Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

(The TQCC of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Redox classification and calibration of redox thresholds in sedimentary systems325
Elemental proxies for paleosalinity analysis of ancient shales and mudrocks322
Cadmium adsorption to clay-microbe aggregates: Implications for marine heavy metals cycling141
Pedogenic processes in loess-paleosol sediments: Clues from Li isotopes of leachate in Luochuan loess107
A global Bayesian temperature calibration for lacustrine brGDGTs90
The sulfur isotope evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: insights into ore-forming processes76
Fire distinguishers: Refined interpretations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for paleo-applications69
Uranium isotopes in marine carbonates as a global ocean paleoredox proxy: A critical review69
Potassium and its isotope behaviour during chemical weathering in a tropical catchment affected by evaporite dissolution66
Beyond redox: Control of trace-metal enrichment in anoxic marine facies by watermass chemistry and sedimentation rate63
The production of diverse brGDGTs by an Acidobacterium providing a physiological basis for paleoclimate proxies61
Two distinct episodes of marine anoxia during the Permian-Triassic crisis evidenced by uranium isotopes in marine dolostones58
Magmatic-hydrothermal tin deposits form in response to efficient tin extraction upon magma degassing57
The influence of native soil organic matter and minerals on ferrous iron oxidation57
Submarine groundwater discharge drives coastal water quality and nutrient budgets at small and large scales57
The effect of fluid-aided modification on the Sm-Nd and Th-Pb geochronology of monazite and bastnäsite: Implication for resolving complex isotopic age data in REE ore systems55
Bulk compositions of the Chang’E-5 lunar soil: Insights into chemical homogeneity, exotic addition, and origin of landing site basalts55
Molybdenum isotope ratios in Izu arc basalts: The control of subduction zone fluids on compositional variations in arc volcanic systems52
Salinity-controlled isomerization of lacustrine brGDGTs impacts the associated 51
The aqueous alteration of CM chondrites, a review50
Evidence for high organic carbon export to the early Cambrian seafloor50
Sulfate sulfur isotopes and major ion chemistry reveal that pyrite oxidation counteracts CO2 drawdown from silicate weathering in the Langtang-Trisuli-Narayani River system, Nepal Himalaya49
Potassium isotopic evidence for sedimentary input to the mantle source of Lesser Antilles lavas48
Calibration of the dual clumped isotope thermometer for carbonates48
In situ geochemical composition of apatite in granitoids from the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A window into petrogenesis45
An experimental study of basalt–seawater–CO2 interaction at 130 °C45
Magmatic fractionation and the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in rare metal granites: Evidence from Argemela (Central Portugal)45
A window into the abiotic carbon cycle – Acetate and formate in fracture waters in 2.7 billion year-old host rocks of the Canadian Shield44
Influence of sulfur on the mobility of arsenic and antimony during oxic-anoxic cycles: Differences and competition44
Synchronous sequestration of cadmium and fulvic acid by secondary minerals from Fe(II)-catalyzed ferrihydrite transformation43
The influence of thermal maturity on the stable isotope compositions and concentrations of molybdenum, zinc and cadmium in organic-rich marine mudrocks43
The influence of soil chemistry on branched tetraether lipids in mid- and high latitude soils: Implications for brGDGT- based paleothermometry43
Chromium isotopic insights into the origin of chondrite parent bodies and the early terrestrial volatile depletion42
Drivers of zirconium isotope fractionation in Zr-bearing phases and melts: The roles of vibrational, nuclear field shift and diffusive effects42
Exploring the importance of authigenic clay formation in the global Li cycle42
Thallium sorption and speciation in soils: Role of micaceous clay minerals and manganese oxides42
Source, transport and fate of terrestrial organic carbon from Yangtze River during a large flood event: Insights from multiple-isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, Δ14C) and geochemical tracers41
Uranium reduction and isotopic fractionation in reducing sediments: Insights from reactive transport modeling41
Iron, magnesium, and titanium isotopic fractionations between garnet, ilmenite, fayalite, biotite, and tourmaline: Results from NRIXS, ab initio, and study of mineral separates from the Moosilauke met40
Methane thermometry in deep-sea hydrothermal systems: Evidence for re-ordering of doubly-substituted isotopologues during fluid cooling40
Gold endowment of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle for giant gold deposits: Insights from lamprophyre dykes39
