Family Process

(The median citation count of Family Process is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Issue Information225
The mediation model of social status on the link between parental attachment, aggressive behavior, and psychological well‐being: Evidence from two studies in Vietnamese adolescents and young adults92
Relationship satisfaction among spouse caregivers of service members and veterans with comorbid mild traumatic brain injury and post‐traumatic stress disorder39
Profiles of racial discussions and associations with parent sociocultural factors and internalized racism in Asian American families31
Effect of support groups on caregiver’s quality of life26
Meaning Co‐Construction: Facilitating Shared Family Meaning‐Making in Bereavement21
Parenting experiences of single fathers: A meta‐synthesis21
“I miss not being able to offer my couples a box of tissues…”: Couples' and therapists' perspectives on the therapeutic alliance with the transition to online couple therapy20
Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Evaluating a General Meaning of Sex Measure18
“Don’t you care about the well‐being of your race?”: African American couples discuss racial differences involving criticisms of other Black people18
Parental socialization of mental health in Chinese American families: What parents say and do, and how youth make meaning18
The Intergenerational Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Hispanic Families: The Mediational Roles of Parental Depression and Parent–Adolescent Communication17
Caregiving stress and maternal mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic17
Generating mutual support in multifamily therapy to promote father involvement and family communication quality of Chinese families of adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A qual16
Couple and family therapy (and families) in the digital age16
Play and liberty: A brief incursion into some ideological currents in the history of systems‐oriented family therapy16
Gender identity differences in the experiences of family stressors and violence among transgender and non‐binary individuals in China15
Juntos hacemos la diferencia [together we make the difference]: A network analysis of Latinx caregivers' use of youth support services14
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Hispanic Sexual Minority Youth and their Parents14
A structural equation model of parenting and child's resilience after the earthquake in Türkiye13
“One man, one life, one marriage”: A qualitative analysis of Hmong women's divorce experiences13
“I think it’s communication and trust and sharing everything”: Qualitative evidence for a model of healthy intimate relationships in Black women living with HIV and men in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa13
Some subtleties of whiteness in the workplace: Steps for shifting the paradigm13
Different perceptual worlds: Parent and youth perspectives on parenting outcome trajectories from a Latino family‐based program13
Integrative Systemic Supervision: Promoting Supervisees’ Theoretical Integration in Systemic Therapy12
I can still hear my baby crying: The ambiguous loss of American Indian/Alaska Native birthmothers11
Sexual beliefs in couple relationships: Exploring the pathways of mindfulness, communication, and sexual functioning on sexual passion and satisfaction11
Recruitment and retention of diverse couples in relationship education with integrated economic services11
The impact of couple and family interventions11
The impact of responsible fatherhood programs on parenting, psychological well‐being, and financial outcomes: A randomized controlled trial11
Couple variables predicting retention in a brief intervention and research11
The Couple Flourishing Measure10
Early‐life family and school impacts on adolescent conduct problems: A path analysis10
Power and dialogue: A review of discursive research10
Emotion dysregulation and couple relationship satisfaction of clinical couples: An actor‐partner interdependence model10
Family‐centered profiles of mindful parenting: Longitudinal associations with negative parenting and youth emotional and behavioral problems10
Bolstering family therapy: Assimilating EMDR into ABFT in youth residential treatment10
How adult children of incarcerated parents experience ambiguous loss10
Dynamic characteristics of parent–adolescent closeness: Predicting adolescent emotion dysregulation9
Elevating Black fathers' experiences in the National Fatherhood Initiative: Strengths and areas for improvement of 24/7 Dad® curriculum and case management services9
Silencing or silent transmission? An exploratory study on trauma communication in Kurdish refugee families9
Sources of attitudes towards parent–child co‐sleeping and their effects: A systematic scoping review9
A socioemotional network perspective on momentary experiences of family conflict in young adults8
Prevalence and predictors of help‐seeking steps in a nationally representative Dutch sample of romantic couples8
Military couples’ childhood experiences and romantic relationship satisfaction: The role of accepting influence8
Psychological interventions for family members of people with psychological disorders with emotional dysregulation: Introduction to special section8
