Gems & Gemology

(The TQCC of Gems & Gemology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Separation of Natural Laboratory-Grown Diamond Using Time-Gated Luminescence Imaging8
Purple Gem Spinel from Vietnam and Afghanistan: Comparison of Trace Element Chemistry, Cause of Color, and Inclusions6
Naturally Colored Yellow and Orange Gem Diamonds: The Nitrogen Factor6
Optical Whitening and Brightening of Pearls: A Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study6
Inclusion and Trace Element Characteristics of Emeralds from Swat Valley, Pakistan6
Detection of Color Treatment and Optical Brightening in Chinese Freshwater "Edison" Pearls6
Pearl Classification: The GIA 7 Pearl Value Factors4
Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratios of Dolomite-Related Nephrite: Relevance for its Geographic Origin and Geological Significance4
Gem Topaz from the Schneckenstein Crag, Saxony, Germany: Mineralogical Characterization and Luminescence3
Namak Mandi: A Pioneering Gemstone Market in Pakistan3
A Canary in the Ruby Mine: Low-Temperature Heat Treatment Experiments on Burmese Ruby3
Measurement and Characterization of the Effects of Blue Fluorescence on Diamond Appearance3
Natural-Color D-to-Z Diamonds: A Crystal-Clear Perspective3
Unique Raindrop Pattern of Turquoise from Hubei, China3
Color Mechanism and Spectroscopic Thermal Variation of Pink Spinel Reportedly from Kuh-i-Lal, Tajikistan2
A Gemological and Spectroscopic Study with Mobile Instruments of “Emeralds” from the Coronation Crown of Napoleon III2
Mineral Inclusions in Sapphire from Basaltic Terranes in Southern Vietnam: Indicator of Formation Model2
Low-Temperature Heat Treatment of Pink Sapphires from Ilakaka, Madagascar2
History of Emerald Mining in the Habachtal Deposit of Austria, Part II2