Fundamenta Mathematicae

(The TQCC of Fundamenta Mathematicae is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On continuum-wise minimality7
(Weak) diamond can fail at the least inaccessible cardinal5
Translation invariant linear spaces of polynomials4
A limiting result for the Ramsey theory of functional equations3
A Krull–Remak–Schmidt theorem for fusion systems3
Characterizing the existence of a Borel complete expansion3
Orthogonality of measures and states3
Bosonic and fermionic representations of endomorphisms of exterior algebras3
High-dimensional sequential compactness3
On the local connectivity of attractors of Markov IFS3
On the scope of the Effros theorem2
Homological characterizations of $Q$-manifolds and $l_2$-manifolds2
Guts, volume and skein modules of 3-manifolds2
Definable towers2
There is a P-measure in the random model2
Constructions of Lindelöf scattered P-spaces2
One-dimensional Peano continua with zero-dimensional wild part1
Directional weak mixing and applications1
On the realisability of Smale orders1
On $C^0$-centralizers of Anosov diffeomorphisms on the torus: algebraic and topological aspects1
Logarithms, constructible functions and integration on non-archimedean models of the theory of the real field with restricted analytic functions with value group of finite archimedean rank1
Lipschitz functions on quasiconformal trees1
The universal factorial Hall–Littlewood $P$- and $Q$-functions1
Dehn quandles of groups and orientable surfaces1
Slopes and signatures of links1
Configuration spaces and directed paths on the final precubical set1
Restricted polynomial induction versus parameter free ordinary induction1
A dynamical approach to nonhomogeneous spectra1
Vaught's conjecture for theories admitting finite monomorphic decompositions1
Ergodicity in some families of Nevanlinna functions1
A lower bound for the Hanf number for joint embedding1
On the action of the ${\varSigma }(2,3,7)$ homology sphere group on its space of left-orders1
Destruction of CPE-normality along deterministic sequences1
A (possibly new) structure without the canonical base property1
On definable matchings in o-minimal bipartite graphs1
Projective Fra\xEFss\xE9 limits and generalized Wa\xBBewski dendrites1
Separation for isometric group actions and hyperimaginary independence1
Filters on a countable vector space1
Link homology and Frobenius extensions II1
Special groups and quadratic forms over rings with non-zero-divisor coefficients1
Surreal substructures1
Set theory with a proper class of indiscernibles1
Non-absoluteness of Hjorth’s cardinal characterization1
Strongly commuting interval maps1
The dynamics of measurable pseudo-Anosov maps1
Cantor sets as generalized inverse limits1
Morse foliations of codimension one on the sphere $S^{3}$1
Applications of infinity-Borel codes to definability and definable cardinals1
Weak normality properties in ${\varPsi }$-spaces1
Iterative roots of multifunctions1
Countable ordinals in indiscernibility spectra1
A note on the push-forward formulas for even orthogonal Grassmannians1
Countable discrete extensions of compact lines1
Almost everywhere convergence of nets of operators and weak type maximal inequalities1
Bilinear pairings on two-dimensional cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category1