Foreign Language Annals

(The H4-Index of Foreign Language Annals is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A process tracing study of the dynamic patterns of boredom in an online L3 course of German during COVID‐19 pandemic34
Using Expectancy Value Theory to understand motivation, persistence, and achievement in university‐level foreign language learning30
Was Krashen right? Forty years later26
Multimodality and translanguaging in negotiation of meaning25
Zooming across cultures: Can a telecollaborative video exchange between language learning partners further the development of intercultural competences?23
Anxiety in language teachers: Exploring the variety of perceptions with Q methodology23
Videoconferencing and the development of intercultural competence: Insights from students' self‐reflections19
Factors affecting the quality of online learning in a task‐based college course16
Gamifying the foreign language classroom for brain‐friendly learning15
Language teacher perspectives on stress and coping15
Assessing academic writing self‐efficacy belief and writing performance in a foreign language context14
Le français non‐binaire: Linguistic forms used by non‐binary speakers of French14
Teaching foreign language grammar: New solutions, old problems14
Predictors of willingness to communicate in a second language (L2 WTC): Toward an integrated L2 WTC model from the socio‐psychological perspective13
Foreign language speaking competence and self‐regulated speaking motivation13
The role of task repetition in a Korean as a foreign language classroom: Writing quality, attention to form, and learning of Korean grammar13
Mindfulness meditation and foreign language classroom anxiety: Findings from a randomized control trial13
Facilitating technology‐based character learning in emergency remote teaching13
Evaluating the reading and listening outcomes of beginning‐level Duolingo courses13
Critical language awareness and L2 learners of Spanish: An action‐research study13