Dissolved potassium isotopic composition of major world rivers39
Thermal alteration of CM carbonaceous chondrites: Mineralogical changes and metamorphic temperatures39
Heavyδ57Fe in ocean island basalts: A non-unique signature of processes and 39
Lignin-enhanced reduction of structural Fe(III) in nontronite: Dual roles of lignin as electron shuttle and donor38
Effects of fluid boiling on Au and volatile element enrichment in submarine arc-related hydrothermal systems38
A comparison of marine Fe and Mn cycling: U.S. GEOTRACES GN01 Western Arctic case study38
Potassium isotopic fractionation during clay adsorption37
Neural network based process coupling and parameter upscaling in reactive transport simulations37
Global trends in novel stable isotopes in basalts: Theory and observations37
FROG: A global machine-learning temperature calibration for branched GDGTs in soils and peats37
The role of fluorine in granite-related hydrothermal tungsten ore genesis: Results of experiments and modeling36
Antimony isotope fractionation in hydrothermal systems36
Barium isotope evidence for crystal-melt separation in granitic magma reservoirs36
High and low affinity sites of ferrihydrite for metal ion adsorption: Data and modeling of the alkaline-earth ions Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Ra36
The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg – Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies35
Photochemistry after fire: Structural transformations of pyrogenic dissolved organic matter elucidated by advanced analytical techniques35
The Fe/S ratio of pyrrhotite group sulfides in chondrites: An indicator of oxidation and implications for return samples from asteroids Ryugu and Bennu35
Marine microbial Mn(II) oxidation mediates Cr(III) oxidation and isotope fractionation35
A temporal shift of chondrule generation from the inner to outer Solar System inferred from oxygen isotopes and Al-Mg chronology of chondrules from primitive CM and CO chondrites34
An experimentally-determined general formalism for evaporation and isotope fractionation of Cu and Zn from silicate melts between 1300 and 1500 °C and 1 bar34
The evolution of intra- and inter-molecular isotope equilibria in natural gases with thermal maturation34
Geochemistry of impact glasses in the Chang’e-5 regolith: Constraints on impact melting and the petrogenesis of local basalt34
Amphibole control on copper systematics in arcs: Insights from the analysis of global datasets34
High-resolution, long-term isotopic and isotopologue variation identifies the sources and sinks of methane in a deep subsurface carbon cycle34
Selective retention of extracellular polymeric substances induced by adsorption to and coprecipitation with ferrihydrite34
Contrasting fates of terrestrial organic carbon pools in marginal sea sediments33
A combined first principles and classical molecular dynamics study of clay-soil organic matters (SOMs) interactions33
Experimental constraints on Li isotope fractionation during the interaction between kaolinite and seawater33
Clumped isotopologue fractionation by microbial cultures performing the anaerobic oxidation of methane33
Giant Mesozoic gold ores derived from subducted oceanic slab and overlying sediments33
Calibration of carbonate-water triple oxygen isotope fractionation: Seeing through diagenesis in ancient carbonates33
Molecular dynamics simulations support the hypothesis that the brGDGT paleothermometer is based on homeoviscous adaptation33
Organic carbon and microbial activity in marine sediments on a global scale throughout the Quaternary32
Iron mineral transformations and their impact on As (im)mobilization at redox interfaces in As-contaminated aquifers32
Metastable solubility and local structure of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC)32
The role and fate of organic carbon during aging of ferrihydrite32
Cobalt concentration in a sulfidic sea and mobilization during orogenesis: Implications for targeting epigenetic sediment-hosted Cu-Co deposits32
Structure and properties of alkali aluminosilicate glasses and melts: Insights from deep learning32
Clumped isotope effects of thermogenic methane formation: Insights from pyrolysis of hydrocarbons31
Comparison of Ediacaran platform and slope δ238U records in South China: Implications for global-ocean oxygenation and the origin of the Shuram Excursion31
Chalcophile element partitioning between Cu-rich sulfide phases and silicate melt and implications for the formation of Earth’s continental crust31
Linking molecular composition to proton and copper binding ability of fulvic acid: A theoretical modeling approach based on FT-ICR-MS analysis31
Controls on the magnitude of Ce anomalies in zircon31
Phase separation and fluid mixing revealed by trace element signatures in pyrite from porphyry systems31
Multiple sulfur isotopes discriminate organoclastic and methane-based sulfate reduction by sub-seafloor pyrite formation31
