
(The median citation count of Geoderma is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Errors induced by spectral measurement positions and instrument noise in soil organic carbon prediction using vis-NIR on intact soil232
Soil skills challenge: A problem-based field competition towards active learning for BSc. Geoscience students228
The contribution of microbial activity to soil–water interactions and soil microstructural stability of a silty loam soil under moisture dynamics148
Improving soil organic carbon predictions from a Sentinel–2 soil composite by assessing surface conditions and uncertainties124
Litterfall quality modulates soil ammonium and nitrate supply through altering microbial function in bamboo encroachment of broadleaf forests121
Integrating multi-year crop inventories as a proxy for soil management within a digital soil mapping framework for predicting nitrogen indices117
Effect of smart phone cameras on color-based prediction of soil organic matter content110
Mapping the distribution, trends, and drivers of soil organic carbon in China from 1982 to 201997
Relationships between soil biodiversity and multifunctionality in croplands depend on salinity and organic matter93
Modeling dust emission in alpine regions with low air temperature and low air pressure – A case study on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP)88
Allocation of foliar-P fractions of Alhagi sparsifolia and its relationship with soil-P fractions and soil properties in a hyperarid desert ecosystem87
Modelling of soil mechanical stability and hydraulic permeability of the interface between coated biopore and matrix pore regions81
Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities and bacterial community composition to seasonal stages of drought in a semiarid grassland80
Estimating soil organic carbon stock change at multiple scales using machine learning and multivariate geostatistics76
Use of cover crops in the southern Amazon region: What is the impact on soil physical quality?76
How will permafrost carbon respond to future climate change? A new assessment for future thaw trends of permafrost carbon on the Tibetan Plateau75
Soil physicochemical properties explain land use/cover histories in the last sixty years in China75
Negative priming effect from tree leaf and root residues with contrasting chemical composition74
Soil dissolved organic matter quality and bacterial community composition regulate the substrate-binding affinity of hydrolytic enzymes under short-term nitrogen addition74
Effects of nitrogen addition and precipitation alteration on soil respiration and its components in a saline-alkaline grassland74
Preferential flow influences the temporal stability of soil moisture in a headwater catchment72
Lithology-driven soil properties control of N2O production by ammonia oxidizers in subtropical forest soils72
Impact of calcareous concretions on soil shrinkage of a Vertisol and their relation model development69
Geochemical evidence of illuvial processes in clay-rich soils on limestones in a humid temperate climate67
Molecular diversity and the fate of biochemical fractions of eucalypt tissues in soil65
Redox-driven changes in water-dispersible colloids and their role in carbon cycling in hydromorphic soils63
Microbial adaption to stoichiometric imbalances regulated the size of soil mineral-associated organic carbon pool under continuous organic amendments63
Nitrogen immobilization caused by chemical formation of black- and amide-N in soil62
Effects of carbon input quality and timing on soil microbe mediated processes62
Temperature and moisture alter organic matter composition across soil fractions62
Editorial Board61
Early indicators of pedogenesis at Harrat Khaybar volcano, Saudi Arabia60
Stronger link of nosZI than nosZII to the higher total N2O consumption in anoxic paddy surface soils59
Differentiation of fine-textured podzolic soils controlled by climate and landscape in Taiwan59
Field-ready methods for casting soil biopores58
Visual assessment of soil structural quality across soil textures and compaction levels – Part II: Examination of profile walls vs Intact soil cores56
Editorial Board53
Editorial Board53
Mid-Holocene soil water and vegetation in the Xi’an area of the southern Chinese Loess Plateau53
Effects of forest fires on soil lead elemental contents and isotopic ratios53
Deforestation alters protease regulation by amino acids53
Linkages between soil organic matter and magnetic mineral formation in agricultural fields in southeastern Minnesota, USA53
Factors limiting microbial N2O and CO2 production in a cultivated peatland overlying an acid sulphate subsoil derived from black schist52