Couple relationship functioning and social adjustment during the transition to parenthood among fathers with a history of maltreatment8
Demonstrating Attachment‐Based Family Therapy for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth with Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior: A Case Study8
The efficacy of postdivorce intervention programs for children: A meta‐analytical review8
Differentiating competency from content: Parental racial socialization profiles and their associated factors8
Training of interventionists and cultural adaptation procedures: A systematic review of culturally adapted evidence‐based parenting programs in Africa8
Measuring “we‐ness” in couple relationships: A social identity approach7
Self‐compassion mediates the link between attachment security and intimate relationship quality for couples navigating pregnancy7
Family functioning within the context of families with adolescent children in urban India7
Impact of a digital relationship intervention for jailed individuals7
Actor–partner interdependence of socially prescribed parenting perfectionism and parental control in Chinese families7
Profiles of perceived resources among low‐income, rural mothers: Prospective associations with maternal and child outcomes7
The association between marital satisfaction and perceived coparenting in infancy: A longitudinal dyadic approach7
Economic strain and quality of life among families with emerging adult children: The contributions of family rituals and family problem‐solving communication7
Families post‐release: Barriers and pathways to family therapy7
The effects of COVID‐19 stressors and family life on anxiety and depression one‐year into the COVID‐19 pandemic7
Couples Therapists’ Attitudes Toward Online Therapy During the COVID‐19 Crisis7
Friendship as a lifeline: Navigating the precarious landscape of the US employment‐based immigration as women of color psychologists7
Parent‐adolescent coping with prolonged geopolitical conflict: A qualitative analysis focusing on distress and resilience7
An exploration of potential pressures to engage in parenting accommodation of PTSD symptoms for military couples6
Correction to Effectiveness of functional family therapy in a non‐Western context: Findings from a randomized‐controlled evaluation of youth offenders in Singapore6
A qualitative study on how intimate partner violence against women changes, escalates, and persists from pre‐ to postseparation6
Discrepancies in perceptions of PTSD symptoms among veteran couples: Links to poorer relationship and individual functioning6
Whose parenting stress is more vulnerable to marital dissatisfaction? A within‐couple approach examining gender, cognitive reappraisal, and parental identity6
Attachment‐based family therapy for sexual and gender minority young adults and their nonaccepting parents6
Strengthening lower‐income families: Lessons learned from policy responses to the COVID‐19 pandemic6
The third shift: Addressing emotion work in couple therapy6
The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale–Dyadic version: A new tool for the evaluation of the dyadic dysregulation in couple relationships6
Attending to the larger system in systemic therapy and family research6
Parenting in times of refuge: A qualitative investigation6
The Attachment Versus Differentiation Debate: Bringing the Conversation to Parent–Child Relationships6
Intergenerational solidarity with digital communication and psychological well‐being among older parents during the COVID‐19 pandemic6
“I know what you did”: Associations between relationship satisfaction and reported and suspected extramarital sex6
Bidirectional or unidirectional? Longitudinal associations between external stressors, perceived spousal support, and marital instability6
Marital satisfaction, parenting stress, and family alliance: Parental perspective taking as a moderator5
Couple relational ethics: From theory to lived practice5
Impact evaluation of the family expectations program and moderation by sociodemographic disadvantage5
Another editor's farewell5
Development and psychometric properties of the Chinese Invalidating Family Scale5
Replication and extension of the military family stress model: The after deployment adaptive parenting tools ADAPT4U study5
Susan M. Johnson (1947–2024)5
A conversation analysis of therapist repeats in open dialogue network meetings5
When not teaming up puts parents at risk: Coparenting and parental burnout in dual‐parent heterosexual families in Switzerland5
The multifaceted role of empathy in the transmission of postpartum depressive symptoms between parents5
Latent profile analysis of family and school supports among Chinese adolescents in stepfamilies5
Do couples who play together stay together? A longitudinal dyadic examination of shared leisure, financial distress, and relationship outcomes5
Etiologic mechanisms in an adapted family‐based preventive intervention for underage alcohol use in Mexico: Results of an exploratory pilot study5
Issue Information5
Issue Information5
Desire discrepancy in long‐term relationships: A qualitative study with diverse couples4
Is separate the new equal? A meta‐analytic review of correlates of intimate partner violence victimization for Black and White women in the United States4