Untangling the diagenetic history of uranium isotopes in marine carbonates: A case study tracing the δ238U composition of late Silurian oceans using calcitic brachiopod shells30
Large iron isotope variation in the eastern Pacific mantle as a consequence of ancient low-degree melt metasomatism30
The overlooked role of denitrifying bacteria in mediating vanadate reduction30
Potassium isotopic composition of low-temperature altered oceanic crust and its impact on the global K cycle30
The uranium isotopic record of shales and carbonates through geologic time30
Trace and major element incorporation into amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) precipitated from seawater30
Labile Fe(III) supersaturation controls nucleation and properties of product phases from Fe(II)-catalyzed ferrihydrite transformation30
A global reassessment of the controls on iron speciation in modern sediments and sedimentary rocks: A dominant role for diagenesis30
Uranium isotope compositions of biogenic carbonates – Implications for U uptake in shells and the application of the paleo-ocean oxygenation proxy30
Integrative analysis of the mineralogical and chemical composition of modern microbialites from ten Mexican lakes: What do we learn about their formation?30
Noble gases in CM carbonaceous chondrites: Effect of parent body aqueous and thermal alteration and cosmic ray exposure ages30
Inverse correlation between the molybdenum and uranium isotope compositions of Upper Devonian black shales caused by changes in local depositional conditions rather than global ocean redox variations29
Temporal evolution of δ44/40Ca and 87Sr/86Sr of carbonatites: Implications for crustal recycling through time29
Estimating ancient seawater isotope compositions and global ocean redox conditions by coupling the molybdenum and uranium isotope systems of euxinic organic-rich mudrocks29
Partitioning of sulfur between solid and liquid iron under Earth’s core conditions: Constraints from atomistic simulations with machine learning potentials29
New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites29
The formation and evolution of the Moon’s crust inferred from the Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of highlands rocks28
Reliability of detrital marine sediments as proxy for continental crust composition: The effects of hydrodynamic sorting on Ti and Zr isotope systematics28
Zinc isotope fractionation between Cr-spinel and olivine and its implications for chromite crystallization during magma differentiation28
Microbial reduction of Fe(III) in nontronite: Role of biochar as a redox mediator28
Sn(II) chloride speciation and equilibrium Sn isotope fractionation under hydrothermal conditions: A first principles study27
Deciphering a mantle degassing transect related with India-Asia continental convergence from the perspective of volatile origin and outgassing27
Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet27
Chemical characteristics of iron meteorite parent bodies27
Barium isotopes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids: A source of isotopically heavy Ba to the ocean27
Investigation of tungstate thiolation reaction kinetics and sedimentary molybdenum/tungsten enrichments: Implication for tungsten speciation in sulfidic waters and possible applications for paleoredox27
Clumped isotopes in modern marine bivalves27
Variations in wetland hydrology drive rapid changes in the microbial community, carbon metabolic activity, and greenhouse gas fluxes26
In situ U-Pb and geochemical evidence for ancient Pb-loss during hydrothermal alteration producing apparent young concordant zircon dates in older tuffs26
Lithium isotopic fractionation during weathering and erosion of shale26
Effective global mixing of the highly siderophile elements into Earth’s mantle inferred from oceanic abyssal peridotites26
Sr isotopes in arcs revisited: tracking slab dehydration using δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr systematics of arc lavas26
Equilibrium barium isotope fractionation between minerals and aqueous solution from first-principles calculations26
Facet-specific oxidation of Mn(II) and heterogeneous growth of manganese (oxyhydr)oxides on hematite nanoparticles25
Sunlight-triggered synergy of hematite and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in Cr(VI) removal25
Modern constraints on the sources and climate signals recorded by sedimentary plant waxes in west Greenland25
Constraints on isomers of dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments: Insights from ion mobility mass spectrometry25
Photocatalytic oxidation of dissolved Mn(II) on natural iron oxide minerals25
Development of carbonate-associated phosphate (CAP) as a proxy for reconstructing ancient ocean phosphate levels25
Molybdenum isotope-based redox deviation driven by continental margin euxinia during the early Cambrian25