Monitoring soil organic matter on grassland farms: An exploratory analysis52
Storage of persistent organic matter in temperate gypsum soils –Relevance of the parent material and vegetation cover52
Editorial Board52
Mineral-organic interactions drive the aging and stabilization of exogenous Pb in soils50
Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding50
Nitrogen-fixing tree species rather than tree species diversity shape soil nematode communities in subtropical plantations50
Editorial Board49
Using carbonate absorbance peak to select the most suitable regression model before predicting soil inorganic carbon concentration by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy49
Heat pulse probe design optimization using numerical simulation48
Soil organic matter changes under experimental pedoclimatic modifications in mountain grasslands of the French Alps48
Geochemical factors controlling the mobilization of geogenic cadmium in soils developed on carbonate bedrocks in Southwest China48
Equations for soil freezing characteristics curves based on the thermodynamics principles48
Land use legacy footprint in Mediterranean forest soils: An infrared spectroscopy approach47
Mapping and describing natural terroir units in Denmark47
Iron isotope fractionation during the formation of ferromanganese nodules under different conditions of hydromorphism47
Spatial distribution of fallout and lithogenic radionuclides controlled by soil carbon and water erosion in an agroforestry South-Pyrenean catchment47
Nematode community structure and functional guilds differ in tea fields and tropical forest47
Editorial Board47
Microbial mechanisms for methane source-to-sink transition after wetland conversion to cropland46
Influences of plant traits on the retention and redistribution of bioavailable nitrogen within the plant-soil system45
Dual effects of carbon in Red Ferralitic soils in the San José de Las Lajas Polje, Cuba45
Carbon dynamics as a function of soil moisture following repeated wet-dry cycles in irrigated soils45
Soil burrow characterization by 3D image analysis: Prediction of macroinvertebrate groups from biopore size distribution parameters45
Comment on “Characterizing detachment and transport processes of interrill soil erosion, Geoderma 376 (2020) 114549”45
Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis45
Editorial Board44
Identifying plant cell wall remnants in detritus of a subtropical wetland with fluorescence labeling44
Dissolved organic matter as a confounding factor in the determination of pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) of bacterial communities to heavy metals using the leucine incorporation method43
Macroaggregate persistence: Definition and applications to describe soil surface dynamics43
Editorial Board42
Manure application decreases soil organic carbon priming by increasing mineral protection and nitrogen availability42
Weathering of Viamão granodiorite, South Brazil: Part 1 – Clay minerals formation and increase in total porosity42
Do soil names matter in scientific publications?42
Millennium timescale carbon stability in an Andisol: How persistent are organo-metal complexes?41
Substrate quality effects on stabilized soil carbon reverse with depth41
Variation in matric potential at field capacity in stony soils of fluvial and alluvial fans41
Mid-infrared spectroscopy to trace biogeochemical changes of earthworm casts during ageing under field conditions41
Arsenic sorption and oxidation by natural manganese-oxide-enriched soils: Reaction kinetics respond to varying environmental conditions41
Soil chemical extractions can alter potassium coordination in agricultural soils: A combined wet chemical and X-ray absorption spectroscopic approach40
Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the Berambadi catchment (India)40
The effectiveness of digital soil mapping with temporal variables in modeling soil organic carbon changes40
Organic carbon loading of soils determines the fate of added fresh plant-derived organic matter40
No-tillage does not on average reduce soil carbon storage compared to conventional tillage. Comment on “Declines in soil carbon storage under no tillage can be alleviated in the long run” by Cai et al40
Pedotransfer functions for estimating soil hydraulic properties from saturation to dryness40
Impacts of 21-year field warming on soil erodibility in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China39
The organic layer reduces water repellency of surface mineral soil under a humid-temperate forest39
The time it takes to reduce soil legacy phosphorus to a tolerable level for surface waters: What we learn from a case study in the catchment of Lake Baldegg, Switzerland39
