Forum Italicum

(The median citation count of Forum Italicum is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Gabriele d’Annunzio’s Notturno, the book of the Italian war: Political commitment, national regeneration and its ideological roots3
“Io credo…”: “Professing” faith in Paradiso 242
Connettivi e unità fraseologiche in italiano L2: un’indagine parallela2
Challenges and opportunities for teaching Italian as a second language: A case study at the University of Toronto Mississauga2
Sfida al pianeta di Anna Rinonapoli: Intertestualità tra fantascienza ecologica, Stanislaw Lem e Dante1
A less perfect captain: Reconsidering Goffredo in the Gerusalemme Liberata1
Join or die: How deontological moral intuitions complicate cooperation amid the COVID-19 pandemic1
Where is (and what is) Lucania? Exploring place name changes in Basilicata and the reasons behind them1
The impact of geofactors on the formation of language islands and minority languages: The case of Cimbrian, Ladinian and Sardinian1
History trapped into eternity: Kinesis and stasis in The Leopard1
Da Milano a Londra. Paolo Valera tra reportage, giornalismo e letteratura1
Renaissance domestic affairs on stage: Clizia as Machiavelli's reading of Alberti's On Family1
Levels of reality, and of verisimilitude, in Malerba's Il pianeta azzurro1
Il racconto innominato. Analisi del paratesto di Centuria. Cento piccoli romanzi fiume di Giorgio Manganelli1
Book review: Daniela Bombara e Serena Todesco (a cura di), Studi di Italianistica in Africa Australe/Italian Studies in Southern Africa. Fantastika! Terrore, soprannaturale, fantascienza, utopia e 1
Introduction: Critical issues in Transnational Italian Studies1
The Italian Americans’ pro-fascist lobby in the United States: Continuities and discontinuities with the liberal regime1
Italian Canadian italophone fiction: The works of Nino Famà1
accipiendo vel compilando ab aliis”: De vulgari eloquentia 1.1. Reading Dante with Dante: A contribution to Dante’s theory of language1
A stranger in the villaggio: Italian Studies, American Studies, jazz, and the transnational turn0
The New York Times in the face of fascism0
Book review: Giona Tuccini, Nostalgia dell’abisso. I romanzi di Enrico Pea degli anni Trenta0
Dante, fatherhood, and starvation behind bars0
D’Annunzio, Libreria Editrice Lombarda and Il Rinascimento (1905–1906)0
Papini esoterico: L’occultismo come “millenario intruglio di ermetismo e di cabala”0
Translation and colonial landscapes: Ethiopia in A Time to Kill by Ennio Flaiano0
Dana Gioia's transcultural ecopoetics: The Latin legacy of a California poet0
Circulating melody in the key of sapphire: Paradiso 230
Edward Corsi's La Settimana: Italianità as a guiding principle of progress in a new land0
Tra Io-ego ed Io-soggetto: La formazione etica del Sé in Io e te (2010) di Niccolò Ammaniti0
Book review: Daniela Bini, Portrait of the Artist and His Mother in Twentieth-Century Italian Culture0
Talking Black Europe, identities and languages: A conversation with Emmanuelle Maréchal (co-creator of BlackcoffeePodcast)0
Building space for belonging: The Critical Race, Diasporas, and Migrations Caucus (CRDM)0
Book review: Daniela D’Eugenio and e Alberto Gelmi (a cura di), Rappresentare per includere0
Locating pitfalls in the EU gender equality policy0
Modernity’s fears of depopulation and sterility in Mario Sironi’s urban landscapes0
Multiple transitions in the works of Susan Caperna Lloyd0
Far from the homeland: Dishonour and redemption in Mario Monicelli's The Girl with the Gun0
The king and the beast: Political and poetic shifts in Boccaccio's Alcestus0
L’eco del fossile: La poesia in napoletano di Antonio Calabrese0
Multilingualism and activism in Italian studies0
Dante Della Terza (1924–2021)0
‘My Father's God’: John Fante, confession and Italianness0
«Accetto, ma vorrei nascere a caso». Alcune considerazioni su Procacciatori d'affari0
Dante in the Chinese context: Translation, study and teaching0
Book review: Rosana Masiola and Sabrina Cittadini, The Golden Dawn of Italian Fashion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Maria Monaci Gallenga0
Book review: Paolo Desogus (ed.), Il Gramsci di Pasolini: Lingua, letteratura e ideologia0
Gender, Homeland, and Homecoming in Sarrocchi's Scanderbeide0
A Victorian taste of Italy: Situating the “Italian-Swiss Colony” in California wine culture0
Lo spazio dell’etica nella poesia contemporanea0
Del Convivio e del perché Bartolo da Sassoferrato non lo conoscesse0
“Una sostanza instabile per definizione”: Primo Levi dall’esperienza del lavoro in fabbrica alla stesura dei racconti0
Book review: Maddalena Tirabassi and Alvise Del Pra’, Il mondo si allontana? Il COVID-19 e le nuove migrazioni italiane0
Pure act, impure act: A critical comparison between Giovanni Gentile and Antonio Gramsci0
Sexual identity and Fascist space in Milena Milani's Storia di Anna Drei0
Book Review: Piero Garofalo, Elizabeth Leake, and Dana Renga, Internal Exile in Fascist Italy: History and Representations of Confino0
Book Review: Ugo Perolino, Il remo di Ulisse. Saggi sulla poesia e la poetica di Luigi Ballerini0
Dante e i nomi di Dio per perifrasi0
Transplanting Italo-Africa: The Monumento ai caduti d’Africa at Siracusa from colonial conception to Italian construction0
Book review: Anthony Julian Tamburri, A Politics of [Self-]Omission: The Italian/American Challenge in a Post-George Floyd Age0
Book review: Patrizia Vicinelli, La nott’e’l giorno. L’opera poetica0
John Fante's Ask the Dust: Between art and self-dramatisation0
Timira, romanzo meticcio e stratificato0
La doppia natura dei suicidi del canto XIII dell’Inferno: un parallelismo con la dualità onda-particella nella fisica quantistica0
Se non scritto, almen dipinto”: The ethos of becoming in Purgatorio 28–330
Book review: Natalie Crohn Schmitt, Performing Commedia dell’Arte, 1570–16300
Geographical maps meet place names where languages meet dialects: The case of Italian0
Verga, Tozzi e il “progresso del realismo”. Sul primo Rimanelli romanziere e critico0
Book review: Antonio Gramsci, Edizione nazionale degli scritti di Antonio Gramsci. Scritti (1910–1926). V. 3, 19180
Olmi and Pasolini: Industrialisation, the underdog and ‘ecological eschatology’ in Manon finestra 2 (1956) and Grigio (1957)0
The artistic program of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Dante’s liturgical imagination0
Un’altra casa II: La proposta culturale per l’emigrazione italiana di Cronache d’Italia (1948–63)0
“Ave o grandissima donna di questo secol novo”: Stefania Türr e La Madre Italiana (1916–1919)0
Book review: David Lummus (ed.), The Decameron Sixth Day in Perspective0
Dante, Matelda, Proserpina0
Leone Traverso traduttore e interprete del Torquato Tasso di Goethe0
The Italian Scapigliatura in New York0
The Transnational Italian Studies major at UCSB: A paradigm shift0
衣食住行 (clothing, food, residence, and mobility) in scholarly practices of Transnational Italian Studies0
Rileggere De Sanctis con “forza allegra” e spirito ribelle0
My air Armada: Italo Balbo's transatlantic flights as a multimedia storytelling machine0
Sull’umiltà nella Commedia0
Book Review: Rocco Rubini, Posterity. Inventing Tradition from Petrarch to Gramsci0
Levi, Bradbury e l’Ecclesiaste. Intertestualità e interdiscorsività in Trattamento di quiescenza0
Place and transmemory in California Italian American literary narratives: Dorothy Bryant's Miss Giardino0
When life imitates art0
Book review: Saskia Ziolkowski, Kafka's Italian Progeny0
Book review: Matthew Collins, Reading Dante with Images0
Il disaccordo tra commentatori sulle pagine Facebook dei politici: indicatori tecnici e linguistici della reattività0
The two voices of the first Italian Canadian poet: Liborio Lattoni, fascist racial propaganda, and the legacy of Giacomo Leopardi0
La Sicilia di Carlo Levi fra mito e realtà0
Translating, repositioning, reframing: On the transatlantic routes of objects and memories0
Is Dante a pilgrim? Pilgrimage, material culture, and modern Dante criticism0
Book review: Beatrice Barbalato, Carmelo Bene: l’originale è infedele alla copia0
Book review: Antonia Rubino, Anna Rita Tamponi e John Hajek (ed.), L’italiano in Australia. Prospettive e tendenze nell’insegnamento della lingua e della cultura / Italian in Australia. Perspective0
Bel canto among the barricades: Rossini, his music, and history0
Book review: Eugenio Refini, The Vernacular Aristotle: Translation as Reception in Medieval and Renaissance Italy0
Dante as a Florentine lyrical author0
Seeking normalità in Alberto Moravia’s Il conformista: Towards an Italian history of the homosexual fascist in postwar memory0
Enacting alternatives to nationalist essentialising in language learning: Students’ voices0
Buzzati and Nabokov: It is not about desire0
Transnational and decolonial Italian Studies: Beyond the focus on curriculum renewal0
Book Review: Mario Masini, I miei film con Carmelo Bene, a cura di Carlo Alberto Petruzzi0
Book review: Jo Ann Cavallo, The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo (1884–1947). The Paladins of France in America0
Transnational perspectives: Pedagogical practices0
Via Ripetta 155: The last piece of Clara Sereni’s life writing story0
Giorgio's return to New York: The so-called ‘late’ de Chirico and American criticism (1972–2023)0
Labor of love? Cooking, chaos, and consumption in Clara Sereni's Keeping House0
Book review: Sarah Chihaya, Merve Emre, Katherine Hill and Jill Richards The Ferrante Letters: An Experiment in Collective Criticism0
The sleep of reason breeds monsters: Antonfrancesco Grazzini and the vertigo of the irrational0
Edward Lear, the Illustrated Excursions in Italy and the Making of a Tourist Imaginary0
Book review: Zygmunt G. Barański, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio: Literature, Doctrine, Reality0
“The homeland is on the ship:” D’Annunzio's La nave and the construction of nationhood0
Fake news: aspetti linguistici di un nuovo genere testuale0
Franco Fido (1931–2020)0
Book Review: José Custódio de Faria, Della causa del sonno lucido o Studio sulla natura dell’uomo0
Book review: Enrica Maria Ferrara (ed.), Posthumanism in Italian Literature and Film: Boundaries and Identity0
Convenzioni matrimoniali, emancipazione e consenso femminile in epoca medioevale: La voce della Compiuta Donzella di Firenze0
Scienza, poesia e cinema. I film di Leonardo Sinisgalli0
The fiction of colorblind Italy and Orio Vergani's Io, povero negro (1929)0
Book Review: Gianluca Rizzo, Poetry on Stage: The Theatre of the Italian Neo-Avant-Garde0
Anglicisms in Ladin: Loanwords and Local Perceptions0
Between private matters and public engagement: Conflicted partisan fighters in the resistance novels of Vittorini and Fenoglio0
Un sentimento di libertà: Toward a transnational Italian art history0
Book review: Stella Guo Chen and Carlo Alberto Petruzzi (trans and eds), Italian Opera Librettos with Precise Word by Word Explanation0
Experiential nostalgia, ironic homage, and literary awareness in the Italian gamebook0
“Mi chiamo Ana, cioè Anna”. Un’indagine sugli effetti del prestigio linguistico rispetto ai nomi dei migranti stranieri in Italia0
Four great magnalia of government. La riforma istituzionale di Henry Neville: un machiavelliano inglese alla corte di Cosimo III de’ Medici0
The canonization of Piccarda Donati0
Le regole del gioco narrativo di Umberto Eco: La lettura dei romanzi di Eco alla luce di Sei passeggiate nei boschi narrativi0
England versus Sicily in Pirandello's “The black baby goat”0
The Road to Los Angeles: John Fante and the scene of writing0
Montale in e per Elena Salibra0
Dante’s claims in and around Paradiso 250
Critical philology and Dante’s Commedia: A couple of thoughts and a few examples0
L’acquisizione dei marcatori metadiscorsivi negli apprendenti sinofoni d’italiano L2 e LS: Una ricerca longitudinale0
Per un uso critico della fotografia che plasma l’identità siciliana0
Detecting falsehoods: History and mafia in the work of Leonardo Sciascia and Sebastiano Vassalli0
L’alienazione del personaggio e la dialettica fra passato e presente in Anima nera di Patroni Griffi0
Book Review: Charles L Leavitt IV, Italian Neorealism: A Cultural History0
Book review: Federico Milone, Un eclettico del Novecento: Indagini sulla scrittura di Alfredo Giuliani0
Book review: Sergio Luzzatto, Giù in mezzo agli uomini. Vita e morte di Guido Rossa0
Book review: Giani Stuparich, One Year of School and The Island0
Book review: Antonio Catalfamo, La rivolta dei demoni ballerini (poesie 2014–2021)0
Contesting the Black Flâneur: The rhetoric of disruption and Ubah Cristina Ali Farah's urban literature0
Remediating family memories of Italian colonialism: Beyond the Frame as process and product0
The Bear: New (stereotypical) representations of Italian Americans in contemporary television series0
Embedding transnationalism in Modern Languages pedagogy: A UK perspective0
(Dis)placing the foreign in early modern Europe: The example of Tasso's Gierusalemme0
Emanuele di Nicola, La dissolvenza del lavoro. Crisi e disoccupazione attraverso il cinema0
Book review: Deanna Shemek, In Continuous Expectation: Isabella d’Este’s Reign of Letters0
Book review: Angelo Spina, Le lettere di Angelica: romanzo epistolare/ibrido0
From Italy to the Indian subcontinent: Dante and his Divine Comedy in Urdu0
Postcolonial studies under erasure: The politics of the transnational in Italian studies0
“Il nero è la fame”: Paolo Valera, un mappatore dell’Ottocento0
Forza emozionale? National discourse and La Battaglia di Legnano0
Dante and Beatrice0
Un’altra casa I. La proposta culturale per l’emigrazione italoamericana di Divagando (1943–63)0
Diaspora, curriculum, community: A transnational approach to community-based learning0
Book review: Serena Ferrando, The Navigli Project0
(It)aliens on the fence0
Book review: Pellegrino D’Acierno and Stanislao G. Pugliese (eds), Delirious Naples: A Cultural History of the City of the Sun0
Book review: Gandolfo Cascio (a cura di), Rivolti al monte. Studi sul Purgatorio dantesco0
“The cleanest, neatest, most effectively operating piece of social machinery I’ve ever seen”: On the reception of Fascist corporatism in the USA0
Transnational teaching practice and the curriculum0
Book review: Nicolino Applauso, Dante’s “Comedy” and the Ethics of Invective in Medieval Italy: Humor and Evil0
Political and cultural changes as an effect of the pestilences and pandemics through the centuries: Case studies0
Not straight from Italy: Seeking anti-national killjoys in Italian Studies0
Mattia Acetoso, Echoes of Opera in Modern Italian Poetry: Eros, Tragedy, and National Identity0
Extremes of ‘narrative by proxy’: ‘Memory’ in Umberto Eco’s The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana and The Prague Cemetery and ‘Oblivion’ in Jhumpa Lahiri’s In Other Words and Whe0
Book review: William Robins (ed), The Decameron Eight Day in Perspective0
Book review: Giuseppe Pierino, Fausto Gullo: Un Comunista Nella Storia D’Italia0
L’Africa di Dacia Maraini, un altrove seducente o una realtà travolgente?0
The linguistic and cultural rights of students in the Italian language and studies classroom0
Nicholas Scott Baker and Brian Jeffrey Maxson (eds), Florence in the Early Modern World: New Perspectives0
Book review: Peter Carravetta, Language at the Boundaries: Philosophy, Literature, and the Poetics of Culture0
Roberto Roversi e il cinema: documentari, articoli e progetti0