Reconstructing the magnitude of Early Toarcian (Jurassic) warming using the reordered clumped isotope compositions of belemnites25
Extraterrestrial amino acids and amines identified in asteroid Ryugu samples returned by the Hayabusa2 mission25
Experimental and theoretical determinations of hydrogen isotopic equilibrium in the system CH4H2H2O from 3 to 200 °C25
The relationship between CM and CO chondrites: Insights from combined analyses of titanium, chromium, and oxygen isotopes in CM, CO, and ungrouped chondrites25
Nickel and its isotopes in the Amazon Basin: The impact of the weathering regime and delivery to the oceans24
The thermodynamics of rare earth element liberation, mobilization and supergene enrichment during groundwater-regolith interaction24
Neodymium isotopic constraints on Cenozoic Asian dust provenance changes linked to the exhumation history of the northern Tibetan Plateau and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt24
Mercury loss and isotope fractionation during high-pressure and high-temperature processing of sediments: Implication for the behaviors of mercury during metamorphism24
Nitrogen isotope fractionations among gaseous and aqueous NH4+, NH3, N2, and metal-ammine complexes: Theoretical calculations and applications24
Partial melting of a depleted peridotite metasomatized by a MORB-derived hydrous silicate melt – Implications for subduction zone magmatism24
Effects of redox variability and early diagenesis on marine sedimentary Hg records24
A deuterium-poor water reservoir in the asteroid 4 Vesta and the inner solar system23
Abiotic methane generation through reduction of serpentinite-hosted dolomite: Implications for carbon mobility in subduction zones23
Lithium isotope signatures of weathering in the hyper-arid climate of the western Tibetan Plateau23
Chemical speciation of mercury, sulfur and iron in a dystrophic boreal lake sediment, as controlled by the formation of mackinawite and framboidal pyrite23
The solubility of platinum in magmatic brines: Insights into the mobility of PGE in ore-forming environments23
Temporally and spatially dynamic redox conditions on an upwelling margin: The impact on coupled sedimentary Mo and U isotope systematics, and implications for the Mo-U paleoredox proxy23
Are oxygen isotope fractionation factors between calcite and water derived from speleothems systematically biased due to prior calcite precipitation (PCP)?23
Magma oceans, iron and chromium redox, and the origin of comparatively oxidized planetary mantles23
Partitioning of elements between high-temperature, low-density aqueous fluid and silicate melt as derived from volcanic gas geochemistry23
Sphalerite weathering and controls on Zn and Cd migration in mine waste rock: An integrated study from the molecular scale to the field scale23
Doubly substituted isotopologues of methane hydrate (13CH3D and 12CH2D2): Implications for methane clumped isotope effects, source apportionments and global hydrate reservoirs23
The cadmium and zinc isotope compositions of the silicate Earth – Implications for terrestrial volatile accretion23
First-principles calculation of iron and silicon isotope fractionation between Fe-bearing minerals at magmatic temperatures: The importance of second atomic neighbors23
Carbon isotope evidence for the substrates and mechanisms of prebiotic synthesis in the early solar system23
Decoupled Zn-Sr-Nd isotopic composition of continental intraplate basalts caused by two-stage melting process22
Enrichment and sources of REY in phosphate fractions: Constraints from the leaching of REY-rich deep-sea sediments22
The composition and redox state of bridgmanite in the lower mantle as a function of oxygen fugacity22
Molybdenum isotope composition of seep carbonates – Constraints on sediment biogeochemistry in seepage environments22
Effect of sulfur speciation on chemical and physical properties of very reduced mercurian melts22
Search for meteoritic GEMS I: Comparison of amorphous silicates in Paris and Acfer 094 chondrite matrices and in anhydrous chondritic interplanetary dust particles22
Nebular thermal processing of accretionary fine-grained rims in the Paris CM chondrite22
Clumped isotope thermometry in bivalve shells: A tool for reconstructing seasonal upwelling22
Thallium sorption by soil manganese oxides: Insights from synchrotron X-ray micro-analyses on a naturally thallium-rich soil22
The role of competitive fluid-rock interaction processes in the formation of high-grade gold deposits22
Oxidation of the deep big mantle wedge by recycled carbonates: Constraints from highly siderophile elements and osmium isotopes22
Genetics, age and crystallization history of group IIC iron meteorites22
Compositional and pressure controls on calcium and magnesium isotope fractionation in magmatic systems22
Effect of growth rate and pH on Li isotope fractionation during its incorporation in calcite22