Local parallel free generation and dynamic affine transformation method for soil three-dimensional pore structure information model39
Rediscovering the edaphic knowledge of smallholder farmers in southern Ecuador39
Improving model parsimony and accuracy by modified greedy feature selection in digital soil mapping39
Fractionation of stable boron isotopes in alfisols: Application of a novel tool for tracing boron behavior in two soil profiles38
Editorial Board38
Experimental drought increased the belowground sink strength towards higher topsoil organic carbon stocks in a temperate mature forest38
Improving soil thickness estimations and its spatial pattern on hillslopes in karst forests along latitudinal gradients38
Paired resampling to detect field-level soil organic carbon stock change. Comment on “Testing the feasibility of quantifying change in agricultural soil carbon stocks through empirical sampling” by Br38
25-years of stewardship programs enhance regenerative outcomes in river delta soils of southwestern British Columbia, Canada38
Carbon sequestration potential and fractionation in soils after conversion of cultivated land to hedgerows37
Simulation of soil water content through the combination of meteorological and satellite data37
Minimizing vegetation influence on soil salinity mapping with novel bare soil pixels from multi-temporal images37
Mechanisms underlying the responses of soil N2O production by ammonia oxidizers to nitrogen addition are mediated by topography in a subtropical forest37
Can application of liquid dairy manure onto no-tillage oxisols reduce runoff, sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen losses over 9 years of natural rainfall?37
Changes in physicochemical properties on a chronosequence of gold mine tailings36
Changes in the activity of soil enzymes after fire36
Responses of soil nitrogen cycling to changes in aboveground plant litter inputs: A meta-analysis36
Mobilization of soil inorganic phosphorus and stimulation of crop phosphorus uptake and growth induced by Ceriporia lacerata HG201136
Early-Mid Holocene climatic changes inferred from colors of eolian deposits in the Mu Us Desert36
Response time of soil moisture to rain in a vineyard with permanent cover36
Sediment connectivity of small watershed affected by gully development and vegetation restoration on the loess plateau36
Metal cation concentrations improve understanding of controls on soil organic carbon across a precipitation by vegetation gradient in the Patagonian Andes36
Phosphorus limitation reduces microbial nitrogen use efficiency by increasing extracellular enzyme investments36
Characterizing erosion processes on a convex slope based on 3D reconstruction method36
Fast agricultural topsoil re-formation after complete topsoil loss – Evidence from a unique historical field experiment35
Changes in topsoil organic carbon content in the Swiss leman region cropland from 1993 to present. Insights from large scale on-farm study35
Arbuscular mycorrhizal traits are good indicators of soil multifunctionality in drylands35
Berken plow and intercropping with pigeon pea ameliorate degraded soils with a hardpan in the Ethiopian highlands35
Land use impacts on weathering, soil properties, and carbon storage in wet Andosols, Indonesia35
Sustained increases in soil respiration accompany increased carbon input under long-term warming across global grasslands35
Integration of multimodal data for large-scale rapid agricultural land evaluation using machine learning and deep learning approaches35
High water availability in drought tolerant crops is driven by root engineering of the soil micro-habitat35
Soil organic carbon stocks maintained despite intensification of shifting cultivation34
Uncertainty assessment of soil available water capacity using error propagation: A test in Languedoc-Roussillon34
Seasonal change of tensile crack morphology and its spatial distribution along gully bank and gully slope in the Mollisols region of Northeast China34
Does calculation method affect the nutrient-addition effect on priming?34
Enhanced topsoil P leaching in a short term flooded calcareous soil with combined straw and ammonium nitrogen incorporation34
Spatial predictions of maize yields using QUEFTS – A comparison of methods34
Slash-and-burn in karst regions lowers soil gross nitrogen (N) transformation rates and N-turnover34
Using bias correction and ensemble modelling for predictive mapping and related uncertainty: A case study in digital soil mapping34
Soil analysis is pivotal for fertilizer recommendations: Comment on “Soil based, field specific fertilizer recommendations are a pipe-dream” by A.G.T. Schut and K.E. Giller. Geoderma (https:/
