Folia Primatologica

(The TQCC of Folia Primatologica is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Daily Travel Distances of Unhabituated Grauer’s Gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in a Low Elevation Forest9
The Vocal Repertoire of the Bearded Capuchin (Cebidae: Sapajus libidinosus): Implications for Understanding the Complexity of Neotropical Primate Communication8
A comparison of scan and focal sampling in estimating activity budgets, diet composition, and proximity patterns of a wild pair-living primate7
Population status of a nocturnal primate (the Philippine tarsier – Carlito syrichta, Linnaeus, 1758) in an agricultural area of Subayon, Bilar, Bohol7
Pygmy Marmoset Exudate Feeding Stimulates Exudate Production6
Characterizing the vaginal microbiome in a sexually fluid primate (Pan paniscus)6
Vocal repertoire of wild Andean night monkeys (Aotus lemurinus) in an Andean forest in Colombia5
Community participatory action to build a canopy bridge for wild black and gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) in northern Argentina5
Regional variation in the behavioral aspects of long-tailed macaques and its ecological determinants5
A new window into canopy bridges as a mitigation strategy for arboreal mammals4
Conservation education initiatives for elementary school students at La Suerte Biological Research Station, Costa Rica4
Social media’s potential to promote conservation at the local level: an assessment in eleven primate range countries4
Advancing primate conservation: a global collection of education and outreach initiatives4
The Influence of Seasonal Availability of Young Leaves on Dietary Niche Separation in Two Ecologically Similar Folivorous Lemurs4
Updated lemur species ranges in Madagascar’s Corridor Forestier d’Ambositra Vondrozo (COFAV)3
Promoting long-term local ownership of natural heritage through outreach: the case of the endemic Bolivian titi monkeys3
A Comparison of Focal and Opportunistic Sampling Methods when Studying Chimpanzee Facial and Gestural Communication3
Primates in the Hood (Primates en el Barrio): Improving knowledge of threatened primates through schools science projects in rural settings in San Martin, Peru3
The effect of artificial light at night on a nocturnal primate3
Arts-based analysis of conservation education field trips for young people to observe wild lemurs in Southern Madagascar3
Population estimates of the endangered Callithrix aurita and Callithrix hybrids records in a large Atlantic Forest remnant2
The effectiveness of artificial canopy bridges for the diurnal primates within a hydroelectric project in North Sumatra-Indonesia2
Book review2
Factors affecting nest height and ground nesting behaviour in Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo2
Behavioral responses of free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) to sudden loud noises2
Bridging the gap: assessing the effectiveness of rope bridges for wildlife in Singapore2
Structural re-design of the Animex Wildlife Bridge for the Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius): lessons learnt from two connectivity mitigation case studies in the UK2
Revisiting mandibular symphyseal shape in juvenile early hominins and modern humans using a deformation-based approach2
Gorilla Abundance Estimations within North-East Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, Gabon2
Effects of Rearing on the Behaviour of Zoo-Housed Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)2
Book review2
Front matter2
The impact of teaching method and learning style on student engagement: a formative assessment of a primate education programme2
Estimating the impact of the illegal trade of primates in Mexico: a potential threat to wildlife2
Diet of Grauer’s Gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in a Low-Elevation Forest2