Gold solubility in alkaline and ammonia-rich hydrothermal fluids: Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations21
Cassiterite deposition induced by cooling of a single-phase magmatic fluid: Evidence from SEM-CL and fluid inclusion LA-ICP-MS analysis21
Arsenic and iron speciation and mobilization during phytostabilization of pyritic mine tailings21
Dissolved iron cycling in the Arabian Sea and sub-tropical gyre region of the Indian Ocean21
40Ar/39Ar dating of basaltic rocks and the pitfalls of plagioclase alteration21
Constraining barium isotope fractionation in the upper water column of the South China Sea21
Conditions of chondrule formation in ordinary chondrites21
Controls of REY enrichment in the early Cambrian phosphorites21
Rubidium isotope fractionation during chemical weathering of granite21
Controls on the Cd-isotope composition of Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) organic-rich mudrocks from south Texas (Eagle Ford Group)21
Space weathering of iron sulfides in the lunar surface environment21
Uranyl binding mechanism in microcrystalline silicas: A potential missing link for uranium mineralization by direct uranyl co-precipitation and environmental implications21
Calcium isotopic fractionation during magma differentiation: Constraints from volcanic glasses from the eastern Manus Basin21
Widespread lithogenic control of marine authigenic neodymium isotope records? Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions21
The influence of Ca:CO3 stoichiometry on Ca isotope fractionation: Implications for process-based models of calcite growth21
Lithium isotopes and partition coefficients in inorganic carbonates: Proxy calibration for weathering reconstruction21
First-principles calculations of equilibrium nitrogen isotope fractionations among aqueous ammonium, silicate minerals and salts21
Correlated isotopic and chemical evidence for condensation origins of olivine in comet 81P/Wild 2 and in AOAs from CV and CO chondrites20
Synthetic fluid inclusions XXIII. Effect of temperature and fluid composition on rates of serpentinization of olivine20
A chemical weathering control on the delivery of particulate iron to the continental shelf20
Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotope constraints on crustal contamination and mantle source variation of three Fe-Ti-V oxide ore deposits in the Emeishan large igneous province20
An eclogitic component in the Pitcairn mantle plume: Evidence from olivine compositions and Fe isotopes of basalts20
The sulfate capacities of silicate melts20
High precision 26Al-26Mg chronology of chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: Evidence for restricted formation ages20
High precipitation rates characterize biomineralization in the benthic foraminifer Ammonia beccarii20
Amino acid δ13C and δ15N patterns from sediment trap time series and deep-sea corals: Implications for biogeochemical and ecological reconstructions in paleoarchives20
Iron oxides catalyze the hydrolysis of polyphosphate and precipitation of calcium phosphate minerals20
Effect of Fe–Ti oxides on Mo isotopic variations in lateritic weathering profiles of basalt20
A new mode of mineral replacement reactions involving the synergy between fluid-induced solid-state diffusion and dissolution-reprecipitation: A case study of the replacement of bornite by copper sulf20
Origin of low-MgO primitive intraplate alkaline basalts from partial melting of carbonate-bearing eclogite sources20
Magnesium and carbon isotope fractionation during hydrated Mg-carbonate mineral phase transformations20
Impact of Zn substitution on Fe(II)-induced ferrihydrite transformation pathways20
Refining the planktic foraminiferal I/Ca proxy: Results from the Southeast Atlantic Ocean20
238U, 235U and 234U in seawater and deep-sea corals: A high-precision reappraisal20
Modeling the impacts of diagenesis on carbonate paleoredox proxies20
High temperature generation and equilibration of methane in terrestrial geothermal systems: Evidence from clumped isotopologues20
Geochemistry of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure granitic melts produced by decompressional melting of deeply subducted continental crust in the Sulu orogen, east-central China20
Evidence for the essential role of CO2 in the volcanism of the waning Caroline mantle plume20
Evidence for early fragmentation-reassembly of ordinary chondrite (H, L, and LL) parent bodies from REE-in-two-pyroxene thermometry20
Dual clumped isotope thermometry of coral carbonate20
Phylogeny, alkenone profiles and ecology of Isochrysidales subclades in saline lakes: Implications for paleosalinity and paleotemperature reconstructions20
Magnesium and iron isotopic evidence of inter-mineral diffusion in ultramafic cumulates of the Peridotite Zone, Stillwater Complex19
Favorable P–T–ƒO2 conditions for abiotic CH4 production in subducted oceanic crusts: A comparison between CH4-bearing ultrahigh- and CO2-bearing high-pressure eclogite19