Effects of shell sand content on soil physical properties and salt ions under simulated rainfall leaching34
Soil pH does not interfere with nitrification inhibitor efficiency for reducing N2O emissions from soils treated with concentrated vinasse and urea34
Effectiveness of conservation agriculture (tillage vs. vegetal soil cover) to reduce water erosion in maize cultivation (Zea mays L.): An experimental study in the sub-humid uplands of Guatemala33
Linking fungal community structure with soil nitrogen dynamics following forest conversion in a subalpine forest in China33
Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning – Implication for the assessment of carbon stock33
Long-term organic fertilizer substitution increases rice yield by improving soil properties and regulating soil bacteria33
Estimating soil bacterial abundance and diversity in the Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau33
Low-grade silicate minerals as value-added natural potash fertilizer in deeply weathered tropical soil33
Evidence for preservation of organic carbon interacting with iron in material displaced from retrogressive thaw slumps: Case study in Peel Plateau, western Canadian Arctic33
Soil inorganic carbon distribution, stocks and environmental thresholds along a major climatic gradient33
Enhanced plant growth in the presence of earthworms correlates with changes in soil microbiota but not nutrient availability33
Estimating and modelling the risk of redox-sensitive phosphorus loss from saturated soils using different soil tests32
Soil erosion models verification in a small catchment for different time windows with changing cropland boundary32
Crop rotational diversity enhances soil microbiome network complexity and multifunctionality32
Effect of snow cover on water content, carbon and nutrient availability, and microbial biomass in complexes of biological soil crusts and subcrust soil in the desert32
Applied gamma-ray spectrometry for evaluating tropical soil processes and attributes32
Organic matter governs weathering rates and microstructure evolution during early pedogenesis32
Timber plantations do not homogenize soil arthropod diversity but do alter species composition32
A multiple soil properties oriented representative sampling strategy for digital soil mapping32
Estimation of soil organic matter content based on spectral indices constructed by improved Hapke model32
CO2 can decrease the dissolution rate of ashed phytoliths32
Nitrous oxide emissions in Fe-modified biochar amended paddy soil are controlled by autotrophic nitrification32
Interaction of fulvic acid with soil organo-mineral nano-aggregates and corresponding phosphate release32
Comammox bacteria and ammonia oxidizing archaea are major drivers of nitrification in glacier forelands32
Genesis of lamellae in sandy soils: A case study in a semi-arid region in NE-Brazil32
Changes in pools of organic matter and major elements in the soil following prescribed pastoral burning in the central Pyrenees32
Using local ensemble models and Landsat bare soil composites for large-scale soil organic carbon maps in cropland32
Differences in the flow of spruce-derived needle leachates and root exudates through a temperate coniferous forest mineral topsoil32
Assessing digital elevation model resolution for soil organic carbon prediction32
Controls on labile and stabilized soil organic matter during long-term ecosystem development32
Is the organic carbon-to-clay ratio a reliable indicator of soil health?32
Legacy data-based national-scale digital mapping of key soil properties in India32
The Dutch soil physical units map: BOFEK32
Global meta-analysis reveals positive effects of biochar on soil microbial diversity32
Application of a triple 15N tracing technique to elucidate N transformations in a UK grassland soil32
Decreased CH4 emissions associated with methanogenic and methanotrophic communities and their interactions following Fe(III) fertiliser application in rice paddies31
Green more than brown food resources drive the effect of simulated climate change on Collembola: A soil transplantation experiment in Northeast China31
An improved estimate of soil carbon pool and carbon fluxes in the Qinghai-Tibetan grasslands using data assimilation with an ecosystem biogeochemical model31
Contribution of root decay process on soil infiltration capacity and soil water replenishment of planted forestland in semi-arid regions31
Changes in soil surface properties under simulated rainfall and the effect of surface roughness on runoff, infiltration and soil loss31
