
(The H4-Index of Geoderma is 47. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Soil skills challenge: A problem-based field competition towards active learning for BSc. Geoscience students232
The contribution of microbial activity to soil–water interactions and soil microstructural stability of a silty loam soil under moisture dynamics228
Improving soil organic carbon predictions from a Sentinel–2 soil composite by assessing surface conditions and uncertainties124
Litterfall quality modulates soil ammonium and nitrate supply through altering microbial function in bamboo encroachment of broadleaf forests121
Integrating multi-year crop inventories as a proxy for soil management within a digital soil mapping framework for predicting nitrogen indices117
Effect of smart phone cameras on color-based prediction of soil organic matter content110
Mapping the distribution, trends, and drivers of soil organic carbon in China from 1982 to 201997
Relationships between soil biodiversity and multifunctionality in croplands depend on salinity and organic matter93
Modeling dust emission in alpine regions with low air temperature and low air pressure – A case study on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP)88
Allocation of foliar-P fractions of Alhagi sparsifolia and its relationship with soil-P fractions and soil properties in a hyperarid desert ecosystem87
Modelling of soil mechanical stability and hydraulic permeability of the interface between coated biopore and matrix pore regions81
Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities and bacterial community composition to seasonal stages of drought in a semiarid grassland80
Use of cover crops in the southern Amazon region: What is the impact on soil physical quality?76
Estimating soil organic carbon stock change at multiple scales using machine learning and multivariate geostatistics76
How will permafrost carbon respond to future climate change? A new assessment for future thaw trends of permafrost carbon on the Tibetan Plateau75
Negative priming effect from tree leaf and root residues with contrasting chemical composition74
Soil physicochemical properties explain land use/cover histories in the last sixty years in China74
Effects of nitrogen addition and precipitation alteration on soil respiration and its components in a saline-alkaline grassland72
Soil dissolved organic matter quality and bacterial community composition regulate the substrate-binding affinity of hydrolytic enzymes under short-term nitrogen addition72
Preferential flow influences the temporal stability of soil moisture in a headwater catchment69
Lithology-driven soil properties control of N2O production by ammonia oxidizers in subtropical forest soils67
Impact of calcareous concretions on soil shrinkage of a Vertisol and their relation model development63
Microbial adaption to stoichiometric imbalances regulated the size of soil mineral-associated organic carbon pool under continuous organic amendments62
Molecular diversity and the fate of biochemical fractions of eucalypt tissues in soil62
Geochemical evidence of illuvial processes in clay-rich soils on limestones in a humid temperate climate62
Redox-driven changes in water-dispersible colloids and their role in carbon cycling in hydromorphic soils61
Temperature and moisture alter organic matter composition across soil fractions60
Effects of carbon input quality and timing on soil microbe mediated processes59
Nitrogen immobilization caused by chemical formation of black- and amide-N in soil58
Editorial Board56
Early indicators of pedogenesis at Harrat Khaybar volcano, Saudi Arabia53
Differentiation of fine-textured podzolic soils controlled by climate and landscape in Taiwan53
Stronger link of nosZI than nosZII to the higher total N2O consumption in anoxic paddy surface soils53
Field-ready methods for casting soil biopores53
Deforestation alters protease regulation by amino acids52
Visual assessment of soil structural quality across soil textures and compaction levels – Part II: Examination of profile walls vs Intact soil cores52
Mid-Holocene soil water and vegetation in the Xi’an area of the southern Chinese Loess Plateau52
Editorial Board52
Effects of forest fires on soil lead elemental contents and isotopic ratios50
Linkages between soil organic matter and magnetic mineral formation in agricultural fields in southeastern Minnesota, USA50
Editorial Board50
Storage of persistent organic matter in temperate gypsum soils –Relevance of the parent material and vegetation cover49
Factors limiting microbial N2O and CO2 production in a cultivated peatland overlying an acid sulphate subsoil derived from black schist49
Monitoring soil organic matter on grassland farms: An exploratory analysis48
Editorial Board48
Nitrogen-fixing tree species rather than tree species diversity shape soil nematode communities in subtropical plantations48
Using carbonate absorbance peak to select the most suitable regression model before predicting soil inorganic carbon concentration by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy47
Heat pulse probe design optimization using numerical simulation47
Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding47
Geochemical factors controlling the mobilization of geogenic cadmium in soils developed on carbonate bedrocks in Southwest China47
Mineral-organic interactions drive the aging and stabilization of exogenous Pb in soils47
Editorial Board47