Experiences of fathers caring for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: A meta‐synthesis4
Issue Information4
Toward tailored care for families with multiple problems: A quasi‐experimental study on effective elements of care4
Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: An observational study of an equine‐assisted intervention4
Researching what we practice—The paradigm of systemic family research: Part 24
“Turning back the clock”: A positive strategy for changing unacceptable youth behavior4
Effects of alcohol problem discrepancy on relationship adjustment: The moderating role of conflict negotiation among couples with alcohol use disorder and intimate partner violence4
Parental burnout during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Issue Information4
Family resources, resilience beliefs, and parental adaptation: A moderated mediation analysis4
Effects of family therapy for substance abuse: A systematic review of recent research4
Changes in Life Satisfaction in Couples after Successful In vitro Fertilization and Natural Pregnancy4
Issue Information4
Resolving relationship dissolution—What predicts emotional adjustment after breakup?4
Relational recovery after infidelity as a dual process: A model based on the experiences of female injured partners4
Positive experiences in the parent–child relationship during the COVID‐19 lockdown in Poland: The role of emotion regulation, empathy, parenting self‐efficacy, and social support4
Military couples' experiences in the aftermath of a cancelled deployment4
Issue Information4
A South‐to‐South Cultural Adaptation of an Evidence‐Based Parenting Program for Families in the Philippines4
Issue Information4
The role of veterans' PTSD symptoms in veteran couples' insomnia4
Caste and Black intergenerational racial trauma in the United States of America3
Differential impact of stay‐at‐home orders on mental health in adults who are homeschooling or “childless at home” in time of COVID‐193
Concurrent randomized control trials of the 1‐year efficacy of two couple relationship education programs: ELEVATE and Couples Connecting Mindfully3
Parent‐to‐child aggression, intimate partner aggression, conflict resolution, and children’s social–emotional competence in early childhood3
Mexican immigrant parents’ hopes for their children and parenting strategies in different immigration climates3
Critical consciousness and anti‐racist action as rooted in family processes3
Implementing Open Dialogue approaches: A scoping review3
Addressing power in couples therapy: Integrating socio‐emotional relationship therapy and emotionally focused therapy3
Love in the time of COVID‐19: A systematic mapping review of empirical research on romantic relationships one year into the COVID‐19 pandemic3
An intergenerational study of parental bonding on perceptions of parental and spousal criticism and marital relationship quality in Singapore3
Risk, resilience and family relationships among at‐risk Ethiopian immigrant youth in Israel: A focus group investigation3
Linking child adjustment difficulties with mother's maladaptive parental behavior: The mediating roles of parental cognitions and parenting stress3
Treatment efficacy of multiple family therapy in helping Chinese children of depressed parents in Hong Kong, China3
Dealing with couple infidelity in romantic relationships: A group intervention feasibility study3
Longitudinal associations between relational and sexual well‐being in couples transitioning to parenthood3
A Systematic Review of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in Romantic Relationships3
Predictors of change in relationship satisfaction among Black postpartum mothers3
Longitudinal impact of caregiver transition and family caregiving on psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial functioning among persons with schizophrenia in rural China3
A closer look at the demographics of same‐sex marriage in the United States: Implications for research, practice, and policy3
“I never told my family I was grieving for my mom”: The not‐disclosing‐grief experiences of parentally bereaved adolescents and young adults in Chinese families3
Exploring the factors contributing to parent stress symptoms during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Europe: An ABC‐X model approach3
Culturally humble and anti‐racist couple and family interventions for African Americans3
Clinical identification of a specific psychic envelope in families with anorexic symptoms3
Family reaction to coming out (FRCO): A Spanish adaptation and validation of perceived parental reactions scale3
Ending the silo effect: A test of the relational domain spillover model3
Learning from within: Therapists' actions in daily clinical practice3
Sociocultural Attunement to Vulnerability in Couple Therapy: Fulcrum for Changing Power Processes in Heterosexual Relationships3
Keeping your coparent in mind: A longitudinal investigation of mindfulness in the family system3
Observations of parentadolescent interactions relate to food parenting practices and adolescent disordered eating in adolescents at risk for adult obesity3
Congruence couple therapy for alcohol use and gambling disorders with comorbidities (part I): Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial3