The ikaite to calcite transformation: Implications for palaeoclimate studies19
Coupled carbon and oxygen isotope model for pedogenic carbonates19
Collisions and compositional variability in chondrule-forming events19
Effects of sulfate reduction processes on the trace element geochemistry of sedimentary pyrite in modern seep environments19
Impact of salinity and carbonate saturation on stable Sr isotopes (δ88/86Sr) in a lagoon-estuarine system19
Intensified chemical weathering during Early Triassic revealed by magnesium isotopes19
Tourmaline boron isotopes trace metasomatism by serpentinite-derived fluid in continental subduction zone19
The Loongana (CL) group of carbonaceous chondrites19
Boron recycling in the mantle: Evidence from a global comparison of ocean island basalts19
Hydrothermal calcite-fluid REE partitioning experiments at 200 °C and saturated water vapor pressure19
Calcium isotope compositions of arc magmas: Implications for Ca and carbonate recycling in subduction zones19
Diffusion-driven Ca-Fe isotope fractionations in the upper mantle: Implications for mantle cooling and melt infiltration19
Variations in organic carbon sourcing along a trans-Himalayan river determined by a Bayesian mixing approach19
Aggregation reduces the release of bioavailable silicon from allophane and phytolith19
Iron and zinc stable isotope evidence for open-system high-pressure dehydration of antigorite serpentinite in subduction zones19
Winter mixing accelerates decomposition of sedimentary organic carbon in seasonally hypoxic coastal seas19
Secular variation in the elemental composition of marine shales since 840 Ma: Tectonic and seawater influences19
Isotope exchange between mercuric [Hg(II)] chloride and Hg(II) bound to minerals and thiolate ligands: Implications for enriched isotope tracer studies18
Zircon melt inclusions in mafic and felsic rocks of the Bushveld Complex – Constraints for zircon crystallization temperatures and partition coefficients18
Oxygen-isotope systematics of chondrules and olivine fragments from Tagish Lake C2 chondrite: Implications of chondrule-forming regions in protoplanetary disk18
Trajectory and timescale of oxygen and clumped isotope equilibration in the dissolved carbonate system under normal and enzymatically-catalyzed conditions at 25 °C18
Evaporation-induced copper isotope fractionation: Insights from laser levitation experiments18
Dramatic changes in the carbonate-hosted barium isotopic compositions in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform18
Antimonite oxidation by microbial extracellular superoxide in Pseudomonas sp. SbB118
Early global mantle chemical and isotope heterogeneity revealed by the komatiite-basalt record: The Western Australia connection18
Experiments quantifying elemental and isotopic fractionations during evaporation of CAI-like melts in low-pressure hydrogen and in vacuum: Constraints on thermal processing of CAIs in the protoplaneta18
Tellurium isotope cosmochemistry: Implications for volatile fractionation in chondrite parent bodies and origin of the late veneer18
Enigmatic super-heavy pyrite formation: Novel mechanistic insights from the aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Earth18
The role of crystal heterogeneity in alkali feldspar dissolution kinetics18
Potassium phases and isotopic composition in modern marine biogenic carbonates18
An experimental study of photo-oxidation of Fe(II): Implications for the formation of Fe(III) (hydro)oxides on early Mars and Earth18
Coupled variations in V-Fe abundances and isotope compositions in latosols: Implications for V mobilization during chemical weathering18
Synergy of oxalic acid and sunlight triggered Cr(III)-bearing Schwertmannite transformation: Reaction mechanism, Cr and C spatial distribution and speciation on the nano scale18
Preferential preservation of pre-aged terrestrial organic carbon by reactive iron in estuarine particles and coastal sediments of a large river-dominated estuary18
Diverse serpentinization and associated abiotic methanogenesis within multiple types of olivine-hosted fluid inclusions in orogenic peridotite from northern Tibet18
Theoretical estimates of equilibrium carbon and hydrogen isotope effects in microbial methane production and anaerobic oxidation of methane18
Carbonation of calcium-magnesium pyroxenes: Physical-chemical controls and effects of reaction-driven fracturing18
Equilibrium calcite-fluid Sr/Ca partition coefficient from marine sediment and pore fluids18
Atomic scale mechanism of clay minerals dissolution revealed by ab initio simulations18
40Ar behaviour and exhumation dynamics in a subduction channel from multi-scale 40Ar/39Ar systematics in phengite18
Variations of Mg isotope geochemistry in soils over a Hawaiian 4 Myr chronosequence18
Spatial characteristics and removal of dissolved black carbon in the western Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea18