Family Process

(The H4-Index of Family Process is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Issue Information225
The mediation model of social status on the link between parental attachment, aggressive behavior, and psychological well‐being: Evidence from two studies in Vietnamese adolescents and young adults92
Relationship satisfaction among spouse caregivers of service members and veterans with comorbid mild traumatic brain injury and post‐traumatic stress disorder39
Profiles of racial discussions and associations with parent sociocultural factors and internalized racism in Asian American families31
Effect of support groups on caregiver’s quality of life26
Parenting experiences of single fathers: A meta‐synthesis21
Meaning Co‐Construction: Facilitating Shared Family Meaning‐Making in Bereavement21
“I miss not being able to offer my couples a box of tissues…”: Couples' and therapists' perspectives on the therapeutic alliance with the transition to online couple therapy20
Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Evaluating a General Meaning of Sex Measure18
“Don’t you care about the well‐being of your race?”: African American couples discuss racial differences involving criticisms of other Black people18
Parental socialization of mental health in Chinese American families: What parents say and do, and how youth make meaning18
The Intergenerational Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Hispanic Families: The Mediational Roles of Parental Depression and Parent–Adolescent Communication17
Caregiving stress and maternal mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic17
Generating mutual support in multifamily therapy to promote father involvement and family communication quality of Chinese families of adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A qual16
Couple and family therapy (and families) in the digital age16
Play and liberty: A brief incursion into some ideological currents in the history of systems‐oriented family therapy16