Anthropogenic and climatic shaping of soil nitrogen properties across urban-rural-natural forests in the Beijing metropolitan region31
Litter quality, mycorrhizal association, and soil properties regulate effects of tree species on the soil fauna community31
Biochar amendment benefits 15N fertilizer retention and rhizosphere N enrichment in a maize-soil system31
Soil organic C and N stock changes in grass-clover leys: Effect of grassland proportion and organic fertilizer31
Improved geochemical baseline establishment based on diffuse sources contribution of potential toxic elements in agricultural alluvial soils30
A Bayesian approach to understand controls on total and labile soil carbon in cultivated soils of Central and Southern Malawi30
Exploitation of the SoilPRO® (SP) apparatus to measure soil surface reflectance in the field: Five case studies30
National-scale mapping of soil-thickness probability in hilly and mountainous areas of Japan using legacy and modern soil survey30
Soil spectroscopy with the Gaussian pyramid scale space30
On the interpretation of surprisingly high variation of soil map diversity in country-wide study of flood-affected agroecosystems using the legacy data in the Czech Republic30
Evaluating soil water and salt transport in response to varied rainfall events and hydrological years under brackish water irrigation in the North China Plain30
Phosphorus solubility changes following additions of bioenergy wastes to an agricultural soil: Implications for crop availability and environmental mobility29
Effectiveness of mixed cultivated grasslands to reduce sediment concentration in runoff on hillslopes in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau29
Unveiling the explanatory power of environmental variables in soil organic carbon mapping: A global–local analysis framework29
Pixel-based spatiotemporal statistics from remotely sensed imagery improves spatial predictions and sampling strategies of alluvial soils29
Pre-conversion soil organic carbon level did not affect accumulation rate following conversion from arable land to semi-natural grassland29
Spatial distribution of plant-available silicon and its controlling factors in paddy fields of China29
Fragmentation alters the soil water conservation capacity of hillside alpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau29
Sensitivity of soil dust emissions to driving factor variability in earth's main drylands29
Improving Soil Quality Index Prediction by Fusion of Vis-NIR and pXRF spectral data29
Food security in a changing climate starts with managing soil water repellency29
Applying biochar under topsoil facilitates soil carbon sequestration: A case study in a dryland agricultural system on the Loess Plateau29
Use of composite samples and NIR spectroscopy to detect changes in SOC contents29
Effect of Nostoc commune cover on shallow soil moisture, runoff and erosion in the subtropics29
A global numerical classification of the soil surface layer29
Land use selectively impacts soil carbon storage in particulate, water-extractable, and mineral-associated forms across pedogenetic horizons29
Factors controlling peat soil thickness and carbon storage in temperate peatlands based on UAV high-resolution remote sensing28
On the parsimony, interpretability and predictive capability of a physically−based model in the optical domain for estimating soil moisture content28
New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates28
Forest gap regulates soil nematode community through understory plant diversity and soil pH28
Driving factors of variation in fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency in maize cropping systems across China and its microbial mechanism28
Exploring spatiotemporal dynamics in temporal stability of soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and pH in Tibetan grasslands28
Immediate and prolonged effects of snow coverage alteration on soil carbon dynamics and microbial activity: A meta-analysis28
Applications and challenges of digital soil mapping in Africa28
Digging deeper to find the effect of long-term greenhouse cultivation with excessive fertilization and irrigation on the structure and assemblage of soil bacterial community28
Regional-scale assessment of soil functions and resilience indicators: Accounting for change of support to estimate primary soil properties and their uncertainty28
Quantifying the influencing factors of the thermal state of permafrost in Northeast China28
Plant responses to nitrate and ammonium availability in Australian soils as measured by diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) and KCl extraction28
Drainage estimation across mountainous regions from large-scale soil moisture observations28