Relationship risk factors for intimate partner violence among sexual and gender minorities: A multilevel analysis3
Military‐related stress, self‐efficacy, and anxiety: Investigating the role of marital quality in military couples2
Child‐oriented family therapy in China: A cross‐cultural application of integrative family therapy targeting children aged 4–102
Iranian Women’s Divorce Style: A Qualitative Study2
Sibling relationships among U.S. citizen children of undocumented Mexican parents2
The effect of multiple family therapy on mental health problems and family functioning: A systematic review and meta‐analysis2
Obituary: Honoring and remembering—Dr. Evan Imber‐Black (May 19, 1944–May 29, 2024)2
Interparental conflict and adolescent emotional security across family structures2
Effects of sexual orientation‐based prejudice and discrimination in family of origin on depressive symptoms and life satisfaction in a Chinese sample: Reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety as mode2
An ultra‐brief systemic intervention to address child mental health symptomatology2
The longitudinal impact of an evidence‐based multiple family group intervention (Amaka Amasanyufu) on family cohesion among children in Uganda: Analysis of the cluster randomized SMART Afr2
Living with spousal loss: Continuing bonds and boundaries in remarried widows’ marital relationships2
“Family Connections”, a program for relatives of people with borderline personality disorder: A randomized controlled trial2
Bidirectional longitudinal relationships between parents' marital satisfaction, parenting stress, and self‐compassion in China2
The bidirectional connection between family functioning and psychopathology: A network analysis in a large sample of adolescents with anorexia nervosa and their parents2
Therapist Adherence to Two Treatments for Adolescent Suicide Risk: Association to Outcomes and Role of Therapeutic Alliance2
The Alliance–Outcome Association in Couple Therapy: A Common Fate Model2
Adapting a Coparenting‐Focused Prevention Program for Latinx Adolescent Parents in a School Context2
The Co‐Parenting Across Family Structures Scale: Replication for Mandarin parents2
Preventing child mental health problems in southeastern Europe: Feasibility study (phase 1 of MOST framework)2
Issue Information2
Trajectories of relationship and individual functioning among waitlisted couples for an online relationship intervention2
Between Vulnerability and Resilience: Parents of Transgender Young Adults2
Caregiver openness in emotionally focused family therapy: A critical shift2
A Closer Examination of Relational Outcomes from a Pilot Study of Abbreviated, Intensive, Multi‐Couple Group Cognitive‐Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD with Military Dyads2
Issue Information2
Marital satisfaction, parenting styles, and child outcomes in families of autistic children2
Parents in couple therapy: An intervention targeting marital and coparenting relationships2
Issue Information2
Perceived discrimination and Latina college students' depressive symptoms: The roles of dyadic coping with sisters and familism values2
Emotion regulation of the family therapist2
Assessing the effectiveness and feasibility of the Experienced Carers Helping Others program in relatives of adolescents with eating disorders using an online application format with individual sessio2
Strategizing: The state of the art in the Milan School2
Transgenerational association of mentalization with child mental health: A scoping review2
Parent immigration stress predicts youth externalizing behavior trajectories among Latino families in an emerging immigrant context2
“They're not my daughter, and yet…they're also not my son”: Parents negotiating their adult child's nonbinary gender identity2
The relationship between familial factors and youth mental health outcomes in Korean American families: The mediation effects of youth's negative emotionality2
Development and implementation of a relationship‐focused outpatient multifamily program for adolescent anorexia nervosa2
Parental worry about children: Scale development and validation among Chinese parents of preschool children2
Culturally adapting an evidence‐based parenting intervention for the Chilean context: Balancing fidelity, context, and cultural relevance2
Love in the time of COVID‐19: A brief report on relationship and individual functioning among committed couples in the United States while under shelter‐in‐place orders2
Divorced and separated parents during the COVID‐19 pandemic2
A special section: Contributions of family science to anti‐racism efforts2
Sexual intimacy and aging: An integrative framework to promote intimacy resilience in couple therapy2
Session‐to‐session bidirectional associations of alliance with depressive symptoms and relationship satisfaction2
Positive and negative family communication and mental distress: Married service members during a non‐combat deployment2
Putting parental overprotection into a family systems context: Relations of overprotective parenting with perceived coparenting and adolescent anxiety2
Enhancing Caregiving in Traumatized Families: An Attachment‐Centered Approach to Working with Parent Groups2
Parent–Child Relationship Quality in the Family of Origin and Later Romantic Relationship Functioning: A Systematic Review2
