, Brazil)1
Disturbances in the geomagnetic field, water level and atmospheric pressure associated with Mw ≥ 6.6 earthquakes in the South Atlantic Ocean1
Geophysical-Structural Framework in a Mineralized Region of Northwesternmost Camaquã Basin, Southern Brazil1
Geomorfositios de interés geoturístico del volcán monogenético Tajogaite, erupción de 2021 (La Palma, Islas Canarias, España)1
Seismic parameter evaluation of gravel and sand samples subjected to stress using general purpose piezocrystals1
Quarrying volcanic landscapes: territory and strategies of metate production in Turícuaro (Michoacan)1
Projection of land use to 2030 and its impacts on water availability in a brazilian sub-basin: A LCM and SWAT approach1
Intense Geomagnetic Storms in The Maximum Phase of Solar Cycle 24 Observed From a Low-Latitude Ground Station1
Mass movement processes at the Motozintla Basin, Chiapas, Southern Mexico1
Vertical Electrical Sounding Technique as an Efficient and Rapid Tool for Groundwater Investigation in a Basaltic Environment at Kodana Station for the Shami goats. Case Study from Southern Syria1
Foreword of Special section: “Monogenetic Volcanism, environment and Society”1
Application of quantitative electromagnetic technology to asses coating integrity of pipelines in México1
The multiple values of urban geosites: El Arenal and Viaje a la Naturaleza parks in Mexico City1
Significado tectónico de los sistemas de fallas Jaris y Candelaria en el Antearco de Costa Rica1
Analysis and Interpretation of Regional Gravity Data in the Swayze greenstone belt of the Superior Province, Canada1
Natural Gamma Ray Borehole Logging Technique for Estimating Radiogenic Heat Production in Basaltic Environment, Case study from Kodana region, Southern Syria1
Impactos de la actividad volcánica en época prehispánica: Estudios edáficos en los sitios arqueológicos de Cerro del Teúl y El Pitayo, Tres Mezquites en el occidente de México1