Deconstructing Dante: How things fall apart in the Paradiso0
Adapting Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend for television: Faithfulness and authenticity0
Book review: Paola Polito e Antonio Zollino (a cura di), Per Orsola Nemi ed Henry Furst. Saggi e testimonianze0
“Dove terra ha cielo”. Il teatro di Enrico Pea e la favola del Cristo incantatore0
‘Transnational Italian Cultures’: Editing as method0
Soggetti nomadi alla ricerca delle Terre promesse (2017) di Milena Agus0
The lantern of the world rises to mortals by varied paths”: Paul Laffoley (1935–2015) and Dante0
Book review: Silvia T. Zangrandi, Daniela Bombara e Ellen Patat (a cura di), Scienza e follia: stravaganza ed eccezione. Alchimisti, maghi, scienziati eslegi nella letteratura e nella cultura conte0
Book review: David Bowe, Poetry in Dialogue in the Duecento and Dante0
Il cuore oltre l’ostacolo. La “via italiana” alla nuova fenomenologia e una riconsiderazione di Marino Moretti (1885–1979)0
Analisi corpus-based e didattica della lingua italiana. I risultati di una sperimentazione di linguistica educativa0
Luigi Fontanella: Monte Stella (poesie 2014–2019),0
Book Review: Erminia Ardissino, Donne interpreti della Bibbia nell’Italia della prima età moderna. Comunità ermeneutiche e riscritture0
Re-reading Manzoni at the time of COVID-19: Contagion, ethics and justice0
“Dalle due sponde: Fascisms in Italy and the USA”: Then and now0
Introducing Transnational Italian Studies to a graduate program0
Civil Rights, Fascism’s Legacy, and Italian American Material Culture in Scorsese’s Mean Streets0
Book review: Daniela D’Eugenio, Alberto Gelmi e Dario Marcucci (a cura di), Italia, Italie. Studi in onore di Hermann W. Haller0
Carmelo Bene, I Appeared to the Madonna0
Just like in a library: A posthumous novel by Carlo Sgorlon0
“Per tatto di vertù”: il tatto dell’anima e il tocco della Grazia nella Divina Commedia0
How we became dantisti0
Book review: Gianni Cicali, Teatro ed eresia nel Settecento italiano0
Ethics between two worlds: The moral significance of Italian places in Henry James’s literature0
Book review: Erminia Ardissino (a cura di), Dante: filosofia e poesia della giustizia dalla Monarchia alla Commedia0
Dante’s theology and contemporary thought: Recovering transcendence?0
Aleramo’s Una donna via Ibsen’s A Doll’s House0
Choice and solidarity in Viola Ardone's Oliva Denaro0
Alba de Céspedes tra femminile e alienazione: La “storia di un grande amore e di un delitto” raccontata Dalla parte di lei0
Reflections of female and male patriotism in photographs: Analysis of First World War photographs of a Jewish family from Rome0
Between Canada and Italy; or, lives and identities in transition: A reading of Where She Has Gone by Nino Ricci0
Il voyeurismo e il desiderio dell’io: un’indagine del fenomeno voyeuristico in due testi di Italo Calvino0
La letteratura nella didattica dell’italiano a stranieri: l’eredità di Leonardo Sciascia0
Resisting the Mafia's oppression through children's literature0
Nel cuore dell’apocalisse. Un percorso all’interno della scrittura “postuma” di Antonio Tabucchi0
Book Review: Luciano Parisi, Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902–2018)0
Giovanni Gentile's standing in the United States (1922–1938)0
Teaching as a way of creating Italian transnational literature: A mission of the Italian Diaspora Studies Seminar at the University of Calabria0
“Madre infelice, corro a salvarti!”: Restaurazione del melodramma e complessità della Storia in Senso di Visconti0
Italian ghetto stories: Toward a transnational literary history0
Book review: Gary Green and Gianluca Rizzo, Obelisks0
“I am an atypical mother”: Motherhood and maternal language in Giovanna Cristina Vivinetto’s poetry0
Book review: Fabio Vander, Il Congresso e la scissione: Gramsci e la nascita del comunismo italiano0
Primo Levi's The Princess in the Fridge0