Folia Biologica-Krakow

(The TQCC of Folia Biologica-Krakow is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Association Between Chronic Hepatitis B, Chronic Hepatitis C, Sustained Liver Damage, and Features of Increased Cardiovascular Risk8
New Contribution to the Knowledge on the Chromosome Numbers of Turkish Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)5
Evidence for the Existence of Two Prolactin Isoforms in the Developing Pituitary Gland of the Goose (Anser cygnoides)5
Sabahia polypodii gen. et sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Evacantihinae) and its Phylogenetic Position within the Nirvanini Tribe4
Dietary zinc deficiency increases damage rate and copy number of mitochondrial DNA in the mouse liver3
PLNGene Analysis in Horses: Multiway Approach for the Investigation and Validation of Molecular Variation3
The Life Cycle of Ctenothrips distinctus (UZEL, 1895) (Insecta: Thysanoptera) and its Influence on the Host Plant Convallaria majalis L.3
Nucleotide Variants in TheTLR5 Gene and Promoter Methylation with A Susceptibility to Brucellosis in Chinese Goats2
Microsatellite variation and population genetic structure of Anatolian mountain frogs2
A New Species of the GenusCrenubiotus (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada: Adorybiotidae) from Salt Spring Island, Strait of Georgia, British Columbia (Canada)2
Molecular and biological studies of nonindigenous and extremely rare fish species from the western Baltic reported from the Pomeranian Bay (southwest Baltic Proper)2
The Occurrence of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Samples Collected from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship2
Corrigendum to: Combined Therapy with Probiotic VSL#3 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Attenuates Colonic Injury and Inflammation in Chronic DNBS-induced Colitis in Mice1
Cytogenetic Diagnosis of a British Shorthair Tomcat with a 37, X/38, XY/39, XY+der(Y) Karyotype1
Novel cytogenetic data in two gudgeons from the genera Gobio and Romanogobio (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Gobionidae): chromosomal mapping of rDNAs and telomeric repeats1
Development ofFannia pusio(Diptera: Fanniidae) Under Controlled Temperature Conditions and its Enforcement in the Estimate of the Post-mortem Interval (PMI)1
Response to Global Warming of Eichwald's Toad,Bufo eichwaldiLitvinchuk, Borkin, Skorinov and Rosanov, 2008 (Anura; Amphibia) in Iran and Azerbaijan1
Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Blood Cells in Hayem's Solution – Stable or Not?1
In vitroSodium Fluoride Treatment Significantly Affects Apoptosis and Proliferation in the Liver of Embryonic Chickens1
Immunolocalisation and mRNA expression of selected sirtuins in the avian liver1
MiR-143 Mediates the TLR2/NF-κB Pathway to Attenuate AngII-induced Damage to VSMCs1
The Impact of Moderate Physical Exercise on the Rheological and Biochemical Properties of Blood in Osteoarthritis Patients Who Are Regular Winter Swimmers1
Genetic differentiation among autochthonous and cosmopolitan goat breeds based on information from microsatellite markers – a preliminary study1
Going down the rabbit hole: insight into the future of Paramecium (Ciliophora, Protista) biodiversity surveys1
A new leaf litter dwelling Adropion species (Tardigrada; Eutardigrada; Itaquasconinae) from the Northern Apennines (Italy)1
Effects of Exposure to a Glyphosate-Based Herbicide on Haematological Parameters, Plasma Biochemical Indices and the Microstructure of Selected Organs of the Common Carp ( Cyprinus carpio Linna1
Germ line restricted B chromosomes in grasshoppers1
Effects of an MCPA-based herbicide formulation on the common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 – haematological, biochemical and histological evaluation1
What Does the Haired Keel on the Shell Whorls of Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropoda, Tateidae) Mean?1
Potential role of gastro-intestinal microbiota in terrestrial snails1
Sampling hidden microbial eukaryotic biodiversity in the tropics: new insights from the Paramecium aurelia complex (Ciliophora, Protozoa)1
The Taxa of the Hyponephele lycaonH. lupina Species Complex (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): Deep DNA Barcode Divergence despite Morphological Similarity1
New Species of the Genus Richtersius Pilato & Binda, 1989 (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada: Richtersiusidae) from Uzbekistan1
Horse Tooth Enamel Ultrastructure: A Review of Evolutionary, Morphological, and Dentistry Approaches1
Distribution ofDrepanaphis acerifoliae– aphid pest of Acer trees – faced with global climate change1