Introduction to special section: Federally funded, community‐based healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood program impact studies2
Anxiety in the family: A five‐wave random‐intercept cross‐lagged panel analysis of dynamic reciprocal associations between father, mother, and child anxiety2
Searching for who benefits most and least: An analysis of moderators of the TRUE Dads fatherhood intervention2
Activism, Growth, and Empowerment of Israeli Parents of Children With Disabilities2
One way or another…or both: Different roles of fathers, mothers, and adolescents in the intergenerational transmission of inclusive attitudes2
Fathers' experiences with supportive parenting interventions: A qualitative systematic review2
The therapeutic alliance in couple therapy: Patterns by treatment and sex in a randomized controlled trial of emotionally focused therapy and treatment as usual2
Issue Information2
Becoming what you are seeking: Building Relational Self‐Awareness in emerging adults2
Maternal and adolescent depressive symptoms and family conflict: An autoregressive cross‐lagged examination of competing models in multi‐stressed mothers and adolescents2
Emancipatory approaches in couples' intervention research2
Pilot project for a recovery‐oriented, DBT‐informed skill‐building education course for families of adults with borderline personality, bipolar or major depressive disorders2
Parent and child adjustment dual trajectories at the beginning of the COVID‐19 syndemic2
A call for health justice: Striving toward health equity at a community health center2
Latina mothers' cultural orientation and child self‐esteem: The mediating role of cultural socialization2
Losing a parent during childhood: The impact on adult romantic relationships2
TRUE Dads: The impact of a couples‐based fatherhood intervention on family relationships, child outcomes, and economic self‐sufficiency2
Relationship‐undermining statements by psychotherapists with clients who present with marital or couple problems2
Bidirectional relationships between parenting stress and child behavior problems in multi‐stressed, single‐mother families: A cross‐lagged panel model1
“Saying ‘I'm not okay’ is extremely risky”: Postpartum mental health, delayed help‐seeking, and fears of the child welfare system among queer parents1
Building bridges through cultural adaptation: Examining the initial impact of a culturally adapted parent training intervention for the Chilean context1
Family Dynamics in Dementia Caregiving: Development and Validation of the Interpersonal Triggers of Guilt in Dementia Caregiving Questionnaire (ITGDCQ)1
Mobile application for couple relationships: Results of a pilot effectiveness study1
Differentiation of self, anxiety, triangling and distress: A test of Bowen theory1
Siblings’ Perspectives of the Impact of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure on Sibling and Family Relationships1
Factor structure, internal consistency, and construct validity of the Caregiver strain questionnaire in Latinx families1
“A cuff is not enough”: A community‐based participatory research approach to soliciting perspectives of African Americans with hypertension and their family members on self‐management<1
Effectiveness of community‐based family‐focused interventions on family functioning among families of children with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta‐analysis1
Effectiveness of Functional Family Therapy in a Non‐Western Context: Findings from a Randomized‐Controlled Evaluation of Youth Offenders in Singapore1
An application of the Biobehavioral Family Model: Examining the impact of maternal depression on child asthma mediated by insecure attachment and child depression1
Better together: Relationship quality and mental health among cardiac patients and spouses1
Trajectories of Chinese paternal emotion‐related socialization behaviors during early adolescence: Contributions of father and adolescent factors1
Emotion regulation as affective neoliberal governmentality1
Parents' anti‐Black messages, empathic reactions toward racism, fear of Black individuals, and perceived ability to engage in anti‐racism advocacy among Asian American emerging adults1
The impact of cultural stress on family functioning among Puerto Rican displaced families and the effect on mental health1
Toward a culturally sensitive application of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy: A qualitative study of therapists' experience using EFT in Spanish‐speaking countries/cultures1
Attachment and family functioning across three generations1
The use of emotionally focused therapy with polyamorous relationships1
Religious Coping and Gender Moderate Trajectories of Marital Love among Black Couples1
Cultural Adaptation of Group Parenting Programs: Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Best Practices1
Family Resilience in a Resource‐Cursed Community Dependent on the Oil and Gas Industry1
Mattering and parental presence in systemic therapy using nonviolent resistance: The utilization of imaginary methods1
Two pathways to Mexico: Forced deportation or voluntary return of parents and US citizen children1
Coparenting as a mediator between physical custody arrangements and children's mental health1