Using soil classification to improve interpretation of biological soil health indicators28
Do biodegradable microplastics cause soil inorganic carbon loss in calcareous soils?28
A systematic approach to predicting and mapping soil particle size distribution from unknown samples using large mid-infrared spectral libraries covering large-scale heterogeneous areas27
Non-typical degraded and regraded humus forms in metal-contaminated areas, or there and back again27
Pedogenic pathways and deep weathering controls on soil organic carbon in Pacific Northwest forest soils27
Developing spectrotransfer functions (STFs) to predict basic physical and chemical properties of calcareous soils27
Measuring sand content using sedimentation, spectroscopy, and laser diffraction27
Priming effect of stable C pool in soil and its temperature sensitivity27
Short- and long-term effects of animal manures and mineral fertilizer on carbon stocks in subtropical soil under no-tillage27
Global patterns and influencing factors of Mn accumulation in litter at different decomposition stages—A synthesis27
Global meta-analysis reveals differential effects of climate and litter quality on soil fauna-mediated litter decomposition across size classes27
Impact of burning on soil organic carbon of maize-upland rice system in Mae Chaem Basin of Northern Thailand27
Comparing laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and visible near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting soil properties: A pan-European study27
Artificial light at night triggers negative impacts on nutrients cycling and plant health regulated by soil microbiome in urban ecosystems27
Decadal warming-induced changes in abiotic factors and multitrophic diversity drive soil multifunctionality in an alpine meadow27
Legacy of plaggen agriculture: High soil organic carbon stocks as result from high carbon input and volume increase27
Using remote sensors to predict soil properties: Radiometry and peat depth in Dartmoor, UK27
Redox-driven changes in organic C stabilization and Fe mineral transformations in temperate hydromorphic soils26
Combining UAV remote sensing and pedological analyses to better understand soil piping erosion26
Assessing the accumulation efficiency of various microbial carbon components in soils of different minerals26
A novel retrieval model for soil salinity from CYGNSS: Algorithm and test in the Yellow River Delta26
Aluminum speciation in forest soils and forest floor density fractions using synchrotron-based XANES spectroscopy26
Linking root traits and soil moisture redistribution under Achnatherum splendens using electrical resistivity tomography and dye experiments26
Wetland microtopography alters response of potential net CO2 and CH4 production to temperature and moisture: Evidence from a laboratory experiment26
The validity domain of sensor fusion in sensing soil quality indicators26
Urban soil properties distinguished by parent material, land use, time since urbanization, and pre-urban geomorphology26
Stimulating effects of snow cover on gaseous nitrogen emissions are intensified by biological soil crusts26
Testing the feasibility of quantifying change in agricultural soil carbon stocks through empirical sampling26
Cumulative effects of salvage logging and slash removal on erosion, soil functioning indicators and vegetation in a severely burned area in NW Spain26
Enzymatic stoichiometry reveals phosphorus limitation-induced changes in the soil bacterial communities and element cycling: Evidence from a long-term field experiment26
Rangeland application of biochar and rotational grazing interact to influence soil and plant nutrient dynamics25
Spatial distribution of urea induced ammonia loss potentials of German cropland soils25
Soil addition improves multifunctionality of degraded grasslands through increasing fungal richness and network complexity25
Climate and intertidal zonation drive variability in the carbon stocks of Sri Lankan mangrove forests25
Quantifying sediment source contributions in an agricultural catchment with ephemeral and classic gullies using 137Cs technique25
The role of Nyctelia circumundata (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on litter fragmentation processes and soil fertility in northeastern arid patagonia25
Modelling changes in soil structure caused by livestock treading25
Relationships of priming effects with organic amendment composition and soil microbial properties25
Intensity and duration of exposure determine prokaryotic community response to salinization in freshwater wetland soils25
Estimating lime requirements for tropical soils: Model comparison and development25